Ceramic pots
Thematic selection of games and exercises Topic: “Dishes”
Games For the speech development of children, it is very useful to conduct didactic games. Say the opposite: hot frying pan
Summary of an outdoor quest game for the preparatory group “Let's Help the Foxy Find the Treasure”
Plot of the quest The plot of the quest in the forest with the search for treasure is based on the theme of children's
Lesson notes for the middle group on artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing “My beloved sun”
Preview: Lesson notes on visual arts in the middle group. Conducted by teacher: Kuzenkova M.A.
Photo 2
Multi-age groups in kindergarten: why are they needed and how to organize the work
What is a mixed-age group? This is a group in which children differ from each other in
Didactic games for the development of attention in children 5 - 7 years old
Game forms are a universal means of development for preschool children. They contribute to the formation of cognitive processes,
Summary of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group “Dishes for Fedora. Tea-set".
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Objectives: - continue to teach children to take care of household items; - activate
The best crosswords for children. Children's crossword with questions and answers. Children's crosswords 6 years, 7, 8, 9, 10
How did crosswords come about? The first crosswords were published back in 1913 in the American press.
Synonyms outline of a speech therapy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic
Research by teachers has made it possible to identify a number of areas in the speech development of children that are closely related to each other.
Lesson summary “Orientation in space and on a plane” outline of a lesson in mathematics (middle group)
Development of orientation in older preschoolers using diagrams In children 6 - 7 years old
Summary of a lesson in fine arts (drawing) in the middle group “Dress for a doll”
Conducting a creative lesson “Clothes and shoes” in the middle group Drawing classes in the middle group
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