Punch cards on traffic rules for children of middle, senior and preparatory school groups
Punch card “Pedestrian crossing” Purpose: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules for crossing the roadway on a pedestrian crossing
Presentation on fire safety in a preschool educational institution. Presentation on fire safety for preschoolers
Objectives: To introduce children to fire safety rules; Prevent children from playing with fire. Objectives: Teach
Developmental lesson for children of senior preschool age “Ride, swim, fly”
Summary of thematic lesson in the senior group: Transport Author: Nadezhda Vasilievna Kabanova, physical education instructor
Consultations for parents (presentations) 2020-2021
Explanatory note The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education defines targets at the completion stage
Abstract of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic “Migratory Birds” (modeling)
Titmouse - craft for the older group We connect a small head and a large body. On the chest
Compiling a story-description of wild animals according to a visual plan
The most complex form of speech activity is connected speech. In the process of speech development of the baby
Riddles on traffic rules with answers card file on life safety (senior, preparatory group)
The safety of children on the road primarily depends on their parents. It's not enough to just tell
Speech development in the middle group of kindergarten - norms and features
Speech development in the middle group of preschool educational institutions Development of communication and speech skills, which includes
Rainbow maze
Summary of a lesson in a senior group on the topic: “Journey along the Rainbow”
Thematic lesson “7 colors of the rainbow” 04/15/2015, Ready-made lessons on speech development, Commentary articles 4
Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group Topic: “Vegetables”
Application “Vegetables” for schoolchildren In elementary school, children already know how to use scissors, know vegetables,
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