Punch cards on traffic rules for children of middle, senior and preparatory school groups

Punch card “Pedestrian crossing”

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules for crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing, about the pedestrian traffic light and its signals.

Children's task: Color the circles opposite the picture. Use a red pencil if the children's actions in the picture are not correct, green - if the children's actions in the picture are correct. Explain why children’s actions are correct in some situations and incorrect in others.

Magic-boxing according to traffic regulations “On the roads like clockwork”

Magic box (magic box). Multifunctional handmade manual. The manual is intended for children (3-4 years old) of primary preschool age.

The manual includes the following educational games:

1.Envelope: Lotto “Road Signs”

Goal: to develop children’s knowledge about road signs; teach children to distinguish road signs; learn to correlate the verbal form of description of road signs with their graphic representation.

Materials: cards, chips.

Progress of the game: The presenter shows the card and asks: “Who has it?”; the player finds the corresponding image on his game card and says what the sign is and what it is for, after which he receives a handout card. The game continues until all cards are filled with tokens. The first one to fill out their card wins.

2.Envelope: Domino “Road Signs”

Purpose of the game: To develop children’s ability to distinguish road signs, their purpose for pedestrians, vehicle drivers and cyclists.

Materials: game cards.

Progress of the game: Game cards are distributed to children according to the number of players. (If there are two players, then they receive 7 cards, if there are four - 5). The remaining cards lie face down on the table. The sequence of moves is established. The game begins with a “double” card (two identical pictures on a card). Children take turns applying other cards to the “take” so that the fields in the picture match each other. When attaching each card, children must name the road sign depicted on it and explain its meaning. If the player does not have a suitable

cards, he misses a move. The first one to lay out all his cards wins.

3 Envelope: Didactic game “Assemble a traffic light”

Goal: to consolidate children’s understanding of the purpose of a traffic light and its signals.

Material: multi-colored circles: red - 3 pcs., yellow - 3 pcs., green - 3 pcs., traffic light pattern - 3 pcs.

Progress of the game: The teacher informs the children that the traffic light is broken and now cars cannot pass. Invites the children to fix it. Children lay out traffic light signals (circles) in the correct sequence, naming the three colors of the traffic light and its meanings for pedestrians: “at a red light - stop, at a yellow light - get ready, at a green light - go.”

4.Envelope: Didactic game “Assemble a road sign”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about road signs; develop the ability to create a whole from parts; develop thinking.

Material: cut-out pictures depicting road signs.

Hodigames: Children assemble a whole image from cut-out pictures.

Punch card “Pedestrian crossing”

Purpose: To clarify children’s knowledge about the rules for crossing the street, about the expected danger when crossing the road incorrectly. To consolidate children's knowledge about traffic lights and their signals.

Children's task: Use a pencil or felt-tip pen to draw a path for a man (in the form of an arrow) to correctly cross the road without getting hit by a car. And paint over the traffic light signal with the color of pencil that allows a little person to cross the road. Name the traffic lights and their designation. Explain why the little man will pass through this particular traffic light signal without incident, and in this particular place.

Mottos, chants, team emblems


1 Emblems, mottos and names for the team

2 Friends! We wish that sports competitions and intellectual competitions will help you expand your circle of friends!

3 Team names and mottos

Emblems, mottos and names for the team

Whoever considers himself defeated in advance is truly half defeated before the start of the struggle. (D.I. Pisarev)

Courage is the beginning of victory. (Plutarch)

All victories begin with victory over yourself. (L. M. Leonov)

In this section of the site you can find a suitable team motto and emblem to prepare for any sports or intellectual competition.

A motto (French: devise) is a word or short phrase that defines the behavior and aspirations of a group of people or an organization. In heraldry, an armorial figure or saying on a coat of arms. The motto can be in any language, but in the Western world they mostly use Latin. (Wikipedia)


(from ancient Greek ἔμβλημα “insert”) - a conventional image of an idea in drawing and plastic, to which one or another meaning is assigned. The emblems must certainly be clear and simple; the viewer must see in them what they wanted to say.

Friends! We wish that sports competitions and intellectual competitions will help you expand your circle of friends!

Give goodness to the world every day. Give people smiles every day! Let everyone be comfortable and light, Forgive your family and friends for all their mistakes. * And the world will suddenly become kinder with goodness, And people in the world will become all open, Evil will disappear, and the world will become brighter, Then it will not be bloody and unsteady. * There will be no wars and tears, there will be no evil, There will be no troubles, losses or disorder, Let souls be like mirrors, Let peace, friendship and unity win!

Team names and mottos

Team “Dynamite” Motto: We are great athletes, We are explosive Who will win today? Well, of course, Dynamite! Team “Gang” Motto: We are a fun team, Because we are “B-A-N-D-A”! No step back! Not a step in place! Just go ahead! And only all together! Team “Optimists” Motto: Our motto: Don’t lose heart! Go through everything and find out everything! Team "Bogatyrs" Motto: You, enemy, wipe your nose, Let's do it one-two-three, Listen, be afraid and watch - The heroes are going into battle! We are ready, as always, to defeat you without difficulty. We will fight for victory, you will have to try! Team “Peacemakers” Motto: A team is not a gang! A team is not a pack! A team is not a place for squabbles and discord! Team "Sport" Motto: Sport is strength, sport is life!
Let's achieve victory! Opponent, hold on! READ ALSO: Women's Nenets costume will be presented at the international festival "My Motherland"
Team "Penguins" Motto: We are penguins - just class, Win, try us! Team “Fireflies” Motto: Although our light is weak and we are small, But we are friendly and therefore strong. Team “Comet” Motto: The comet is in the sky, and we are on the earth! Long live happiness always and everywhere! Let's fly forward and win! We help everyone who is lagging behind! The comet has a motto: “Never fall down.” Team “Cheburashka” Motto: Cheburashka is a faithful friend, Helps everyone around! Team “Scarlet Sails” Motto 1: The wind blows in the sails, Youth believes in miracles. Motto 2: Always swim, swim everywhere, and you will find the way to your dream! Team "Camelot" Motto: Camelot - always forward, Always first, Camelot! Team "Rainbow" Motto: We, like the colors of the rainbow, are never inseparable! Team "Orange" Motto: We are like slices of an orange, We are friendly and indivisible. Team “True Friends” Motto 1: We are a team - no matter where you go! We are all masters in sports. We will run, kick the ball, fight for victory. Motto 2: If a friend gives his word, he will never let you down! Team “Smile” Motto: Life without a smile is a mistake, Long live laughter and smile! Team "Kapitoshka" Motto: Kapitoshka is at the helm, Never gives up! Team “Bonfire” Motto: Burn, don’t smolder and be able to do everything! Team “Friendship” Motto 1: Our motto: Friendship and success!
We will defeat everyone today! Motto2: All for one, one for all, Then there will be success in the team!
Team “Aurora” Motto: Aurora knows, Aurora fights, Aurora will always achieve Victory. Team “Victoria” Motto: Victoria is victory, And he who is united is invincible, Let troubles not scare us, We are strong in spirit, and we will stand up for ourselves! Today Victoria will show who wins. One for all and all for one! Team “100 per barrel” Motto: - How are you?
- Yes, hurt yourself! We charge 100 per barrel, We give you oil and your mood for almost nothing. Come on! Don't be stingy! Support, smile! Today we will not disappoint you, our team is simply great! ATTENTION! THIS PAGE HAS BEEN CREATED TEMPORARILY DUE TO THE CREATED LOAD ON THE MAIN SITE WITH MOTTOES. TO FIND ADDITIONAL MOTTOES, WE Suggest IMMEDIATELY CLICK ON THE LINK. THANK YOU FOR PATIENCE AND UNDERSTANDING.


Punch card "Road signs"

Purpose: To clarify children’s knowledge about road signs and their designation and types of road signs (prohibitory, directional, informational, warning).

Children's task: Draw opposite the plot picture the road sign that should be in this situation. Name the road sign and its purpose. Name the prohibiting, warning, informational or directional road sign.

How to draw forest protection signs and signs prohibiting eating fly agaric?

The most important problem that is worth focusing on, first of all, is forest fires .

Here are the basic rules and signs that explain them:

1) You cannot make fires in the forest.

2) You cannot smoke in the forest and throw unextinguished cigarette butts on the ground.

3) You cannot burn dry grass.

There are also some general rules of conduct in the forest. Here are the rules and forest protection signs for them:

1) Do not break branches of bushes and trees.

2) You can’t destroy bird’s nests.

3) You cannot litter in the forest.

4) You cannot pick flowers, or catch butterflies and bees.

5) You must not harm the animals that live in the forest.

In addition, children should know that in the forest you can find poisonous plants and mushrooms that should not be touched.

Here is a sign prohibiting eating fly agaric:

There are a lot of signs that can be drawn for the environment, and the first sign that I would like all the guys to know is the sign prohibiting eating fly agarics:

And the second sign, which I am sure is also very important to know, is a sign prohibiting eating unknown plants and berries - look at this sign - there is a wolfberry drawn inside a red circle - very dangerous:

And one more important sign that says that you should not break tree branches:

Next, I placed many signs at once, from which you can choose the one you need - here is a sign about the ban on fires, and a sign about the ban on litter, and a sign that you cannot pick flowers, especially primroses and flowers that are in the Red Book, for example, a flower known to all of us as the lily of the valley.

Forest protection signs can be drawn this way: first you need to remember what is needed to protect the forest. Do not light a fire; if you light a fire with adults, be sure to extinguish it and fill it with water. Do not pick up chicks with your hands, do not make noise, do not litter. You should also not destroy nests, break branches, or cut down trees. Thus, we need to draw on the signs everything that cannot be done. For example, draw a fire or a bonfire in a red circle and cross it out. Draw a hand with garbage falling out of it and cross it out. We draw a sign in the same way: you can’t eat fly agarics. We draw a fly agaric and cross it out with a red line. For a sample, I have selected drawings of ready-made security signs for you.

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