Literary quiz on the topic “The Works of Leo Tolstoy” Okuneva Natalya Fedorovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, MOUOOSH 27th century. Soviet Krasnodar. - presentation

Test with answers on the topic: “Biography of L. Tolstoy”

1. Tolstoy was born in: a) 1828 + b) 1820 c) 1822

2. Tolstoy was born in: a) Moscow b) Yasnaya Polyana + c) Tver

3. Representative of the count branch of this kind of Tolstoy: a) royal b) lordly c) noble +

4. Tolstoy was... a child in the family: a) fourth + b) third c) second

5. Mother died in 1830 from: a) “severe fever” b) “birth sore” c) “childbed fever” +

6. In 1837, the family moved to: a) Kyiv b) Moscow + c) St. Petersburg

7. Tolstoy’s education was initially handled by: a) a German tutor b) a Spanish tutor c) a French tutor +

8. At what faculty did Tolstoy begin his studies at Kazan University: a) Oriental languages ​​+ b) Linguistics c) Philosophy

9. Tolstoy’s military rank in the army: a) lieutenant colonel b) non-commissioned officer c) cadet +

10. Tolstoy participated in: a) the Decembrist uprising b) the Crimean War + c) the War with Napoleon

11. Tolstoy’s first story was published in: a) the Sovremennik magazine + b) the Otechestvennye Zapiski magazine c) the Literator magazine

12. In mid-October 1848, Tolstoy left for: a) Kyiv b) Moscow + c) St. Petersburg

13. In February 1849, Tolstoy left for: a) St. Petersburg + b) Kyiv c) Minsk

14. In the fall of 1851, Tolstoy, having passed the exam in Tiflis, entered the 4th battery of the 20th such brigade as a cadet: a) rifle b) infantry c) artillery +

15. As a cadet, Lev Nikolaevich remained in the Caucasus: a) two years + b) four years c) five years

16. For the defense of Sevastopol, Tolstoy was awarded the Order of Saint: a) Mary b) Anna + c) Lyudmila

17. In July 1857, in Baden-Baden, he lost at roulette and was forced to ask for a loan from: a) Ostrovsky b) Radishchev c) Turgenev +

18. During the first 12 years after his marriage, Tolstoy created: a) “Resurrection” b) “War and Peace” + c) “Confession”

19. During the first 12 years after his marriage, Tolstoy created: a) “Childhood” b) “Three Questions” c) “Anna Karenina” +

20. What is the name of Tolstoy’s autobiographical story: a) “Sevastopol Stories” b) “Childhood” + c) “War and Peace”

21. In 1862, L. N. Tolstoy married the daughter of a doctor, whose name was: a) Sophia Bers + b) Lyubov Mendeleeva c) Lyubov Sergeeva

22. What was the name of Tolstoy’s estate: a) Krasnaya Polyana b) Yasnaya Polyana + c) Sosnovye Ugly

23. What is the name of Leo Tolstoy’s novel, which included a description of the war with Napoleon: a) “Cossacks” b) “Battle of Borodino” c) “War and Peace” +

24. From which work is this quote taken: “All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”: a) “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” b) “Anna Karenina” + c) “Resurrection”

25. As a result of changing his religious Christian beliefs, Tolstoy: a) distributed all his property to the poor b) wrote the novel “Forgiveness” c) was excommunicated from the church +

26. At the end of his life, Tolstoy preached the ideas of: a) a communist structure of society b) non-violent resistance to evil + c) world revolution

27. Tolstoy had so many children: a) 13 + b) 4 c) 9

28. In March 1879, in Moscow, Leo Tolstoy met: a) Sinichkin b) Olenkovsky c) Shchegolenok +

29. After his birth, Leo Tolstoy was baptized into: a) Orthodoxy + b) Catholicism c) Judaism

30. Tolstoy died in: a) 1899 b) 1910 + c) 1915

Crossword puzzles with questions and answers based on the works of L.N. Tolstoy for elementary school students

Crosswords based on the works of Leo Tolstoy for younger schoolchildren
Author: Nadezhda Vladimirovna Ryabichenko, primary school teacher at the Mikhailovskaya Secondary School, Kikvidzensky district, Volgograd region Description: This material is intended for primary school students. It can be used by a teacher in literary reading lessons in elementary school, educational complex “Primary School of the XXI Century,” as well as in extracurricular work on the subject. Goal: consolidation and generalization of children's knowledge of the works of L.N. Tolstoy Objectives: - to form cognitive interest among schoolchildren; — develop creative activity, intelligence, curiosity, and horizons; - cultivate interest in reading the works of Leo Tolstoy.

Crossword 1 for grade 3 based on Tolstoy's stories In grade 3, the following stories are studied according to the educational complex "Primary School of the 21st Century": "The Lion and the Dog", "The Jump", "Hares", "Swans".

Questions for the crossword: Horizontally: 1. Where did the boy’s father run away? 2. The place on the ship where all the people were.

3. Birds that flew from the cold side to warm regions across the sea without resting.

4. What was the lion gnawing when he realized that the dog was dead? 5. Who rushed after the boy into the water?

6. What are the names of hares that feed on grain grains on threshing floors in winter? Vertically: 1. What saves the hare from its enemies? 2. What object did the monkey grab from the boy?

3. The place where the young swan landed. 4. The place where the lion and the dog became friends. Answers to the crossword: Horizontal: 1. cabin 2. deck 3. swans 4. bolts 5. sailors 6. bean animals Vertical: 1. cowardice 2. hat 3. sea 4. menagerie

Crossword 2 for 4th grade based on Tolstoy's stories In 4th grade, the following stories are studied according to the educational complex “Primary School of the 21st Century”: “Shark”, “Turtle”, “Rusak”.

Questions for the crossword: Horizontal
1. Who was the father of one of the boys? 2. The place where the hare met two other hares. 3. What did the sailors in the story “Shark” launch into the water to set up a bath? 4. What is a turtle shell? Vertically: 1. The gun from which the shot was fired.

2. What were the men wearing that the hare saw on the road? 3. What did the hare eat when he came to the threshing floor? 4. An animal that could not catch up with the hare.

5. The place where big turtles live. Answers to the crossword: Horizontal: 1. artilleryman 2. greens 3. sail 4. ribs Vertical: 1. cannon 2. caftans 3. oats 4. dog 5. sea

Crossword 3 for grade 3 based on Tolstoy's fairy tales In grade 3, the following fairy tales are studied according to the educational complex "Primary School of the 21st Century": "Two Brothers", "Nut Branch", "Worker Emelyan and the Empty Drum".

Questions for the crossword: Horizontal: 1. What did the wife give her husband for his grandmother so that she would recognize her?

2. The object with which the drum is compared in the fairy tale. 3. What, according to the servants, was in Emelyan himself or in his wife? 4. What should Emelyan have built against the palace in one day? 5. Who advised the king to take Emelyan to the palace as a worker? 6. Who didn’t listen to the king when Emelyan beat the drum?

Vertically: 1. The father of the girl who was given to the owner of the walnut branch instead of the merchant's youngest daughter? 2. What did the two brothers equally divide in the fall? 3. How many children did the younger brother have? 4. The owner of the nut branch.

5. The time of day at which the brothers transferred bread to each other. 6.7. Items that his wife gave to Emelyan for construction. 8. A gift that the father was supposed to bring for his eldest daughter.

Answers to the crossword puzzle: Horizontal : 1. spindle 2. tub 3. witchcraft 4. cathedral 5. servants 6. soldiers Vertical: 1. shepherd 2. grain 3. four 4. bear 5. night 6. nails 7. hammer 8. beads

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