Quiz “Vitamins” Biology teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School, Troitskoye village, Sakhalin Region Danilenko N.V. - presentation

Quiz on the topic: “Vitamins” (with answers)

1. What vitamin helps maintain the beauty of the skin: a) B7 + b) D c) C

2. Name the first artificially synthesized vitamin: a) E b) B1 + c) A1

3. Which foods contain the most vitamin K: a) Tomatoes b) Beets c) Green leafy vegetables +

4. What natural way allows a person to get all the necessary vitamins: a) A varied diet + b) Regular walks c) Ice skating

5. Which vitamin is responsible for blood clotting: a) Vitamin B12 b) Vitamin A c) Vitamin K +

6. What are the names of special preparations that contain several vitamins in their composition: a) Microelements b) Multivitamins + c) Polypropylenes

7. Due to a lack of which vitamin in the human body, the “Beri-beri” disease occurs: a) C b) A c) B1 +

8. In ancient times, sailors often suffered from scurvy, a disease caused by a lack of vitamin. What vitamin did they lack during sea voyages: a) Vitamin C + b) Vitamin E c) Vitamin A1

9. How many vitamins are known to humanity today: a) About 35 b) About 40 c) About 20 +

10. What is the state of lack of vitamins in the body called: a) Hypervitaminosis b) Hypovitaminosis + c) Vitamin deficiency

11. Which vegetable contains a lot of vitamin A: a) Carrots + b) Potatoes c) Onions

12. Which group of vitamins promotes hair growth: a) C b) B + c) A

13. What is a vitamin according to the definition of Ozhegov’s dictionary: a) An organic substance necessary for the normal functioning of the body, as well as a preparation containing such substances + b) A low molecular weight compound necessary for the body c) A nitrogenous substance contained in food

14. The word “vitamin” comes from the Latin word: a) “vin” b) “vimin” c) “vita” +

15. In what year did Dr. Glen King establish the chemical structure of vitamin C: a) B 1923 + b) B 1935 c) B 1940

16. Which vitamin was the first to be discovered and studied: a) E b) C + c) A

17. What vitamin is necessary for good vision: a) E b) B c) A +

18. What vitamins are included in the popular product “Revit”, also known as ascorbic acid: a) C, E b) A, B1, B2, C + c) C, D

19. From what Latin word does the word “vitamin” come: a) Disease b) Organism c) Life +

20. What vitamin is contained in large quantities in sunflower oil: a) And b) E + c) C

21. What is “tocopherol”: a) Vitamin E + b) Algae c) State of vitamin deficiency

22. Which foods contain the maximum amount of vitamins: a) Porridge b) Fresh vegetables + c) Boiled vegetables

23. What vegetables should you eat to get vitamin K into your body: a) Tomatoes b) Radish c) Cabbage +

24. What is the chemical name of vitamin B2: a) Ascorbic acid b) Riboflavin + c) Aspirin

25. What is another name for vitamin E, showing its effect on the body: a) Natural energy b) Sleep vitamin c) Vitamin of youth +

26. Which well-known weed contains a large amount of vitamin C: a) Burdock b) Nettle + c) Dandelion

27. A substance called beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A, which is good for vision. Which product contains a lot of beta-carotene: a) Carrots + b) Lemon c) Beets

28. Which vitamin is called folic acid: a) C b) A c) B9 +

29. During the siege of Leningrad, the townspeople brewed tea, which made it possible to replenish the lack of vitamin C in conditions of famine. What kind of tea was it: a) From pine needles + b) From birch bark c) From chamomile flowers

30. What are the names of substances that suppress the action of vitamins: a) Nutrients b) Antivitamins + c) Non-vitamins

How and at what age are riddles about vitamins useful?

It is impossible to say unequivocally what age of a child is optimal for understanding the importance of vitamins. Each child is individual, so the best time is when he himself begins to be interested.

But as for the method, for almost all children the game method is considered the best. During the game, any child learns with interest everything that happens and remembers. This is the best way to convey to your baby that you need to take care of your health and choose food that is rich in vitamins.

Important! Children copy the behavior and habits of adults. Therefore, in addition to games, it is worth being an example yourself and showing how a diet rich in vitamins improves well-being, appearance and life in general.

In addition to the fact that the game will help convey important things to the child, it is also an organization of useful leisure time that will improve communication skills or develop them.

One of the methods of playful learning is riddles about vitamins for schoolchildren in the form of poems. Cards with illustrations of vegetables, fruits, nuts and other natural sources of vitamins also give good results.

In addition to the benefits, it is important to explain to the child that an excess of certain nutrients is no less dangerous than their deficiency.

Personal hygiene is the basis of disease prevention

Every adult knows that they need to wash their hands before sitting down at the table, take a shower every day, brush their teeth regularly and do everything necessary to keep the body clean and the body healthy. It’s just not so easy to explain to your child that pollution is not only sand, but also dangerous bacteria, and that food stuck in the teeth will cause tooth decay. And understanding these things does not guarantee that the child will independently observe all the rules of personal hygiene.

What if they tell him riddles about a healthy lifestyle about sanitary standards? Using the example of fictional characters and fairy-tale heroes, the child will understand and remember how important the function of banal hand washing with soap and bath procedures is. By turning boring hygiene procedures into an exciting game, you can instill in your child the basic skills of self-care and keeping the body clean in an accessible form.

Learning personal hygiene: riddles about a healthy lifestyle with answers

In order for the child to understand sanitary standards, present them in the form of riddles. After such a game, the little one will reach for the toothbrush and soap!

  1. He is cold, he is pleasant, I have been friends with him for a long time, guys, He will pour water on me, I will grow up healthy! (shower).
  2. I know that there is a miracle in the world, There is such magic: If you bring it under the tap with water, it instantly washes away the dirt! (soap).
  3. We also have friends, we cannot forget about them. To smile beautifully, We need to meet more often! (toothbrush and toothpaste).
  4. You will chew through steel pipes if you brush... (teeth).
  5. Hot and cold, you always need me. If you call me, I’ll run, I’ll take care of illnesses. (water).

How to create the right daily routine?

A thoroughly thought-out rational daily routine, which every child must observe from a young age, is not an indicator of discipline and obedience, as it might seem at first glance. It was created primarily to teach your baby to go to bed on time, rest for the prescribed number of hours, and wake up cheerful and full of energy without stress and hysterics. The allotted time for meals is also important - by accustoming the body to a complete and proper diet, you don’t have to worry about digestive problems. This approach will help maintain the child’s health, regulate circadian rhythms and ensure emotional and physical balance. Riddles on the topic “Healthy lifestyle” will help explain to the child why the created rules are needed.

About the correct daily routine in riddles

There is no need to categorically demand that the child strictly adhere to the regime you created. Just explain to him using riddles how important it is to sleep, eat and walk at a certain time.

  1. So that you have enough strength to run, jump and play, at noon you need to lie down and rest. This means that we have a schedule... (quiet hour).
  2. Everywhere I go, I manage to do everything in the world, Because I have a Strict... (daily routine).
  3. You will study better, You will rest better, If you strive... to comply. (routine).
  4. My eyes completely closed, and I felt that he would soon show me fairy tales. My night wizard... (dream).
  5. In order to maintain health, strengthen your body, my whole family knows - (daily routine) is very important.

Post Scriptum

A healthy lifestyle does not become the norm in a child’s life on its own. It is the fruit of titanic efforts aimed at developing motivation and forming a responsible attitude of the baby towards his body. However, education has never been considered an elementary task. But if you transfer the main points into the category of the game, you can achieve much better results. Remember useful riddles about a healthy lifestyle, tell them to your child, and maybe he himself will be drawn to new knowledge!

What does a healthy lifestyle entail?

A lifestyle aimed at strengthening the body, preventing diseases, maintaining good health and a positive attitude is usually called healthy. In fact, it is impossible to clearly and concisely answer a child what a healthy lifestyle is, since this complex concept includes many important components:

  1. Physical activity - sports, walking, exercise in the morning.
  2. Proper nutrition is a balanced daily diet consisting of healthy foods rich in vitamins and microelements.
  3. Maintaining immunity - hardening, walking in the fresh air.
  4. Rules of personal hygiene - washing, regular bathing procedures.
  5. A rational daily routine includes healthy sleep, time for activity, intellectual pursuits and relaxation.
  6. Healthy skills and habits - understanding the sad consequences of smoking, alcoholism and other bad habits.
  7. Emotional well-being – positive emotions and peace of mind, as well as the absence of stress factors and depressive thoughts.

By breaking down a concept that is difficult for a young fidget into its components, you can easily and clearly explain to him the importance of correct habits and form an idea of ​​health, discipline and routine.

Active lifestyle

Just a few decades ago, it was difficult to get children home from the yard, because outdoor games were in full swing there. Lapta, tags, catch-ups... You never know what could come to the minds of active guys? Today the situation looks a little different: all children's games and entertainment smoothly move into the virtual world, and you can hardly see children running around on the street. By allowing this state of affairs, parents are quickly ruining the health of the child, for whom sport in any of its manifestations is vital.

A child’s active lifestyle includes not only sports clubs and physical education classes in specialized centers. Physical exercise also includes daily exercise, walks in the fresh air and active games. Sports riddles “Healthy lifestyle” with answers will show your child how fun and interesting it is to frolic on the street, skiing and skating, swimming in the pool, doing exercises and doing physical exercise. This will help him strengthen his muscles, bones and joints, improve blood circulation, and therefore grow healthy, agile and resilient.

Sports riddles about a healthy lifestyle

Start small: ask your child to guess the riddle and tell him what else he knows about this sport. And when the baby becomes interested, you can safely offer to try engaging in entertaining and useful physical education yourself.

  1. I walk around the apartment, I squat: three or four. And I am firmly confident that success awaits me with her! (charger).
  2. You can enjoy the birds, You can just have fun, You can breathe the air Having fun together... (walk).
  3. There are two stripes in the snow, Two foxes were surprised. One came closer: Someone was running here... (skis).
  4. Who will catch up with me on the ice? We are running a race. And it’s not horses that carry me, But shiny... (skates).
  5. There's a game in the yard in the morning, the kids are playing out. Shouts: “puck!”, “past!”, “hit!” - There is a game going on - ... (hockey).
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