Synonyms outline of a speech therapy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic

Research by teachers has made it possible to identify a number of areas in the speech development of children,

closely related to each other. One of these areas is the development of children's vocabulary, which includes enriching children's vocabulary, including SYNONYMS.

Analyzing the content of didactic games, we can conclude that many games are

They present children with the task of rational use of existing knowledge, develop all components of speech, and therefore vocabulary.

In our practice, we begin work on enriching children’s vocabulary with synonyms after

familiarization with antonyms, because Working with antonyms is easier for children.

We selected didactic games for the development of SYNONYMY.

  1. the preparatory stage, by analogy with antonymy, involves familiarizing

tey with the concept “SYNONYM”. Unfortunately, we were unable to find such material

in methodological literature. We believe that familiarization with the concept of “synonym” can be

carried out in the form of a conversation, conversation, where you can use a comparison of synonymous words with

"twin brothers".

Practice shows that it is easier for children to select synonyms for phrases than for isolated words. That is why,

2- the main stage in the development of synonymy will be the use of didactic

games aimed at finding synonyms for WORD COMBINATIONS.

These games include the following:

"Say it differently"

"What words did you hear"

"Find the right word"

“Find another word” (O.S. Ushakova)

These games can be used both in class and in your free time.

Also, at the second stage of work, you can use SPEECH SITUATIONS, where children, based on the proposed situation, can easily learn to select words that are close in meaning. This can include exercises such as:

"Oleg got sick"

"Sveta drinks juice"

"Red Squirrel and Little Gray Bunny"

"About Vera"

« About the Bear and the Hare

Example: d/i “Sveta drinks juice”

Goal: 1) - strengthen children’s ability to select words for a situation that are similar in meaning;

2) – enrich children’s vocabulary with synonyms.

Progress of the game: - Sveta drinks her favorite cherry juice (picture or doll). She likes him very much! Why? What juice?

("NICE", "TASTY");

— What kind of person did Sveta become when she drank the juice? (mood)


A. G. Arushanova suggests staging the fairy tale “The Fox and the Cancer,” where, with the help of toys and actions with them, the child learns to select words that are close in meaning.

It is better to use work with speech situations in independent activities, because they are similar to stories, fairy tales, and by reasoning and introducing the child into a play situation, he can easily find synonyms.

The next block of games is more complex in content; it offers a selection of synonyms without relying on the game situation with minimal use of clarity, relying on verbal instructions, i.e. selection of SYNONYMS FOR ISOLATED WORDS.

Such educational games include:

"I'll start, you continue"

"Who will remember more"

“Help Parsley remember the word.”

Such didactic games can be used both in class and in free time, since they are short-term and are used to consolidate knowledge.

In the collections of didactic games presented by the author O.S. Ushakova, there are games for simultaneously finding synonyms and antonyms:

"Find the right word"

"What words did you hear"

"Find another word"


These didactic games will help consolidate the acquired knowledge about antonyms and synonyms and will serve as material for the 3rd stage of work, to enrich the children's vocabulary with SYNONYMS and ANTONYMS.

As a result of the work carried out, we were convinced that the children's vocabulary was significantly enriched with synonyms and antonyms, and their speech became more precise, expressive, and correct.

Why do we need tasks with synonyms for children?

Examples of synonyms for children help to remember new words. This improves your vocabulary and also helps you form sentences using the words you have learned. These lessons will help students get good grades at school.

The site contains not only dictionaries, but also practical tasks in the form of puzzles that allow you to test or improve your knowledge of various words with similar meanings. Parents will be able to download their favorite options for practical lessons that children can do at their leisure. Many of them are suitable for primary school students.

The Childdevelop website presents interesting tasks for different age categories. Words synonyms - examples for children recommended by experts. The portal helps you find and download suitable lessons to help you learn at home. The user must first go through a simple registration process to download and print the lessons.

“Dino Olympics” 1st grade

The tasks in this category are intended for the little ones. They are aimed at logical thinking, correct worldview, understanding the fundamentals of the nature around them, etc. They do not require in-depth knowledge of school disciplines.


1) Mutual friends

The Zavriks met an old friend. As it turns out, they have mutual friends. Place the zavrikov on the diagram to find out who knows whom.

  • Sonya has four friends.
  • Masha has two friends.
  • Oleg is only friends with Yulia.
  • Katya has no mutual friends with Oleg

2) Rhymes

Words are written on the cards. Most words have a rhyme on another card. Get to the task of playing rhymes. Make up pairs of rhyming words. Remember that not all words have pairs.

Words: taps, waffle, five, desert, pants, shell, pockets, sheet, cheesecake, gate, loop, yawn.

3) Flock or herd

We have family, class and company. I wonder what the groups of different animals are called? If animals of the same species come together, they are called by one common word. Give names to groups of animals.

Animals: crows, sheep, vipers, lions, elephants, dogs. Names of groups of animals: herd, flock, pack, pride, flock, nest.

4) Advertising

Pavel works in an advertising agency. Help him offer each client the right advertising space. Find suitable advertising for five clients.

Advertising needed:

  1. For a circus performance - a bright advertisement for all citizens. The client has 350 coins.
  2. Cakes to order - advertising is required for all citizens who are preparing for the holiday. Budget 120 coins.
  3. For a cinema showing a new film on a 3D screen, advertising is needed for those who love cinema. Budget 250 coins.
  4. Vocal lessons any day of the week. We need advertising on the Internet for schoolchildren, their parents and teachers. Budget 60 coins.
  5. A new hairdressing salon needs advertising for those who follow fashion. Budget 200 coins.

Advertising places that an advertising agency can offer:

  1. Advertising on an educational website. Price 60-80 coins.
  2. Advertising on gift store websites. Price 100-200 coins
  3. Colorful advertising posters all over the city. Price 250-400 coins.
  4. Publication of advertising in a fashion magazine.
  5. Commercial breaks during popular films. Price 200-300 coins.

5) Crossroads

Ba sent Grisha to the store and Sonya to school. Help them meet so they can go home together. Draw the path of each of the animals, observing the conditions. Try to go through one section once, otherwise the path will be longer.

  • Grisha must go to the store, and Sonya must go to school.
  • Then they must meet.
  • Everyone takes the shortest route.
  • Both must travel the same distance.

6) Schedule

Arrange your tasks for Friday in such an order that you can get everything done. Drag tasks into gaps indicating the time so that you can get everything done.

  • until 13:00.
  • until 14:00.
  • until 15:00.
  • until 16:00.
  • until 17:00.
  • until 18:00.
  • until 19:00.
  • until 20:00.


  • Do geography for Monday.
  • Have dinner from five to six o'clock.
  • Walk the dog as soon as I get home.
  • Stop by the store on the way from school.
  • Read a book right before dinner.
  • Watch a cartoon for half an hour (until 19:30) then play with the dog.
  • Stay after school for an extended period.
  • Go to school for the first shift.

7) Messages

Grisha and his friends love to joke! They rearrange the letters in words so that they have something to puzzle over in their correspondence. Recover the words in which your friends mixed up the letters.

Grisha: “Hello! I'm back from summer camp. Now I know eleven ways to tie krunshki and will be able to write an interesting story about how I spent the summer.”

Katya: “Ha ha, great! Come with me to abyrluk. Dad allowed me to take the two biggest miracles.”

Grisha: “Let's go. I’ll be there in half an hour, just eat my quasart and tie my shoelaces in a new way.”

8) At the doctor's

Filya plays in the hospital. Patients come to him, and he refers them to the right doctor. Help Phil choose the right doctor for each patient. Each patient complains:

  • I sneeze when the trees bloom in spring.
  • I get nervous a lot and can't sleep.
  • I have a sharp pain in the right lower abdomen and a fever.
  • I have a toothache.
  • My cat is sick.
  • I fell and hurt my hand badly.

Patients can be referred to the following doctors: dentist, psychotherapist, allergist, veterinarian, surgeon, traumatologist, dermatologist, ophthalmologist.

Personal account “Dino Olympics”

On the “Dino Olympics” portal, a personal account is used for access to studying subjects in an interactive form, participation in olympiads, etc. It can be registered for three user groups:

  1. Teachers – students register in their personal account, for whom logins and passwords are automatically generated. The teacher can monitor the achievements of students;
  2. Parents – you get access to your child’s statistics;
  3. Educators , like teachers, can register their students and monitor their progress.

On the Dino Olympics website, the user’s personal account is entered using a login and password. If you do not remember your password, you can use the access recovery function. To do this, you just need to enter your email address, which was used during registration, and send a request to the system. If a student has forgotten his password for his personal account, he needs to contact the teacher.

How to choose synonyms?

Synonym for children is an educational collection with bright pictures that evokes visual associations. This allows him to quickly memorize new words and successfully apply them in sentences.

Exercises with synonyms on the Childdevelop resource can be downloaded right now. To do this, it is recommended to register and select the appropriate option. You can select suitable tasks thanks to the site’s filters and convenient search on it.

It is recommended to enter synonyms examples for children in the search field, after which the system will offer suitable options. You can also use the sorting on the site, which uses the following filters: date added, rating, popularity, editor's choice. The catalog contains assignments for students in first, second, third, and fourth grades.

Benefits of Childdevelop portal assignments

It is better to upload synonyms in pictures for children here for the following reasons:

  • Parents who don’t know how to teach their child to concentrate on completing a task should choose any of the collections. He will certainly become interested and will be more diligent and attentive.
  • One section will allow you to learn many new words.
  • You can download your favorite training files for free.
  • You can select suitable exercises online without having to visit any retail establishment.
  • It is possible to download tasks recommended by experts.
  • Synonyms for preschoolers develop the child and enrich his vocabulary.

Learning new words becomes fun thanks to colorful pictures. Synonyms help children have fun while gaining new knowledge.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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