ESSAY on the topic “Modern preschool teacher: components of success”"

Do you remember that warm feeling, distant, from childhood. When you walk with your mother by the hand, you go up the stairs and find yourself in a large room. Everywhere there are cabinets of different colors and with different designs: behind the red door with the typewriter hangs Misha’s jacket, and behind that green door with a cherry hangs Lera’s backpack and raincoat. You slowly change your clothes, and then you go to the kind and smiling, always cheerful and loving first teacher. In the memory of many, the teacher is the second most important person after mother and grandmother.

It was this charming girl or already an adult woman who instilled in us a love of animals and nature, taught us to tie shoelaces and count with counting sticks. And she treated everyone in a special way, like family.

The formation of a future member of society begins with the kindergarten and teacher. Therefore, being a teacher is important, honorable and very significant! Today we will try to find out what a good teacher should be able to do.

Features of the profession

Being a teacher is not only an honor, but also very responsible.!

After all, it is at the age of 3 to 6 years that many skills and abilities are formed, your baby’s cognitive abilities are improved, his horizons begin to expand, and his first ideas about the world appear.

And all this happens under the guidance of the first mentor - the educator!

Who, if not a preschool teacher, will teach you how to cut with scissors, draw, and then write? Who will teach poetry and read fairy tales? Teach friendship, honesty, attentiveness and kindness towards children, adults, animals?

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of this person in your child’s life, but sometimes, on the contrary, you can underestimate!

ESSAY on the topic “Modern preschool teacher: components of success”"


on the topic “Modern preschool teacher:

components of success""

Each teacher is a bearer of a certain model of behavior, and children, seeing every day examples of the teacher’s attitude towards them, hearing the speech, the intonation of the teacher’s voice, trustingly believe that this is how they should behave, speak, do, that this is the norm. Thus, the important qualities of a teacher are responsibility, hard work, efficiency, discipline, the ability to set a goal and choose ways to achieve it, as well as the desire to constantly improve the quality of their work and their professional level.

A modern teacher must be able and willing to take care of children, communicate cordially with parents, resolve conflicts, listen to different opinions and wishes of children. Must take into account and accept the interests of each child, as well as master different methods of education and upbringing. Being a good teacher is a calling that is not given to everyone, but must be earned through your work, your talent, your desire to transform, improve and change.

But unfortunately, in modern society, big changes often occur, guidelines and accents change. They also affect preschool education, educational activities with preschoolers, and thus new problems appear in preschool educational institutions, which I would like to voice.

Currently, teachers spend more time on written documentation, of course we understand that it is impossible without it, but it is not better to somehow reduce its volume and play more, work with children, create, explore, reason. But it turns out that the teacher, while playing with the child, at the same time, subconsciously thinks about competitions, and about calendar planning, about self-education, etc. Yes, we know that the most effective way to improve the pedagogical skills of teachers is self-education, which allows you to introduce new pedagogical technologies into the educational process, thereby increasing the quality of the educational process and upbringing of preschoolers. Thus, if so much documentation and reports were not required, educators would have enough time to search for the best that can be given to children.

The computer is naturally important in the life of a kindergarten and is another effective technical tool with which you can significantly diversify the learning process. But you must agree that a sufficient number of older teachers work in preschool institutions and not all of them are proficient in computer technology, then they decide to stop preschool activities of working with children, this is very sad, because I think that we need to give the opportunity and help such people, because they also share knowledge, experience with young specialists. Therefore, I think that we should systematically arrange a master class for such people (for example, on creating a presentation, learning to type, designing work), send them to courses, and the result will already be visible. Thus, classes in kindergarten will be emotional, bright, with the use of large illustrated material, using audio video recordings. Computer technology with its multimedia capabilities helps provide us with all this.

It is very difficult to become a good teacher. This is a very labor-intensive profession. The teacher must think through down to the smallest detail a walk with the children, and how to interest the child in eating this or that food, working correctly with scissors, and much more. Many young specialists after teacher training college are generally afraid to work. It's one thing to practice in college, and another thing to do at work. Yes, we all started our preschool activities from scratch, but not everyone can live this profession, live every day, every minute with the child, take into account his interests, needs, think through interesting activities both with children and together with parents, just love them and take care. Alas, this is not given to everyone. As for young specialists, I suggest working together with a colleague for the first time, consultations from a senior teacher, and organizing relaxation training after a shift, in order to relieve tension with the entire team. This will contribute to a favorable psychological climate in the kindergarten and young professionals will not beat themselves up about the negative aspects of their work.

Based on all of the above, I want to say that I try to be a modern educator, I don’t stand still, I look for new ways and methods of working with children, with parents, I achieve significant success and get predictable results (thanks to my determination, I received a degree in the highest category). I make my profession interesting because I want to go to work with pleasure and benefit for the children. I systematically prepare for every activity, game, and entertainment. I understand that the teacher is called upon to be an authority for children and their parents, and together with the family to solve the responsible tasks of education. By raising children with their parents, we create the future of our country.

What should a modern teacher be like?

A good modern teacher is a kind of quintessence:

  • good education;
  • manners;
  • love for children;
  • pedagogical excellence;
  • creative potential.

His work is constant work on himself, his thoughts and actions. Today, the requirements for a teacher, made both by parents of students and directors, and by the public as a whole, are as follows:

  1. A good education.
  2. A set of personal and professional qualities.
  3. Competent speech of the teacher.
  4. A decent appearance and image of a teacher in the eyes of the public.
  5. Special knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a teacher.

This list is not complete and has many more additions. Let's try to consider each of the points in more detail.

What kind of education do you need to have?

A preschool teacher, by definition, is a person who has received the appropriate secondary specialized and/or higher education.
Today, most employers require a potential applicant to have a higher education in the field of “Preschool Pedagogy”. However, as experience shows, sometimes college education is enough for a good teacher. This is due to the number of hours of practice, which are more within the vocational education system than at universities.

During his specialized education, a preschool teacher masters disciplines in the following areas:

  • Age-related psychology.
  • Physiology, anatomy and hygiene.
  • Methods of teaching mathematics, drawing, physical education, reading, counting and applied arts.

Thanks to this, in the course of his work, one teacher is able to teach your child the basics of counting and reading, drawing and music .

A set of personal and professional qualities that must be possessed

You cannot teach a child without showing him a personal example. A child in preschool age relies not so much on the words of an adult, but on his behavior. Therefore, serious demands are placed on the teacher’s personality.

It is unlikely that a person who does not have such qualities as humanity, responsiveness, honesty, respect for juniors and elders, diligence, goodwill, etc. will be able to teach a child any of the above.

No less demands are placed on professional qualities. The teacher should always focus on the interests of the children, not have “favorites ,” and treat everyone equally with love and respect. Accept that each of his pupils is a small child, but at the same time an individual.

The professional qualities of a teacher also include his desire to educate his students, hard work, and the ability to set goals and achieve them during the educational process.

Grammatically correct speech

In the tender age of childhood, when the child’s vocabulary is just being formed, but is growing very quickly, it is necessary that the language environment around is clean, correct, without slang, bureaucracy and cliches.

The teacher’s speech should be simple and understandable to the child, but at the same time clear and concise.

Correct accents and pronunciation are very important, because a child enriches his vocabulary by relying on the adults around him, and the role of the teacher in shaping the child’s speech cannot be underestimated!

Appearance and social image

Unlike schools, preschool institutions do not set strict limits on the appearance of teachers, however, there should be clear limits here too.

How does a kindergarten teacher dress? It is unacceptable for a teacher to come to work in open T-shirts, blouses and shirts with a deep neckline or made of translucent materials.

Short dresses, skirts, ripped jeans, bright hair colors, piercings and tattoos are also unacceptable - all this will have to be left outside the educational institution. The image of a teacher should emphasize his professional qualities , and not the charms of his figure.

It is also necessary to emphasize that in our time, when social networks have become ubiquitous, a teacher should not post compromising photographs of himself on his pages on VKontakte, Instagram or Facebook.

The image of a teacher, including on social networks, should inspire trust and respect among parents.

What should you know and be able to do?

As we said earlier, during the course of his training, the future teacher becomes acquainted with the peculiarities of the psychology of children of primary school age.

Also, all teachers undergo courses in physiology, hygiene, and medicine.

This is necessary not only to teach the child simple rules for caring for his body, but also so that in case of emergency, the teacher can provide assistance to the students.

The teacher needs to know what to do if his pupils have a fever or rashes , what to do if the baby does not feel well or there are significant changes in his behavior.

Sometimes a teacher needs to be a subtle observer in order to see and feel what is happening with the children entrusted to him.

Humanity, tolerance and tact

The fundamental triad of a good teacher is humanity, tolerance and pedagogical tact . It is the educator who must instill in the child humanity towards the peers and adults around him.

Under the strict guidance of the teacher, the child must learn to solve problems in communicating with children, learn not only to be friends, but also to forgive offenders.

An equally important quality is tolerance. The teacher must be impartial and accept his students regardless of who their parents are.

It is also important that the teacher treats the child as a whole person. A good teacher understands that his students are equal people and will not allow himself to raise his voice or insult the child.

The final quality of our triad is pedagogical tact. A qualified teacher always takes into account the individual characteristics of each child and tries to help overcome difficulties, and never emphasizes the weaknesses of his students.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF


The Russian education system at the present stage of social development is undergoing significant changes associated with a change in the model of cultural and historical development. But no matter what reforms take place in the education system, in the end they, one way or another, are limited to a specific performer - the teacher. It is the teacher who is the main figure in the implementation of major innovations in practice. And for the successful introduction of various innovations into practice, for the implementation in new conditions of the tasks assigned to him, the teacher must have the necessary level of professional competence and professionalism. In the educational process, in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the issue of ensuring conditions for the development of the child’s personal growth comes to the fore. This is due to the need to integrate the individual into society as a creative individual, capable of mastering spiritual values ​​and forming a specific selective orientation associated with the expansion of subjective meanings.

Every day a kindergarten teacher is a witness and participant in the process of shaping the people of the future, helping, and sometimes perhaps hindering their development. Our life is structured in such a way that children spend most of their daylight hours not with their own parents, but with kindergarten workers and teachers. This fact confirms the high social significance of the teaching profession.

The world around us is constantly becoming more informationally complex. Today, it is no longer enough to once receive a basic education and work in your specialty. In order to meet modern requirements and maintain the level of competence, it is necessary to constantly study and engage in self-education. Continuing education must become a necessity. The need to improve the level of knowledge, skills and abilities penetrates all spheres of life - professional, family, social, personal and, of course, the sphere of teaching.

What qualities should a modern preschool teacher have? A number of personal characteristics should include qualities that become professionally significant prerequisites for creating favorable relationships in the educational process. These qualities include patience, responsibility, commitment, objectivity, respect for people, optimism, emotional balance, the need for communication, interest in the lives of students, goodwill, restraint, responsiveness and many others. Important professional qualities of a teacher are hard work, efficiency, discipline, responsibility, the ability to set a goal, choose ways to achieve it, organization, perseverance, systematic and systematic improvement of one’s professional level, the desire to constantly improve the quality of one’s work, etc. All modern researchers note that it is love for children that should be considered the most important personal and professional trait of a teacher, without which effective teaching activities are impossible.

To meet modern requirements, a teacher must be:

a) active (to support children in their manifestations of activity, to comply with them). A teacher who sits on a chair most of the time and directs children's activities from there can hardly be called active, striving for the diversified development of children;

b) capable of change - in order to keep up with the rapidly changing world and changing children and their parents;

c) attentive to oneself, one’s behavior, verbal expression, how one’s own behavior and speech affects others, including children;

d) competent – ​​seeking to improve self-education, competent in the profession.

Based on all of the above, we can highlight several recommendations for the prevention of pedagogical difficulties, which V.A. also spoke about. Yuzefovich.

  • Systematically analyze your own actions in the process of professional activity from the position of “I question the correctness of what I did . Doubt it. Learn to look at yourself in the process of activity through the eyes of other people. Argue with your own thoughts. Keep a diary, write down your thoughts, etc.
  • Thoroughly study all disciplines, especially pedagogy and psychology. Do not overestimate your personal experience, build your own pedagogical activity, correlate it with scientific foundations, and not with everyday ideas or stereotypes.
  • Avoid erroneous generalizations ( “I came to class underprepared and got out of a difficult situation due to my general erudition, therefore, there is no need to prepare thoroughly for each lesson.” )
  • Do not accept people’s negative reactions or their inappropriate behavior as a desire to cause you inconvenience. This behavior is based on people’s own problems and their inability to resolve them constructively.
  • If you make a mistake, don't give up. Constantly improve your theoretical level.
  • Attend classes from experienced teachers and absorb new things.

Only by constantly developing and improving will the educator be able to fully perform his functions. And the most important official function of a teacher has been and will be constant communication with the child. The teacher must be able to give age-appropriate answers to many questions. The life of children in a preschool institution depends on how correctly and how quickly the teacher finds an approach to each child and is able to organize it, whether the children will be calm, affectionate, sociable, and most importantly, prepared for life in modern society!

MBDOU teacher

"TsRR - kindergarten No. 58" Voronezh

Nikolaeva Marina Alexandrovna

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How to become a good mentor?

They say that a good teacher is not made, but rather born . However, this is a rather controversial statement. Our editors agree that it’s all about the desire to learn and develop.

A good teacher is a person who sincerely loves his profession, loves children and what he teaches.

In order to become a truly good teacher, you need to constantly learn and develop , analyze your successes and failures and move on.

The role of the kindergarten teacher is very often underestimated, because his influence on the child is not always easy to notice. But in fact, this is the first adult after mom and dad who has a very serious influence on the formation of views, worldview, and he is there at that crucial moment when your son or daughter begins to realize himself as an individual.

We all know that the basis of character, and therefore the basis for successful or unsuccessful interaction with the outside world, is laid in a person in preschool childhood. Empirically, psychologists have concluded that this age is approximately 5 years. The many times repeated phrase “We all come from childhood” has a serious evidentiary basis.

Every day a kindergarten teacher is a witness and participant in the process of shaping the people of the future, helping, and sometimes perhaps hindering their development. Our life is structured in such a way that children spend most of their daylight hours not with their own parents, but with kindergarten workers and teachers. This fact confirms the high social significance of the teaching profession.

Along with this, we see and know that the world is constantly becoming more informationally complex. Today, it is no longer enough to once receive a basic education and work in your specialty. In order to meet modern requirements and maintain the level of competence, it is necessary to constantly study and engage in self-education. Continuing education must become a necessity.

The need to improve the level of knowledge, skills and abilities penetrates all spheres of life - professional, family, social, personal, and of course the sphere of teaching is no exception.

Today we will talk to you about the personal and professional qualities of a modern preschool teacher and the features of the educational process in a modern preschool institution.

About the professional skills of a preschool educational institution teacher.

Name the most important, in your opinion, professional skills of a preschool teacher (statement by educators).

— The activity of a teacher is multifaceted in its functions and content. It involves mastering a variety of professional skills. These skills are conventionally divided into gnostic, constructive, communicative, organizational and special.

Gnostic skills are skills with which a teacher studies a child (individual characteristics, age, personal qualities, relationships with peers, adults, degree of emotional well-being). The object of study is the family. Gnostic skills are used when studying the pedagogical experience of other educators. It is important for a teacher to develop his or her ability to understand the child’s inner world.

Constructive skills - for designing the pedagogical process, raising children, taking into account the prospects of educational work. The teacher designs the material equipment of the educational process (making equipment for games, activities, organizing exhibitions of artistic creativity of children and their parents, etc.). Constructive skills are embodied in planning work, drawing up notes on educational work, scenarios, holidays, and leisure activities.

Communication skills - manifest themselves when establishing pedagogically appropriate relationships with individual children and with the entire group, with parents of students, with work colleagues, with the administration of a preschool institution.

Organizational skills extend to the activities of students, parents, and colleagues. An important decision is what he will do himself, and what can be entrusted to the children, and what is more appropriate to involve parents in.

Special skills - the ability to sing, dance, read poetry (write), knit, make toys, show (stage) puppet theater and more.

Personal qualities of a modern preschool teacher.

Teacher, what is he like?

— Now we will conduct a quick survey with you. In a circle, everyone names one characteristic.

The teacher in the group is the bearer of a certain model of behavior, and children, being nearby during the day, see and hear how the teacher speaks, what his facial expression, intonation, and timbre of voice are. In some ways, consciously or unconsciously, they copy him. They think that if a teacher constantly speaks in a raised voice and shouts, then this is the way it should be, this is the norm.

It is in kindergarten that children get their first experience of communicating in a group, in a team, and the teacher is in charge of it all.

Experience shows that, in general, the behavior of a group of children is in many ways a mirror of the behavior of the teacher.

— Now let’s talk about the qualities of a teacher.

The important qualities of a teacher are hard work, efficiency, discipline, responsibility, the ability to set a goal, choose ways to achieve it, organization, perseverance, systematic and systematic improvement of one’s professional level, the desire to constantly improve the quality of one’s work, etc.

A number of personal characteristics should include qualities that become professionally significant prerequisites for creating favorable relationships in the educational process. These qualities include patience, responsibility, commitment, objectivity, respect for people, optimism, emotional balance, the need for communication, interest in the lives of students, goodwill, restraint, responsiveness and many others.

All modern researchers note that it is love for children that should be considered the most important personal and professional trait of a teacher, without which effective teaching activities are impossible.

Modern children are more active, mobile in their self-expression, more informed, more different from each other, they have more different living conditions and upbringing in the family. All this places certain demands on the personality of the teacher. To meet modern requirements, a teacher must be:

- active (to support children in their manifestations of activity, to comply with them). A teacher who sits on a chair most of the time and directs children's activities from there can hardly be called active, striving for the diversified development of children;

- capable of change - to keep up with the rapidly changing world and changing children and their parents;

- attentive - to yourself, your behavior, verbal expression, to how your own behavior and speech affects others, including children. Teacher (screaming) - “get up”, “let’s go”, “come on, sit down”, “shut up.” Again, screaming, he turns to the children: “Well, why are you shouting?” And another variant of behavior: “Now we’ll decide, now we’ll talk.”

- competent - striving to improve self-education, competent in the profession.

Currently, in educational psychology, much attention is paid to the analysis of the subjective properties of a teacher that determine the effectiveness (productivity) of his teaching activities.

Let us pay attention to the personal qualities of a teacher that cause difficulties in his professional activities:

1) lack of special pedagogical and internal orientation

2) discrepancy between the level of abilities and the requirements of the pedagogical process

3) lack of special pedagogical, methodological, socio-psychological competence.

Thus, a teacher may have both qualities that ensure the success of his activities, and, on the contrary, personal qualities that cause a number of difficulties.

Features of the educational process.

Pedagogical activity, like any other, is a system that has a certain structure.


The motives for teaching activity appear at the stage of professional self-determination: what exactly motivates one to choose the teaching profession and devote oneself to educational activities. The purpose of pedagogical activity is determined by society. Each teacher’s character is transformed into an individual attitude, which he tries to implement in his activities. For example, the goal of education - the diversified development of a child - is currently specified among preschool teachers as the full preparation of the child for school, strengthening skills, and developing creative abilities. The uniqueness of pedagogical activity lies in the specifics of the subject. The main tools of pedagogical work - voice (loudness, intonation, expressiveness), facial expressions, gestures (pedagogical technique) - these are various skills of the teacher’s personal influence on students. The teacher must be able to choose the right tone and style of communication with children depending on the specific situation. Mastering pedagogical techniques allows you to achieve better results with less energy.

Now let's look at the process of education. This is a process of personality development, which includes both targeted influence from outside and personality development. An important place is occupied by the process of education (educational process). To better understand the role of this process, let us consider it in the structure of the more general process of personality formation.

In that part where the formation of personality has a controlled, controlling nature, where people are guided by conscious intentions, act not spontaneously, but according to a pre-planned plan in accordance with the assigned tasks, education is manifested. Education is support in the development of personality, specially organized, managed and controlled interaction between educators and students.

This structure is based on identifying the main stages of the educational process. A criterion for the sequence of stages that a process must necessarily go through in order to achieve a high-quality solution to the assigned tasks. This structure is very important for understanding the underlying pattern of unity and gradualism of the educational process. Knowledge must turn into beliefs. Beliefs are strong, principled worldviews and attitudes that serve as a guide in life. For example, already in kindergarten, all children know that they need to say hello to their teachers. Why don't all children do this? Because they are not convinced. This means that education stopped at stage 1 - knowledge, without reaching the next stage - belief. And another important component is the formation of feelings. By sharpening their senses and relying on them, educators achieve a correct and quick perception of the required norms and rules. And finally, the formation of the general orientation of the individual, which concludes the entire process, is the development of a stable habit of behavior that becomes the norm.

One of the most important components of the educational process in a preschool educational institution is the creation of conditions for identifying and developing the full-fledged personal resource of each child. Recent changes in preschool education (with the development of FGT) place emphasis on this, that is, the work of each teacher should be aimed at creating a general culture, developing physical, intellectual and personal qualities, creating prerequisites for educational activities that ensure social success, maintaining and strengthening the health of children preschool age. The work of preschool educational institutions should ensure the diversified development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas. The main goal is the development of the child’s personality.

In this regard, some changes are required from us. Changes are a tribute to the times. The computerization of our lives, the availability of various types, types and quality of information, changes in the social system, of course, have affected children.

Each teacher in the group is a bearer of a certain model of behavior, and children, seeing every day examples of the teacher’s attitude towards them, towards some activity, hearing speech, the timbre of intonation of the teacher’s voice, the younger they are, the more trustingly they believe that this is how they should behave to behave, to speak, to do so - that this is the norm. Children of a specific group are in many ways a mirror of specific behavior

A kindergarten teacher plays an important role in raising a child. The psychological climate in the group and each child’s attitude towards kindergarten depend on the teacher. Some children go to kindergarten with pleasure, communication with the teacher brings a certain satisfaction. Others, at the sight of a teacher, begin to be capricious or cry, in a group they withdraw into themselves, and visiting kindergarten turns into torture. When choosing a kindergarten, you first need to get to know the teacher, understand his values, attitude towards children, and find out the level of professionalism. It is almost impossible to find a person who would satisfy all the requirements of parents, but you can look for someone close to the ideal. So what does the portrait of an ideal teacher look like from the parents' point of view?

Firstly, the teacher must be able to get along with children. He must understand the problems, interests, and needs of each child. Many kids enter kindergarten without knowing how to speak. Many people don't know how to ask or ask for something. After all, at home, his mother responded to any of his needs, understanding everything without words. The teacher must establish contact with the child in such a way that the latter is not afraid or embarrassed to approach even the slightest difficulty.

Secondly, the teacher must be able and want to take care of the child. A good teacher's children are fed, put to bed, washed, washed, dressed on time, combed and occupied with useful activities.

Thirdly, the teacher must be a specialist, that is, master different methods of education and upbringing. He must prepare the child for school as best as possible, set him up according to one program, and the teacher must be well versed in it.

Fourthly, the teacher must be able to communicate with parents, resolve conflicts, and listen to different opinions and wishes. No question should be left unanswered. The teacher must give recommendations on how to raise each child.

The profession of a teacher is complex and responsible. There are many demands placed on her, including from parents. Finding a reliable, intelligent, well-mannered, balanced, sensitive and child-loving person is not easy. But you shouldn’t trust your child to an incompetent teacher either. Each parent, focusing on his ideal educator, is able to choose a worthy option for his child.

Consultation “Model of a modern educator who is expected by children, parents, and society”

Olga Delurman

Consultation “Model of a modern educator who is expected by children, parents, and society”

MADO "Kindergarten No. 70 of compensatory type"


A model of a modern educator whom children , parents , and society .

Author of the development:

Delurman Olga Vladimirovna

(MADOU methodologist)




“The ability to educate is still an art, the same

art, how to play the violin or piano well,

good at painting."

A. S. Makarenko.

It is known that raising a “winged”

teacher can raise a child,
only a happy one can raise only a modern one can raise a modern one .
What do you need to have to become a teacher ? The necessary qualities of a modern educator are kindness , patience, tolerance, broad-mindedness, and a developed sense of empathy, because the educator has to work not only with children, but also with parents . It is very important to learn to respect parents , to take their opinions into account, even if it differs from the teacher’s ideas about pedagogy .

Well, what's the main thing? And the main thing in our profession is to love children, to love just like that, for nothing, to give them a piece of your heart every moment, and to love them as if they were your own, without compromises or conditions.

A teacher is a patriot of his homeland , because the country trusts them with the most precious thing - its future.

So, what kind of educator are children , parents , and society ?

I. Basic requirements for a preschool teacher

Modern educator:

1. Knows the specifics of preschool education and the features of organizing educational work with children of early and preschool age.

2. Knows the general patterns of child development in early and preschool childhood; features of the formation and development of children's activities in early and preschool age.

3. Able to organize the main types of activities in preschool age: object-manipulative and playful, ensuring the development of children; organize joint and independent activities of preschoolers.

4. Knows the theory and pedagogical methods of physical, cognitive and personal development of children of early and preschool age.

5. Able to plan, implement and analyze educational work with children of early and preschool age in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

6. Able to plan and adjust educational tasks (together with a psychologist and other specialists)

based on monitoring results, taking into account the individual developmental characteristics of each child of early and/or preschool age.

7. Implements pedagogical recommendations of specialists (psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist, etc.)

in working with children who have difficulty mastering the curriculum or children with special educational needs.

8. Participates in creating a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment, ensuring the safety of children’s lives, preserving and strengthening their health, supporting the child’s emotional well-being during their stay in an educational organization.

9. Proficient in methods and means of analyzing psychological and pedagogical monitoring, which allows assessing the results of children’s mastery of educational programs, the degree to which they have developed the necessary integrative qualities of preschool children necessary for further education and development in primary school.

10. Proficient in methods and means of psychological and pedagogical education of parents (legal representatives)

children of early and preschool age, be able to build partnerships
with them to solve educational problems.
11. Possesses ICT competencies necessary and sufficient for planning, implementing and evaluating educational work with children of early and preschool age.

12. It should also be noted that, within the framework of the Education Development Strategy of the city of Perm until 2030, a modern educator must be motivated to meet the global challenges facing education in the 21st century:

— information challenge (compliance with the general information culture of society );

— dynamic challenge (implementation of ideas and principles of advanced education, continuous education, lifelong education);

— adaptive challenge (the ability to adapt one’s knowledge to new conditions, quickly respond to changes in the situation, have the ability to work in socially heterogeneous groups);

13. Modern society needs leaders , people who are able to make decisions and bear responsibility for them. Therefore, a modern educator must have strong leadership qualities, be able to lead not only children, but also be an example for colleagues and parents of students .

14. A modern educator is a champion of a healthy lifestyle and strives to instill it not only in his students and their parents , but also in his colleagues. This is especially relevant now, when allergization of the population is growing annually and there is an increase in morbidity among children and adults. In a kindergarten with a contingent of children with allergic diseases, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle by the teacher

II. The main criteria for assessing the effectiveness of a teacher’s

1. Knowledge of modern educational technologies and methods at a high level

2. The effectiveness of the teacher’s use of modern educational technologies and methods

3. Sustainable positive dynamics of students’ of educational programs

4. The teacher’s to improving the quality of education based on improving teaching and educational

III. Qualitative results that should be achieved by the teacher

- Children have an interest in learning.

— Showing initiative in the independent use of knowledge, skills and abilities in various types of activities.

- Children have creative abilities.

— Formation of personal qualities in children (volitional, motivational, moral-emotional, etc.)


— Children’s knowledge, skills and abilities.

— The value of teaching experience for colleagues of other preschool educational institutions.

— High assessment of the teacher’s activities by parents , preschool administration, and public institutions .

IV. Innovative approaches accompanied by the professional and personal development of the teacher .

• attending educational webinars on the problems of modern preschool education;

• creation of sociocultural and material (economic)

conditions for the adoption and operation of various innovations;

• initiation of search educational systems and mechanisms for their comprehensive support;

• integration of the most promising innovations and productive projects into actually operating educational systems and transfer of accumulated innovations into the mode of permanent educational projects;

• development and implementation of the “Commonwealth”

aimed at optimal
interaction between the teacher and parents of students ;
interaction with social institutions and institutions of additional education not only for the provision of educational services, but also for training educators , holding competitions among educators ;

• encouraging teachers to participate in interactive professional skills competitions;

• assistance in tutoring in preschool educational institutions;

• creation on a voluntary basis of a rating of teachers in preschool educational institutions in various nominations ( “teacher-tutor”

, teacher-innovator”,
etc.) and posting it on the website of the preschool educational institution;

In conclusion, I would like to recall the words of A. S. Makarenko that mastery of pedagogical skills is available to every teacher, subject to purposeful work on oneself. “Mastery is something that can be achieved, and just as there can be a famous master turner, an excellent master doctor, so a teacher should and can be a famous master. And each of the teachers will definitely be a master if he doesn’t give up our business, and how much he masters the skill depends on his own drive.”


1. Strategy for the development of the education system of the city of Perm until 2030

2. Professional standard Teacher (pedagogical activity in preschool, primary general , basic general , secondary general education ( educator , teacher)


Pedagogical models of work organization

To obtain the expected results in a preschool institution, it is necessary to create certain conditions and, above all, a team work system. The system we have developed consists of interconnected components, each of which performs its own function in the implementation of environmental education (Fig. 7).

Figure 7

Components of the environmental education system in preschool educational institutions

A preschool institution achieves the most effective results when all components of the system are present. All components are interconnected, their implementation is possible within the framework of different pedagogical models.

Since environmental education is not an isolated area in the work of a kindergarten and has ideological significance, ideally it is necessary to strive for the greening of the entire educational process. Unfortunately, this ideal is unattainable at the present stage due to insufficient training of teachers and the lack of necessary conditions, one of which is the coordination of the work of all members of the preschool team. In actual practice, two main pedagogical models can be distinguished, differing in the principles of work organization. Let’s call them the “Ecologist” model and the “Educator” model.

Figure 8 Figure 9

Model “Ecologist” Model “Educator”

Model "Ecologist"

A special feature of the “Ecologist” model is the creation in kindergarten of a system of work on environmental education, which involves close cooperation of all specialists, the manager, the methodologist and the teacher based on the implementation of an integrated approach and the greening of various types of activities of preschool children (Fig. 8). Within the framework of the “Ecologist” model, each employee takes on certain functions in the field of environmental education. A necessary condition for using this model is the presence in the preschool institution of an environmental teacher (senior educator, additional education teacher) who acts as a coordinator. This model creates the conditions necessary for the effective implementation of the concept of environmental education. The purposeful and coordinated activities of kindergarten employees allow for the greening of various types of child activities and the developmental subject environment, environmental education of parents, training and retraining of personnel, environmental assessment, and coordination with other institutions. The “Ecologist” model is being implemented in many preschool institutions in the country (Tyumen, Togliatti, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod, Syktyvkar, Arkhangelsk, Ufa, Kazan and many others), especially in Moscow. Such positions are currently available in preschool educational institutions Nos. 1908, 1622, 2333, 1617, 66, 1901, 403, 867, 1701, 1505, 1655, 1775, 1934,1315, 2337, 2382, 497, 522, 2156 and others. An environmental teacher must receive appropriate professional training both in the field of ecology, natural science, and in the field of methods of environmental education for preschool children. It is necessary to note the specifics of the formation of environmentalists. Recently, an interesting trend has been observed: specialists in the field of biology, ecology, soil science, geography, agriculture, who graduated from Moscow State University, Moscow State Pedagogical University, the Academy named after M.V. Timiryazev, including those with academic degrees of candidates and even doctors of science. Thus, two groups of environmental specialists are formed: one of them, initially specializing in preschool pedagogy, improves their qualifications in the field of environmental education; the second, to one degree or another, is familiar with the basics of ecology and natural science (former school teachers, employees of scientific organizations), is undergoing retraining in the field of preschool education. There is another group of ecologists - former elementary school teachers. All these features also influence the variability of the organization of work in kindergartens, since each ecologist adapts materials not only to the conditions of the garden, but also to his own capabilities and ideas about ecology.

Currently, in different kindergartens the work of ecologists is organized differently, but basically two options can be distinguished:

— the ecologist regularly conducts classes with children and is the coordinator of all work in the field of environmental education;

- an ecologist periodically visits groups where he talks with children, conducts games, etc., takes care of plants, animals, and a vegetable garden.

When testing the “Nature is Our Home” program, the first option showed greater effectiveness, since it contributes to the gradual greening of the work of the entire institution. Let’s take a closer look at the possible areas of work and employee relationships within the first version of the “Ecologist” model. These relationships are shown schematically in Fig. 8.

Directions of the manager's work:

—- organization of the entire educational process (if necessary, experimental work); distribution of functional responsibilities between team members;

— cooperation with educational authorities;

allocation of additional positions (ecologist teacher, laboratory assistant, gardener) and selection, advanced training of personnel in the field of environmental education; drawing up a design project for an institution, greening the developmental subject environment;

resolving financial issues (purchase of equipment, literature, paintings, toys, animals, plants, etc.);

working with parents;

coordination of work with other institutions; connection with the school.

Areas of work of the senior educator:

— familiarization of the team with existing programs and methods of environmental education;

— choice of program and methodology (together with an ecologist);

— determining the place of environmental education in the general educational space of the kindergarten, its connection with other areas;

— control over the coordination of the work of all specialists and educators; implementation of an integrated approach;

— monitoring the activities of the entire team;

— participation in the diagnosis of children and analysis of its results;

— conducting methodological seminars for team members;

— participation in the greening of the developing subject environment;

— participation in disseminating the institution’s work experience (seminars, conferences, idea fairs, etc.);

— management of the preparation of the “Ecological Passport” of the kindergarten;

— organizing parent meetings dedicated to environmental issues and environmental education;

— generalization of the results of the work.

Areas of work of a psychologist:

— psychological support for work on environmental education (including experimental activities);

— analysis of programs and methods from the point of view of their compliance with the level of development of preschool children;

— the presence of an ecologist in classes in order to determine the behavioral characteristics and characteristics of preschool children (voluntariness, comfort, etc.);

— participation in diagnostic work, conducting comprehensive diagnostics together with an ecologist (development of diagnostic tasks taking into account material on environmental education);

— drawing up recommendations for an ecologist, taking into account the individual characteristics of children;

— analysis of the results of qualitative diagnostics carried out by educators and an ecologist (recording the characteristics of children’s behavior, their statements, etc.);

— participation in the preparation of diagnostic cards;

- work with parents.

Areas of work of a medical worker:

— health work with children;

participation in the assessment of the developmental subject environment and the environmental situation in the area of ​​the preschool institution from the point of view of the health status of children; participation in the preparation of the “Ecological passport of the kindergarten” and its analysis;

— environmental and health education for parents (for example, on the topics “Environment and Health”, “Safe Food”, “Environmental Safety of Homes”, “Laws of Nature in a Summer House”).

Direction of work of an environmental teacher:

- participation in the selection of programs, methods and their adaptation to the conditions of the kindergarten;

- preparing and conducting classes with children in an environmental room, laboratory, living area, on an ecological path, participation in the preparation of kindergarten holidays;

— participation in the development of the concept and creation of a developing subject environment;

— selection of plants and animals for the ecological complex, group premises;

— preparation of visual material, selection of literature for classes with children;

— coordination of the work of specialists: music director, arts teacher, physical education instructor;

— coordination of the work of educators: drawing up a weekly program for educators on a specific topic and monitoring its implementation;

— participation in diagnosing the results of experimental work;

— work with parents;

— consulting teachers on environmental education issues; 

— registration of an “Ecological passport of a preschool educational institution”, “Ecological passports” of plants and animals of the ecological complex;

— dissemination of work experience (open classes, generalization of material).

Directions of work of the music director:

- conducting music classes that enhance the child’s emotional perception of nature;

— coordination of music classes with the topics of classes of an ecologist, a teacher of visual arts;

— development of scenarios, preparation of performances, environmental holidays;

— selection of musical works for the program (sounds of nature, classical works, songs about nature);

— musical accompaniment of environmental games (including the inclusion of musical tasks in such games), plastic sketches, dance performance (for example, flower dance, “Rainbow”);

— use of folklore elements for the purposes of environmental education (folk holidays, nursery rhymes, songs).

Directions of work of a teacher in visual arts:

— consolidation of the material of environmental studies in drawing, appliqué, modeling;

- children’s illustrations of books (fairy tales, stories) - both published and their own;

— assisting the ecologist in the production of visual aids, equipment, scenery, costumes for environmental holidays and productions;

— joint training with an ecologist;

— participation in the creation of an art gallery, exhibition corners in groups;

— selection of works of art for the ecologist program;

— coordination of your program with the ecologist’s program;

— participation in diagnostics (in particular, analysis of children's drawings);

— use of elements of folklore for the purposes of environmental education (folk painting, clay toys, etc.).

Areas of work of a physical activity instructor:

— coordination of the physical education program with the ecologist program to identify points of contact;

- inclusion in classes of certain physical exercises, outdoor games (imitation of the movements of animals, plants) in agreement with the ecologist;

— participation in environmental health work: preparing and conducting hikes along the ecological path, excursions, including with parents;

— participation in environmental (sports and environmental) holidays;

- a swimming coach can also participate in environmental holidays (for example, “Water Sorceress”), organizing some experiments (with inflatable toys - the theme “Air”), outdoor games on the water (theme “Water”);

— training in safety rules during hikes and outdoor recreation.

Directions of work of an art teacher:

— making crafts, collages, models from natural and waste materials;

— coordination of your program with the “Our Home is Nature” program;

— together with children, making equipment and visual aids for conducting environmental classes;

— production of decorations, masks, costumes for environmental holidays;

— production of equipment for ecological paths, environmental signs.

Directions of work of a theater teacher:

— preparation and holding of environmental holidays, dramatizations, performances based on fairy tales, performance of folk songs, nursery rhymes, imitation of animal habits; finger puppet theatre.

Directions of work of the teacher:

— greening the activities of preschool children in groups;

— performing ecologist tasks: conducting observations on walks and in groups; recording observations in nature calendars; reading and discussing literature, playing games, listening to music;

— implementation of individual environmental projects (for example, the “Our Tree” project);

— creating conditions for environmental education in groups: organizing a nature corner, a corner for experimentation, an exhibition corner, selection of literature, photographs, natural material for independent games and experimentation;

- selection of plants, animals and care for them (together with children);

— work with parents (homework for children, filling out the necessary information);

— participation in diagnostics on the instructions of an ecologist and psychologist (questioning children using ready-made forms, regularly keeping records according to certain schemes, etc.);

— participation in the collection of information for some sections of the “Ecological Passport” of the preschool educational institution.

Since an ecology teacher faces many tasks, it is advisable to have a separate laboratory assistant in the kindergarten to care for the animals and plants of the living area, the ecological room (as a rule, this work is performed part-time by one of the teachers) and a gardener (if the territory is large and requires regular maintenance). Both the laboratory assistant and the gardener help the educator or environmental teacher organize work with children during a visit to a living area or vegetable garden. In preschool educational institution No. 1617 in Moscow, a special room and a teacher are allocated for origami classes, whose work is also consistent with the work of an ecologist. Let us emphasize that the above are just possible, and not mandatory, areas of work for teachers. Depending on the conditions of the kindergarten, emphasis may be placed on only some of them.

Model "Educator"

This model differs from the “Ecologist” model in the principles of work organization: the functions of environmental education are assigned to the teacher, who independently implements an integrated approach through the greening of the developing subject environment in the group and the greening of various types of child activities. The model exists in many kindergartens, where it is not possible to allocate an ecologist position. In practice, it is presented in two options: first, environmental education is carried out by several educators, often without coordinating their actions; second, environmental education tasks are included in the work plan of teachers of all groups, and the direction as a whole is supervised and controlled by the methodologist or the head of the institution. The teacher creates the necessary developmental subject environment in the group (including conditions for independent and joint activities of children), and during the day involves the child in various environmentally oriented activities (observations in a group, on a walk, games, reading and discussing literature, drawing). Kindergartens with this model of work organization also have interesting experiences. For example, in preschool educational institution No. 1424 in Moscow, teacher S.V. Mamaeva developed a series of game tasks (labyrinth tasks, intellectual games for the blocks of the “Our Home is Nature” program). The “Educator” model also assumes that the educator has some training in the field of environmental education.

Within the framework of this model, only individual components of the environmental education system are implemented (greening of various types of child activities and the developmental subject environment, environmental education of parents). In Fig. 9 (p. 88) the connection between the teacher’s activities and these components is shown using lines. To compare both models, rectangles are left blank in this figure, symbolizing employees who work in a preschool institution, but do not participate in the process of environmental education. Comparison of the figures gives a clear idea of ​​the conditions for environmental education within the framework of different models: the “Educator” model creates limited opportunities for this process and is, in our opinion, less effective in modern conditions. Both of these models are aimed at implementing an integrated approach to environmental education and contribute to the comprehensive development of the child’s personality. When implementing any model, a kindergarten should strive to organize work in several areas: greening various types of child activities; personnel training; working with parents; whitefish environment; greening the developmental subject environment, coordinating work with other institutions (Fig. 7). All these areas complement each other. Thus, in the CRR-kindergarten No. 1908 in Moscow - an experimental site - a certain time is allocated for environmental studies in the schedule - 1 hour per week. This is the so-called main lesson, which the teacher conducts in an environmental room (sometimes in collaboration with other specialists), a living corner, a laboratory or on the street with a subgroup of children.

To implement an integrated approach, the entire team is involved in the work. The ecologist, together with the methodologist, is developing a system of tasks for educators and specialists. For example, an environmental teacher organizes research work in the laboratory on the block “Water Sorceress”. After ecology classes, children consolidate the material in visual arts and construction. During walks, teachers and children observe snow, ice, frost, puddles, streams, fog (depending on the time of year), read literature recommended by an ecologist in groups, play games, listen to music, draw, and provide preschoolers with the opportunity to independently experiment with water , observe the inhabitants of aquariums. The musical director selects works related to the theme of the block (songs, dances, classical and modern works), participates in the preparation of environmental performances, holidays, and comes up with plastic sketches. The experience of this institution in organizing a new form of teacher training is also interesting. Having united, the specialists listed above conduct master classes (open classes) in other preschool institutions in Moscow, working with unfamiliar children without prior preparation.

The physical education instructor of this kindergarten not only organizes various games, but also adapts some environmental fairy tales for his own purposes. So, according to the fairy tale by N.A. Ryzhova’s “How the Bear Lost His Stump” developed an unusual activity that included a sports competition.

The folklore room is also used for environmental education purposes.

Training of teaching staff

One of the important factors influencing the formation of the foundations of an ecological worldview in a child and the skills of environmentally literate behavior is the professional training of teachers working with preschoolers (educators, methodologists, managers, specialists). Currently, there is a contradiction between the purpose of environmental education, its content, methodology and level of professional training of teachers, as well as their value system in relation to the environment. The role of preschool workers in environmental education has its own specifics: it is at an early age that a child is characterized by a tendency to imitate, he completely trusts an adult, preschoolers do not have a critical view of the actions of loved ones. N.V. Dobretsova emphasizes that “the developmental effect of the educational process is largely associated with the personality of the teacher, who embodies cultural patterns, manifests them in the style of communication, in her value systems.”

The general level of training of preschool workers in the field of environmental education still does not allow for the full implementation of the greening of the preschool educational system. Our analysis of a survey of about 300 employees of preschool institutions from different regions of Russia (Moscow, Togliatti, Tambov, Tyumen region and others) confirms these conclusions. The survey participants answered the question: “What do you understand by environmental education?”

(It was allowed to give several answer options.) 78% of respondents noted only the environmental aspect of environmental education (“protect, preserve nature, its wealth, flora and fauna, increase wealth”, “know the rules of behavior in the forest, on the river and follow them”) . 49% focused on nurturing love for the Motherland and nature. 38% understand environmental education as “the study of nature and the surrounding world.” Only 6% mentioned in their responses the need to study relationships in nature. None of the respondents touched upon the issues of environmental safety or the formation of environmentally literate behavior in everyday life. The main emphasis of teachers is on children acquiring natural history knowledge (87%). At the same time, the activity aspect of environmental education was not reflected in the answers. Difficulties arise for teachers about the difference in the content of environmental education and nature conservation education.

N.N. Moiseev especially emphasized the role of the “TEACHER” in the implementation of the environmental education system, the need for teachers to master new ethics, a new understanding of man’s place in the world and the tasks of his civilization. N.B. Melnik identifies spiritual-theoretical (teachers’ knowledge of the theory of environmental education), spiritual-practical (value orientations of environmental orientation), material-practical (ecological character and ecological orientation of the real pedagogical process) components in the structure of a teacher’s ecological culture. In our opinion, we can highlight several currently established areas of teacher training in the field of environmental education:

· training of students in pedagogical schools, pedagogical institutes, pedagogical universities;

· retraining of educators (including training of ecologists) in short-term advanced training courses;

· advanced training in courses conducted by program authors;

· participation in the work of methodological associations of districts, districts, etc. (acquaintance with work experience); participation in conferences and meetings at various levels devoted to the problems of environmental education; participation in competitions on environmental topics;

· advanced training for teachers in preschool institutions (methodological advice on environmental issues);

· cooperation of teams of preschool institutions with organizations dealing with problems of ecology and environmental education (see section “Coordination of work”); dissemination of the experience of kindergartens - experimental sites for environmental education among other institutions.

The introduction of various forms of staff development into the work of preschool institutions can be assessed as a positive aspect: the allocation in programs of special sections related to this problem, ongoing seminars for educators, mutual visits and viewing of open events, individual work with educators. In the Eastern District of Moscow, annual fairs of ideas are interestingly held, and teams of capital preschool institutions - experimental sites (for example, TsRR-kindergartens No. 2333, 1908, 1622, 2337, GOU No. 2382) pass on their experience to colleagues from kindergartens working in innovation mode (No. 1424,1775,1488,1617).

Quite often, during the training and retraining of personnel, the main attention is paid to the acquisition of natural history, biological, environmental knowledge and familiarization with specific programs and methods of environmental education for preschool children. This area undoubtedly plays an important role, since a significant number of employees of preschool institutions, including those specializing in the field of environmental education, have extremely poor training in the field of natural sciences, and find it difficult to determine the goals, objectives, and content of environmental education. However, the preparation of students and retraining of workers in preschool institutions should be aimed, first of all, at the formation of an environmental culture of the teacher, the formation of him as an individual convinced of the need for environmental education, possessing a new environmental ethics and understanding the need for changes in behavior, motivation of people’s actions from the position of a new paradigm .

To green the educational process of the entire preschool institution, it is extremely important that educators realize its necessity and their responsibility for the education of preschool children. Unfortunately, the actions of managers, specialists and educators are often inconsistent, which negatively affects this process. As an example, let us cite an incident that occurred during a walk in one of the preschool institutions that are deeply involved in environmental topics. “Hooligan, restless,” according to the teachers’ definition, the boy was too active on the street. To distract him, the teacher broke a tree branch (!) and gave it to the child with the words: “Take care of it, I’m giving it to you, if you plant it and take care of it, a tree will grow.” The boy stood in the corner of the yard for the rest of the walk, clutching a twig to himself. Some time later (the teacher had forgotten about this incident by that time!), after returning to the group, the child said: “I planted a twig in the ground, it will grow.” The teacher did not react in any way to the child’s message, and only after a conversation with the ecologist the situation changed. Another example: in a kindergarten, where a highly qualified ecologist regularly teaches classes, during walks, teachers and children pick armfuls of the most beautiful flowers, weave wreaths from them, make bouquets, and throw them away after the walk. And in this case, there is a contradiction between the content of the ecologist’s classes and the real actions of children under the guidance of educators.

In the structure of environmental education for preschool teachers, we have identified the following components: theoretical (mastery of a system of knowledge from the field of natural sciences and humanities); methodological (mastery of environmental education methods, personal

oriented technique); value (formation of ideas about new values), activity (participation in real activities to preserve and improve the environment).

If we consider the content of environmental education for educators from the point of view of its components, it should be noted that currently preference is given to the cognitive component and the activity component is practically not implemented. Sometimes a teacher receives primarily environmental knowledge in advanced training courses and seminars, often in a form that is difficult for him to understand; at best, this area is supplemented by familiarity with various methods of environmental education. As a result, the teacher in a preschool institution reproduces the information received in the courses, focusing on transferring knowledge to the child, and classes in ecology are conducted by analogy with classes in mathematics, speech development, without the use of active teaching methods, communication with nature during walks, etc. . Environmental education for preschool employees, like environmental education in general, should cover all four components of content in a balanced ratio.

Thus, modern training of employees of preschool institutions may include the following areas: scientific and professional training (knowledge of the basics of ecology, natural science), professional and methodological (mastering modern methods of environmental education and the ability to implement an integrated approach in practice), mastering methods of working with parents and the fundamentals environmental safety, the ability to independently assess the environmental situation and its connection with public health, the ability to organize a developing subject environment for the purpose of environmental education, the ability to analyze one’s own behavior in relation to the environment and work with preschoolers from the perspective of a new paradigm (changing value guidelines), education The teacher has a sense of responsibility for their actions and the state of the environment, up to limiting their needs, and a desire to participate in feasible actions to protect it.

Model of a teacher in the light of the professional standard of a teacher

Model of a teacher in the light of the “Professional Standard of a Teacher”

prepared by: Simakova E.O.

The professional standard of a teacher is a document that defines the main

requirements for his qualifications. The professional standard of a teacher reflects the structure of his professional activity: teaching, raising and developing a child and helps the teacher in solving new problems facing him.

The professional standard of a teacher, which has replaced morally outdated documents, is intended, first of all, to liberate the teacher and give a new impetus to his development.

Expanding the boundaries of a teacher’s freedom, the professional standard simultaneously increases his responsibility for the results of his work, placing demands on his qualifications and offering criteria for its evaluation.

The professional standard defines all types of pedagogical activities of a kindergarten teacher and reveals the necessary pedagogical competencies, contributes to building the pedagogical activities of the teacher in the light of the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and in the logic of the specifics of preschool education.

Model of the “Progymnasium” teacher, according to the “Professional Standard of a Teacher”:

-The teacher is obliged to organize the educational process

, for example, create conditions for the implementation of the educational process: organize a subject-development environment, build partnerships with parents; organize effective interaction with colleagues.

-The need for higher professional education, because a person who does not have a higher professional education is not able to independently plan the educational process

, For example, develop a work program. To do this, he needs more frequent refresher courses).

- Along with increasing requirements for the educational level of the educator, the requirements for the level of responsibility of the teacher in occupational safety are increasing.

-Know the specifics of preschool education and the features of organizing educational work with children of early and preschool age, the general patterns of child development.

-Be able to plan, implement and analyze educational work in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

-Be able to plan and adjust educational tasks (together with a psychologist and other specialists) based on monitoring results, taking into account the individual developmental characteristics of each child.

-Implement the pedagogical recommendations of specialists (psychologist, speech therapist, etc.) in working with children who have difficulty mastering the program.

-Participate in creating a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment, ensuring the safety of children’s lives, preserving and strengthening their health, supporting the child’s emotional well-being during their stay in an educational organization.

-Have mastery of methods and means of psychological and pedagogical education of parents (legal representatives) of children, be able to build partnerships with them to solve educational problems.

-Have ICT competencies necessary and sufficient for planning, implementing and evaluating educational work with children of early and preschool age.

The specifics of professional activity impose certain requirements on a preschool teacher. And in order to fulfill his professional duties, he must have, in addition to prof. competencies and also certain personality qualities - and this is IMPORTANT! Here are some of them:

Professional orientation - interest in the teaching profession and love for children, pedagogical vocation. It is these factors that encourage the desire to master pedagogical knowledge and constantly improve their professional level.

Empathy is the ability to empathize and sympathize, to respond emotionally to a child’s experiences. A preschool teacher, knowing the age characteristics of preschoolers, must carefully notice the slightest changes in the child’s behavior, show sensitivity, caring, kindness, and tact in relationships.

Pedagogical tact - tact is a sense of proportion, which is manifested in the ability to observe the rules of decency and behave properly. When the teacher’s actions find the optimal combination of affection and firmness, kindness and exactingness, trust and control, humor and severity, flexibility of behavior and educational actions, we can talk about the teacher’s tact.

Pedagogical optimism is the teacher’s faith in the strengths and capabilities of each child, assistance in unlocking the child’s potential.

The culture of professional communication is the ability to build correct relationships with children, parents, colleagues, that is, with all participants in the pedagogical process.

Firstly, have a high cultural level and impeccable behavior. Children are good “imitators”; it is the teacher’s behavior that they imitate in the first place.

Secondly, try to establish partnerships with parents, be able to prevent and resolve conflict situations.

Thirdly, treat colleagues with respect and attention, exchange experiences, and accept criticism.

Pedagogical reflection - reflection implies the ability to analyze the steps taken, evaluate the results obtained and compare them with the planned goal. Based on the findings, the preschool teacher adjusts subsequent activities in order to obtain better results.

Among the necessary personality traits of a teacher, one can also highlight: conscientiousness, self-demandingness, initiative, patience and endurance.

Thus, it can be noted that a modern teacher today needs special professional training. A preschool teacher must be proficient in the latest technologies in the field of teaching and raising children, as well as have broad erudition, pedagogical intuition, highly developed intelligence and a high level of moral culture.

Education and upbringing are a big and slow thing, so changes in it do not happen quickly, but there are always reasons and opportunities for these changes.

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for your attention!

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