Project activity in the first junior group on the topic: “Visiting a fairy tale”

Project “Continuity. Nursery - garden"

Project “Continuity.
Nursery – garden” Germogenova E.V., deputy. dir. in Educational Management Gymnasium No. 56, St. Petersburg, teacher - psychologist; Grigorieva I.P., head of GBDOU No. 92 of the Petrograd district, St. Petersburg The entire further path to knowledge depends on how the child feels when climbing the first step of the ladder of knowledge, V. A. Sukhomlinsky .
One of the primary tasks of a manager is to organize the process of adaptation to new conditions for all participants in the process. Each new period in a person’s life is accompanied by new difficulties and experiences. Children experience such difficulties especially acutely. For a child who is used to playing at home, the situation of entering a kindergarten, in our case a nursery or junior group of a kindergarten, is not an easy one. The situation of entering kindergarten is not easy for parents either. That is why the main work on the successful adaptation of a child to new conditions is carried out with parents. Some people come to kindergarten without any problems, while for others the problem of adaptation remains relevant. To most effectively solve these problems, specialists from the Preschool Department of Gymnasium No. 56 and specialists from GBDOU No. 92 developed the project “Continuity. Nursery - garden"

Objective of the project

: preventing and overcoming difficulties in entering kindergarten and during the transition from nursery and junior groups to secondary education in another preschool educational institution, maintaining the health and emotional well-being of pupils.
Project objectives:
1. Provide students with emotional comfort in new conditions.
2. Help educators find the right ways and means of working with students adapting to new conditions. 3. Develop ways to correct problems of maladjustment. 4. Inform parents about the problems of adaptation of children and the characteristics of a particular age period. Provide psychological assistance and support. 5. Increase the level of professional competence of educators and the pedagogical competence of parents. Continuity
a connection between phenomena in the process of development, when the new, replacing the old, retains some of its elements
. (Big Encyclopedic Dictionary, St. Petersburg, 1999)

The implementation of continuity helps to develop unified approaches to training and education and ensures the preservation of existing traditions. Failure to comply with the rule of continuity in the general system of didactic principles of education and upbringing often becomes the cause of maladaptation

, and, consequently,
deterioration in the health of the pupil and teacher.
The project involves the interaction of employees of preschool educational institutions (directors, methodologists, educators, psychologists). The project is based on the basic principles of humanistic psychology and pedagogy and is focused on close interaction between all participants in the educational process. The project contains a system of informing all participants in the educational process in the form of booklets

: ·For educators ·For parents.

Who carries out the succession? Continuity in the education, upbringing, and development of the child is carried out by: · kindergarten teachers; · specialists; · parents.

There is no point in talking about the psychological characteristics of early and early preschool age, since we have colleagues who are not only theoretically, but also practically familiar with them. Teachers who work in nurseries face a crisis period of three years. How to deal with it? How to help parents? And here interaction with colleagues comes to the rescue, and it does not matter at all what preschool institution these colleagues are from. Children attending nurseries come to kindergarten already more adapted than their peers who come to kindergarten for the first time.

We conducted a study to study what educators want to see as their future pupils who came from nursery and junior kindergarten groups.
Initially, we thought that teachers would talk about the development of attention, memory, and thinking (visual-figurative). But it turned out that teachers are most concerned about the level of speech development, self-care skills and socialization. Some pupils of GBDOU No. 92 end up in the Preschool Department of Gymnasium No. 56, and we observe a fairly high level of development of the pupils. The main thing is that the children we observe are emotionally well and ready to explore the world further with interest and desire. That is why we developed this project, a project of interaction, a project of friendship between two institutions. An important aspect is working with parents!
In GBDOU No. 92 this layer has been mastered, and parents are prepared when moving to a new level. The system of individual counseling before entering kindergarten, the work of the “Parents Club”, and information booklets help improve the pedagogical competence of parents. The competence of a parent is a complex individual psychological formation that arises on the basis of the integration of experience, theoretical knowledge, practical skills and significant personal qualities, which determines his readiness to implement the educational function (Kostyleva N.E.). The competence of a parent expresses “the unity of his theoretical and practical readiness to carry out parental activities.” As an integrative personality education, it is based on a number of competencies, manifested in knowledge and experience in a particular field. The set of competencies that ensure readiness to implement the educational function forms the basis of parental competence. To be a competent parent means to be able to mobilize existing educational competencies in the specific situation of raising your own child. Parental competence is based on key and related competencies (E.V. Bondarevskaya). Key competencies include those that have universal significance and can be used in various types of activities when solving many educational problems. Related – those that are additional, allowing in-depth solution of individual tasks of personal development, reflecting the individual interests and passions of parents, the individual capabilities of children.

The formation of parental competence is a complex and dynamic process, carried out both in the course of family self-education and with the direct assistance of teachers of educational institutions. That is why these project blocks were developed. Working with parents.

·First conversation.
·Information booklets. ·Parents' club "Support" on the basis of the Preschool Department of Gymnasium No. 56. ·Advisory support. ·Questionnaire “Adaptation”. This project reflects work with teachers and students. Work with teachers
· Consultations with specialists.
· Seminars “Adaptation”, “Difficult Child”, “Working with Parents”, “Transformation of the Game” (based on the Preschool Department of Gymnasium No. 56). ·Round tables and consultations. ·Information booklets. Work with students
·Individual and group joint activities according to FGT programs. ·Maintaining a “Pupil Diary”, hereinafter referred to as “Individual Support Card”. ·Monitoring the emotional well-being of pupils.

Project for the nursery group “Hello, fairy tale!”

Project for a nursery group

"Hello, fairy tale!"

A fairy tale is a beautiful creation of art.

A child enters the world of fairy tales at a very early age, as soon as he begins to speak. There is a fairy tale in every home and is very popular among children. Children gain a lot of knowledge from fairy tales. Thanks to fairy tales, children develop the ability to empathize, have compassion and be happy for another; this is the only way to know the pain, joy, happiness and suffering of another person. And it is fairy tales that instill humanity in a child - a wonderful ability to sympathize with the misfortunes of others. The most amazing events, extraordinary transformations are common in fairy tales. Young children's perception of the world around them is varied. Children treat inanimate objects the same as animate ones, and vice versa, treat animate objects as if they were inanimate. In this special world, a child easily and simply masters the connections between phenomena and acquires a large stock of knowledge. A fairy tale for a child is a small life full of bright colors, miracles and adventures. Often a fairy tale contains songs and jokes, and children remember them first.

Today, fairy tales play a vital role in the development of a child’s imagination and instill a love for books in children. In our garden, many activities begin with entering a group of fairy-tale characters. Children play with them with pleasure, receiving a positive emotional mood, they learn the program better. Project “Hello, fairy tale!” We chose it because this topic is closest to our kids. Since many children do not have sufficient vocabulary and speak poorly, in the project we tried, with the help of fairy-tale characters, to activate speech and expand children’s knowledge about the world around them. The project is a daily change of fairy tale during the week. During the week we visited such fairy tales as: “Ryaba the Hen”, “Turnip”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Kolobok”.

Objective of the project:

To create conditions for the development of cognitive abilities and speech development of children in the process of implementing the project “Hello, Fairy Tale!”


1. Create the necessary conditions for introducing children to Russian folk tales. 2. Contribute to the creation of an emotionally positive climate in the group.3. Invite children to participate as much as possible in games and entertainment, imitating adults. 4. Strengthen children's interest in Russian folk tales. 5. Encourage children to make verbal statements.

.Project passport

Project type:

creative - playful.


2 weeks

Children's age:

2-3 years


pupils of the early age group, parents, teachers of children of the “Krepysh” group.



Preparatory stage:

— Selection of methodological literature. — Preparation of materials for joint activities with children (colored paper, cardboard, glue, pencils, plasticine.) — Specially selected fairy tales for children of primary preschool age — Selection of audio recordings, illustrations for fairy tales. Expected result:

— Expansion and enrichment of children’s knowledge about the heroes of fairy tales — Development of children’s speech, enriching it with new words and expressions — Development of children’s creative abilities. — Activating the position of parents as participants in the pedagogical process of kindergarten.

Project activity product:

— Joint activity of the teacher and children: modeling “Plates for a Bear”, “Golden Eggs”, drawing “Path for a Kolobok”, applique “Turnip”

Project implementation

Formation of a holistic picture of the world

Looking at pictures from the series “Wild Animals”

Purpose: to practice recognizing and naming forest animals.

Watching the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"

Goal: to evoke a joyful mood, develop speech and vocabulary.

Conversation about the life of forest animals.

Goal: to tell about the habits of a fox and a hare (the fox is a predator - it hunts the bunny, he hides from her.)

Game-activity: Fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”

Goals: to encourage children to listen to the fairy tale in a dramatized version and in a regular retelling, to make them want to listen to it again. To develop the ability to generalize by exercising children in selecting corresponding nouns to verbs.


Reading the poem by V. Berestov “Bear, bear, couch potato” Purpose: to introduce children to the poem by reading the text to them and looking at illustrations to the text, to attract children to repeat individual words and phrases from the text of the work; develop attention and memory; cultivate interest in fiction

Reading the fairy tale “Kolobok” with a tabletop theater show.

Goal: To develop the ability to understand simple plots of small fairy tales, to encourage repetition of the kolobok song.

Repetition of the nursery rhyme “Cockerel-cockerel”

Purpose: to practice pronouncing a familiar nursery rhyme.

Puppet theater show based on the fairy tale “Three Bears”

Goal: To teach children to listen to and understand a fairy tale with accessible content, to create a joyful mood in children when showing a theatrical fairy tale.

Demonstration of a table theater based on the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Goal: repeat a familiar fairy tale, encourage children to take an active part in the demonstration, repeating phrases after the teacher. Expand children’s orientation in their immediate environment, replenish their stock of understandable words and active vocabulary, and develop the need for verbal communication.

Didactic games

“Wonderful bag” “Vegetables”

Goal: To develop the ability to examine and compare vegetables, name them and determine their color.

“What grows in the garden?”

Goal: To expand children’s understanding of vegetables, their appearance and use, to develop speech by naming the vegetables shown in the picture.

“Early, early in the morning the cockerel cuckoo!”

Goals: Clarify with children the temporary concept of “morning”, develop imaginative thinking

Productive creative activity with a teacher

Modeling “Plates for bears”

Goal: to teach students to roll a ball of plasticine in a circular motion, and then press it with the palm of their hand and press from above to obtain a flattened shape.

Drawing with colored pencils “Path for Kolobok”

Goal: To teach children to hold a pencil correctly, to draw straight and winding lines

Application "Turnip"

Goal: to repeat with children the knowledge of yellow and green colors, learn to apply glue to prepared parts with a brush, glue them to a sheet of paper, connecting the parts according to the pattern.

Modeling on the theme: “The golden egg of the pockmarked hen.”

Goal: Continue to learn how to pinch off a small piece from a piece of plasticine and roll it into the shape of an egg in a circular motion.

Physical Culture

Outdoor games:

“By the Bear in the Forest”, “Bunnies”

Goal: to train children in imitation of the teacher while he performs movements according to the text.


Goal: to evoke a positive emotional mood in children, develop the ability to listen carefully to an adult, and act on a signal.
"Dog Bug."
Goal: Develop the ability to listen carefully to an adult and act on a signal.

“One, two, three - catch up with the bun!”

Goal: to develop the eye, the ability to navigate in space.

"The little gray bunny is sitting."

Goal: to develop motor activity, attention
“Catch the bunny.”
Goal: practice running after the teacher without bumping into each other.

“Where did the chicken hide the egg?”

Purpose: to practice orientation in the game room, to bring joy from group play.

“The chicken went out for a walk”

Purpose: to teach to perform actions on a signal, to navigate in space

Finger gymnastics “Once upon a time there were bunnies”, “A bunny is building a house”

Goals: To develop fine motor skills, auditory perception, to cultivate a sense of joy from communication in a joint game, to practice performing movements according to the text while pronouncing familiar words.


Listening to the song “Kolobok” in audio recording.

Goal: to evoke a joyful mood, teach to understand the content of the song, and practice singing along with the teacher.

Parental Involvement

Exhibition of works by parents on the topic: “Cover of a favorite fairy tale” Goal: to attract parents to active joint activities to achieve positive results in the implementation of the project.

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