Social and personal development of children in a preschool setting

The essence of social and personal development of a preschooler

Definition 1
Social and personal development is the formation of a child’s correct attitude towards himself and the environment, as well as his social motives and needs.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education, social and personal development is included in the educational area “Social and communicative development” and is aimed at:

  • children’s assimilation of values ​​and norms accepted in modern society;
  • formation and development of communication skills through active interaction of the child with peers and adults;
  • formation of skills of independence, self-education, self-regulation and direction of one’s actions;
  • development of emotional and social intelligence, empathy and emotional responsiveness (empathy);
  • formation of readiness to carry out joint activities with peers;
  • formation of respect for the surrounding people, the Motherland, history and traditions of the people;
  • developing pride and a sense of belonging to one’s family, nationality and community;
  • formation of a positive attitude towards various types of labor and creative activities;
  • formation of the foundations for safe behavior in everyday life, society and nature.

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Within the preschool educational institution, the social and personal development of preschool children is carried out in the following forms:

  • educational activities;
  • joint activities of the teacher and children;
  • joint activities of pupils;
  • individual types of work of a teacher with children.

Currently, modern kindergartens pay great attention to solving the problem of social and personal development of preschool children. This is due to the fact that it is aimed at shaping the child’s attitude towards the world around him and himself, contributes to the development of social needs and motives, and the formation of self-knowledge. Social and personal development requires a considerable amount of labor from the teacher and the manifestation of pedagogical professionalism, which contributes to obtaining a visible result.

What factors influence the development of a child’s personality?

Many factors influence the formation of a child's personality. From a number of theories put forward by various psychologists, the main idea should be highlighted: personality development occurs on the basis of natural data, self-awareness and life experience. Formation begins at an early age.

Internal factors influencing: temperament, inherent at the genetic level. External factors: upbringing, social level, environment, and even the current era.

Many experts believe that genes have a significant influence on personality, containing information about the ancestors of the mother and father. A newborn person continues two genera at once. This does not mean that he will receive their character traits or talents. Nature will provide him with a basis for development, and all he has to do is use it.

The significance of the biological factor is high. This explains how people who grow up under the same conditions become unique and exhibit opposite qualities. Biological factors are the basis for the formation of a child’s personality. Socialization plays an equally significant role. Development occurs in stages. The perception of the world is influenced by the upbringing received by a person and the example of his parents.

Tasks of social and personal development of preschool children

The main tasks of social and personal development of preschool children:

  1. Formation in children of a complete picture of the social world, themselves and their place in society.
  2. Nurturing an active life position and adequate social feelings.
  3. Forming an idea about the people around you, yourself, nature, man-made works, etc.

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The process of social and personal development continues in a person throughout his life. However, its foundation is laid in preschool childhood. It is during this age period that the first components of social behavior are formed in the child, and emotional, personal and behavioral lines appear. Children are always active and strive to perform various types of activities; the task of the educator (parent) is not to slow them down in this endeavor, but, on the contrary, to motivate them for constant development and improvement, not to let the desire to develop and learn fade away. A large role in this direction is played by various types of games that the child plays not only with peers, but also with adults and even with himself.

It is a mistaken opinion that a child should constantly be doing something useful, and not just playing. However, it is the game that is the leading activity of the child. In play, a child learns about the world, develops, and develops the necessary skills and abilities. During games, children's development moves at a rapid pace: mental, social, emotional. Every teacher, organizing the social and personal development of preschool children, must make maximum use of the opportunities of play for the social development of children.

What is personality formation

Personality formation is a complex process that is not interrupted at any stage of human life. Simply put, it is infinite. The very concept of “personality” is very multifaceted, and there are two popular professional views on this phenomenon. One of them says that the formation of a child’s personality depends on natural innate data. The second opinion indicates that personality is a social phenomenon, and only society influences its formation.

In fact, the entire period of a person’s life, from birth to adulthood, is a process of personal growth or degradation. It is believed that development occurs in activities that are significant to the individual. The driving force can be called internal contradictions between the needs of a growing child and the real possibility of their implementation. The child’s activities are almost always determined by the parents and, to one degree or another, directed by them. Conclusion: the process of upbringing is the leading factor in the formation of a child’s personality.

What mistakes do parents make when raising individuals?

When shaping a child’s personality, it is important for parents to avoid such common mistakes.

Categorical prohibition

The main mistake of education. Be patient with your baby and respect him. Without learning to understand it, parents make inevitable mistakes that lead to mental and physical problems. By ignoring the desires and interests of the child, responding to most of them with categorical prohibitions, you can even skip the initial stage of some disease. Example: you notice that the child has started eating lime. The first reaction of most parents: dissatisfaction, screaming, a ban on approaching the wall. Correct reaction: visit the doctor. The doctor will probably tell you that there is a lack of calcium salts in the baby’s body. In addition, such an attitude will create in the child a desire to perform certain actions on the sly. Many become secretive and distrustful.


When shaping a child’s personality, overprotection is not the best helper. Excessive care can have a negative effect on the baby. When he reaches a certain age and tries to show independence, this is often met with hostility. Example: a child wants to use a spoon himself, but the mother, fearing that he will get dirty or not be able to cope, continues to feed him herself.

Overprotection manifests itself in violent action, which can result in the emergence of neurosis. In other cases, guardianship unless absolutely necessary can result in the child never being able to make friends, because the mother and grandmother are always nearby. The individual may have difficulties with socialization; he does not acquire the ability to express and defend his opinion. Possible consequences: psychological problems that can only be eliminated with the assistance of specialists.

Excessive demands

For the full development of a child’s personality, it is necessary that he not only knows, but also understands what is allowed and what is prohibited. If you show excessive demands on him, without giving clear explanations of the reasons why you need to do as you say, then this will not lead to good. What traits will the personality acquire? Irritability, stubbornness. The best option: parents explain in detail the reasons for their demands, and over time they become the child’s personal beliefs.


The first factor provoking children's protest is lengthy lectures. Parents often believe that their child will learn information better by listening to long and repetitive lectures. There is no need for them. This approach has no constructive component. Particularly taboo is other children being held up as examples. Gradually, the child will begin to perceive them as personal enemies. Boring notations often cause a negative reaction, losing their educational value.

Immense pampering of a child

Parents who spoil their children too much create a big problem. This phenomenon is no less negative than lack of influence. Spoiled children, who do not know anything to be denied, who have no responsibilities, eventually face the impossibility of overcoming even minor life obstacles and problems. When a situation arises when their desires and reality do not coincide, they lead to overstrain of the nervous system, which can result in a breakdown.

Prerequisites for changing the social situation

One of the main factors that influences the change in the social situation in preschool age is the crisis of the age of three. The child begins to clearly manifest such personal traits as independence and activity. The child seems to separate from the adult, demonstrating to him that he is already an independent person, whose interests must be respected and taken into account. He strives to be involved as much as possible in the lives of adults, but at the same time he does not yet have the proper level of knowledge and skills necessary for this.

Thus, the child experiences a contradiction between his needs and the norms that are increasingly becoming part of his life (from the simplest parental prohibitions to socially significant norms and rules).

Social development of preschool children
Solving these problems requires a change in the social situation, which occurs at this time.

What conditions will ensure successful personality formation?

Important conditions for the formation of a child’s personality.

Example of parents

It is important for a child to see that mom and dad do not follow a certain script, but really live a happy and fulfilling life. It is impossible to make another person happy if you yourself are unhappy. Many psychologists note that people who do not experience inner harmony often complain about problems in relationships with children. Only happy parents will be able to truly understand their child by building a trusting relationship with him. This contributes to the successful formation of personality. When trying to help your child with this, start with yourself. Reflect: do you know how to accept your feelings, do you allow yourself to truly be happy and sad. Or maybe you are restraining yourself and teaching your child excessive restraint, thereby suppressing his personality.

Communication with others

Show by example how to communicate with other people. Give yourself a little test by honestly answering the question: “Are you able to have an unbiased conversation with a person with whom you disagree in some aspects?” Is there a possibility that you are trying to impose an opinion on another person or are you submitting to someone else’s will? The child will probably adopt this feature from you.

Don’t impose your opinion and position – just share your values. Have you heard the definition of “heartfelt conversation”? Such dialogues arise when a person is ready to understand the interlocutor and share his opinion. In relationships, a person develops, allow yourself to learn new things and teach this to your child.

Care and attention

A person who has felt care and attention at the dawn of development will certainly feel confident and protected. Mother and father become important life references, exerting serious influence. It is great if a mother can demonstrate such qualities as forgiveness, acceptance, love. The child needs to feel affection and warmth. In a father, strictness and gentleness are important, acting undividedly.

Parents are the most important stage in the formation of personality. Everyone knows the words that raising children should begin with their own upbringing. Start with yourself if you want to help your child’s personality acquire important facets.

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