Card index of autumn walks in September for the second junior group

Progress of observation:

Invite the children to see if there is sun or clouds in the sky. Ask what the clouds did (cover the sun, note what the sky is (gloomy), what the weather is (gloomy)


The winds are blowing, the winds are violent, the clouds are moving, the clouds are dark.

Draw the children's attention to the tops of the trees (they are swaying, the wind is blowing, the trees are swaying. The trees have colorful foliage. If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow, If the birds have flown to a distant land, If the sky is gloomy, if it is raining, This time is called autumn .

Labor activity: watering sand for play.


Teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the area, encourage

provide assistance to adults;

to consolidate the knowledge that dry sand crumbles, and if you water it, it becomes wet and you can make pies for dolls from it.

Outdoor games

"Sparrows and the car"


Goal: to teach children to run quickly when given a signal, but not to bump into each other, to start moving and change it according to a signal from the teacher, to find their place.

"Take care of the object"


Goal: to teach how to act and navigate according to a signal, in space, to develop dexterity.

Individual work: Development of movements.

Take-out materials: watering cans, cubes and molds for each child to play with sand, dolls, cars. Walk No. 2 “Falling Leaves”

Goal: show children the variety of colors of golden autumn ; reveal a new concept of “leaf fall”



Classics can be drawn in different ways: traditional, in the form of a table, or in the form of separate circles located close to one another. Enter numbers in each of them. Let the baby jump from one circle to another in ascending or descending order of numbers.

You can set the simplest examples - 1+1, 1+2, the answer to which should be a jump into the corresponding circle.

You can also draw some kind of winter classics on the snow: leave your footprints, and let the child walk along them step by step.

Walking progress:

On a warm, clear autumn day, the teacher , taking the children for a walk , turns to them: “Look, children, autumn . Leaves covered the entire ground, and there were many flowers in the flowerbed. Yellow trees, yellow leaves - everything is yellow. That's why autumn is called yellow , golden. Come on, let's quietly wander through the leaves (the leaves rustle underfoot)

. Do you hear how they rustle? You see, then one leaf flies to the ground, then the other spins and spins and slowly falls to the ground. The wind blew and the leaves rustled to the ground. This is leaf fall.

Leaf fall, leaf fall,

Yellow leaves are flying.

The leaves are light, so they fall to the ground slowly. They fly and spin in the air."

The teacher puts a dry leaf on the table and invites any child: “Blow!”

A leaf flies from the table, everyone agrees: it’s a light leaf. Everyone can independently select the sheet they like and blow.

The teacher asks each child to select one of the most beautiful leaves they like. With each child, the color of the leaf is refined. The teacher shows it to everyone and admires: “What a good autumn , you tried, you got such a beautiful leaf!” And you found it, well done!” Then he begins to collect leaves: “One leaf, another leaf and another. It turned out to be a lot of leaves - a whole bouquet! Look at our bouquet - lush and elegant! Who will repeat what bouquet we have?” The teacher clarifies: “ Autumn tried , worked, painted everything yellow. Golden autumn !” Addresses the children: “Who will we give this lush bouquet to?”

Everyone decides together that it should be given to a help nanny.
teacher - she didn’t go for a walk .
The teacher suggests: “Look around and tell me what color is
autumn ?” (Children's answer: yellow.) “Golden
autumn !” — the teacher specifies. You can sing the chorus of the song to the children:

Yellow leaves are circling over the city,

With a quiet rustling they lie at our feet,

And you can’t hide from autumn , you can’t hide,

The leaves are yellow, tell me what you are dreaming about?

beautiful autumn leaves will dream about ?” - the teacher addresses the children, inviting everyone to think and speak out; he comes to the rescue: “Probably the leaves will dream of how they slowly flew to the ground, how easily they circled, and the sun smiled, and the children rejoiced at them.”

a group with rainwater .

Goal: to cultivate a desire to participate in the care of indoor plants.

Outdoor games

"Leaf Fall"

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about the color and size
of autumn leaves ;
teach children to move around the playground, following directions given in a playful way; to specify the concept - leaf fall. Outdoor materials: for games in the hall: cubes, benches, water containers.

Walk No. 3

"Observation of the autumn forest "

Goals: expand the understanding of the forest;

teach to admire the beauty of our native nature.

Progress of observation

Hello, forest, dense forest, full of fairy tales and miracles! What are you making noise about in the leaves on a dark, stormy night? What do you whisper to us at dawn, covered in dew, like silver? Who is hiding in your wilderness? What kind of animal? What bird? Open everything, don’t hide it: you see, we are our own.

On the way to the forest, stop the children in a place where the forest is visible from a distance and is clearly visible. Admire the colorful forest and draw children’s attention to the beauty of the landscape. Find out what color is characteristic of autumn trees .

Labor activity: cleaning the forest area where children will play.

Goal: to teach children to maintain cleanliness and order in the forest.

Outdoor games

1."Birds in Nests"



learn to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other;

to teach them to act quickly on the teacher’s signal, to help each other.

2."Find your house"


Goal: to teach how to quickly act on a signal, to teach how to navigate in space.

Removable materials: baskets for cones, buckets for collecting garbage. Walk No. 4

"Watching birds while feeding"

Goals: to instill a desire to take care of birds;

develop knowledge about the habits of birds;

cultivate a love for nature.

Progress of observation

During a walk, take the children to a flower bed where daisies and marigolds grow. Introduce children to plants and talk about them.

Marigolds (tagetes)

They come in short and tall varieties, in different golden-orange shades.
The flowers are small and large, the leaves are dissected, variegated, with a pungent odor. They grow quickly and bloom until frost. Chamomile is a tall, graceful plant with small white flowers. It blooms for a very long time, until late autumn .
Grows well in sunny areas. Labor activity: digging up marigolds and transplanting them into boxes for further observations in a corner of nature.

Goal: to cultivate a desire to participate in plant care.

Outdoor games

"Bird in the Nest"


Goals: to learn to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other;

to teach them to act quickly on the teacher’s signal, to help each other.

"Find Your Place"


Goal: to teach how to quickly act on a signal and navigate in space.

Removable materials: scoops, small toys, sports hoops, molds, spatulas, flower boxes.

Walk No. 6 “Cloud Watching”

Objectives: to introduce various natural phenomena; show the diversity of water conditions in the environment;

develop a creative attitude to work.

Drawings on water and snow

Maybe your child will like to draw with water? Take a bucket, a paint brush and a bottle of water for your walk. It's such a pleasure to paint different patterns on the asphalt and then watch them disappear under the sun's rays.

In winter you can draw in the snow. To do this, take several empty plastic bottles, make holes in the cap and pour colored water into them (for example, red, blue and yellow). The result will be an amazing picture - the colors, mixing on the snow, will change colors. It is more convenient to draw not on loose snow, but where hard crust has formed. And then you can make colorful snowmen out of multi-colored snow!

Progress of observation

Walk to the roadway and watch the traffic. Explain that the kindergarten is located next to the road. This is a highway.

The avenue is wide like a river, a stream of cars flows here.

Ask what kind of cars drive on the highway? Let the children name familiar cars. Pay attention to the fact that many cars and trucks are moving along the highway, and no one is interfering with each other. This is because drivers follow traffic rules.

Labor activity: raking dry leaves to a certain place. Purpose: to teach how to use a rake correctly, to fill buckets “to a certain measure.

Outdoor games

"Sparrows and the car"


Goal: to consolidate knowledge about traffic rules.

"Dashes - catching up"


Goal: to learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.

Remote materials: steering wheels, emblem masks, scoops, molds, toys, chalk, cars.

Walk No. 8 “Bird watching”

Goals: to continue observing birds on the site;

learn to distinguish the main parts of the body;

develop and cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Card file of walks in the second junior group

Lyudmila Mamaeva

Card file of walks in the second junior group

Card index of walks . Autumn.


Walk 1

Watching a butterfly helps children develop a caring attitude towards insects and develop the ability to see the beauty of the world around them.

Game exercise “Come to me”

- train children to run in a straight direction without stopping.

Didactic task “Big and small pebbles”

— teach children to distinguish objects by size.

Labor assignment “Let’s collect the toys at the end of the walk

- learn how to carry out simple tasks.

Individual work. Jumping forward.

Walk 2

Bird watching enriches children's understanding of the world around them.

Outdoor game "Bubble"

— to strengthen in children the ability to stand in a circle, gradually expand and narrow it.

Didactic game “Recognize by sound”

- develop auditory attention.

Labor assignment “Let’s collect sand in the sandbox”

- learn how to carry out simple tasks.

Individual work. Game exercise “Walk along the path”

- exercise children in walking in a limited area.

Walk 3

Watching a dog - involve children in observing pets, forming ideas about pets.

Outdoor game “Sun and Rain”

- learn to act on a signal.

Didactic game “Sort by color”

— learn to distinguish primary colors,
group objects (sandbox molds)
by color.

Work. Let's collect twigs on the site - involve them in carrying out simple tasks.

Individual work. Jumping on two legs.

Walk 4

Observing flowers in a flowerbed - to develop the ability to see the beautiful things around, to admire the beauty of flowers, to teach how to treat plants with care.

Outdoor game "Cat and Mice"

- learn to walk in a circle, holding hands, run in different directions with the end of the poetic text.

Didactic game “Pick a ribbon for the dolls”

— learn to distinguish ribbons by length: long and short.

Work. We are building a road of sand - teaching us to work side by side with each other.

Individual work. Throwing at a target.

Walk 5

Observing a car that brings food to a kindergarten - involve in observing transport, learning to name the parts of the car: cabin, wheels, steering wheel, etc.

Outdoor game "Train"

- practice walking one after another, teach how to start and end the movement at the teacher’s signal.

Didactic game “Big - small”

— teach how to choose a home for a bear and a mouse.
(Draw houses in advance with a stick on the ground or with crayons on the asphalt.)
Labor. “Let’s sweep away the sand from the sides of the sandbox”

– cultivate a desire to work together with the teacher.

Individual work. Practice walking in a straight line.

Walk 1

Observing the grass on the site. Conversation on the questions: “What color is the grass? What does it feel like? Who eats weed? Can kids eat weed? - develop thinking, speech, teach to distinguish colors, explain that you can’t put inedible objects in your mouth.

Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest”

- teach children to run in all directions.

Didactic game “Guess what to do”

— teach children to correlate the nature of their actions with the sound of the tambourine. Developing children's ability to switch auditory attention.

Work. “We will help the janitor in cleaning the area”

- instill in children a desire to help adults.

Individual work. Throwing a ball at a distance.

Walk 2

Watching a cat is to expand your understanding of a pet – a cat. Cultivate a desire to care for animals.

Conversation on the topic: “Which animal lives at home with a person?”

- develop speech, consolidate knowledge about domestic animals.

Outdoor game “Dashing - catching up”

- learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.

Didactic game “Sun or Rain?”

— teach children to perform actions according to the different sounds of the tambourine, develop in children the ability to switch auditory attention.

Work. Game exercise “Collect leaves”

- learn how to carry out work assignments.

Individual work. Exercise children in distinguishing objects with contrasting colors

sizes (big house and small house, big ball and small ball, etc.)

Walk 3

Observing transport - explain to children that cars drive on the roadway, the driver drives the car, and while driving in the car there is no need to distract the driver with conversations.

Outdoor game "Cars"

— teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other.

Didactic game “Guess by sound”

- continue to isolate and recognize the sounds of individual musical instruments.

Work. Cleaning the kindergarten area - instilling a desire to help adults.

Individual work. Game exercise “Step over the stick”

- develop the ability to step over objects and not lose balance.

Walk 4

Watching the leaves fall - show children the variety of colors of golden autumn; reveal a new concept of “leaf fall”


Outdoor game “Who is quieter?”

— train children to walk on their toes in the indicated direction.

Didactic game “Collect red and yellow leaves”

- learn to distinguish between yellow and red colors.

Work. Collect toys at the end of the walk - accustom to work .

Individual work. Game exercise “Fetch the ball”

- develop the ability to maintain a certain direction while walking.

Walk 5

Bird watching. Cultivate a kind attitude towards birds.

Outdoor game “Shaggy Dog”

— teach children to listen to the text and quickly respond to the signal.

Didactic game “Where did they call?”

— teach children to determine the direction of sound.

Work. Collecting leaves in a pile - to cultivate a desire to help adults.

Individual work. Game exercise “Catch the ball”



Walk 1

Observation of a tree. Introduce children to the signs of autumn (trees shed their leaves, develop a caring attitude towards nature (tree branches should not be broken)


Outdoor game “Catch me”

— learn to run in a certain direction without bumping into each other.

Didactic game “Tall and low trees”

- learn to distinguish trees by height.

Work. Let's collect pebbles on the site - teach them to carry out the simplest instructions.

Individual work. Remember the nursery rhyme “Our ducks in the morning”

. Practice climbing a gymnastic wall.

Walk 2

Observing the weather of the day - forming ideas about autumn changes in nature.

Outdoor game "Bubble"

- develop the desire to play outdoor games with the teacher.

Didactic game “One - many”

- learn to distinguish the number of objects.

Work. We collect leaves in a bucket - to cultivate the desire to work together with adults.

Individual work. Finger gymnastics “Finger-boy, where have you been?”

Walk 3

Observing the wind - pay attention to the branches of the trees, to the leaves, how they are quietly swayed by the wind. Invite children to pretend to be a breeze - breathing exercise “Breeze”


Outdoor game "Cat and mouse"

- develop motor activity, learn to act on a signal, run without bumping into each other.

Didactic game “Guess by description”

- learn to guess from the description which of the children the teacher guessed.

Work. Sweep in the gazebo - teach how to carry out simple tasks.

Individual work. Exercise children in catching a ball.

Walk 4

Observing the work of adults - to cultivate interest in the work of adults.

Outdoor game "Who is quieter"

- exercise children in walking on their toes.

Didactic game “One-many”

- learn to distinguish the number of objects.

Work. Providing all possible assistance in clearing the area of ​​leaves - fostering a desire to help.

Individual work. Throwing a ball long distance with the right and left hand.

Walk 5

Observation of the roadway - to give an idea of ​​the rules of the road.

Outdoor game “Where is it ringing?”

- learn to navigate in space.

Didactic game “Curious doll”

- teach children to answer the questions
"what is he doing?"
Work. We collect the twigs in one place - teach them to carry out simple tasks.

Individual work. Train children to jump in place.



Walk 1

Tree watching. Draw the children's attention to the fact that there is snow on the trees, it is white and soft fluffy. Form an idea of ​​the season - winter.

Didactic game “Who is attentive?”

- develop hearing acuity, the ability to perceive verbal instructions regardless of the strength of the voice with which it is pronounced.

Outdoor game “Step over the stick”

- train children to step over objects.

Individual work. Running in a straight line.

Work. We sweep the path away from the snow - to cultivate the desire to work together.

Walk 2

Observation “What has changed on the street?”

- form basic ideas about winter changes in nature, develop speech, and the ability to answer questions.

Outdoor game “The little white bunny is sitting”

— teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the content.

Didactic game “Where did they call?”

- develop the focus of auditory attention, the ability to determine the direction of sound, and navigate in space.

Work. “We shovel snow”

- execution of orders.

Individual work. Game exercise “Find a toy”

- teach to walk in a certain direction, start moving at the teacher’s signal.

Walk 3

Observing snowfall - to form ideas about winter weather phenomena, expand children's horizons, activate vocabulary: “snow”


Outdoor game “Run to me”

— train children to run in the indicated direction.

Didactic game “Loud - Quiet”

— develop the ability to change the strength of your voice: speak loudly, then quietly.

Work. We collect toys at the end of the walk - teach everyone to work together.

Individual work. Repeat M's poem . Poznanskaya “It’s snowing”


Walk 4

Work. Hanging feeders is to cultivate a desire to work together with the teacher.

Bird watching, feeding birds - to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Outdoor game “Who is quieter?”

- practice walking on your toes in the indicated direction.

Didactic game “What’s in the bag?”

— teach children to determine by touch which grains are in the bag.

Individual work. Nursery rhyme “Big feet walked along the road...”

Walk 5

Watching a cat - involve in observing pets, cultivate a desire to take care of them.

Outdoor game “Dashing - catching up”

- learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of a friend.

Didactic game “Find and bring”

— continue to develop the ability to understand an adult’s speech, learn to carry out simple tasks, and learn to navigate in space.

Work. "Sweeping in the gazebo"

- involve children in carrying out simple tasks.

Individual work. Jumping on two legs over a line.


Walk 1

Observing trees in winter attire - teaches you to notice the beautiful things around you, and reinforces your ideas about winter.

Outdoor game “Snow is spinning”

— teach children to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game.

Didactic game “Wonderful bag”

- learn to identify objects by touch.

Work. “Building a slide for Katya’s doll”

- learn how to carry out work assignments.

Individual work. Walking with high knees.

Walk 2

Observation “How are passers-by dressed?”

- continue to form ideas about winter, consolidate the names of winter clothing items in the dictionary.

Outdoor game "Airplanes"

— to train children in the ability to run in different directions without bumping into each other, and to perform movements when given a signal.

Didactic game “Big and Small”

— learn to build houses for mice and bears of the appropriate size.

Work. Shovel snow - learn to work together.

Individual work. Jumping on two legs “From circle to circle”


Walk 3

Observing the work of a janitor in winter - to develop knowledge about the work of adults; develop respect for their work.

Outdoor game “Catch up with me”

- practice running in a certain direction.

Didactic game “Where is the kitten?”

— to develop children’s ability to navigate in space.

Work. Helping a janitor clear snow - foster a desire to help.

Individual work. Onomatopoeia exercise “How does a kitten meow?”

Walk 4

Bird watching – to form in children a desire for wintering birds; learn to name the body parts of birds.

Outdoor game “We hear - we do”

- teach children to perform movements according to the text of the game.

Didactic game “Polite doll”

— to form moral qualities: politeness, attentiveness; teach to show care.

Work. We are building a slide - to cultivate a desire to participate in joint work.

Individual work. Throwing snowballs at a distance.

Walk 5

Observation of snow - continue to get acquainted with the properties of snow (cold, white, crumbly, crunchy)


Outdoor game “Snow is spinning”

- teach how to correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants in the game.

Didactic game "Errands"

- teaches you to understand verbal instructions.

Work. Clearing paths of snow - completing errands.

Individual work. Learning the couplet: “One step, two steps - there’s a snowball under your foot”




Walk 1

Observation of trees - to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Outdoor game "Hares and wolves"

— teach to listen carefully to the teacher, practice jumping while moving forward.

Didactic game “Two roads”

- teach how to choose a road for small cars and large cars
(for large ones - wide, for small ones - narrow)

Work. "Let's sweep the path"

- learn how to carry out simple tasks.

Individual work. Repeating the nursery rhyme “Ay, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo”


Walk 2

Tour of the kindergarten site: examination of buildings made by older children - to promote the development of relationships between children and older preschoolers, to introduce elementary norms and rules of relationships; enrich children's vocabulary, develop the ability to answer questions.

Outdoor game “On a narrow path”

- learn to perform actions based on the text of the poem.

Didactic game “Help the bunny get home”

— teach how to choose a narrow path for a bunny
(a bear walks along a wide path)

Work. Let's clear the snow from the path - get used to working together with older children.

Individual work. Finger gymnastics “Building a house”


Walk 3

Observation “Footprints in the snow”

- teach to identify tracks: children, adults, animals and birds.

Outdoor game “Mice dance in a circle”

— introduce children to Russian folk outdoor games, practice performing movements according to the text of the nursery rhyme.

Didactic game “The clock is ticking”

- develop sound pronunciation, vocal apparatus, consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sounds
. Develop the ability to pronounce words quickly and slowly, loudly and quietly.

Work. "Building a house out of snow"

- develop children's desire to build from snow.

Individual work. Breathing exercise “Breeze”


Walk 4

Observing ice - introduces children to the natural phenomenon of ice.

Outdoor game “The white bunny washes itself”

- teach children to act according to the text of the poem.

Didactic game Repeat after me

- develop skills of correct sound pronunciation.

Work. Feeding birds – fostering a caring attitude towards birds.

Individual work. Breathing exercise “Cheerful Cockerel”

Walk 5

Observing the wind - introduce children to accessible natural phenomena, develop the ability to answer questions: “Why do tree branches sway? How does the wind blow? How do the trees sway?

Outdoor game “Oh, what kind of people?”

— continue to introduce folk games, teach how to move in a flock, perform certain actions when running away, not disturb comrades, and not bump into each other.

Didactic game “On our site”

- learn to navigate the kindergarten area.

Work. Building a house out of snow - to cultivate a desire to build buildings out of snow.

Individual work. Throwing snowballs at a distance.

Walk 6

Observing the games of older children - continue to introduce relationships between people.

Outdoor game "Train"

- learn to coordinate your movements with the movements of your comrades.

Didactic game “Who can do what?”

- intensify the use of verbs in speech (a dog can bark, run, bite; a sparrow can jump, fly, tweet, etc.)

Work. Let's sweep in the gazebo - cultivate the desire to work.

Individual work. Finger gymnastics “Castle”


Card index of walks.



Walk 1

Observing snow - continue to introduce children to natural phenomena - snow. How did the snow turn out? Why are the paths slippery? How should you walk along the paths? Form basic ideas about weather changes.

Outdoor game "Hares and wolves"

- practice jumping in place and moving forward.

Didactic game “One - many”

- learn to distinguish the number of objects.

Work. Clearing buildings of snow - involve in carrying out assignments.

Individual work. Game exercise “Find the Katya doll”

- practice orientation in space.

Walk 2

Observing the sky - teach to distinguish the states of the sky: cloudy, clear.

Outdoor game “The white bunny washes itself”

— teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the content.

Didactic game “Compare ice cubes by size”

- learn to determine the size of objects
(large - small)

Work. We collect pieces of ice in a bucket - teach how to carry out simple tasks.

Individual work. Repetition of poems for March 8 .

Walk 3

Observation of snow. Experimentation: “Snow melts on the palm of your hand”

- continue to reinforce ideas about the properties of snow.

Outdoor game “Catch up with me”

- practice running in a certain direction.

Didactic game “Decide the color of clothes”

- learn to distinguish primary colors.

Work. Let's clear the benches of snow - run errands.

Individual work. Jumping forward.

Walk 4

Observation of the wind - involve children in observing natural phenomena, diversify children's play activities through games with plumes.

Outdoor game “The Most Accurate”

- practice throwing snowballs at a target.

Didactic game with colored ice floes: “Arrange the ice floes by color”

- consolidate knowledge of primary colors.

Work. "Let's sweep the path"

- involve in the execution of assignments.

Individual work. Jumping on two legs.

Walk 5

Observation of transport - fix the name of the parts of the car (body, cabin, wheels, steering wheel)


Outdoor game “We are drivers”

- learn to navigate the terrain.

Didactic game “Guess by description”

- learn to guess a pet from a description.

Work. Construction of a highway from snow - teach to work together, help each other.

Individual work. Throwing snowballs at a distance.

Walk 6

Bird watching - to develop a caring attitude towards birds.

Outdoor game "Crows and the dog"

— learn to act on a signal, imitate the movements of birds.

Didactic game “Guess by description”

- learn to guess from the descriptions of forest inhabitants.

Work. Feeding birds - learning to care for birds.

Individual work. Climbing a gymnastic wall.


Walk 1

Observation “Water all around”

— show children a variety of actions with melted snow.

Outdoor game “Through the Stream”

- develop dexterity, sense of balance, eye.

Didactic game “Small and big streams”

- learn to distinguish streams by size.

Work. Collecting twigs - to cultivate a desire to carry out assignments. We let the branches float through the water and see if they sink or float.

Individual work. Finger gymnastics “Home”


Walk 2

Observing the buds on trees - attract children to observe objects of wildlife, cultivate a caring attitude towards trees.

Outdoor game "Locomotive"

- learn to move at different paces, change direction, convey the characteristic movements of animals and birds; practice pronouncing sounds.

Didactic game “Guess what to do”

- develop the ability to switch auditory attention, the ability to correlate one’s actions with the sound of a tambourine.

Work. Let's sweep the gazebo - carry out simple tasks.

Individual work. Repeat the nursery rhyme “Egorka the Hare”

Walk 3

Observing the work of a janitor - to cultivate interest in the work of adults, to intensify the use of verbs in speech.

Outdoor game “Through the Stream”

– jumping on two legs.

Didactic game “Vegetable shop”

- learn to name vegetables correctly.

Work. Let's remove branches from the area - support the desire to help adults.

Individual work. Remember the nursery rhyme “The cat went to market”


Walk 4

Observation of the wind - attract children to observe accessible natural phenomena, promote the development of play activities, motor activity through games with plumes.

Outdoor game “The gray bunny is sitting”

- learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Didactic game “One - many”

- strengthen the ability to distinguish the number of objects.

Work. Let's sweep in the gazebo - involve them in carrying out work assignments.

Individual work. "Catch the Ball"

- practice catching the ball.

Walk 5

Watching an airplane in the sky helps to develop interest in the world around us and tell children about the profession of a pilot.

Outdoor game "Airplanes"

– practice performing movements on a signal.

Didactic game “Who and where?”

— learn to navigate in space, improve understanding of adult speech.

Work. We help the janitor to cultivate a desire to help adults.

Individual work. Jumping over the line.

Walk 6

Observation of rain - to form elementary ideas about spring changes in nature, to introduce accessible natural phenomena.

Outdoor game "Bubble"

— learn to perform movements in accordance with the text, consolidate the ability to stand in a circle.

Didactic game “Big and Small”

- develop the ability to distinguish objects by size.

Work. Sweep the gazebo - cultivate a desire to keep the gazebo clean.

Individual work. Repeat the nursery rhyme “A fox with a box ran through the forest”



Walk 1

Observing the sun: it shines brightly, warms up, this makes the grass grow, the birds rejoice, the buds bloom - to evoke a joyful spring mood, to form ideas about the signs of spring.

Outdoor game “Sun and Rain”

- learn to act on a signal.

Didactic game “Warm - Cold”

- develop tactile sensations, show that objects in the shade are cold, and objects in the sun are warm.

Work. Sweep the gazebo - support the desire to work.

Individual work. Throwing a ball at a distance.

Walk 2

Observation of trees - draw children's attention to the blossoming buds, cultivate a caring attitude towards trees.

Outdoor game "Legs"

- learn to act according to the text of the poem.

Didactic game “Cow, give me some milk”

– improve intonation expressiveness of speech.

Work. Let's mark the sides of the sandbox - run errands.

Individual work. Learn to answer the questions: “Who? What? What is he doing?"

Walk 3

Watching sparrows: basking, chirping cheerfully, swimming in a puddle - attract to bird watching.

Outdoor game “Get the ball”

- practice jumping.

Didactic game “Vegetable shop”

- learn to distinguish vegetables and name them correctly.

Work. Loosening the soil in a flowerbed means engaging in labor.

Individual work. Climbing on a gymnastic wall.

Walk 4

Observing a birch tree - the trunk is white, warm, smooth, long earrings have grown, tiny leaves - to cultivate a caring attitude towards trees, to develop the ability to admire the beauty of nature.

Outdoor game "Bubble"

— to train children in the ability to stand in a circle and act according to the text.

Didactic game “Who and where?”

— improve understanding of adult speech, teach how to navigate in space.

Work. Let's sweep in the gazebo - cultivate the desire to work.

Individual work. Rolling the ball into the goal.

Walk 5

Cloud observation: what kind of clouds are they: big or small? what colour? what do they look like? – develop speech, thinking, imagination.

Outdoor game "Hares and wolves"

- practice jumping while moving forward.

Didactic game “Pick a ribbon for the dolls”

- learn to determine the length of the tape: long, short.

Work. Collecting toys after a walk is to involve them in joint work.

Individual work. Game exercise “Jump up to the ball”


Progress of observation

In autumn you can often see sparrows sitting and chirping on telegraph wires or bushes. Pay attention to the children that the birds are going to the cold. Invite the children to feed the birds by pouring bread crumbs on them and watch the birds peck at the food.

Sparrow, what are you waiting for?

You can't peck bread crumbs.

I noticed the crumbs a long time ago

Yes, I'm afraid of an angry cat.

Together with the children, consider the appearance of birds. (The body is covered with down, feathers, there are wings; they fly, jump, peck.)

Work activity: feeding birds.

Goals: to encourage one to independently carry out basic tasks (feeding birds, cleaning the area)


develop a desire to care for animals.

Outdoor games:

"Sparrows and the cat"


Goals: - learn to jump softly, bending your knees;

run without touching each other, dodge the driver, quickly run away, find your place; teach to be careful when taking up space, and not to push a friend.

"Get in the circle"


Goals: improve the ability to act with different objects; develop the ability to throw objects in a certain direction with both hands;

develop eye, coordination, dexterity.

Take-out materials: bird food, dolls dressed for the weather, emblem masks, pencil, scoops, cars.

Walk No. 9 “Watching the Rain”

Purpose: to introduce a natural phenomenon - rain.

Progress of observation

Observe the dogs being walked by their owners. Describe the appearance of the animal and its behavior. (The dog is very attached to a person, it guards his house, goes hunting with him.)

He is friends with the owner,

The house is guarded.

Lives under the porch

Tail in a ring.

While walking, ask the children who has a dog and who takes care of it.

Labor activity: harvesting grass for animals in a corner of nature.

Goal: to cultivate a desire to care for animals and feed them properly.

Outdoor games

"Shaggy Dog"


Goals: learn to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement; run, trying not to get caught by the driver.

“Who needs the flag?”


Goals: practice jumping forward, climbing through a hoop;

cultivate dexterity and determination.

Take-out materials: dolls dressed for the weather, emblem masks, pencils, signets, scoops, cars.

Walk No. 11

"Introduction to the pedestrian path - sidewalk"

Goals: to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street;

develop attention and spatial orientation skills.

Progress of observation

Invite the children for a walk around the kindergarten. Explain to them that from this moment they become pedestrians and must strictly follow the rules of the road: move only on the pedestrian path (sidewalk), do not rush, be attentive, hold each other’s hands tightly, do not shout, listen carefully to the teacher.

Be careful on the street, children!

Remember these rules firmly!

Always remember these rules

So that no trouble happens to you.

Labor activity: invite children to rake dry leaves to a certain place, fill buckets with them and take them into a container.

Goal: to teach how to use a rake correctly and fill buckets to a certain size.

Outdoor games

"Sparrows and the car"


Goal: to consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and spatial orientation.

"Bird and Chicks"

Goal: To teach children to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other; teach them to quickly act on the teacher’s signal and help each other.

Take-out materials: dolls dressed for the weather, emblem masks, rakes, buckets.

Walk No. 12 “Watching leaf fall”

Objectives: learn to identify the signs of autumn ; develop observation skills; to cultivate the ability to enjoy the beautiful, to treat nature with care.

Fun physical education

Physical exercise is a very useful activity, but also very boring if you do it without any imagination. Try this: “Let’s reach for the sun (stretch), collect the sun’s rays and put them on the grass (tilts), take the ray on the right and put it on the left, and now vice versa (tilt to the opposite legs).

Now let’s sit on the grass and collect the rays around us (turn left and right). The rays have gathered, now let's gather the clouds. We grab it and put it down (jump up, bend over).”

Play animals' game - let your child show how a bear, fox, bunny, cat, etc. walk.

Progress of observation

Draw children's attention to fallen leaves. Ask if all trees have the same leaves. Let the children look, compare them by color, shape, and make sure that the leaves of different trees have different colors.

Leaves are falling, falling,

There is leaf fall in our garden.

Yellow, red leaves

They curl and fly in the wind

Looking at the leaves collected by children and selecting the most beautiful ones, ask why the child likes them. During the walk , make a hat, a skirt for a doll, garlands from leaves, folding them in cuttings. Play a game: the children have leaves in their hands, the teacher reads the text, and the children perform movements in accordance with it.

We are leaves, we are leaves, Children stand in a circle, holding leaves in their hands.

We are autumn leaves . We sat on branches

The wind blew and they flew. They scatter along the paths.

We flew, we flew - They run around waving leaves.

All the leaves are so tired.

The breeze has stopped blowing -

Everyone sat in a circle. They squat down and hold the leaves above their heads.

The wind suddenly blew again. They scattered along the path.

And he blew the leaves off the branches.

All the leaves have flown away. They throw the leaves up.

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

Labor activity: collecting colorful leaves.

Goal: to encourage students to independently carry out basic tasks.

Outdoor games:

"Birds in Nests"


Goals: - teach to walk and run, scattered, without bumping into each other;

— to teach children to act quickly on the teacher’s signal, to help each other.

"Find Your Place"


Goal: to teach how to quickly act on a signal and navigate in space.

Take-out materials: scoops, small toys, sports hoops, pencils, molds.

Walk No. 13

"Watching the Bus"

Objectives: to teach to distinguish vehicles by appearance;

name the main parts of the car;

consolidate behavior skills on the bus.

Drawings on the ground

You can draw with a stick on the ground or sand, or with crayons on the asphalt. Show your child how to write simple words, geometric shapes, and numbers. Draw sad and happy faces - let the child explain what emotions they reflect.

You can draw a path on the asphalt in the form of two parallel lines. Let the baby walk along this line without stepping over the edges, or roll the car. The path can be made winding.

Then tell your child that the path has turned into a river that needs to be jumped over. Don't be afraid that your treasure will get dirty. These are small things compared to the pleasure received.

Progress of observation

On the street of our car, car. Small cars, big cars. Trucks are in a hurry, cars are snorting, they are in a hurry, rushing, as if they were alive. Every car has things to do and worries, Cars go to work in the morning.

A bus is a passenger transport that transports people. The driver sits in front, and there are passengers in the cabin. Passengers are waiting for the bus at the bus stop. When the bus arrives, they get on and take their seats. While driving, you must not stand up, run around the cabin, or touch the door with your hands. You have to wait until the driver opens the door.

Labor activity: Restoring order in the territory.

Objectives: learn to rake fallen leaves and carry them on a stretcher to a compost pit; explain that the leaves will rot in the hole over the winter and fertilizer will be obtained.

Outdoor games:


"Sparrows and the car"

Objectives: to teach to comply with traffic rules; consolidate knowledge about buses.

Remote materials: steering wheels, scoops, molds, toys, chalk, cars. Walk No. 14 “Big Watering Can”

Purpose: to observe with children the work of a janitor; introduce the name “watering machine”


Progress of the walk

Warm sunny autumn day . The trees are decorated with variegated leaves, especially bright maple leaves. The teacher draws the children's attention to the beauty of an autumn day . “Hello, golden sun, hello, blue sky!”

the children repeat after the teacher .
The teacher draws their attention to the work of the janitor, who sweeps away autumn leaves ; invites them to take brooms and help the janitor: “The janitor works with a large broom, and the children work with brooms.”

. Children help the janitor finish his work.

The janitor praises the assistants and begins to water the flowers in the flowerbed. The children are nearby. Everyone moves slowly around the flowerbed, watches how the water slowly pours from the watering can, names the flowers that wash themselves, drinks the water, raises their heads to the sun, smiles at everyone.

Knowing what time a sprinkler is passing along the street, the teacher takes the children out onto the sidewalk. They chat animatedly, seeing from a distance a slowly moving car in sparkling spray.

The teacher asks everyone to move away from the road, but still the children happily feel the moisture on their feet when a light breeze brings splashes of water to them.

Moving at a distance behind the car, they note: the car waters the street, washes it so that it is clean and beautiful. But then the car stopped at the lawn, watering it. The children immediately commented: “I gave it water and washed the flowers!”

“This car is a big watering can!”
Labor activity: sweeping the path leading to the site.

Goal: to teach how to use brooms correctly, to cultivate hard work.

Outdoor games:

"On a narrow path"


Goal: to teach children to step from circle to circle (drawn with a stick on the sand, chalk on the asphalt

Remote materials: steering wheels, scoops, molds, toys, chalk, cars.

Walk No. 15 “Observation of the birch tree”

Goal: to clarify the characteristic features of the tree, to consolidate the names of the parts. Learn to compare objects.

Little explorer

Sometimes it’s enough just to step outside the playground to get a lot of new experiences and discoveries!

Let the baby choose the direction of movement himself. And you, as a faithful squire, follow on your heels, carry your ammunition, warn about all the bumps, holes, branches and pay attention to all the “interesting things” that you encounter along the way: sparrows are bathing in a puddle, flowers have bloomed in a flowerbed, a cloud is floating across the sky , similar to a boat.

Do not forget to expressively and clearly pronounce the names of new objects and phenomena, describe their properties and explain why they are needed and what to do with them.

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