Folk art in the labor education of preschool children

Home / Children's section / Children's poems / About professions for children

An excellent selection of children's poems about various professions; the poems are perfect for holidays and matinees, for children aged 3 years and older. And also, new, our own poems, about modern professions.

All poems about professions Poem about professions

Poem about a Doctor Poem about a Tour Guide Poem about a Painter Poem about a Cook Poem about a Teacher Poem about a Salesman Poem about a Fashion Designer Poem about a Carpenter Poem about an Electrician Poem about a Stewardess Poem about a Pilot Poem about a Lumberjack Poem about a Traffic Inspector Poem about Rescuers Poem about a Border Guard Poem about an Astronaut Poem about the Architect

Poem about a Forecaster Poem about a Conductor Poem about an Engineer Poem about a Pharmacist Poem about a Scientist

Poems about modern professions Poem about a Logistician Poem about an Accountant Poem about a Lawyer Poem about an Advertiser, PR Specialist Poem about a Human Resources Specialist Poem about a Programmer Poem about a Marketer Poem about a Top Manager Poem about an Animator Poem about a Blogger

All poems about professions

Poem about professions.
There are so many different professions, We can’t count them all: There are doctors and divers, There is an engineer and a turner.
The teacher teaches us at school, and the seamstress sews suits. The builder is building a new house, The captain is leading the ship. The main thing is not to make mistakes, Choose who you want to become? Maybe a cook, a singer, or fly to the moon. All day long, all uncles and aunts are doing something in their labors, Everyone is important at work, But without knowledge there is no way to do this. Choose what to study. It will be difficult, don’t whine, so that you can achieve great heights, so that you can be a professional! Doctor.
There is no profession more important than doctors in scrubs, They treat everyone in the world Right from the very morning.
How they come to work Patients go to them. And they bandage them, and they give them pills and medicine. So that everyone is healthy, so that they are cheerful, so that everyone can go to the garden, work, school again. © Tour guide.
If you go to the museum, It will be difficult for you to understand, Without a learned, strict aunt, Where to begin your inspection.
Aunt slowly leads the whole group behind her. They listen to her diligently, After all, she is a tour guide. Painter.
It's time to paint the room. We invited a painter.
But not with a brush and a bucket. Our painter comes to the house. Instead of a brush, he brought a metal pump. Paint splashes on the wall, the sun shines in the window. The walls became blue, like the sky above. The new house is almost ready, will welcome residents for the holiday. Cook.
White apron and cap, The very dawn of blush.
It’s a trifle for us to guess who is here in front of us. He's at the stove all day, both in winter and summer. So that you and I are full, he fries cutlets for us. Compote and clear broth are boiling on the stove. Feeding the people as quickly as possible is his task. Teacher.
Being a teacher is a calling.
You need to love children so much that you can give them your soul and effort without reserve. To be an example to follow, It is interesting to explain, So that everyone has the desire to answer in class. Salesman.
In the store, at the market And in the buffet, finally, Wherever you go, the seller meets you.
He will sell kefir to an old woman, and a whistle to a boy, a bright ribbon to a girl, and books to a student. The artist is a clothing designer.
In order for us to walk beautiful, we first need a sheet of paper, On it, with a pencil, Clothes will begin their lives.
The designer with a creative hand will come up with a jacket, And then on another sheet of paper Pants, a coat, a backpack. Then he will take the third sheet and draw a dress, and bring it all to life. A big enterprise. © Carpenter.
White sawdust is flying, Flying from under the saw: This is the carpenter making Windows and floors.
With an ax and a plane he planed the slats, made the window sills without a hitch. Electrician.
If the lights in the house have gone out, If you have no current, If the appliances are broken, He will come to you soon: He will look at the wiring vigilantly, He will work with a screwdriver, The switch will click: “Truck!”
- And the twilight will disappear. Stewardess.
The flight attendant on the plane will tell us about the flight.
He will bring food, drinks, and give everyone a smile. Security and peace will provide you and me. Pilot.
The pilot knows his business, he flies the plane in the sky.
He flies boldly over the earth, making a flight. So that everyone has the opportunity to visit any country, or visit a large homeland with their family everywhere. Lumberjack
The maple and aspen trees are sick, And the hazel tree is not growing, The fir trees have also turned yellow.
Who will save the forest from disease? Well, of course, that’s the job of a fine lumberjack. He will immediately and willingly remove the diseased trees. Traffic inspector.
He is the boss on the road, He is important, like a director, And the traffic inspector looks at everyone with a stern gaze.
So that the drivers follow the traffic rules, he stands day and night at the edge of the highway. Rescuers.
They will come to our aid, When the ocean is raging, When there is an earthquake, Typhoon or flood.
Risking their lives, they will save us - They have a dangerous, important job! Border guard.
The birds fell asleep on the branches, The stars do not burn in the sky.
A detachment of border guards was hiding at the border. Border guards do not sleep At the native border: Our sea, our land They guard the border. Astronaut.
He is an example for all the guys. He is called a hero.
An astronaut wears this title proudly. To become an astronaut, you have to work hard: Start the day with exercise, study well. See a doctor - The exam is strict here. Star Roads are not for weaklings. Only the strong and dexterous can be taken onto the ship. And that’s why you can’t be here without training! Architect.
A big beautiful new house is growing in our quarter.
How many turrets there are on it, and how it is all decorated! In order for this house to be built, an architect worked: In his mind, he first composed a dozen or two projects. Then he selected one and drew a cross-section of the house on a sheet of paper - And all the details are important! Synoptic.
He always tells us: “Be careful, ice!
It may snow in the morning. Be very careful! Minus seven and strong wind. Put on your fur coats, children! Well, in the evening - attention! We are waiting for more cold weather.” Conductor.
We will meet a hole on the way - we are ready to scold it.
In the theater you can’t do without an orchestra pit. Musicians have always been supposed to sit in it for a long time, The conductor stands behind the console, His task is difficult. The conductor is watching everyone, waving his baton at everyone. On stage at this time there is a choir and an ensemble of dancers dancing. We don’t see his face, only his hands flash. And the enchanting sounds flow, flow endlessly! Engineer.
He calculates exactly, so that everything is strong and durable.
So that the house stands strong, and the plane does not fall. He will check a hundred times, so that everything around us is safe and comfortable. Pharmacist.
You've all been to the pharmacy, And probably more than once, You took iodine with mustard plasters Or eye drops.
Ointment, medicine, vitamins They are always waiting on the shelves here. This list is very long, so how to figure it out? So that you don’t accidentally eat aspirin for lunch, the pharmacist meets you and is always ready to give advice. Scientist.
He deftly looks into the microscope, How the reaction proceeds, How microbes and bacteria Spun in a round dance. And then he will take tweezers and come up with a recipe for how to line them up, one after another, in a trailer. There is no time for boredom when you work in science. ©

Children's poems about work

Craftswoman I’m not used to boasting in vain, but everyone calls me a craftswoman - Because I myself knit, embroider, sew and cut on my doll. (G. Ladonshchikov)

Builders Let the parents not be angry that the builders will get dirty, Because the one who builds is worth something! And it doesn’t matter that for now This house is made of sand. (B. Zakhoder)

I will help everyone. I have seven sisters. I will help everyone: sow with Pasha, reap with Dasha, dress up a doll with Lena, cook with Nyura, sew with Shura, turn hay with Vera, sing songs with Marusenka, the tiniest one. (L. Dyakonov)

Don’t stop me from working. Don’t stop me from working. I’ll bring some water from the well. Of course, I’ll treat everyone with water. Drink, drink! Don't be sorry! If you want to pour it into a watering can - Live the garden. He drinks water too!

Speaker A young speaker spoke, he spoke about work. He argued from the podium: “Labor is needed always, everywhere!” The school tells us to work, the squad teaches us this... - Pick up the papers from the floor! One of the guys shouted. But then the speaker frowns: “There’s a cleaning lady for that!” (Agniya Barto)

Assistant Mom will come home from work tired, Mom has enough worries at home. I’ll take a broom and sweep the floor. I’ll chop some firewood and put it under the stove. I'll bring two buckets of fresh water. Now it's time for homework! Mom will come home from work today. Mom will have less trouble. (P. Janet)

Fun job Dad plants a flower for Mom. Mom knits a scarf for grandma. Grandmother strokes Katya's dresses. Katya washes Panama hats for her brothers. The brothers are making a plane for everyone. Work is going on happily in the house. And why? This is understandable: It’s fun to do something nice for each other. (B. Belova)

Pies Together with my mother, we kneaded the dough. They smeared themselves in flour and made the pies. There is a pie with cabbage, with meat and potatoes. For my sister - a bun, I will make it with my palm. I'll put the jam in the dough, in the middle. And I’ll treat grandma with some sweet filling. The whole family will eat Pies for dinner. Dad will say: “Well done! We need an assistant! "

******** Who is the most important in the world, the kindest, the most glorious? Who is he? What's his name? Well, of course, it's work! Who is the smartest in the world, the oldest, the youngest? Who is he? What's his name? Well, of course, it's work! Who is the true king of nature for all centuries and years? King of fields, factories, ores? Who is he? What's his name? Well, of course, it's work!

“Invitation to Labor” Children! You have to work: Don’t run away from work; Oh! From idleness will be born a lot of grief and shame. He who wants good fame must eat his bread in sweat, It is not for games and fun that people get honor. Children! Children! Don't be lazy! Labor always bears fruit: If you work from a young age, you will meet old age without worries. (Yakov Grot)

Builders The whole area knows Papa, he is an excellent master. With his team he is building a brick house. A house among other houses And slimmer and taller. They say that the house will reach the clouds with its roof. My sister and I are building a two-story house with windows and a balcony in a green meadow. Dad came to us yesterday, examined us properly, and he said: “Okay. Nice brigade!” (G. Lyushnin)

“Handicraft song” Well, girlfriends, hurry up! The red sun has risen. We are more friendly for work! Until time runs out. Work hard, work hard, Just know, don’t be lazy! You will live without need, but you will make good. In order to add goodness to yourself, you have to work in life, be able to fix everything yourself and not bother others. (Odoevsky)

******** There are so many things that are needed in the world People are doing around them: They weave sea nets, They mow the meadow at dawn, They cook steel, they storm space, They stand behind the machine in the workshop, Millions of smart adults teach children to read and write, Some oil in the taiga it pumps from the depths of the earth's layers, and other tea leaves are carefully torn from the bushes. There is plenty to do every day for you and me. Everything will always be in order, If the Earth works.

******** A mason builds houses, Dress is the work of a tailor. But there is nowhere for a tailor to work without warm shelter. The mason would have been naked, If skillful hands had not made an apron, a jacket, and trousers in time. The baker instructs the shoemaker to sew the boots on time. Well, can a shoemaker without bread sew and sharpen a lot? So it turns out that everything we do is necessary. So, let's work honestly, diligently and together.


Modern professions

The word “logistics” is not familiar to us, but we all know its meaning perfectly well.
This is “delivery” to the buyer, and they approach the matter very thoroughly. They deliver goods, everything accurately and on time, to any region and any road. © Accountant.
The company's profits are counted, and everyone's salaries are paid.
All expenses, all income, Every ruble - they know for sure. They count everything all day long and don’t know the word - laziness. © Lawyer.
There is a profession called lawyers. They are great specialists.
Their job is to ensure that every law, to everyone and in everything, is always observed. Any sales, transactions, decisions require legal permission. © Advertiser, PR specialist
Known to all people on our planet: Adults, schoolchildren, grandmothers, children.
What is popular, what is tasty, what is beautiful, what is actively worth buying today. The whole world knows about this and you and I, thanks to excellent advertising. © HR Specialist
In every company, it is necessary and important, So that everyone here feels good and comes to work with joy, The comfort of employees is their concern.
And when improvement is required, they organize urgent training for everyone. © Programmer
To make the computer count quickly, the programmer worked hard. After all, a computer from the beginning is just a blank sheet.
And for this, a special language must be known to him, So that everyone can see, What he has always been accustomed to. So programmers create program after program to make your computer work easier for you, dad and mom! Marketer.
He is always up to date with the news.
He studies the market and promotes many good ideas in the company. Where to sell what product, what to offer as a new product. He simply must know everything about every grain of sand. Top Manager
manages a large company both wisely and skillfully.
He distributes the money in such a way that the business grows and becomes stronger. He gives instructions to all his employees, so that the company moves forward and brings profit to them. Animator
The holiday needs a fairway, And fun for the guests, Know that a children's animator Will be able to captivate the children.
He is like a small theater, But delivered straight to your home, He is the hero of any fairy tale, He is your favorite hero. He has games with him, Jokes, laughter and miracles, Funny tigers made of balloons, A stripe of soap foam. Bubbles the size of the sun, Clouds made of paper, An animator is called, A man from a holiday. © Blogger
There is one profession, it’s amazing, Officially it doesn’t exist, it was created by the Internet, But now all over the planet both adults and children are involved in it. Experts in everything: money and intelligence, cooking, dexterity, makeup and gait. This is an omnipresent blogger, he knows what’s best! He rinses the minds of his subscribers from morning until late at night. He speaks, dances, eats, he will go to Everest, Into the forest, into a cave and into a swamp, just someone subscribe... Don't skimp, like, share and glorify, And then maybe he will have a million. Well, no, taxis are expensive, there are a lot of former bloggers there. ©

If you did not find the verse about the profession you were looking for. Write to us by email and we will write about this profession and post it here.

Children's poems help shape the development of a child's speech and diction in a fun way, and teach expressive intonations. Unlike narrative text, thanks to rhymes, they are easy to remember. But most importantly, all children adore poems, because they are like verbal songs, each poem has its own musical rhythm and beat, which is why they are so fun to read, teach and tell.

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Poems about work for preschool and school children

Hello, friends.
Today on our blog we have collected the best poems about work for children, short and medium in size, for preschool and school-age children. A love of work must be instilled from a very early age; it is unlikely to appear on its own. Labor is the basis of everything in a person’s life. The question is how to teach children to work so that they do not perceive it as some kind of burden.

In fact, children love to work. Have you probably seen a happy child when he managed to do something, complete some task? His eyes at such moments simply glow with pride in himself!

Of course, the personal practical example of an adult, a parent, is very important here. You also need to talk to children about this topic, introduce them to stories, fairy tales and poems about work. And here a collection of poems about work comes to the rescue.

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