Thematic week “Folk Art” in the middle group

Planning for the week on the topic: “Russian folk art”


The game “Matryoshka-entertainers” - introduce children to small folklore forms: riddles, counting rhymes, jokes, sayings, proverbs, fairy tales, enrich children’s vocabulary through the concepts: joke-joke, proverb, develop the ability to give a complete answer to a question, skill clearly pronounce sounds in words, develop the ability to understand figurative meaning

Drawing "Rugs for a Bunny" - to help expand children's knowledge about folk items and develop interest in fine arts.

Didactic game: “Near and far” - enrich vocabulary, develop free communication skills; develop spatial orientation; cultivate a desire to play with the teacher

P/i “Horses” - to develop dexterity, intelligence, and a sense of camaraderie in children.



Familiarization with art: “Matryoshka dolls love different clothes” - to introduce children to the perception of decorative and applied art through the means of music and drawing, to introduce them to the appearance and features of painting of a Polkhov-Maidan doll, to teach how to paint a blank matryoshka doll in the style of Polkhov-Maidan painting, to develop aesthetic perception and imagination; to form the creative and creative abilities of children, to cultivate respect for the work of folk craftsmen.

Research activity: by touching metal objects, determine where the sun heats the most. Answer: Which objects heat up faster: dark or light? What can you use to look at the sun for a long time?

The plot-role-playing game “Gatherings in the Upper Room” - to consolidate children’s knowledge of how Russian people lived; about life and traditions. Give an idea of ​​the red coal in the upper room. To cultivate love and respect for the culture of the Russian people. Enriching the vocabulary: hut, upper room, red corner, poker, rocker.

D/i “Find out the pattern” - fixing elements of Dymkovo and Gorodets painting.


9.00-9.20 applique/sculpting

“Cockerel, cockerel - golden comb”
- learn to cut out rectangular and round parts of objects, small details from paper.

9.30-9.50 physical education:

according to the plan of the physical education teacher.
10.00-10.20 socialization:
according to the plan of the sociologist.


Observing the wind - continue to consolidate ideas about weather changes; - to form concepts about the wind and its properties; - learn to determine the direction of the wind.

Conversation. How wonderful it is to live in the world: I’m walking, and the warm wind, like a dog, runs after me!

Warm air is lighter than cold air, so it rises, and cold air spreads below. But the air is not the same everywhere; it warms up more over sand, and therefore the wind in deserts can be warm. The air above the river is always cool, so there is always a cool breeze blowing from the river. Where the air warms up, it rises imperceptibly, and cool air rushes to take its place, and in such a hurry that everyone feels it. All the time, the air moves over wide seas, snow fields, dense forests and hot deserts.

Complex thematic week “Folk Toy” in the middle group

Lyubov Kober

Complex thematic week “Folk Toy” in the middle group

Topic: Folk toy


Purpose: ;To introduce children to decorative activities: to learn to decorate with Dymkovo patterns the silhouettes of toys cut out by the teacher (a bird, a goat, a horse, etc., and various objects (a saucer, mittens)


Final event: Exhibition of children's works together with parents Folk Toy

Day of the week Mode Joint activity of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Independent Note

Group , subgroup Individual

1 2 3 4 5 6

Monday 23 November

Morning Morning reception. Morning exercises. Finger gymnastics. "One two three four five…"


Goal: to develop hand motor skills.

Nursery rhyme game “So people are sleeping”

Tabletop lotto
for classifying objects, developing attention, memory and speech with Sonya and Bella. Work in the drawing center. Drawing with paints. Purpose: to learn to draw colored lines on a damp sheet, to develop creative abilities.

Lesson 1. Indoor physical education

2. Drawing. Topic: “Road for a car”


Goal: Learn to paint the surface of a drawing with a pencil, create plot compositions .

Materials and equipment: pencils, machine samples.

Walk 1

Observing clouds. Purpose: to form the concept of clouds and clouds.

Work activity: shoveling snow for snow buildings.

P./i.: “Sparrows and the cat”

“.Goal: to teach caution.
“Run to me”
Purpose: to teach to move towards the sound.

V.m: shoulder blades, sleds. Teach children to build paths, varying them in length and width with Nikito and Seryozha. Independent activity during a walk.


before bed Reading Russian. adv. fairy tales "The Fox and the Wolf"

.Goal: Russian listens with interest. adv. fairy tale Self-service, safety, cultural and hygienic skills.

2nd half of the day: Slow rise of children to music, gymnastics in cribs, walking on massage mats, water procedures. The goal is to improve the health of children. P/i “The gray bunny is sitting”

Goal: developing a movement.

Walk 2

Observing clouds. Purpose: to form the concept of clouds and clouds.

Work activity: shoveling snow for snow buildings.

P./i.: “Sparrows and the cat”

“.Goal: to teach caution.
“Run to me”
Purpose: to teach to move towards the sound.

V.m: shoulder blades, sleds.

Evening: Screening of the fairy tale “The Fox and the Wolf”

on a flannelgraph. Purpose: to teach how to answer questions, demonstrate emotional responsiveness. Continue to teach Masha to dress herself. Games with floor building materials. Purpose: to teach children to name the parts of the construction set.

Day of the week Mode Joint activity of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Independent Note

Group , subgroup Individual

1 2 3 4 5 6

Tuesday 24 November.

Morning Morning reception. Morning exercises. Finger gymnastics. “My Antoshka washes the dishes...”

. Purpose: interaction between children and the teacher.
Repeat the names and patronymics of the teachers, the assistant teacher of the group with Egor ., Masha.
Coloring a nesting doll Purpose: to continue to introduce elements of folk painting .

Lesson 1. Music according to the music director’s plan.

2. Familiarization with the surroundings. Topic: “Professions”


Purpose: To introduce the names of professions, to show the importance of each profession.

Material and equipment: pictures depicting representatives of different professions.

Walk 1

Observing freshly fallen snow. Purpose: to form an idea of ​​​​winter.

Tr. /d.: removing snow from the site.

P./i. "Let's make it snow"

Goal: to develop motor activity.

V.m: shoulder blades, sleds. Jumping exercise “Jump from hole to hole”
(from hoop to hoop)
. Sonya, Masha. Independent activity during a walk. Role-playing games at the request of children.


before bedtime Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. Water is more airy than the procedure. Walking along massage paths.

2nd half of the day: Slow rise of children to music, gymnastics in cribs, walking on massage mats, water procedures. The goal is to improve the health of children. P/i “The gray bunny is sitting”

Goal: developing a movement.

Walk 2

Observing freshly fallen snow. Purpose: to form an idea of ​​​​winter.

Tr. /d.: removing snow from the site.

P./i. "Let's make it snow"

Goal: to develop motor activity.

V.m: shoulder blades, sleds.

Evening: Situational conversation about the need to maintain order in the group . Work assignment “Put the toys


Teach Egor and Lera to tell what parts this or that furniture is made of; name the parts of a building kit: cube, brick, plate, prism. Introducing the board game “Magic Chest”

. .

Day of the week Mode Joint activity of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Independent Note

Group , subgroup Individual

1 2 3 4 5 6

Wednesday 25 November.

Morning Morning reception. Morning exercises. Wellness massage. Purpose: To teach children to repeat words and movements after the teacher. Finger gymnastics. “It’s very cold in winter”
“My Antoshka washes the dishes”
develop hand motor skills Play the game “Hit the Target”
. Goals: improve the ability to operate with different objects; develop the ability to throw objects in a certain direction with both hands. Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Role-playing game “At the doctor’s appointment”


Lesson 1. F. E. M. P. Topic: “Geometric figures, orientation in space, counting to 4”

Target:. Train in counting to 4, in spatial orientation, in finding geometric shapes.

Materials and equipment: parts of geometric shapes, cards with numbers.

2. Physical education in the air.

Walk 1

Observation of the roadway Purpose: to familiarize with the roadway - highway.

Tr. d.: build snow beds.

P/i "Sparrows and the car"

.Goal: to consolidate knowledge about traffic rules.
“Who is the best jumper?”
.Goal: to learn to correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants in the game

V.m: shoulder blades, sleds. Exercise Timur, Ignat in standing jumps on two legs - teach them to push off energetically and land correctly. Introduction to fiction and folklore. Learning the nursery rhyme “A raven is sitting on an oak tree. ". (Continue to introduce small forms of folklore, cultivate interest in rhymed texts, cognitive activity).

Minutes of health before lunch


before bedtime Slowly getting children up to music, doing gymnastics in their cribs, walking on massage mats, water treatments. The goal is to improve the health of children. P/i "carousel"

Goal: developing a movement.

2nd half of the day Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. Water is more airy than the procedure. Walking along massage paths.

Walk 2

Observation of the roadway Purpose: to familiarize with the roadway - highway.

Tr. d.: build snow beds.

P/i "Sparrows and the car"

.Goal: to consolidate knowledge about traffic rules.
“Who is the best jumper?”
.Goal: to learn to correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants in the game

V.m: shoulder blades, sleds.

Evening: Role-playing game “Fair”: plot “Circus at the fair. "(develop interest in the game, teach polite, tactful handling during role-playing interaction) With Bella K. didactic game “Make a Figure”
(from counting sticks)
Prepare pictures depicting dangerous situations, attributes for a role-playing game. .

Day of the week Mode Joint activity of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Independent Note

Group , subgroup Individual

1 2 3 4 5 6

Thursday 26 November.

Morning Morning reception. Morning exercises.

Conversation with children on the topic “Russian folk toys : matryoshka, Dymkovo lady, Gdzhel and Khokhloma dishes, musical instruments.” (summarize children’s understanding of the topic, develop speech and thinking)


Didactic game “Assemble a picture”
(learn to assemble a whole from parts.)
Reading nursery rhymes. Conversation about what you read (learn to listen carefully, “Drawing
a folk toy (on cereal scattered on a tray)
. With
a group of children . Bring in a rag and straw doll, examine, tell, play.
Lesson 1. Speech development. Topic: “Description of the profession. Poem by S. Mikhalkov “What do you have”


Goal: To teach to talk about the importance of the profession, to show sensitivity to the artistic word.

Materials and equipment: pictures about professions, text of the poem.

2. Modeling. Theme: “Truck”


Goal: Learn to sculpt figures from rectangular, square, round shapes.

Materials and equipment: truck, plasticine, boards.

Walk 1

Consider the dependence of soil condition on weather conditions; experimentally demonstrate the properties of sunlight; learn to draw conclusions and explain natural phenomena.

Outdoor games “The deer has a big house”

.Goal: to consolidate the ability to correlate movement with text, develop speed and dexterity.

V.m: shoulder blades, sleds. With Ulyana and Artem, consolidate throwing pine cones into the distance. Goal: practice running “snake”

, running around objects placed in a row. Artem S., Matvey M.

"Hit the target with the cone"

.Goal: to develop eye and throwing power. Vlad K., Lesha K.


before going to bed, clarify knowledge about the seasons, natural phenomena; continue the development of coherent speech, attention, endurance; repeat the rules of behavior in nature.

2nd half of the day: Slow rise of children to music, gymnastics in cribs, walking on massage mats, water treatments. The goal is to improve the health of children. P/n "ring"

Goal: developing a movement.

Walk 2

Consider the dependence of soil condition on weather conditions; experimentally demonstrate the properties of sunlight; learn to draw conclusions and explain natural phenomena.

Outdoor games “The deer has a big house”

.Goal: to consolidate the ability to correlate movement with text, develop speed and dexterity.

V.m: shoulder blades, sleds.

Evening: “Folding a matryoshka doll from three elements”

Goal: to teach how to perform simple actions with objects: open and close matryoshka dolls, put in and take out objects, enrich children’s sensory experience when getting to know size.
D/i “In which hand
is the toy Goal: to create interest in Russian
folk toys ; develop the ability to identify the right and left hands, exercise Yegor and Nastya. Construction of a “House for a Matryoshka” (2 bricks, 2 prisms)
Purpose: to practice the ability to place bricks on the narrow long side at a distance from each other, to make a ceiling from a prism. .

Day of the week Mode Joint activity of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Independent Note

Group , subgroup Individual

1 2 3 4 5 6

Friday 27 November.

Morning Morning reception. Morning exercises.

Conversation with children “History of the Dymkovo toy ” (to foster interest in folk life and products of decorative and applied arts, Russian folklore, consolidate children’s knowledge about the Dymkovo toy ; develop a sense of color, evoke a desire to do something yourself.

With Karina and Masha. will consolidate knowledge of primary colors. "The neatest"

.Goal: Continue to teach how to hold a spoon correctly and use a napkin.

Lesson 1. Musical according to the music director’s plan.

2. Physical education according to the plan of the physical director.

Walk 1

Observation: wind - continue to improve skills in determining the presence and direction of wind.

Outdoor game: “Crows and nests”

— learn to run around the entire area, quickly responding to the teacher’s signal.

Labor activity: Shoveling snow into a certain place for buildings - learn to perform the task well.

V.m: shoulder blades, sleds. Hit the target" - develop accuracy, eye, with Nikita and Lesha.

Literary word: learn the nursery rhyme: “Wash yourself more cleanly, don’t be stingy with water. Your palms will be whiter than snow"


Didactic game: “Pick a Pair”

- development of thinking, attention.

independent activity: Games with external material - develop the ability to play together.


before bed Didactic game: “Name
the toy (formation of relative adjectives)
a toy made of wood (what kind)
- wooden
(matryoshka, pipe)
clay toy (what kind)
- clay
ceramic toy (what kind)
- ceramic

2nd half of the day: Slow rise of children to music, gymnastics in cribs, walking on massage mats, water treatments. The goal is to improve the health of children. P/n "ring"

Goal: developing a movement.

Walk 2

Observation: wind - continue to improve skills in determining the presence and direction of wind.

Literary word: learn the nursery rhyme: “Wash yourself more cleanly, don’t be stingy with water. Your palms will be whiter than snow"


Didactic game: “Pick a Pair”

- development of thinking, attention.

Outdoor game: “Crows and nests”

— learn to run around the entire area, quickly responding to the teacher’s signal.

Labor activity: Shoveling snow into a certain place for buildings - learn to perform the task well.

V.m: shoulder blades, sleds.

Evening: Didactic game: “Arrange by height” - learn to classify objects by size.

Individual work: Develop the ability to correlate objects by size with Nikita and Seryozha. creating a game situation using riddles about folk toys (matryoshka dolls, tumblers, spinning tops, vankas, etc., followed by playing with these toys .

Day of the week Mode Joint activity of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Independent Note

Group , subgroup Individual

1 2 3 4 5 6

Monday 30 November.

Morning Looking at albums, looking at a doll in folk costume , pictures, illustrations about ancient household items, illustrations “Bogatyrs of Russia”

2."My toys "

Invigorating gymnastics for preschoolers Looking at illustrations of the Dymkovo lady.

Finger games "Gnome". (development of fine motor skills of hands)

Games with buttons: “Lay out the pattern”

“Post a picture”
“Continue the series”
- development of sensory and fine motor skills, with Egor and Sonya.

Lesson 1. Physical culture according to the plan of the physical leader.

2. Drawing. Car theme


Goal: To learn to compare types of ground transport and describe them, to convey in a drawing the specific features of the structure of the machine.

V.m: illustrations of cars, pencils, sheets of paper.

Walk 1

Observing the work of adults - the work of a janitor.

Goal: continue monitoring the work of the janitor; contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary; cultivate respect for the work of adults. Questions for the conversation:

— What does a janitor do in the garden area?

— What tools does he use for work?

— How can a janitor help trees wake up after winter?

— Is the work of a janitor necessary for people and nature?

P/i "Fishing Rod"

— teach children to swing and throw, throw a fishing rod at a distance, develop coordination and mobility.

V.m: shovels, sleds, brooms.

Individual work: practice throwing and catching the ball; teach orientation in space with Sonya and Bella. Independent activities: games with outdoor toys in the area , games at the request of the children.


before bed, health-improving exercises after sleep. Water is more airy than the procedure. Walking along massage paths. Articulation gymnastics “Pendulum”

Reading the fairy tale “The White Duck” Conversation about what you read.

2nd half of the day: Slow rise of children to music, gymnastics in cribs, walking on massage mats, water treatments. The goal is to improve the health of children. P/n "ring"

Goal: developing a movement.

Walk 2

Observing the work of adults - the work of a janitor.

Goal: continue monitoring the work of the janitor; contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary; cultivate respect for the work of adults. Questions for the conversation:

— What does a janitor do in the garden area?

— What tools does he use for work?

— How can a janitor help trees wake up after winter?

— Is the work of a janitor necessary for people and nature?

P/i "Fishing Rod"

— teach children to swing and throw, throw a fishing rod at a distance, develop coordination and mobility.

V.m: shovels, sleds, brooms.

Evening: Final event: Exhibition of children's works together with parents Folk Toy

Show how to properly shade your favorite toys , with Seryozha and Ulyana. Determine the color of snow and ice. Find out if the snow and ice are transparent. Find out whether snow and ice have looseness and fragility, do this with a subgroup of children . .

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