Summary of the lesson on FEMP in the middle group “The Journey of the Kolobok” counting up to 5

Number and count in the middle group

1. Organizing time

Q: Hello children, look at me, I’m smiling at you. Smile at me, and now at each other. I wish everyone a good mood today.

(Children sit at tables)

2. Main part


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 We all know how to count, We also know how to rest. Let’s put our hands behind our backs, raise our heads higher and breathe easily.

– Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Let's remember the Russian folk tale “Teremok” and invite her to our math lesson.

The teacher says:

- There is a tower-house in the field. He is neither short nor tall (exposes a picture). The Norushka Mouse runs past (card), saw a tower, stopped and asked: “Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion? And a magical voice from the tower answers: “The tower will open its door only to those who complete all my tasks.”

Task No. 1. (using presentation)

1. “How many figures do you see?” (count to 5).

2. D/i “Trick-track” (Check whether the number cards are placed correctly near the groups of objects).

They did everything right, so the doors of the magic house are open for the Mouse. The Mouse entered the little mansion and began to live in it.


- A frog-frog galloped up to the tower, stopped and asked: “The tower is a tower! Who lives in the mansion? And the magical voice at the tower answers: “The tower will open its door only to those who complete all my tasks.”

Task No. 2.

1. “Wonderful bag” (rectangle, square).

2. “Introducing the Rectangle”

- What is this? (Square)

– Who can name this figure?

This is a rectangle.

Today we will learn to distinguish between a rectangle and a square (put it on the board). Place a square in front of you, trace it with your finger, tell me, does it have sides? How many are there? What about the corners? How many are there? Now let's draw a rectangle. Does a rectangle have sides? How many are there? What about the corners? How many are there?

– Look carefully and tell me how a rectangle differs from a square?

– How can I check? (Overlay)

– What do we see now? What can we say?

Conclusion: The top and bottom sides of a rectangle are longer than those of a square, and the left and right sides are the same.

We completed the task correctly, so the doors of the magic tower are open for the Frog. The Frog entered the mansion and began to live in it.

Bunny - Runner ran to the tower, stopped and asked:

“Terem teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Before the animals had time to answer, a magical voice near the tower answered: “The tower will open its door only to those who complete all my tasks.”

Physical education minute. Squirrels jump on branches. Jump and jump, jump and jump! They often climb high, high! (Jumping in place.) Let's play hopscotch Let's play hopscotch, Jump on one leg. And now let’s jump a little more on the other leg. (Jumping on one leg.)

Task No. 3. “Pick up the key to the lock.”

Take the geometric figure you like - this is the key to the lock. We enter the circle, walk to the music, and dance. At the signal: “Open the lock,” you must come up, pick up the key, whose key came up, he entered the gate.

Well done, they helped Bunny get into the tower. The top - a gray barrel - came running to the tower. He stopped and asked: “Teremok tower!” Who lives in the mansion?

Before the animals had time to answer, a magical voice near the tower answered: “The tower will open its door only to those who complete all my tasks.”

Task No. 4. “Put the (vegetable) harvest on the shelves.”

- Shall we help Little Wolf?

a) Place the carrots on the top shelf.

b) Beets on the bottom shelf.

c) Apples on the left shelf.

d) Strawberry on the right shelf.

On which shelves are vegetables and fruits located?

Everything was laid out correctly, the doors of the magic tower opened for the Wolf. Volchek came in and began to live in it.

Foxy sister came running to Teremok and asked: Terem Teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

- I am Mouse - Norushka!

– I am Frog – Kakushka!

- I'm Bunny - Runner!

- I'm Top - Gray Barrel! And who are you?

- And I’m Chanterelle - Sister, let me live with you.

Before the animals had time to answer, a magical voice near the tower answered: “The tower will open its door only to those who complete all my tasks.”

Task No. 5.

- How many animals are there in the house?

-Who came running first?

- Who is last?

-Who is after the hare?

-Who came running before the fox?

The door of the tower opened for Chanterelle. The animals began to live and get along together.

3. Summary of the lesson.

– How many heroes are there in this fairy tale?

– Who helped the animals get into the tower?

– Of course, you and your knowledge!

- Guys, which of the animals did you especially enjoy helping?

So, in a lesson using multimedia technologies and didactic games, the relationship between the number of objects and numbers was studied.

Synopsis of GCD for FEMP in kindergarten “Counting within five.” Middle group

Abstract of the GCD in mathematics “Counting to five” in the middle group
Age group: middle group (4-5 years). Topic: Counting to 5. Goal: Consolidating counting to 5. Integration of educational areas : Cognitive, communicative.
Program tasks:
Cognitive: Practice counting up to 5. Train the ability to compare objects by size. Reinforce knowledge of colors (red, yellow, green). Developmental:
Develop coherent speech, memory, attention, logical thinking.
: To foster activity, independence, and the ability to work in a team.
Objectives : Practice direct counting up to 5. Train the ability to compare objects by size. Strengthen knowledge of colors. Develop coherent speech, memory, attention, logical thinking. Foster activity, independence, and the ability to work in a team. Forms of work: Speech situation, problem solving, reading, joint actions, game exercises. Technologies: problem-based learning, health-saving. Preliminary work : Introducing children to a geometric figure (circle, the size of objects, colors (red, yellow, green, blue) and associate with nature, counting within 5. Materials and equipment: Egg, dinosaur. Pictures: cloud, sun, flower, grass. Red, yellow, green pencils and sheets with drawn beads. Pictures with numbers, flowers with detachable petals.
GCD progress:
Motivational stage: - Hello guys. Today I came into the group and saw an egg. Whose it is and where I don’t understand from where. - Oh, guys - this is the same. (Wow, this is a dinosaur) Let's come up with a name for him. (Rex, Molly, Dino, etc.) - What a great fellow you are. The dinosaur whispers in the teacher's ear. Approximate stage: - Rex says that if he puts the numbers up to five in order, then he can return to his mother. - Rexik is very small, and you are already very big and know how to count. True (Yes, we can.) - Let's teach Rex to count from 1 to 5 and help him arrange them in order (Yes, let's do it.) - Well done... Commendable. Guys, we will evaluate some tasks with a gesture. If you liked the task, then clenched your fist and thumbs up. If you don’t like the task, then clenched your fist and thumbs down. (Showing gestures). Is everyone clear? Ready (Yes. Ready.) Performing stage: Now listen to the story: The pencils in the box got into trouble. Blue said: “I am the most important, the children love me the most.” They paint with my color, what? (Sky, cloud) “No, I’m the most important,” said the red pencil. They paint with my color (Flower) - No, I’m the most important, said the green pencil. They paint with my color (Christmas tree, grass) “Argue, argue,” the yellow pencil thought to himself, I already know that I am the most important one. And children love me the most because they paint with my color. (Sun) - Attention question: How many pencils were in the box? Which ones (Three, four. Red, green, yellow, blue.) - Thank you, young people. - Pencils will help you guys cope with the next task, but first we’ll do gymnastics for the fingers. - Now, please get your hands ready and count with me: (showing two palms) In our group, girls (shake your right hand) and boys (shake your right hand, we’ll make friends with little fingers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! (Fold the fingers of your right hand one by one) Let’s start counting again: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Fold the fingers of the left hand one by one) – Now we’ve finished counting! So, look at what you have drawn on the pieces of paper (circles) Let’s we will call them beads (Let's) - Guys, what shape are the beads (Round) - They are the same size (no) - Let's decorate the beads. - You will decorate the large bead with a red pencil, show with your finger (I check). - The small yellow bead, show with your finger (checking). - The middle bead is green, point with your finger (checking). - Guys, you all worked very hard. I’m very pleased. How would you rate your work? - Let’s take a rest, guys. Let’s warm up? - Everyone get up and stand in a circle on the carpet. - Repeat the movements after me. (All movements according to the text) 1, 2, 3, 4.5 (All children show their palms. They repeat the movements.) We all know how to count, We also know how to rest - Let's put our hands behind our backs, Raise our heads higher And breathe easily, easily. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! Let's stomp our feet! 1, 2, 3, 45! Let's clap our hands! We will pull ourselves up now On our toes as many times Exactly as many times as we have fingers on one hand. - Wonderful. — Did you like the physical education session? We rested a bit. Let's continue. — Guys, please help me collect a flower for our dinosaur. All the petals scattered. - What shape is the middle of the flower (Circles) Collect the petals around the circle. - Happened. Great. — How many petals does a flower have? - What colour? - Well done. How would you rate it? - Now I want to ask you to help the dinosaur put the numbers in order. Can you help? (Yes) - There are numbers on the table in front of you, put them in order together. - Well done. So, let's evaluate the task. Reflective stage: - You all tried very hard, but what do you think, our little dinosaur has learned to count (Yes.) - Let's count together from 1 to 5 again. (Count in unison.) - Thank you guys! Now I can return to my mother. Goodbye. (Please. Bye. Come to us again.) - Guys, what did you like most today? (I select several guys) - What did you find difficult in the lesson? — Thank you guys for your wonderful answers. Prospective stage: - Guys, ask your parents this evening how they learned to count. And tomorrow we will discuss this with you.

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