Summary of a thematic walk on the theme “Spring” (for older children)

Summary of a walk in kindergarten in the spring. Senior group. Tree Observations

Spring walk in kindergarten.
Senior group. Topic: “Excursion around the kindergarten. Tree Observations." Author: Obivalina Galina Nikolaevna. Educator, MBDOU Kindergarten No. 47 “Yolochka”, city of Rubtsovsk, Altai Territory. Description: This material will be useful for parents and kindergarten teachers when conducting spring walks for older children. Using this material, children develop observation, curiosity, attention, and love for nature.

Topic: “Excursion around the kindergarten. Observations of trees" Objectives: to consolidate generalized ideas about seasonal changes; consolidate knowledge about trees and their characteristics in the spring season; introduce a new phenomenon - kidneys; cultivate observation, curiosity, attention, love for nature. Materials: spatulas, buckets, molds, children’s toys for independent activities.
Progress of the walk

Tree watching.
Educator. Guys, today we will observe the trees in different places on the kindergarten site. Today we have a little excursion around the kindergarten. You and I will travel to different places where trees grow, which I will tell you about. I open the buds into green leaves, dress the trees, water the crops. The movement is full, My name is... (spring) Educator. What time of year is the riddle talking about? List the signs of spring. (Children's answers) Educator. The gentle spring sun warmed the whole earth, the tree trunks. The brown caps flew off the buds, and the catkins began to grow, and green leaves appeared behind them. Educator. Guys, let's start our journey, and we will go to the tree about which I will tell you a riddle. She welcomes spring - puts on earrings. A green scarf is draped over the back. And the dress is striped. Do you recognize... (birch tree)? (Children's answers) Educator. What kind of tree is this? What happened to the kidneys? (Children's answers) Educator. They are small and unprepossessing And modestly turn green, But in the fall their leaves and berries turn red. (Rowan) Educator. What kind of tree is this? What happened to the kidneys? Does this tree have catkins? (Children's answers) Educator. Buds are sticky, Leaves are fragrant, Fruits are volatile. (Polar) Educator. What kind of tree is this? What happened to the buds? Does this tree have catkins? (Children's answers) Educator. Every year helicopters grow on it eagerly. It’s a pity that each helicopter is only for one flight. (Maple) Educator. What kind of tree is this? What happened to the buds? Does this tree have catkins? (Children's answers) Educator. There is no more wonderful bush, It glorifies the spring day, The fragrant and delicate color of the Beauty... (Lilac) Educator. What kind of tree is this? What happened to the buds? Does this tree have catkins? (Children's answers) Educator. Well done guys, you are attentive, lilac is indeed a shrub. Tell me, what state are the trees in in the spring? (awakening) What will grow on the tree in the spring before the leaves appear? (Children's answers) Educator. That's right, well done.
Now we'll play. The didactic game “Such a leaf, fly to me” is being played
. Goal. To consolidate knowledge of the appearance of leaves, the ability to distinguish them, and talk about their characteristics. Material: leaf silhouettes cut from colored paper. Game action. Run up to the driver. Game rule. Correctly identify the leaf and talk about its characteristics. Progress of the game. Children are given silhouettes of leaves (one at a time).
The teacher stands in the opposite corner of the room or playground, shows the children a leaf and commands: “Maple (aspen, birch, etc.) leaf, fly to me.” Children who run up must make sure that they have a leaf from the named tree in their hands, then talk about its signs. A complication is the command: “Such a leaf fly to me.” The sign of belonging to a particular plant is not named. If among those running up there is a child with a leaf from another tree, he must find a common feature between his own and the leaf shown. Labor activity.
“Sweeping paths on the site, collecting last year’s leaves” Goal: to consolidate the ability to work together;
cultivate hard work. Outdoor games “Sly Fox”, “Homeless Hare”
Goal. practice loose running;
develop agility and running speed. Individual work
Purpose. strengthen the ability to throw the ball at a target.
Independent activity of children. Summary of the walk.
Educator. Guys, what did we talk about today? What interesting things did you learn? What else would you like to know? (Children's answers) Children.

We recommend watching:

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in a senior group on the topic: Spring Synopsis of an integrated lesson in a senior group in kindergarten on the topic: Spring Synopsis of a spring walk for children of the senior group of a preschool educational institution Thematic spring music lesson in the senior group “Spring sounds and colors”

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Below are several themes for March walks with children in kindergarten.

Card “Observing Seasonal Changes”

Goals: developing the concept of seasonal natural phenomena (snow melts in spring, streams flow, birds fly in, trees turn green); consolidation of knowledge about the sun (the day becomes longer and the sun becomes warmer).

Progress of observation

The teacher talks about the signs of spring and asks the children questions:

  • What happens to nature in spring? (The snow is melting, the wind is warmer, the leaves are turning green, the streams are flowing.)
  • How do plants change? (Leaves or flowers bloom, grass turns green.)
  • Which months are winter and which are spring? February is...

Labor activity: Cleaning up garbage on site. Goal: be proud of yourself for the work you have done.

Outdoor games: “Catch”, “Homeless Hare”. Goals: practice running without bumping into each other; develop agility and endurance.

Individual work: exercises to develop balance.

Willow Observation Card

Goal: to form an idea of ​​willow in the spring, excursion to the botanical garden.

Progress of observation

Willow can be shown in the picture

The teacher takes the children on an excursion to a place where there is a willow tree. Talks about the tree and asks the children questions.

  • What branches does the willow have? (Flexible, long.)
  • What color are willow leaves? (Silver-green.)
  • What is made from willow branches? (They weave furniture.)
  • How was the willow in winter? What was it like in the spring?

Labor activity: cleaning old grass with a rake. Goal: to teach people to work together.

Outdoor games: “Gardeners”, “Burners”. Goal: run on command.

Individual work: jumping on one leg.

Hail Watch Card

Goals: introduce the city; give an idea of ​​the origin of the hail.

Progress of observation: Rainwater evaporates under the rays of the sun and rises to the clouds, where it is very cold. There, the water vapor turns into small round pieces of ice. When pieces of ice fall, some of them have time to melt, and some do not. That's why hail always comes with rain.

Research activity: observe and find out where ice peas melt faster: on the road, under bushes, etc.

Labor activity: cleaning pruned branches of bushes and trees. Goal: to teach how to work in a team, to complete a task, and to evaluate the results of one’s work.

Outdoor games for younger kindergarten groups

Outdoor games: “Birds and fox”. Goal: to teach how to deftly jump from stump to stump, run without bumping into each other, and find your own stump on command.

Individual work: learn to run in a column, one at a time, at an average pace.

Dog Observation Card

Objectives: systematize ideas about animal life; searching for changes in the lives of animals; development of evidentiary speech; fostering a sense of responsibility for those who have been tamed.

Progress of observation: The teacher shows pictures of puppies and asks the children:

Picture 6 A dog is man's best friend.

  • Who is this puppy: a boy or a girl?
  • Let's choose a name for the puppy!
  • What is the dog's mood?
  • What do you think your puppy likes to do most?

A dog is a devoted friend. If she was taken into the house, it means she has owners. They must take care of her: feed and support her, and most importantly, love her.

Labor activity: Digging up soil for planting seeds. Goals: to strengthen the ability to work collectively; to form diligence, the desire to complete the work started.

Outdoor games: “Classics”. Goal: improve the ability to jump on one leg, navigate in a limited area; develop eye and accuracy.

Individual work: improve jumping technique (exercises with a long rope).

Cloud watching

Goal: to form the consciousness of the unity of earth and sky as the basis for a holistic perception of the world.

Progress of observation: During a walk, the teacher invites the children to look at the sky.

  • What can you see in the sky?
  • Describe the clouds today.
  • Will it rain today?
  • Where are the clouds going?

Labor activity: planting flower seeds for seedlings. Goal: teach to work together, enjoy the work done.

Outdoor game: “Bunny Bunny” Objectives: to exercise the ability to run without bumping into each other; develop agility and endurance.

Individual work: learning the tongue twister “There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass.”

Watching the snow

Objectives: to pay attention to seasonal changes in nature; consolidate knowledge about the relationships between “sun and snow” (walk in the preparatory group in March).

Progress of observation: There are signs: if the snow flakes become large, wait for a thaw; the bullfinch sings in winter in the snow, blizzard and slush - wait for early spring.

Spring came

Research activity: measure the depth of snow in the sun and in the shade.

Labor activity: clearing paths from snow. Goal: learn to work together, improve the ability to work with a shovel.

Outdoor games: “Hares and wolves.” Goal: develop the ability to run quickly and dodge the catcher.

Individual work: hit the target with a snowball.

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