Summary of educational activities in the senior group on familiarization with nature on the topic: “Spring is coming to us”


Children become familiar with seasonal natural phenomena primarily through everyday observations while walking. Children observe the phenomena of inanimate nature, the peculiarities of changes in the flora and fauna in each season, and trace the interconnection of phenomena in nature.

The content of observations in the junior and middle groups of kindergarten are individual natural phenomena, this or that state of plants, and the vital activity of animals. Older preschoolers' ideas about the seasons should reflect not only the characteristic features of each season, but also their gradual changes, the transition from one season to another. They observe the yellowing and falling of leaves, the withering of herbaceous plants, the increase in cold weather, the disappearance of various animals, etc.

The results of observations of seasonal changes in nature must be periodically entered into the calendar. For older preschoolers, a weekly calendar, which is added to the group monthly for every third week, may be quite acceptable. Observing the weather, flora and fauna every day for a week, children will be able to reflect on the calendar the state of nature in a given period of the season.

The calendar has three vertical columns: “Days of the week”, “Weather”, “State of wildlife”. Children should fill out the first two columns daily, the third - once at the end of the week, when they have accumulated experience in daily observations of flora and fauna. The days of the week are indicated by colored rectangles, the weather - by conventional icons, and the state of wildlife must be shown using a picture, on which 1-2 trees, a bush, the corresponding ground cover, some insects and birds must be drawn. Children must fill out the calendar on their own, but after a detailed explanation and demonstration from the teacher. On Monday of the next week, you need to fill out the “Weather” column for Saturday and Sunday, discuss the results of observations reflected in the calendar, and then remove it. A new calendar page is entered in the third week of the next month. Similar work is carried out in all months of each season.

An example is a weekly cycle of observations of the state of nature (for example, in the third week of October).

Observation 1 (Monday)

The teacher invites the children to observe the weather for half a minute or a minute, then answer the questions: “Is it cold or warm? How and why are children dressed? Windy or calm? How did you know it was windy (or calm)? Sunny or cloudy? Is it raining or not? Has it rained recently? How did you find out about this? Will there be more rain? How can you find out about this?

In the group, after a walk, the teacher takes the children to the calendar and shows how to mark the day of the week and the weather they observed in it.

Observation 2 (Tuesday)

Weather observation is carried out in the same way, the teacher asks questions as needed. He suggests looking at the trees, remembering what they were like in the summer, saying what has changed, why the trees began to change. One tree, which will be sketched in the calendar, is examined in detail. Questions: “What color are the leaves? Which leaves are there more (green, yellow, red)? How are the different colored leaves arranged on the tree? Are there many leaves on the tree? Is the sky visible through the leaves (many or few)? How many leaves have fallen? What color is the grass? What color are the fallen leaves? A bush is also considered, which the children will then draw on the calendar. In conclusion, the teacher offers to admire the beauty of autumn nature.

In the group, children independently (under the supervision of the teacher) mark the weather on the calendar. In the evening of the same day (or the next, if drawing on the topic “Golden Autumn” is planned during the lesson), children draw the tree and bush that they were looking at. The teacher suggests depicting nature as accurately as possible: the best drawing will be placed in the calendar.

Observation 3 (Wednesday)

Weather observation is carried out in the same way as in previous days. The design chosen for the calendar is compared with the natural objects depicted on it. Children evaluate the drawing, how accurately the tree, bush, and ground cover are depicted in it, and give advice on refining the drawing. The teacher gives the task to pay attention and remember the insects that they see during a walk.

In the group, children mark the weather on a calendar, the teacher asks them to name what insects they saw. In the evening, children complete the drawing, which is then attached to the calendar in the column “State of wildlife.”

Observation 4 (Thursday)

Children observe the weather, notice insects and birds. The group independently records the weather on the calendar. The teacher shows how to complement the drawing with images of animals that were seen on a walk.

Observation 5 (Friday)

The weather is monitored and insects and birds encountered are observed. Looking at the vegetation of the site, children admire the elegant and colorful decoration of the golden autumn.

The group independently records the weather and complements the drawing with new species of insects and birds.

On Monday, in their free time, children mark Saturday and Sunday weather on the calendar. The teacher discusses with them the results of a week of observations of nature. The conversation can be conducted around the following questions: “What was the weather like last week? How can this be seen from the calendar? What did the plants on the site look like (trees, bushes, grasses)? How can this be seen from the calendar? Why does the state of plants change? What animals (insects, birds) are there on the site? Are the birds seen wintering or migrating?”

The calendar is being removed. The teacher reports that the next observations of nature will be at the end of November.

When working to familiarize preschoolers with the seasons, the teacher should use literary works (prose, poetry), filmstrips, paintings, and didactic games. In your free time, you can play with your children, for example, the following games: “When it happens”, “Spring, summer, autumn”, “What comes first, what comes next”.

At the end of each season, a conversation is held with the children of the senior group. Children in the preparatory group should be given a lesson to form a generalized idea of ​​this time of year.

Class. Autumn is like a season.

Program content. To form in children a generalized idea of ​​the autumn season based on the following characteristics: 1. The weather is changing: it is getting colder, it rains more often; The days are getting shorter, the sun is getting weaker. 2. Vegetation changes: leaves on trees and bushes turn yellow and fall off; herbaceous plants wither; fruits and seeds ripen. 3. Animals are preparing for winter: migratory birds fly south, wintering birds approach human habitation; insects disappear, hide; animals store food, insulate their burrows, prepare for hibernation, and molt.

Material for the lesson: nature calendar, poems about autumn.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher reads A. S. Pushkin’s poem “The sky was already breathing in autumn.” Asks the children what it is about. He says that today they must tell everything they know about autumn. Draws attention to the calendars of nature, hung one below the other in the order of the months. He asks the children when they filled out the upper (September) calendar, when - the middle (October), when - the lower (November) calendar. He says that using these calendars you can track what changes occurred in the fall. Questions: “What was the weather like at the end of September (October, November)? How did she change? How can this be seen from the calendars? After the children's answers, a summary of the weather changes in autumn is summed up. Using questions, the teacher helps the children tell how wildlife has changed: “What happened to the trees and bushes in three months? How can this be seen from the calendars? How did the land cover change? How is this marked on the calendars?”

Then the teacher discusses with the children the state of the animal world in the fall. Questions: “What happened to the insects? When did they disappear? How can this be seen from the calendars? Has the composition of birds on the site changed? Where have the starlings, swallows, etc. gone? What birds began to appear frequently on the site? Why?" After the children’s answers, the teacher summarizes the changes in wildlife in the fall, which can be traced using calendars. He proposes to tell what changes occur in the life of forest animals in the fall, to name all the main signs of autumn in order, so that you can understand what autumn is.

If children find it difficult to give a detailed definition of autumn, then the teacher gives it himself: “Autumn is a time of year when everything in nature changes: the days become shorter, the sun warms less, it becomes colder every day, it rains often, the sky is cloudy, gloomy . The leaves turn yellow and fall, the flowers and herbs wither. Insects hide in fallen leaves, under the bark. Migratory birds fly south, wintering birds move closer to human habitation. Animals in the forest are preparing for winter: storing food, molting, insulating their holes, preparing for hibernation.” Invites 1-2 children to repeat this generalization.

At the end of the lesson, children read poems by E. Trutneva “Autumn” and A. Tolstoy “Autumn”.

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For the curious: about forest babies and their mothers. Interesting information about animals in spring

Hares in spring

Mom is a hare

feeds the bunnies and immediately runs away, leaving them alone under a bush. And the bunnies sit under the bush for three to four days, waiting for their new mother, the hare, to feed them.

There are no strangers' bunnies - they are all their own and will always be fed. Hares' milk is fatty and nutritious; it lasts for 3-4 days.

Why does nature work this way? The fact is that hares have sweat and sebaceous glands only on the soles of their paws. And if the hare lived with the hares, they would quickly be found - smelled by the smell - a fox or a wolf. After all, rabbits have many enemies - fox, wolf, marten, lynx, and birds of prey. And when a tiny bunny sits under a bush and hides its paws under itself, it is impossible to find it by its smell. It turns out that by running away from the bunnies, the hare saves them.

After 8-9 days, the rabbits will have teeth, and then grass will appear, and they will begin to feed themselves.

Squirrels in spring

At the squirrel's

Baby squirrels also appear in the spring. They are born naked, helpless, and cannot see anything. The mother squirrel takes care of them, feeding the squirrels milk for two months. But dad, the squirrel, doesn’t live with his family, he lives separately.

The mother squirrel spends a lot of time searching for food, otherwise the baby squirrels will grow up frail and sick. Baby squirrels require special attention from the mother squirrel; they need to be covered, warmed, and fed. Only after a month do the baby squirrels open their eyes and begin to look out of the nest.

In spring, the squirrel is the enemy of all birds and the most dangerous predator for many birds. She destroys bird nests on tree branches and steals chicks and eggs from them.

Hedgehogs in spring

In April, hedgehogs also appear. They are born in a hedgehog's nest, which looks like a hut made of dry leaves, twigs and moss. The hedgehog feeds the hedgehogs with milk and takes care of them.

Hedgehogs, like baby squirrels, are born helpless and naked, without needles. A few hours after birth, bumps appear on the skin of the hedgehogs, then they burst, and thin needles appear from them. Then the needles will harden and turn into thorns. The mother of the hedgehog first feeds the hedgehogs with milk, and then, when they grow up, she brings them earthworms and slugs to their nest.

Bears in the spring

In April, a mother bear with grown cubs wakes up and leaves the den. She wanders through the forest - looking for food: pulling out bulbs and roots of plants, looking for larvae.

Coming out of the den, the bear stretches, rolls around, tries to warm up after hibernation, and puts his fur coat in order. And looking for food.

By the time they leave the den, bears molt. They lose their thick winter coat and grow a short, darker coat. The fur will grow again all summer and will be thick and warm by the new winter (bears do not shed in the fall).

In the spring, the she-bear not only feeds the cubs with her milk, but also teaches them to get their own food - dig roots out of the ground, look for insects, last year's berries. Even if the mother bear is hungry, first of all she will give food to her babies - the cubs. While protecting the cubs, the mother bear can attack any enemy.

In the spring, the mother bear bathes her cubs in streams and lakes: she takes them by the scruff of the neck and lowers them into the water. Later, when the kids grow up, they will begin to bathe themselves.

Creative task “Unwashed Raccoon”.

Read to the children a wonderful fairy tale about the Raccoon. And together with your child, figure out how this story ends.

E. Shim “Who looks like whom?”

“Little Raccoon ran home, and his mother gasped:

- Fathers, who do you look like?! Where have you been messing around? Why is all the fur in the trash?

- And I was stirring up an anthill.

- Why are your paws covered in swamp mud?

- And I was chasing a frog.

- Why is your nose in the ground?!

- I dug up a beetle...

- No, just look at him! - mom says. – Is this what decent animals look like?

What do decent animals look like?

- Decent animals have shiny fur, licked noses, cleaned claws! And look at yourself!

“I wanted to take a look,” Raccoon replies, “but they didn’t let me.”

- Who didn’t?

- And the Bear. I didn’t come to the river, I went down to the water - suddenly there was a Mother Bear with her cubs! So scary! I'm angry!

- Do you know why she came to the river?

- Don't know. I quickly ran away.

“She brought the cubs to bathe them.” And she is ashamed when the children are grimy!

“That’s it...” says Raccoon. - Now understand. Otherwise, I couldn’t guess why she was waving her paw and growling: “Oh, you little freak, oh you unwashed Raccoon!”

Questions for children:

  1. Why couldn’t Raccoon look at himself – at his reflection in the water?
  2. Why did the Bear come to the river? Why did the Bear growl and get angry?
  3. What did the Raccoon do next when he found out why the Bear was angry and cursed “The Raccoon is unwashed”?
  4. Together with your children, figure out how this story ends. (For example, Raccoon quickly ran to the river, washed his face, combed his hair, cleaned his claws. He returned home, even his mother did not recognize him, and was very happy...)

Sometimes in a family of bears there is an older bear cub - a “pestun” (a bear cub from last year’s litter). So it is called from the word “nurture”. The bear cub is a nurse - the main assistant of the mother - bear, a role model for kids - bear cubs. He shows them how to climb hollows for honey, how to feast on ants and their larvae. He separates the cubs if they fight and restores order among them. This is the kind of helper the bear has! And daddy bear does not take part in raising the cubs.

The bear cub is a nurturer, although he is an older bear cub, but he loves to play. Read to your child the dialogue between the Magpie and the Teddy Bear:

E. Shim “The Magpie and the Little Bear”

“- Teddy bear, are you going to break this rowan tree?

- Nope.

-Are you bending it into an arc?

- Nope.

- Do you want to rip her off?

- Leave me alone, Soroka. I do not want anything. I just took it and am swinging on this mountain ash. Let me play at least a little before my mother comes and makes my little brother babysit!”

Foxes in spring

Foxes also have cubs. Usually in March - April, a fox gives birth to 4-6 cubs. Little foxes are dark brown in color, and the tips of their tails are white! After 3-4 weeks, the fox cubs stop eating the milk of their mother, the fox, but still live in the hole. Their parents bring them food into the hole.

Their mother, the fox, does not allow anyone near the fox cubs. She guards the hole. The mother fox watches closely to see if there is any danger nearby. In case of danger, the fox barks loudly, and the cubs quickly run away - they hide deep in the hole. And if people or dogs have visited the fox hole, then the fox will definitely move her cubs to another safe place - away from the previous hole. The father fox also helps raise the fox cubs. He teaches them and brings them booty.

Wolves in the spring

To raise wolf cubs, wolves make a den in the forest thicket. In the spring, a she-wolf gives birth to 4-7 cubs. They are born helpless and covered with gray fluff. First, the she-wolf feeds the cubs with her milk, and does not leave them anywhere. And daddy the wolf brings food to the she-wolf. When the wolf cubs grow up, both mother and father feed them together.

Moose in spring

In the spring, a moose cow gives birth to 1-2 calves. The mother moose licks them after birth, and they immediately stand on their legs. And after 3-4 days, little elk calves run after their mother! Their mother, the moose cow, feeds them with her milk for a long time, and the moose calves grow like heroes - by leaps and bounds!

Badgers in the spring

The badger wakes up and crawls out of the hole. The badger is a very neat and clean animal. Therefore, in the spring he begins to repair his house, renews his bedding, cleans the passages, and throws out the garbage.

In the spring, the badger eats everything edible it can find, as it needs to quickly restore strength after hibernation. It eats larvae, earthworms, mice, and destroys bird nests.

In April, a badger gives birth to 3-6 badger cubs. She raises them alone. For several days she does not leave the hole at all, then she comes out, but not for long. To make the babies grow faster, the badger takes them one by one out into the sunshine into the fresh air - she takes them in her teeth, brings them and places them side by side under a bush or under a tree. When the badger cubs are two months old, they come out of the hole on their own.

Pisces in the spring

In the spring, the ice on the river melts and it is no longer possible to walk on it. And then the ice begins to drift completely. All the inhabitants of the reservoirs are happy that it has become light under the water. The fish swim to shallow places where the water is more warmed by the sun.

In spring, fish begin to grow, and their scales grow in rings. And by their number you can determine how old the fish is.

In May, fish spawn. The fry emerge from it.

At first the fry are naked, without scales, then they grow scales. First of all, the pectoral fins of the future fish grow, then the fins on the back, and then on the stomach. When the fry grow up, it develops a tail.

The fry hide from their enemies in the darkness. In some fish, the fry hide in their parents' mouths and sit there in safety. Sometimes the fry hide next to their parents, clinging to their side and swimming away from the dangerous place.

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