At what age are riddles about vitamins useful?
Quiz “Vitamins” Biology teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School, Troitskoye village, Sakhalin Region Danilenko N.V. - presentation
Quiz on the topic: “Vitamins” (with answers) 1. Which vitamin helps maintain the beauty of the skin: a)
Interactive didactic games in the development of mental activity of preschool children
Interactive didactic games in the development of mental activity of preschool children Oksana Poftalnaya (Grigorieva) Interactive
A collection of games for developing communication skills in children two to three years old
Communication is the ability of a person to express his thoughts and feelings so that they are correctly
Observing the sky in spring is the goal. Walk “Watching the sky” in the middle group
Card index of walks in the middle group for the month of March March Walk 1 Bird watching
Application of geometric shapes: in kindergarten and master class for preschoolers
Application of geometric shapes: in kindergarten and master class for preschoolers
Geometric applique This article is intended for practicing appliqué with children. Geometric applique will unobtrusively introduce
planning work in kindergarten
Project activities in preschool educational institutions: classification, types, stages
Organization of project activities in preschool educational institutions Today one of the most vibrant, developing, interesting, significant
Interactive folder - lapbook on the theme “Hello, Zimushka-winter!”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Lapbook “Winter” for children ZRR Didactic manual on the development of speech for older children
Games and tasks for psychological preparation of 6–7 year old children for school
Children grow so quickly that it seemed like not so long ago that the baby was just learning to walk.
photo 1
CARD INDEX 200 exercises for the development of general and fine motor skills card index on correctional pedagogy
What are fine motor skills? Fine motor skills are the ability to make small movements accurately
theater in preschool educational institution
Relevance, purpose and objectives of theatrical activities in preschool education.
Relevance, purpose and objectives of theatrical activities in preschool education. Theatrical activity is a source of development
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