Entertainment summary for February 23 “We are the defenders of the Motherland”

Scenario of the Concert program “Glory to the Fatherland” dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day

2nd leader:

Since 1946, the holiday began to be called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.
(slide number 7)
1st presenter:

Since February 10, 1995, the holiday has been called “Defender of the Fatherland Day.”
(slide No.8)
2 – 1st presenter:

Those who have defended our Motherland over the years and those who are now protecting our peaceful sleep deserve congratulations.
(slide number 9)
1st presenter:

Man is unthinkable without his homeland, the region, the place where he is born. Well, if there is a Motherland, a Fatherland, where we live, where our ancestors lived, then we need people who can defend it. I believe that our boys will also stand up for defense if necessary.

2nd leader:

On the eve of the holiday, we want to congratulate all defenders of the Fatherland, as well as our boys and young men - the future defenders of our Motherland, and dedicate today's concert program and all the kind words and wishes.

Musical number: Dance from D/O “Boys” (slide number 10)

1st presenter:

The floor for greetings and congratulations is given to the director -
Larisa Petrovna Yanchenko.
Fanfare sounds.

Director's speech.

2nd leader:

February is the harshest month of the year!
Maybe that's why the biggest and most severe men's holiday appeared in February. (slide number 11)
1st presenter:

If you think that February 23 is a holiday for military personnel, then you are deeply mistaken! February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day. And every man, whether he is a naval officer or a programmer, a businessman or a plumber, a scientist or a teacher, is a Protector.

2nd leader:

February 23 is the Day of Defender of your Fatherland, your family, and the honor of your work collective.
February 23 is the Day of a Real Man. (slide number 12)
1st presenter:

In the old days they talked about men who defended their homeland with respect and pride.

2nd leader:

How proudly the word “Man” sounds. What does it say?

1st presenter:

A man is courage.

2nd leader:


1st presenter:

Generosity and nobility.

2nd leader:

Courage and strength.

1st presenter:

On this day we congratulate men who will emerge from any, even the most difficult situation, with their head held high as a winner!

Musical number: Svetlana Shvyreva and Victoria Puzyreva with the song “You serve, we will wait for you”
(slide number 13)
2nd presenter:

We congratulate our dear teachers with great joy:

Levashchev Alexey Mikhailovich

Logutov Sergei Mikhailovich

Yanchenko Vasily Valerievich

1st presenter:

And on this beautiful and joyful day

We are not too lazy to wish you a thousand times:

Let there be prosperity on your table!

Let peace strengthen on our land.

Plan for the month dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day from 02/1/2021-02/27/2021

Based on the educational work plan for the 2020-2021 academic year, from 02/1/2021 – 02/27/2021, the school will host events aimed at developing the civic consciousness of students, gaining knowledge about the history of their Fatherland, and educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland based on the example of the exploits and courage of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, soldiers of the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

p/pevent titleDatesParticipantsResponsible
1Opening of the month (decoration on the 1st floor)1.02.2021 Teacher-organizer Karagaeva O.O.
2 Single class hour “Military glory, valor and honor..”20.02.20211-11 Class teachers 1-11
3 Book exhibition “Courage, Courage and Honor” dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. within a month1-11 Librarian Onuchina N.V.
4 Promotion “Gift for February 23 with your own hands”until 02/22/20211-4 Class teachers 1-4
5 Library lessons: “Our Glorious Army”, “Glorious Sons of the Fatherland”within a month1-4 Librarian Onuchina N.V.
6Ski track of Russia 2021 by classon schedule1-11 Physical education teachers
7 Skating competition “Ice of Our Hope” by class2.02-5.02.20215-7 Physics teacher


8 Sports and patriotic game "Zarnitsa"on schedule5-11 Life safety teacher Efimov I.T.
9 Congratulations to boys and young men by grade on Defender of the Fatherland Dayuntil 20.02.20211-11Class teachers 1-11
10 Competition of stories about military service “Our dads served in the army” 8.02-26.02.20211-11Class teachers 1-11
Teacher-organizer Karagaeva O.O.
11 Review of cool corners (traffic rules, safety rules)11.02-12.02.20211-11 Pryakhina S.E., Deputy Director for VR
12 Congratulatory wall newspaper for Defender of the Fatherland Dayuntil 15.02.2021 Student Council Chairman of the Student Council Ksenia Ogloblina
13 Watching films about the Great Patriotic War: “Officers”, “Battle for the Caucasus”, “Memory”, “The Fate of a Man”, “Belorussky Station”, “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”, “The Cranes Are Flying”, “Volunteers”, “Aty- baht, soldiers were marching”, “Swans of Nepryadva”, “Brest Fortress”, “Stalingrad”, “Star”, “Father of a Soldier”, “Soldier”, etc.within a month5-11Class teachers 1-11
14 Competition of military equipment models “Armor and Power of Russia” 8.02-23.02.20211-11Class teachers 1-11
Teacher-organizer Karagaeva O.O.
15 Patriotic Song Competition (recording mode)until 16.02.20211-11Class teachers 1-11
16 Closing of the month (summarizing)26.02.2021Teacher-organizer Karagaeva O.O.

Monthly plan

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