ecological week in pre-materials (middle group) on the topic

Svetlana Krivego

Ecological week in the junior-middle group

project in the junior-middle group

Compiled by S. V. Krivego, teacher

second qualification category

MBDOU d/s "Topolek"

, Saratov region,

Sovetsky district, village Alexandrovka


Today, environmental literacy and respect for nature have become the key to human survival on our planet. Environmental education for children is a huge potential for their comprehensive development. Bits of environmental knowledge acquired in childhood will help the child navigate the surrounding reality and understand it correctly.

Goal of the environmental project :

Formation of the principles of ecological culture , the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards nature in all its diversity, towards the people who protect it. And, in addition, the attitude towards oneself as a part of nature. Understanding the value of life and health and their dependence on the environment.

Objectives of environmental education

• Enrich children with knowledge about nature, its diversity, the integrity of a living organism, its needs, distinctive features, features of adaptation to the environment, and lifestyle.

• To form concepts about the relationships and interdependence of all components of nature; animals with each other, plants and animals, living and inanimate nature, humans and nature.

• Instill practical skills and abilities to care for the plants and animals of your immediate environment.

• Develop artistic abilities, aesthetic feelings; the ability to notice beauty, admire and admire objects of nature, protect and, if possible, increase the beauty and riches of native nature.

•Develop children’s coherent speech: enrich and activate vocabulary, develop interactive speech and evidence-based speech, teach writing stories.

Day of the week Activities Games Observations

Friday FEMP: Comparison of width, length. by height (road-path, river-stream, trees-bushes)


"Vegetables fruits"


"Birds, fly"

Excursion to the pond and along the street. (observe how nature wakes up - notice how the ice has broken)

Monday Getting to know your surroundings on the topic: “Interesting water”



“Find a picture of spring, tell me why?”

m/n game: “Along the bridge”

“Run to me, be careful - puddles!”
Behind the swollen buds on tree branches and the first leaves that have broken through, a comparison among trees - which ones have the most swollen buds

Tuesday Drawing on the theme: “Spring”


“Water, not water, what kind of water?” (steam, ice, snow, rain, hail.)


"Sun and Rain"

Behind the surface of the earth, where the snow lies (where there is little sun, where green grass breaks through

Wednesday Speech Development: “Vegetable Garden”


What grows where?

Outdoor game: “At the bear in the forest”

What are they wearing? What are people wearing? Why did you dress and put on your shoes like that?

Thursday Modeling: “An Apple for a Hedgehog”


“Find a piece of paper, which one will I show you?”

Movable: “Birds on a branch”

Slide View

“Spring has come and nature has come to life”

Friday FEMP: “Once upon a time there lived a mother goat and kids”


“Guess who is screaming and where”

Movable: “The little white bunny is sitting”

Slide View


"We plant seedlings"

1. Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the environment

"Interesting water"

junior-middle group

GOAL: to introduce children to some of the properties of water, to draw their attention to the fact that even such a familiar object as water is fraught with a lot of unknowns; give children an idea of ​​the role of water in the life of humans, plants and animals; teach children to use water sparingly and conserve it.

MATERIAL: cups of water, milk, orange juice, pieces of ice, teaspoons, napkins, audio recording of “the sound of water”


DICTIONARY: enrich children's vocabulary.

PRELIMINARY WORK: reading the book by M. D. Perin “Water of Life”

meeting the health teacher “KAPELIA” (Hello program)
asking riddles about water; listening to an audio recording of “the sound of rain”

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