Summary of the lesson on fiction "Visiting the Sun"

Visiting the sun

One day a large cloud covered the sky. The sun didn't show for three days.

The chickens are bored without sunlight. -Where did that sun go? - they say. - We need to return him to heaven as soon as possible.

-Where will you find him? - the hen cackled. - Do you know where it lives? “We don’t know, but we’ll ask whoever we meet,” answered the chickens. The hen collected them for the journey. She gave me a bag and a purse. In the bag there is a grain, in the purse there is a poppy seed. The chickens have left.

They walked and walked and saw: in the garden, behind a head of cabbage,

snail sits. She is big, horned, and has a hut on her back. The chickens stopped and asked: “Snail, snail, do you know where the sun lives?” - Don't know. There's a magpie sitting on the fence - maybe she knows.

But the magpie did not wait for the chickens to come to her. She flew up to them, chattered, and began to chatter: “Chickens, where are you going, where?” Where are you chickens going, where? The chickens answer: “Yes, the sun has disappeared.” He was not in heaven for three days. Let's go look for him. - And I will go with you! And I will go with you! And I will go with you! - Do you know where the sun lives? “I don’t know, but the hare maybe knows: he

lives next door across the border! - the magpie chattered.

The hare saw that guests were coming to him, straightened his hat, wiped his mustache and opened the gate wider. “Hare, hare,” the chickens squealed, the magpie chattered, “do you know where the sun lives?” We're looking for him. “I don’t know, but my neighbor the duck probably knows: she lives near the stream, in the reeds.”

The hare led everyone to the stream. And near the stream there is a duck house and a shuttle is tied nearby. - Hey, neighbor, are you home or not? - the hare shouted. - At home, at home! - the duck quacked. “I still can’t dry out; there hasn’t been any sun for three days.” - And we’re just going to look for the sun! - the chickens, the magpie and the hare shouted back to her. – Do you know where it lives? “I don’t know, but behind the stream, under a hollow beech tree, a hedgehog lives - he knows.”

They crossed the stream in a canoe and went to look for the hedgehog. And the hedgehog sat under a beech tree and dozed.

“Hedgehog, hedgehog,” the chickens, magpie, hare and duck shouted in unison, “do you know where the sun lives?” He had not been in heaven for three days; had he fallen ill? The hedgehog thought and said: “How can you not know!” I know where the sun lives. Behind the beech tree is a large mountain. There is a big cloud on the mountain. Above the cloud is the silver moon, and then the sun is just a stone's throw away!

The hedgehog took a stick, pulled his hat down and walked ahead of everyone to show the way. So they came to the top of a high mountain. And there the cloud clung to the top and lay there.

A chicken, a magpie, a hare, a duck and a hedgehog climbed onto the cloud, sat tight, and the cloud flew straight to visit the month.

And the moon saw them and quickly lit up its silver horn. “A month, a month,” the chickens, the magpie, the hare, the duck and the hedgehog shouted to him, “show us where the sun lives!” He was not in heaven for three days, we missed him.

The month brought them straight to the gates of the sun’s house, but the house was dark, there was no light: it had fallen asleep, apparently the sun did not want to wake up.

Then the magpie chattered, the chickens squeaked, the duck quacked, the hare flapped his ears, and the hedgehog tapped with his stick: “Little sunshine, look out and shine the light!” - Who is screaming under the window? - asked the sun. -Who is disturbing me from sleeping? “It’s us—chickens, a magpie, a hare, a duck, and a hedgehog.” We came to wake you up - morning has come.

“Oh, oh!” the sun moaned. - How can I look at the sky? For three days the cloud hid me, for three days it overshadowed me, now I won’t even be able to shine...

The hare heard about this - he grabbed a bucket and started carrying water. A duck heard about this - let’s wash the sun with water. And magpie - wipe with a towel. Let's clean the hedgehog with the prickly bristles. And the chickens began to brush away specks from the sun.

The sun came out into the clear, clear and golden sky. And everywhere it became light and warm.

The chicken also came out to bask in the sun. She came out, clucked, and called the chickens to her. And the chickens are right there. They run around the yard, look for grains, and bask in the sun. If you don’t believe me, let him see if there are chickens running around the yard or not?

Summary of educational activities for reading the fairy tale “Visiting the Sun”

Summary of educational activities on Slovak fairy tales

"Visiting the Sun"


Educational: Introduce children to the folk art of the Slovak people: the fairy tale “The Sun is Visiting.” Learn to analyze the characters and their actions. Introduce proverbs about friendship and the qualities inherent in a true friend. Enrich children's vocabulary and ability to retell a fairy tale.

Developmental: Develop imagination, attention, memory, speech through the selection of expressive means. Develop the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives. Combine communication activities and physical activity.

Educators: Cultivate interest in fairy tales, strengthen the sense of friendship, support and mutual assistance.


In the morning the sun rises

Calls everyone outside

I'm leaving the house

Hello, my street.

Look what kind of sun I have (showing) Let's say what kind of sun? (children say words - adjectives: warm, yellow, affectionate, etc.) I know a story in which there was no sun for several days. Want to know why? Listen to the Slovak fairy tale “Visiting the Sun” (reading)

- What is the fairy tale about?

- What trouble happened?

— Who helped the chickens find the sun?

— With whom did the chickens reach the sun?

- Why didn’t the sun come out, what was stopping it? How did his friends see him? (sleepy, sleepy)

— What did the sun look like after the animals washed it? (clean, bright, radiant, golden)

- Remember who was the first to go looking for the sun? (chickens) Put a circle that will represent chickens (children put a yellow circle). What kind of chickens were they? (worried, restless, upset)

-Who did they meet along the way? (magpie) Put a circle that will represent a magpie (children put a black circle)

-Who else did they meet? (hare) Put a circle that will represent the hare (children put a white circle). How did he meet the guests? (straightened his hat, wiped his mustache, opened the gate wider) How can you say anything about him? What is he like? (affable, hospitable, kind, polite, affectionate, economical)

-Who else have you met? (duck) Put a circle that will represent a duck (children put a red circle) Remember what kind of duck is in the fairy tale? (...)

- Who else went with them to look for the sun? (hedgehog). Put a circle that will represent a hedgehog (children put a brown circle) Which hedgehog? (...)

- Who else went with them? ( snail). Put a circle that will represent a snail (children put a green circle) What kind of snail? (,,.)

Phys. Minute: In the morning the sun comes out high

In the evening it comes from the sky far away

During the day it walks across the sky

Warms everyone, spreading its rays widely.

Let's remember the fairy tale (children retell it using color models).

Listen to the proverb, think about whether it fits this fairy tale?

“The sun is warm, the mother is good”

I have a radiant sun, tell me what you liked about the fairy tale? (the sun “distributes” warm rays for the children’s answers)

Summary of the lesson on fiction "Visiting the Sun"

“Dwarfs” heresek tobynda ұyimdastyrylgan oku іс-әеретиінін сінзісі”

Summary of organized educational activities in the senior group “Dwarves”

Event information/Date



Rybachenko T.B.

I take salads/Education area:




otpeli takyryp / Cross-cutting topic:

Traditions and folklore

Astyndatakyryp / Subtopic:

“Nauryz calls friends”


Reading the Slovak folk tale “The Sun is Visiting”


1. Tarbielik-educational:

To instill interest in such works of a small literary genre as proverbs. To form in children ideas about friendship and mutual understanding

2. Damytushylyk developing:

Develop memory and imagination. Reinforce familiar words based on the content of the text in the Kazakh language. Develop children’s creative abilities by imitating the characteristics of the characters’ movements and voice signals.


Continue to introduce children to the literary genre “fairy tales about animals”, teach them to understand the moral meaning of the events taking place in a fairy tale. Teach them to reason, expressing their opinion about the actions of the heroes of a fairy tale, teach them to select and use different definitions in speech to characterize the characters. Enrich children's vocabulary...

Pedagogical technology / pedagogical technology:

Resourceman kamtamasyz etu/Resource provision:

reader, envelopes, pencils.

Polygvaldyk component/polygvalny component:

sun - kүн - sun, chickens - tauyktar- chickens, cabbage - kyrykkabat- cabbage, hare - koyan - hare, house - үй - house, hat - hat - cap.

Uyimdastyrylgan oku kyzmetinin Barysy- OUD

1.yimdastyrushylyk kezeni/organizational moment:

The teacher can begin the OUD with a message that at night the Postal Falcon delivered a letter to the Beautiful Aisulu. Everyone looks at the received envelope together.

Based on the picture on the envelope, they guess that today they will be introduced to a fairy tale. Then they open the envelope and read another letter from the Beautiful Aisulu. She writes that there are a lot of interesting tales about animals in the world; all nations have such tales. She invites children today to get acquainted with the Slovak folk tale about animals “The Sun is Visiting”. The teacher prepares the children to listen to an interesting fairy tale, invites them to sit more comfortably and listen carefully to the fairy tale without disturbing each other.

2. Negіzі bolіmі/main part:

1. 1. Reads a fairy tale.

2. Asks questions and gives assignments on the content of the fairy tale:

— Did you like the fairy tale?

— Why were the chickens so worried?

— How did the mother hen collect the chickens in the ditch?

— What animals did the chickens meet on their way to the Sun? (If children find it difficult to remember the sequence of events, the teacher should help them).

- Why did the Sun sparkle and shine so much?

— Do you think the chickens could clean and wash Sunny themselves?

— Remember the title of the story about the Sun, which we recently met.

III. Vocabulary work. Explains to children the meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases from the text of the fairy tale: poppy. the fence, jammed, crackled, border, straight away. The teacher, at his discretion, can reduce or increase the number of words and phrases for vocabulary work, depending on the children’s need to clarify new words.

Bilingual component. Familiar words denoting the names of animals in the Kazakh language are fixed: mysyk - cat, etesh - rooster, kaskyr - wolf, a - bear.

V. Imitation game. The teacher invites the children to portray fairy tale characters: chickens, a hare, a hedgehog, a hen.

VI. Working with proverbs and sayings.

The teacher informs the children that the Postal Falcon left another envelope. Together with the children, they consider the design of the envelope. Having opened the envelope, the teacher reads proverbs and sayings to the children about friendship, unity, and mutual understanding: Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. Make new friends, eh. don't lose the old ones. (Russian proverbs.) The teacher and the children come to understand the meaning of proverbs.

3. Results/final part:

The teacher informs that it is time to finish the work and thanks the children for their active participation in the conversation. Reminds children to thank Beautiful Aisula and the Postal Falcon for their wonderful works.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Lesson summary “Visiting the Sun”

(world around us, 2nd teen group)


  • Introduce children to Russian folklore;
  • Encourage children to communicate and develop speech;
  • Consolidate knowledge about the sun (what is it for? what is it like?);
  • The sun gives us light.
  • Continue to introduce the unconventional way of drawing with your palm.
  • Develop aesthetic feelings for nature, teach to see its beauty.
  • Develop color perception and hand-eye coordination.
  • To encourage in children the desire to finish what they start.

Equipment: sheets of paper, gouache (yellow, red), saucers (for drawing with the palm of your hand), napkins, illustrations and sketches depicting the sun.

Preliminary work:

  1. Walking around the kindergarten area in order to observe the sun (during walks, the teacher teaches children to peer into phenomena, compare them, see what is common and distinctive, and with questions encourages them to find their own words and expressions to describe what they see);
  2. Telling the fairy tale “Visiting the Sun”;
  3. Examining the sun in illustrations, clarifying the shape and color of the sun;
  4. Learning songs and nursery rhymes about the sun;
  5. Guessing riddles about natural phenomena.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational part.

Educator: Guys, listen to a very interesting riddle and tell me what it says:

It warms the whole world. And he doesn’t know fatigue. He smiles at the window, And everyone calls him...

Children: The sun.

Educator: That's right, it's the sun. It wakes up before everyone else, washes itself from the cloud and rises high into the sky to do “good deeds.” And what “good deeds” does the sun do? (Children's answers.)

Little Sun comes into the group.

Educator: Yes, guys, that’s right, the sun illuminates the earth, warms everyone, it has many “good deeds”: warm the earth, illuminate it with bright light, and wake everyone up with its gentle rays. But sometimes, guys, it happens that the sun doesn’t come out into the sky much and doesn’t give us its warmth. What time of year do you think this happens? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Guys, is it a sunny day now? Is it light in our group? Should we turn on the light? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Let’s make today sunny together! Do you agree?

Children: Yes!

Educator: And we will draw the sun not with pencils or brushes, but with the help of our palm. To make the sun look like a real one, let's remember what it is like. What does it look like? (Children's answers.)

Educator: What figure does the sun remind us of? (Children's answers.)

Educator: What color is the sun? (Children's answers.)

Educator: That's right, children. Now we'll play.

Finger gymnastics “Give us warmth, sunshine.”

We extended our palms and looked at the sun. (Children stretch their palms forward and rhythmically turn them up and down.) Give us, sunshine, warmth, so that there is strength. (They make a movement with their fingers, as if beckoning to them.)

Our little fingers don’t want to wait a minute, (They rhythmically bend and straighten their fingers.) Knock-knock, with hammers, (Bend over and alternately rhythmically knock on their knees with their fists.) Clap-clap, with their little paws, (They clap rhythmically on their knees.)

Jump - jump, like bunnies, galloping on the lawn. (They tap their knees with bent fingers.)

2. Practical part.

The teacher shows how to create an image. If there are difficulties, the teacher shows how to create an image individually.

As the children work, cheerful music is played to the tune of the Russian folk song “Shine, shine, sun.”


Bucket sunshine! Rise quickly, Light up and warm the calves and lambs,

More little guys.

3. Final part.

Educator: Let's remember what we did? (Children's answers.)

The teacher and the children review the resulting work.

Next >

"Visiting the sun." Lesson on plot application with drawing elements

Victoria Gaidukova

"Visiting the sun." Lesson on plot application with drawing elements

Goals: To cultivate interest in reflecting impressions of literary works in visual arts. Foster independence, confidence, initiative.

Objectives: Strengthen children’s ability to draw simple plots based on fairy tales . To lead to an understanding of the generalized method of depicting different animals (chicken and duckling)

applique and drawing - based on two circles or ovals of different sizes (torso and head)
. Develop a sense of color, shape and composition.

Materials, tools, equipment: Sheets of white paper for the background, yellow and orange paper circles of different sizes: the largest for the sun , medium in size for the body of the chicken, and ovals for the duckling, the smallest for the head; glue, glue brushes, colored pencils, paper and cloth napkins. Two or three versions of the composition Visiting the Sun

for showing to children.

Preliminary work: Reading the fairy tale Visiting the Sun

, conversation based on content.
Looking at illustrations in children's books. Conversation about the sun .
Contents of the lesson .

The teacher reads to the children an excerpt from the fairy tale Visiting the Sun


One day a large cloud covered the sky. The sun didn't show up for three days, and the chickens got bored without sunlight .

-Where did that sun go ? - they say - We need to return him to heaven as soon as possible.

-Where will you find him? - the hen cackled. - Do you know where it lives?

“We don’t know, but we’ll ask whoever we meet,” answered the chickens.

The hen collected them for the journey. She gave me a bag and a purse. In the bag there is a grain, in the purse there is a poppy seed. The chickens have left. They walked along and saw a snail sitting behind a head of cabbage in the garden. It itself is big, horned, and has a hut on its back. The chickens stopped and asked:

- Snail, snail, do you know where the sun lives ?

- Don't know. There's a magpie sitting on the fence - maybe she knows.

“And the magpie didn’t wait for the chickens to come to her.” She flew up to them, chattered and crackled: “Chickens, chickens, where are you going?” Where are you going? Where?

The chickens answer:

- Well, the sun has disappeared . He was not in heaven for three days. Let's go look for him.

- And I will go with you! And I will go with you! And I will go with you!

- Do you know where the sun lives ?

“I don’t know, but maybe the hare knows: he lives next door!” - the magpie chattered...

Then the magpie chattered, the chickens squeaked, the duck quacked, the hare flapped his ears, and the hedgehog rattled with his stick:

Red sun - bucket , look out, shine it!

- Who is screaming under the window? “Who’s stopping me from sleeping?” asked the sun .

We are the chickens. Yes, a magpie, and a hare, and a duck, and a hedgehog. We came to wake you up: the morning has come!

Physical exercise.

The teacher invites the children to make pictures - applications about how the chicken and duckling woke up the sun . I show options for the plot composition ( the sun and the chicken with the duckling”

) and paper blanks - yellow and orange circles of different sizes.
He asks what size circles to make a sun and a chicken and duckling from. Alternately shows a large, medium and small circle. Children guess that they need to glue the sun , the torso from the medium ones, and the head from the small ones. I advise you to first glue the largest circle for the sun at the top of the sheet, and then glue the chicken and duckling. First, I show an unfinished applique - a composition of 5 circles, in the top center the largest circle is the sun , below on the sides are the silhouettes of a chicken and a duckling. Then I demonstrate the completed compositions and advise you to complete the details according to your ideas: for the chicken and duckling - beaks, eyes, wings, tails, for the sun rays and face .
Summary of the lesson . Exhibition of works.

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