Calendar planning (December, January, February). Physical education. Preparatory group for school.

Planning for physical development (preparatory group)

Appendix No. 2
Approximate Thematic Planning of the Educational Area “Physical Development” Preparatory group for school.

Planned results for the level of development of the child’s integrative qualities (based on the integration of educational areas): can easily walk and run, energetically pushing off from a support, throw and catch a ball with one hand, hit it on the floor with the right left hand in place and in motion, can take off and land correctly depending on the type of jump.

1 Week

2 week

"Bye, summer"

"Pantry of the Forest"

Physical development:

development of physical qualities in various forms of motor activity;
formation of correct posture, the ability to consciously perform movements. Socio-communicative development (Z) :
to form the habit of keeping clothes neat, expanding ideas about the components of a healthy lifestyle (movement, sleep and sun, air and water are our best friends) and factors that destroy health.
Social and communicative development (C) :
create conditions for the ability to coordinate one’s actions with the actions of partners, observe role interactions and relationships in the game.
Formation of friendly relationships between children, habits of studying together. Social and communicative development (T)
: develop the ability to finish what you start.
Encourage and reward for preparing and cleaning sports equipment. Cognitive:
improving the eye in the process of directly organized activity.
Speech development:
development of free communication with adults and children.
Artistic and aesthetic development (M):
development of a sense of rhythm, independently moving from moderate to fast or slow tempo.

Physical development monitoring

Physical development monitoring

“We say goodbye to summer” Exercise

— in walking with high knees, — in continuous running for up to 1 minute, — in crawling on a gymnastic bench, resting on the palms and knees, — in throwing the ball up.
dexterity and stable balance when walking on a reduced support area.
Outdoor game
"Fishing Rod"

: “What grows in the forest?” Repeat

walking and running with a change in the pace of movement at the signal of the physical instructor, - climbing into the hoop sideways without touching it over the edge,
the exercises in balance and jumping.
Outdoor game
“We are funny guys” - exercise in long-distance running, jumping, repeat tasks with the ball, developing dexterity and eye.
Game exercises
“Catch the ball”, “Be agile”, “Find your color”


“How we looked for traces of autumn”

"Gifts of Autumn"

"Autumn concerns of animals"

"Old Person's Day"

Physical Culture:

consolidate the ability to maintain a given pace in walking and running;
development of physical qualities. Physical development (3):
continue to form ideas about a healthy lifestyle, the importance of physical activity in a person’s life, the ability to use special physical exercises to strengthen one’s organs and systems.
Social and communicative development:
continue to develop the skill of safe behavior in outdoor and sports games, when using sports equipment.
Social and communicative development:
encourage children’s activity in preparing and cleaning sports equipment.
Cognitive and speech development:
activation of children's thinking, organization of special exercises for orientation in space..
Artistic and aesthetic development:
development of artistic abilities in outdoor games of an imitation nature.

“Autumn Days” Pin

skill of walking and running in circles;
walking on a rope (or thick cord);
In energetic push-off while jumping over the cord; Repeat
the relay with the ball.
Relay race
“Ball for the driver”,
Outdoor game
“Catch up with your partner”
Sedentary game
“Guess whose voice” -
the skills of walking and running, stepping over objects;
game exercises with a ball and jumping.
Game exercises:
“Ball against the wall”, “Be dexterous”
Outdoor game
Sedentary game

“What did autumn give us?” Exercise

in walking with a change in direction of movement, jumping over a short rope, throwing a ball to each other, crawling on a gymnastic bench on all fours.
The outdoor game
the skill of walking and running overcoming obstacles, walking and stopping at a signal,
game exercises with the ball and jumping.
Game exercises:
“Pass the ball in a circle”, “Don’t touch it”
Outdoor game
“Don’t stay on the floor”

“Animals in autumn” Exercise

in walking and running “snake” between objects;
dribbling the ball forward,
climbing under an arc, in balance.
Outdoor game
“Migration of birds”
Sedentary game
“Flies - does not fly”:
walking with changing the pace of movement, with high knees,
game exercises with a ball and running.
Game exercises:
“Throwing balls”,
Outdoor game
“In places”

“My grandfather and I are athletes!” Fasten

the skill of walking and running between objects, developing coordination and dexterity.
jumping and balance exercises.
Outdoor game
walking and running, changing the direction of movement.
turning while jumping in place.
jumping on the right and left legs, bending around objects.
performing tasks with a ball.
Game exercises:
“Pass the ball”, “From bump to bump”
Outdoor game
“Sly Fox”
Sedentary game
of children’s choice.


Planned results for the level of development of the child’s integrative qualities (based on the integration of educational areas): can walk and run with various tasks at the command of the teacher; knows how to perform various types of jumps, strives to participate in games with elements of competition;

"The Country Where I Live"

"My little homeland"

"Nature's Complaint Book"

"Mom's Day"

“I live in Russia” Repeat

walking with high knees,
balance, throwing balls in lines.
Outdoor game
“Firemen in training” repeat running;
Game exercises with the ball, in balance, in jumping. Game exercises:
“ball against the wall”, “Catch the ball”, “Don’t touch it”,
Outdoor game
Sedentary game
“Guess whose voice”


Khakassia is my sports land”
- walking with a change in direction of movement, running between objects, repeat jumping alternately on the right and left leg with moving forward, crawling on a gymnastic bench, dribbling the ball between objects.
Outdoor game
“Don’t stay on the floor” - repeat running while stepping over objects
coordination of movements, dexterity
Game exercises
“Ball for the driver”, “On the bridge”,
Outdoor game
“Traps with ribbons”

“Nature around us” Exercise

in walking with a change in the pace of movement, - in running between objects, in balance,
the exercises with the ball.
Outdoor game
"Fishing Rod".
- exercise in running, developing endurance, - in throwing the ball in ranks. Repeat
game exercises with jumping and running.
Game exercises:
“Throw and catch”, “Jump over - don’t hit” “Traps in pairs”
Sedentary game
“Flies - doesn’t fly”

“Mom and I are athletes” Repeat

walking while performing actions at the instructor’s signal,
balance and jumping.
Outdoor game
“Firemen in training”
Sedentary game
“Who has the ball?”
- repeat
running with overcoming obstacles, game exercises with jumping, running and a ball.
Game exercises:
“Ball against the wall”
Outdoor game
“Trap-dash”, “Fishing rod”.


Planned results for the level of development of the child’s integrative qualities (based on the integration of educational areas): able to maintain a given pace in walking; comes up with game options; pronounces the name of physical exercises, knows their effect on the body, evaluates the quality of exercises performed by other children, as he performs them himself; knows how to resolve controversial issues in the process of motor activity, shows mutual assistance.

"Hello, winter-winter"

“My world - what am I?”

"Father Frost's Workshop"

"New Year is coming to us"

Physical development:

consolidate the ability to maintain a given pace while walking;
develop the ability to come up with game options, showing creativity. Physical development:
creating conditions for the development of creativity, independence, initiative in motor actions, a conscious attitude towards them, the ability to self-control, self-esteem when performing movements.
Social and communicative development:
encourage children to develop initiative, organizational skills, and the ability to act in a team.
Speech development (K): continue
to develop the ability to resolve controversial issues and resolve conflicts with the help of speech: to convince, prove, explain.
Encourage naming of exercises, encouragement of speech activity in the process of motor activity. Artistic and aesthetic development:
develop coordination of the rhythm of movements with musical accompaniment.
Social and communicative:
encourage the desire to prepare and clean sports equipment for classes and after classes.

"Winter Olympics" Exercise

in walking with different positions of the hands, in running in all directions;
In maintaining stable balance when walking in a difficult situation. Develop
dexterity in ball exercises.
Outdoor game
“Sly Fox” -
walking in a column of 1 at a time, stopping at the teacher’s signal,
long running for up to 1.5 minutes,
exercises in balance, jumping, with a ball.
Game exercises:
“Pass without hitting”, “Pass on the move”,
Outdoor game

“My Khakassia is a sports land” Exercise

in walking with changes in the tempo of movement, with acceleration and deceleration, in jumping on the right and left legs alternately,
the crawling exercises and the relay race with the ball.
Outdoor game
“Tag with a Ribbon”
Sedentary game
“Echo” -
walking in a column of 1, completing tasks at the teacher’s signal.
game exercises for balance, jumping, and attention.
Game exercises:
“Walk - don’t drop”, “From circle to circle”, “Stop” -
game exercise
“Let’s play sports with Santa Claus” Repeat

walking with changing the pace of movement with acceleration and deceleration,
throwing a small ball, developing dexterity and eye,
crawling on your stomach, in balance.
Outdoor game
“Jumping sparrows” -
in walking and running in a column of 1, in walking and running with a stop at the teacher’s signal,
tasks with the ball, jumping exercises, balance exercises.
Game exercises:
“Pass on the move”, “Who is faster”, “Pass - don’t drop”
Outdoor game
“Frogs and Heron”
Sedentary game of the children’s choice.
“New Year's fun” Repeat

walking and running in a circle with a turn in the other direction,
crawling on a bench “bear style”,
jumping and balance exercises.
Outdoor game
“Sly Fox”
Sedentary game
“Echo” -
walking between objects,
learn the game task
“Accurate pass”,
dexterity and eye when throwing snowballs at a distance.
Game tasks
“Accurate pass”, “Who will throw further”, “Along the path on one leg”
Outdoor game
“Two Frosts”


Planned results for the level of development of the child’s integrative qualities (based on the integration of educational areas): maintains correct posture in various activities, shows interest in physical education, pronounces the name of physical exercises and knows their effect on the body.


"Magic Tales of Christmas"

"Animals in winter

"Toy Story"

Physical development:

develop the need to maintain correct posture in various activities, exercise static and dynamic balance, coordinate movements for orientation in space.. Maintain interest in physical education and sports.
Physical development (Z):
expand the understanding of the importance of physical exercise for the body.
Social and communicative development:
development of independence in organizing all types of games, following rules and norms of behavior.
Safety: developing the desire to maintain and improve your health. Cognitive and speech development (P):
development of orientation in space.
Speech development (K):
to develop the ability to defend one’s point of view.
Artistic and aesthetic development:
conducting outdoor games and competitions with musical accompaniment.


Christmas sports games"
walking with tasks for the arms,
standing long jumps,
dexterity in exercises with a ball and crawling on a bench.
Outdoor game
“Owl” - conduct a game exercise “The Snow Queen”, exercises with hockey elements, a game exercise with throwing objects into the distance, a game exercise with jumping “Jolly Sparrows”.

"Visiting Animals" Exercise

in walking and running with additional tasks,
dexterity and eye in exercises with the ball,
climbing under the cord.
The outdoor game
“Fishing Rod” -
walking between objects, learn how to dribble the puck with a stick from one side of the hall to the other.
Outdoor game
"Two Frosts".

"Toy Story" Repeat

walking and running with changes in direction of movement,
crawling on all fours,
balance and jumping exercises.
Outdoor game
“Spider and flies”
Sedentary game of children's choice.
walking between objects, learn the game “In places!”
Game exercises:
“Along the path on one leg”, “In places”, “Train”


Planned results for the level of development of the child’s integrative qualities (based on the integration of educational areas): maintains balance on an increased support; accurately throws the ball to a partner, climbs into the hoop with his right or left side; crawls under the arc in a group; pushes off energetically and lands correctly in jumps; has an idea about the Russian Army; actively participates in outdoor games, comes up with variants of games, strives to independently organize games; knows how to defend his point of view.

“All professions are important”

"Nature around us"

"Defender of the Fatherland Day"

"The World of Technical Wonders"

Physical development:

continue to develop psycho-physical qualities;
encourage an active desire to participate in games with elements of competition. Physical development (Z):
continue to work to improve children's health.
Social and communicative development (C):
expanding ideas about the Russian Army through directly organized educational activities.
Social-communicative development (T):
encourage activity in preparing and cleaning sports equipment.
Social and communicative development:
continue to introduce the rules of safe behavior during outdoor games and competitive games.
Cognitive development (P):
sensory development.
Speech development (K):
improve the ability to determine and name the location of an object (right, left, nearby), improve dialogic speech.
Artistic and aesthetic development:
development of musical ear - performing movements in accordance with the musical tempo and rhythm.
in maintaining balance when walking on an increased area of ​​​​support with the implementation of an additional task, consolidate the skill of energetic pushing off the floor and jumping,
exercises in jumping, throwing a ball , developing dexterity and eye.
Outdoor game
“Keys” -
walking and running while completing tasks at the teacher’s signal,
the game exercise with a stick and puck, game task with jumping.

“Do physical exercise” Exercise

in walking and running with doing exercises for the arms,
throwing the ball, repeat climbing the hoop.
Outdoor game
“Don’t stay on the floor”: practice
while completing tasks,
game exercises with a stick and puck.
Outdoor game
“Figures”, “Entertainers”

“We will serve the Motherland” Repeat

walking with a change in tempo of movement,
alternately jumping on the right and left leg, throwing objects, climbing a gymnastic wall,
exercises to maintain balance when walking on an increased area of ​​support with performing an additional task.
Outdoor game
“Don’t get caught” -
walking while completing tasks,
game exercises with a stick and puck.
Outdoor game

“Technology and us” Exercise

in walking in a column 1 at a time while performing an attention task, in crawling on all fours between objects,
balance and jumping exercises.
Outdoor game
“Blind Man’s Bluff” -
walking and running while completing the task “Find your color”;
game exercises with throwing objects and jumping. Game exercises:
“don’t get caught”,
Outdoor games
“Polar bears”, “Carousel”
Sedentary game


Planned results for the level of development of the child’s integrative qualities (based on the integration of educational areas):

"My most beautiful mommy"

“Come, spring, with joy”

"Want to know everything"

"World Earth Day"

Physical development:

continue to enrich children's motor experience.
Physical development (3):
continue to develop creativity, independence, initiative in motor actions, a conscious attitude towards them, the ability to self-control, self-esteem when performing movements.
Social and communicative development (C):
develop the ability to use outdoor games of various content in independent activities, fairly evaluate the results of the game, interest in folk games.
Socio-communicative development (T):
continue to encourage and encourage assistance in preparing and cleaning sports equipment.
Cognitive development:
continue the sensory development of children during direct educational activities;
development of spatial and temporal orientations. Speech development (K) :
continue to develop the ability to communicate kindly with peers during direct educational activities.
Artistic and aesthetic development:
improving the skills of basic movements - walking “solemnly”, calmly; running is easy, “fast” in accordance with the tempo and rhythm of the music.

“We are close friends with sports” Exercise

in walking and running between objects, in maintaining balance when walking on an increased support area with an additional task,
the task in jumping, relay race with a ball.
Outdoor game
“Keys” -
exercises in running at speed, game tasks with jumping and with a ball.
Game exercises:
“Runners”, “Frogs in the swamp”, “Ball against the wall”
Sedentary game.
"Spring Marathon" Exercise

in walking in a column of 1, running in all directions,
exercises in jumping, crawling, tasks with the ball.
Outdoor game
Sedentary game of children's choice.
running and jumping,
dexterity in tasks with the ball.
Running game
“We are funny guys”, “Hunters and Ducks” - with a ball.
"Quiet - Loud"

“We are why” Repeat

walking while completing tasks,
throwing objects at a horizontal target,
exercises in crawling and maintaining balance when walking on elevated support.
Outdoor game
“Wolf in the Moat”
Sedentary game.
running at speed,
game exercises with jumping and with a ball.
Game exercises:
“Who gets to the ball faster”, “Kick pass”, “Nimble bunnies”
Outdoor game
Sedentary game

"Earth Day" Repeat

walking and running while completing tasks,
climbing on a gymnastic wall, repeating balance and jumping exercises.
Outdoor game
Sedentary game of children's choice. - repeat
exercises with running, jumping and ball.
Game exercises:
“Tag-running”, “Passing the ball in a column”, “Fishing rod”, “Burners”.


Planned results for the level of development of the child’s integrative qualities (based on the integration of educational areas): correctly performs all types of basic movements; performs physical exercises from different types of exercises. clearly and rhythmically, monitors posture; throws objects with his right and left hands into the distance; actively participates in competitive games, shows mutual assistance, supports his comrades, and acts as a team player.

"International Bird Day"

"The Secret of the Third Planet"

“Health and I are close friends”

"World of Theater"

Physical development:

consolidate the ability to maintain a given pace in walking and running;
improving the active movement of the hand when throwing, strengthening the ability to participate in a variety of outdoor games that contribute to the development of psychophysical qualities, coordination of movements, and the ability to navigate in space. Physical development (Z):
ensuring optimal motor activity throughout the day during outdoor activities, sports, folk games and physical exercises.
Expanding understanding of the role of sunlight, air, water in human life and their impact on health. Social and communicative development (C):
development of the ability to act in a team.
Social and communicative development (B):
continue to introduce the rules of safe behavior during games and play exercises.
Artistic and aesthetic development:
practice performing basic movements in accordance with the tempo and rhythm of the music.

“Let's play with the birds” Repeat

game exercise in walking and running,
balance, jumping, with a ball.
Outdoor game
“Sly Fox” -
the game exercise with running, Game tasks with a ball, with jumping.
Game exercises:
“Quickly in line”, “Step over - don’t hit”, “From hummock to hummock”
Outdoor game
“Hunters and Ducks”
Sedentary game
“Giants and Dwarves”.

"We are aliens" Repeat

walking and running exercises,
running long jumps, and throwing balls to each other.
Outdoor game
“Mousetrap” -
the game task with walking and running, Game exercises with jumping and with a ball.
Game exercises:
“Kick pass”, “Penguins”
Outdoor game

“Health and I are best friends”
in walking in a column of 1, in formation in pairs (column of 2), in throwing bags at a distance, in crawling, in balance.
Outdoor game
“Entertainers” -
running at speed,
tasks with jumping, in balance.
Game exercises:
“Running”, “Pass without hitting”, “Who will jump further”, “Pass with your foot”, “Catch the ball”
Sedentary game
“Quiet - loud”

“Merry Artists” Exercise in

walking and running with completing tasks, balance exercises, jumping, with a ball.
Game exercise
“In places”
Outdoor game
“Tag with a ribbon” -
the game exercise with walking and running, game tasks in jumping, with a ball.
Game exercises:
“Passing the ball in a column”,
Outdoor game
“Frogs in the swamp” (with jumping)
Outdoor game
Sedentary game
“Giants and Dwarves”


Planned results for the level of development of the child’s integrative qualities (based on the integration of educational areas): monitors posture, follows basic rules of safe behavior during various games and physical exercises; performs walking and running in a column of 1, rearranges at a signal into a circle, into columns of 2, 3, 4.

"Victory Day"

"Writers for Children"



Physical development:

improving the technique of basic movements, achieving naturalness, ease, accuracy, and expressiveness of their implementation.
Strengthen the ability to combine a run-up with a take-off in jumping on a soft surface, long and high from a running start. Social and communicative development:
fostering goodwill, willingness to help out a peer, developing the ability to take into account the interests and opinions of playmates, and resolving disputes fairly.
Social and communicative development (C):
consolidate the ability to notice and eliminate disorder in appearance, tactfully inform a friend about the need to correct something in clothing or hairstyle;
consolidate the ability to prepare and clean sports equipment for class. Social and communicative development (B):
development of the desire to maintain and strengthen one’s health. Reinforcing the rules of safe behavior during games at different times of the year.

“Thank you grandfather for the Victory” Repeat

exercises in walking and running, in balance when walking on elevated support, in jumping forward on one leg, in throwing a ball against a wall.
Outdoor game
Sedentary game
“Giants and Dwarfs”
- practice
long running, developing endurance;
precision of movements when throwing the ball to each other in motion,
jumping over a short rope, repeat the exercises in balance with an additional task.
Game exercises:
“Pass on the go”, “Throw - catch”, Jumping over a short rope.
Game of children's choice.
"Writers for Children" Exercise

in walking and running with changing the pace of movement, in standing long jumps,
the exercises with the ball.
Outdoor game
Sedentary game
“Flies - doesn’t fly” -
walking and running while completing tasks,
exercises with a ball, jumping.
Game exercises:
“Dexterous jumpers”, “Drag the ball”, “Pass to each other”
Outdoor game

Long-term plan for physical development in the preparatory group

Long-term planning in the preparatory group for physical development.
Contents of educational activities
“Physical development”

Objectives /
Program content

1 Week


Program content.

Exercise children in running in a column one at a time, in the ability to switch from running to walking;
in maintaining balance and correct posture when walking on elevated support. Develop precision movements when throwing the ball. Outdoor game "Traps".

Program content.

Exercise children in walking sideways on a bench, stepping over balls.
Learn to jump on two legs over medicine balls, throw the ball with both hands from behind your head, while standing in ranks. Develop precision movements when throwing the ball. Outdoor game "Traps".
3. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in uniform running and running with acceleration; introduce rolling hoops, develop dexterity and eye, precision of movements; repeat jumping on two legs moving forward.

2 week


Program content.

Exercise children in uniform running while maintaining a distance; develop coordination of movements in jumping while reaching an object; repeat the exercises with the ball and climbing under the cord without touching it.

Outdoor game "Don't stay on the floor."


Program content.

Exercise children in jumping on two legs between objects, in throwing a ball while standing in ranks (from below, at the teacher’s signal, 10-12 times). Practice crawling - “crocodile” (distance no more than 3 m).

Outdoor game "Don't stay on the floor."

6. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running between objects, in rolling hoops to each other; develop attention and speed of movements.

Outdoor game "Owl".

3 week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running with clear fixation of turns (a cube or pin as a guide); develop dexterity in exercises with the ball, coordination of movements in balance tasks; repeat the exercise of crawling on a gymnastic bench.

Outdoor game "Fishing Rod".


Program content.

Exercise children in throwing the ball with their right and left hands alternately, catching it with both hands; crawl on a gymnastic bench on your palms and soles. Learn to walk on a gymnastic bench, perform a turn in the middle at an average pace, then walk further.

Outdoor game "Fishing Rod".

9. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Practice alternating walking and running; develop speed and accuracy of movements when passing the ball, dexterity in walking between objects.

Outdoor game "Owl".

4 week


Program content.

Practice alternating walking and running at the teacher’s signal;
crawling on a gymnastic bench on your hands and knees; in balance when walking on a gymnastic bench while performing tasks. Repeat jumping over the cords. Outdoor game "Don't get caught."

Program content.

Exercise children: climb into a hoop held by a partner, with the right and left sides, trying not to touch the upper edge of the rim. Walk sideways with an extended step, stepping over medicine balls: keep your distance, keep your back and head straight. Jump on your right and left leg over the cords.

Outdoor game "Don't get caught."

12. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat walking and running in alternation at the teacher’s signal, exercises in jumping with a ball;
learn the game “Circular rounders”.

1 Week


Program content.

Strengthen walking and running skills between objects;
practice maintaining balance on an elevated support and jumping; develop dexterity in exercises with the ball. Outdoor game “Migration of birds”.

Program content.

Practice maintaining balance on an elevated support (walking sideways on a bench with a bag on your head), jumping on two legs along a cord.
Develop dexterity in exercises with the ball. Outdoor game “Migration of birds”.
15. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in running and overcoming obstacles; develop dexterity in exercises with the ball; repeat the task while jumping.

2 week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking by changing the direction of movement at a signal;
practice the skill of landing on bent legs when jumping from a bench; develop coordination of movements in exercises with the ball. Outdoor game "Don't stay on the floor."

Program content.

Practice the skill of landing on bent legs when jumping from a bench;
develop dexterity in exercises with the ball; in climbing into a hoop held by a partner, right and left, in the ability to group. Outdoor game "Don't stay on the floor."
18. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat running at an average pace; develop throwing accuracy; practice jumping.

Outdoor game "Owl".

3 week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking with high knees; repeat exercises in dribbling the ball; crawling; practice maintaining balance when walking on a reduced support area.

Outdoor game "Fishing Rod".


Program content.

Repeat exercises in dribbling the ball between objects.
Practice maintaining balance while crawling on all fours in a straight line, pushing a medicine ball forward with your head; while walking on the rail of a gymnastic bench, hands behind your head. Outdoor game "Fishing Rod".
21. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Strengthen the skill of walking with changing direction of movement, the ability to act on a signal from the teacher;
develop accuracy in exercises with the ball. Outdoor game "Don't get caught." Program content.
Strengthen the skill of walking by changing the pace of movement. Practice running in all directions, crawling on all fours with an additional task; repeat the balance exercise when walking on increased support.

Outdoor game "Fishing Rod".


Program content.

Outdoor game "Fishing Rod".

24. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat walking, stopping at the teacher’s signal, running at a moderate pace; practice jumping and throwing the ball.

Outdoor game “Traps with ribbons”.


1 Week


Program content.

Strengthen the skill of walking and running in a circle; practice walking on a rope (or thick cord); practice energetic push-off while jumping over the cord; repeat the relay with the ball.

Outdoor game "Catch up with your partner."


Program content.

Practice walking along a rope sideways with an extended step, hands behind your head. Practice maintaining balance by jumping on your right and left legs. Strengthen the ability to throw a ball into a basket with both hands - a basketball version.

27. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Strengthen walking skills by stepping over objects;
repeat game exercises with a ball and jumping. Outdoor game "Mousetrap".
2 week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking while changing the direction of movement; jumping over a short rope; throwing the ball to each other; crawling on a gymnastics bench on all fours with a bag on your back.

Outdoor game "Shapes".


Program content.

Learn to jump rope by rotating it forward.
Practice maintaining balance while crawling on all fours in a straight line, pushing a medicine ball forward with your head; pass the ball in ranks (carried out in the form of a relay race). Outdoor game "Shapes".
30. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Strengthen the skills of running while overcoming obstacles, walking and stopping at a signal; repeat game exercises in jumping and with the ball.

Outdoor game "Don't stay on the floor."

3 week


Program content.

Practice walking and running “snake” between objects;
repeat dribbling the ball forward; practice climbing in an arc, in balance. Outdoor game “Migration of birds”.

Program content.

Develop your eye when throwing bags at a target.
Practice maintaining balance while walking on a gymnastic bench sideways with an extended step, with a bag on your head. Outdoor game “Migration of birds”.
33. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking with changes in the pace of movement, with high knees; repeat game exercises with a ball and running.

Outdoor game "In places".

4 week


Program content.

Strengthen the skill of walking and running between objects, develop coordination and dexterity;
learn the transition from one flight to another in lasagna on a gymnastic wall; repeat jumping and balance exercises. Outdoor game "Shapes".

Program content.

Practice climbing on a gymnastic wall, moving from one flight to another;
in maintaining balance when walking on a reduced support area. Strengthen the ability to throw a ball into a basket with both hands - a basketball version. Outdoor game "Shapes".
36. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat walking and running, changing the direction of movement; practice turning while jumping in place; repeat jumping on the right and left leg, bending around objects; practice performing tasks with a ball.

Outdoor game "Sly Fox".


1 Week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking with different positions of the hands, in running in all directions; in maintaining balance when walking in a difficult situation (sideways with an extended step, with stepping over). Develop dexterity in ball exercises.

Outdoor game "Sly Fox".


Program content.

Exercise children in walking with different positions of the hands, in running in all directions; in maintaining balance when walking in a difficult situation (sideways with an extended step, with stepping over). Develop dexterity in ball exercises.

Outdoor game "Sly Fox".

3. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat walking in a column one at a time, stopping at the teacher’s signal; exercise children in long running (duration up to 1.5 minutes); repeat exercises in balance, jumping, with a ball.

Outdoor game "Owl".

2 week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking with changes in the pace of movement, with acceleration and deceleration, in jumping on the right and left legs alternately;
repeat the crawling exercises and the relay race with the ball. Outdoor game “Tag with a Ribbon”.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking with changes in the pace of movement, with acceleration and deceleration, in jumping on the right and left legs alternately;
repeat the crawling exercises and the relay race with the ball. Outdoor game “Tag with a Ribbon”.
6. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time, completing tasks at the teacher’s signal; repeat game exercises for balance, jumping, and attention.

Game exercise “Stop!”

3 week


Program content.

Repeat the walk, changing the pace of movement by accelerating and decelerating; practice tossing a small ball, developing dexterity and eye; practice crawling on your stomach, in balance.

Outdoor game “Jumping Sparrows”.


Program content.

Repeat the walk, changing the pace of movement by accelerating and decelerating; practice tossing a small ball, developing dexterity and eye; practice crawling on your stomach, in balance.

Outdoor game “Jumping Sparrows”.

9. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running in a column one at a time; walking and running with a stop at the teacher’s signal; repeat tasks with the ball, practice jumping and balance.

Outdoor game "Frogs and Heron".

4 week


Program content.

Repeat walking and running in a circle, turning in the other direction; practice crawling on a bench “like a bear”; repeat the jumping and balance exercise.

Outdoor game "Sly Fox".


Program content.

Repeat walking and running in a circle, turning in the other direction; practice crawling on a bench “like a bear”; repeat the jumping and balance exercise.

Outdoor game "Sly Fox".

12.Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking between snow buildings; learn the game task “Accurate pass”; develop dexterity and eye when throwing snowballs at a distance.


2 week


Program content.

Repeat walking and running in a circle, walking and running in all directions, stopping at the teacher’s signal; balance exercises when walking on a reduced support area, jumping on two legs over an obstacle.

Outdoor game "Day and Night".


Program content.

Repeat walking and running in a circle, walking and running in all directions, stopping at the teacher’s signal; balance exercises when walking on a reduced support area, jumping on two legs over an obstacle.

Outdoor game "Day and Night".

15. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Practice walking in a column one at a time;
running between objects; walking and running in all directions; repeat game exercises with jumping, sliding along the track; conduct an outdoor game “Two Frosts”
week 3


Program content.

Repeat walking while performing tasks for the arms;
practice standing long jumps; develop dexterity in exercises with the ball and crawling on the bench. Outdoor game "Owl".

Program content.

Repeat walking while performing tasks for the arms;
practice standing long jumps; develop dexterity in exercises with the ball and crawling on the bench. Outdoor game "Owl".
18. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Carry out the game exercise “The Snow Queen”;
exercise with hockey elements; game task in throwing snowballs at a distance; game exercise with jumping “Merry little sparrows”.
4 week


Program content.

Practice walking and running with an additional task (stepping over cords);
develop dexterity and eye in exercises with the ball; repeat climbing under the cord. Outdoor game "Fishing Rod".

Program content.

Practice walking and running with an additional task (stepping over cords);
develop dexterity and eye in exercises with the ball; repeat climbing under the cord. Outdoor game "Fishing Rod".
21. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking between snowballs; learn how to dribble the puck with a stick from one side of the ice to the other; repeat each other's sledding.

Outdoor game "Two Frosts".


1 Week


Program content.

Repeat walking and running, changing the direction of movement; practice crawling on all fours; repeat exercises to maintain balance and jumping.

Outdoor game "Spider and Fly".


Program content.

Repeat walking and running, changing the direction of movement; practice crawling on all fours; repeat exercises to maintain balance and jumping.

Outdoor game "Spider and Fly".

24. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat walking between snow buildings;
practice sliding on an ice path; learn the game “In places!”.
2 week


Program content.

Practice maintaining balance when walking on elevated support while performing an additional task, consolidate the skill of vigorously pushing off the floor while jumping; repeat exercises in throwing a ball, develop dexterity and eye.

Outdoor game "Keys".


Program content.

Practice maintaining balance when walking on elevated support while performing an additional task, consolidate the skill of vigorously pushing off the floor while jumping; repeat exercises in throwing a ball, develop dexterity and eye.

Outdoor game "Keys".

27. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running and completing tasks at the teacher’s signal; repeat the game task with a stick and puck, the game task with jumping.

3 week


Program content.

Practice walking and running with hand exercises; learn jumping jumps (alternating jumps from foot to foot); practice throwing the ball; repeat climbing into a hoop (or under an arc).

Outdoor game "Don't stay on the ground."


Program content.

Practice walking and running with hand exercises; learn jumping jumps (alternating jumps from foot to foot); practice throwing the ball; repeat climbing into a hoop (or under an arc).

Outdoor game "Don't stay on the ground."

30. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking while completing tasks; repeat the game exercise on a sled, with a stick and a puck.

4 week


Program content.

Repeat the walk with a change in pace; practice alternately jumping on the right and left leg (in a circle), throwing bags, climbing on a gymnastic wall; repeat exercises to maintain balance when walking on increased support with an additional task.

Outdoor game "Don't get caught."


Program content.

Repeat the walk with a change in pace; practice alternately jumping on the right and left leg (in a circle), throwing bags, climbing on a gymnastic wall; repeat exercises to maintain balance when walking on increased support with an additional task.

Outdoor game "Don't get caught."

33. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running while completing tasks; repeat game exercises on a sled, with a stick and a puck.


Program content.

Practice walking in a column one at a time while performing an attention task, crawling on all fours between objects; repeat balance and jumping exercises.

Outdoor game "Blind Man's Bluff".


Program content.

Practice walking in a column one at a time while performing an attention task, crawling on all fours between objects; repeat balance and jumping exercises.

Relay race with the ball “Passed - sit down.”

36. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Practice walking while completing the “Find your color” task; repeat the game task with throwing snowballs and jumping.


1 Week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running between objects;
in maintaining balance when walking on increased support with an additional task; repeat the task in jumping, relay race with the ball. Outdoor game "Keys".

Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running between objects;
in maintaining balance when walking on increased support with an additional task; repeat the task in jumping, relay race with the ball. Outdoor game "Keys".
3. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat speed running exercises, game tasks with jumping and a ball.

2 week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time, running in all directions;
repeat the exercise in jumping, crawling; ball tasks. Outdoor game "Keys".

Program content.

Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time, running in all directions;
repeat the exercise in jumping, crawling; ball tasks. Outdoor game "Keys".
6. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in running and jumping; develop dexterity in tasks with the ball.

3 week


Program content.

Repeat walking while completing tasks;
practice throwing bags at a horizontal target; repeat exercises for crawling and maintaining balance when walking on increased support. Outdoor game "Wolf in the Moat".

Program content.

Repeat walking while completing tasks;
practice throwing bags at a horizontal target; repeat exercises for crawling and maintaining balance when walking on increased support. Outdoor game "Wolf in the Moat".
9. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in running at speed; repeat game exercises with jumping and with a ball.

Outdoor game "Burners".

4 week


Program content.

Repeat walking and running to complete the task;
practice lasagna on a gymnastic wall; repeat balance and jumping exercises. Outdoor game "Owl".

Program content.

Repeat walking and running to complete the task;
practice lasagna on a gymnastic wall; repeat balance and jumping exercises. Outdoor game "Owl".
12. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat the exercises with running, jumping and with the ball.


1 Week


Program content.

Repeat the game exercise in walking and running; balance exercises, jumping, with a ball.

Outdoor game "Sly Fox".


Program content.

Repeat the game exercise in walking and running; balance exercises, jumping, with a ball.

Outdoor game "Sly Fox".

15. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat the game exercise with running; game tasks with a ball and jumping.

2 week


Program content.

Repeat walking and running exercises;
train children in running long jumps and throwing the ball to each other. Outdoor game "Mousetrap".

Program content.

Repeat walking and running exercises;
train children in running long jumps and throwing the ball to each other. Outdoor game "Mousetrap".
18. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat the game task with walking and running; game exercises with the ball, jumping.

Outdoor game "Burners".

3 week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time, in formation in pairs (column of two); in throwing bags at a distance, in crawling, in balance.

Outdoor game "Entertainers".


Program content.

Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time, in formation in pairs (column of two); in throwing bags at a distance, in crawling, in balance.

Outdoor game "Entertainers".

21. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat running at speed; Exercise children in tasks with jumping and balance.

4 week


Program content.

Repeat walking and running while completing tasks; exercises in balance, jumping and with the ball.

Outdoor game “Tag with a Ribbon”.


Program content.

Repeat walking and running while completing tasks; exercises in balance, jumping and with the ball.

Game exercise with running “Catch up with a couple.”

24. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat the game exercise with walking and running; game tasks in jumping, with a ball.

Outdoor game "Burners".


1 Week


Program content.

Repeat walking and running exercises;
in balance when walking on increased support; in jumping forward on one leg; in throwing a small ball against a wall. Outdoor game "Owl".

Program content.

Repeat walking and running exercises;
in balance when walking on increased support; in jumping forward on one leg; in throwing a small ball against a wall. Outdoor game "Owl".
27. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in long running, developing endurance; develop precision of movements when throwing the ball to each other in motion; practice jumping over a short rope; repeat the balance exercise with an additional task.

2 week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running with changing tempo of movement, in standing long jumps;
repeat the exercises with the ball. Outdoor game "Burners".

Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running with changing tempo of movement, in standing long jumps;
repeat the exercises with the ball. Outdoor game "Burners".
30. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running while completing tasks; repeat the exercises with the ball and jumping.

Outdoor game "Mousetrap".

3 week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running in a column, one at a time, in a circle; in walking and running in all directions; in throwing bags at a distance, in jumping, in balance.

Outdoor game "Sparrows and a cat".


Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running in a column, one at a time, in a circle; in walking and running in all directions; in throwing bags at a distance, in jumping, in balance.

Outdoor game "Sparrows and a cat".

33. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running between objects, in walking and running in all directions4 repeat tasks with a ball and jumping.

4 week


Program content.

Practice walking and running and completing tasks when given a signal; repeat the exercises in lasagna on the gymnastic wall; practice maintaining balance when walking on elevated support and jumping.

Outdoor game "Hunters and Ducks".


Program content.

Practice walking and running and completing tasks when given a signal; repeat the exercises in lasagna on the gymnastic wall; practice maintaining balance when walking on elevated support and jumping.

Outdoor game "Hunters and Ducks".

36. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat game exercises with walking and running; practice tasks with a ball.

Outdoor game "Don't stay on the ground."


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