Formation of the pronunciation aspect of speech and literacy training: 50 lessons for children 4-6 years old

Benefits of classes:

  • These classes will enable the child to better acquire knowledge about the variety of sounds and letters;
  • will form ideas about words and that words consist of sounds;
  • will be a good assistant in the formation of phonemic hearing (the ability to hear and distinguish sounds in speech);
  • With the help of adults, children will learn to distinguish sounds in speech, and therefore pronounce them correctly.
  • Completing these tasks will help prepare children for learning to read and write in the senior group of kindergarten and in preparation for school.

Each lesson is located on 2 sheets of A4 format. You can print on two sheets, or on one - a page on each side. Total, 50 sheets - 50 full-fledged lessons on developing the pronunciation side of speech and teaching literacy.

The classes are developed based on our website. On the site you will find colorful illustrations, games and exercises to help with the printouts.

Instructions included.

Each lesson contains detailed instructions on how to complete the tasks. Tasks include: a description of the sound being studied, a graphic representation of a letter, a copy of letters, many illustrations of sounds and other interesting material.

In order for the child to find it both interesting and useful at the same time, the classes are supplemented with numerous coloring books . This is both visibility for the child and the development of fine motor skills of the fingers . Let us remind you that it is better to color with triangular pencils: they fit better in the child’s fingers.

Preparing older preschoolers for literacy training. Consultation for parents

Consultation for parents (educators) “Preparing senior preschool children for learning to read and write”
Description of the material: I offer you a consultation on the topic: “Preparing senior preschool children for learning to read and write.” This material will be useful to speech therapists, speech pathologists, teachers and parents of children of older preschool age. The use of these methods and techniques contributes to the development of children's development of sound and letter analysis of words used in a playful form and familiarization with the rules for performing sound analysis of words. Goal: development of sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words. Literacy learning is a deliberate, systematic process to prepare for mastery of writing and reading. The teacher believes that teaching literacy to preschool children is necessary because: - the requirements of primary school have become higher, and many parents are sincerely interested in teaching children to read; - many difficulties have arisen in teaching children to write and read at school; - not all children cope with the pace proposed by the school curriculum; — physiological and psychological readiness for schooling is formed long before entering school and does not end in the first grade. Teaching literacy in kindergarten is a propaedeutic for dyslexia and dysgraphia and will help the child avoid some specific mistakes. It is important that the child: • does not miss letters or mix them up when writing; • knew how to use his hearing, vision, pronunciation to identify identifying features of vowels and consonants, voiced and voiceless consonants, and not only; tried to remember the corresponding letters; • under the guidance of a teacher, he formed a cognitive attitude towards speech, clarifying and expanding his vocabulary. There are several main components that are included in the process of learning to read and write: Formation of the sound side of speech, i.e. the child must have correct, clear pronunciation of sounds of all phonemic groups (whistles, hisses, sonors); • Full formation of phonemic processes, i.e. the ability to hear, distinguish and differentiate the sounds of the native language; • Readiness for sound-letter analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of speech, i.e. isolate the initial vowel from the word; analysis of vowel sounds; analysis of reverse syllables; hear and highlight the first and last consonant sound in a word: Introducing children to the terms: “sound”, “syllable”, “word”, “sentence”, sounds vowels, consonants, hard, soft, deaf, voiced. To develop the ability to work with word patterns, split alphabet and master syllabic reading skills. “How to teach children the sound analysis of words” Teaching children to read and write in kindergarten is carried out using the analytical-synthetic method. This means that children are introduced to the sounds of their native language first and then to the letters. When teaching both writing and reading, the initial process is the sound analysis of oral speech, that is, the mental division of a word into its constituent sounds, establishing their quantity and sequence. Children with problems in speech development, who have impaired pronunciation of phonemes and their perception, especially experience difficulties in sound analysis and synthesis. They can be expressed to varying degrees: from mixing the order of individual sounds to a complete inability to determine the number, sequence or position of sounds in a word. Teaching the sound analysis of a word is the main task of the preparation stage for teaching literacy and involves: - determining the number of sounds in a word; - phonetic characteristics of sounds (the ability to differentiate vowels and consonants, voiced and voiceless, hard and soft); - determining the place of a sound in a word. Dear teachers (parents), remember: 1. Sound - we hear and pronounce. 2. We write and read letters. 3. Sounds are vowels and consonants. Vowel sounds can be sung with a voice, while the air coming out of the mouth does not meet any obstacles (vowels can be sung to the tune of any song). Consonant sounds are sounds that cannot be sung, because the air coming out of the mouth when pronouncing them meets a barrier in the form of lips, teeth, and palate. There are six vowel sounds: A U O I E Y There are ten vowel letters: A U O I E Y - correspond to the sounds and four are iotized, which indicate two sounds: Ya-ya, Yu-yu, E-ye, Yo-yo. Vowel sounds are indicated in red on the diagram. Consonant sounds are voiced and unvoiced. A dull sound is formed without the participation of vocal folds; we explain to children that when we pronounce a dull sound, the voice sleeps, and when pronouncing voiced sounds, the voice rings (put your hand on the neck or cover your ears with your hands). Voiceless sounds: K, P, S, T, F, X, Ts, Ch, Sh, Shch, Consonant sounds are soft and hard. Always hard consonants: Zh, Sh, Ts. Always soft consonants: Y, Ch, Shch. Hard sounds are indicated in the diagrams in blue, soft sounds in green. Sample game tasks. 1. “Traffic lights” Task: to develop auditory attention, phonemic hearing. The adult calls the sound, and the child raises the blue or green traffic light. Then the word. If you hear a hard sound at the beginning of a word, you need to raise the blue square, if it’s soft, you need to raise the green one (Snow, winter, skiing, etc.). 2. “Show a picture of a certain sound” (hear the sound at the beginning of the word) 3. “Sound train” (identify the sound at the beginning and end of the word) 4. “How many sounds are hidden in the word?” 5. “Place of sound in a word” How is the sound analysis of a word carried out? Post a diagram of the word CAT. — How many sounds are in the word CAT? (There are three in the word CAT - What is the first sound in the word CAT? (the first sound is [K]) - What is the sound [K]? (The sound [K] is consonant, unvoiced, hard.) - What square on the diagram will we denote the sound [K]? (Blue square). - What is the second sound in the word CAT? (Second sound [O]) - What is the sound [O]? (The sound [O] is a vowel). - What square on the diagram will indicate the sound [O]? (Red square) . - What is the third sound in the word CAT? (The third sound is [T]). - What is the sound [T]? (The sound [T] is consonant, hard, unvoiced). Which square on the diagram will indicate the sound [T]? (Blue square ) - The sounds became friends. What happened? (CAT). Letters are a graphic symbol of sounds. Often we are faced with the fact that children are taught letter-by-letter reading, that is, children, seeing a letter, pronounce its name, and not the sound: pe, re.. The result is “keote”, instead of “cat". Children have difficulty understanding the rules of voicing letters and letter combinations. This creates additional difficulties in teaching children to read. The method of teaching reading in kindergarten involves naming letters by their sound designations: p, b, k…. This makes it much easier for children to master reading skills. In order for the child to better understand the graphic appearance of the letter and to prevent dysgraphia at school (dysgraphia is a written language disorder), the following tasks are recommended: - “What does the letter look like?” — In a series of letters, circle the given letter. — Laying out letters from counting sticks, from string on velvet paper, sculpted from plasticine, etc. - Circle the letter by dots, shade the letter, complete the letter. Dear teachers (parents), follow the teachers’ instructions very carefully when completing assignments, do not complicate the assignments at your own discretion. Remember that the requirements of the kindergarten and the family must be the same! I wish everyone good luck! Used literature: 1. Bugrimenko E.A., Zhedek P.S., Tsukerman G.A. Teaching reading according to the system of D. B. Elkonin. Methodical manual for the Primer. - M.: Education, 2003. 2. Bystrova G.A., Sizova E.A., Shuiskaya T.A. Speech therapy games and tasks. St. Petersburg: “Karo”, 2002. 3. Zhurova L.E. Teaching preschoolers literacy. - M.: School - Press, 1998. 4. Mazanova E.V. Correction of dysgraphia due to violations of language analysis and synthesis. - M., 2006. 5. Mazanova E.V. Forms and methods of speech therapy work for the correction of dysgraphia // Development and correction.-2001. 6. Tkachenko T.A. Speech therapy notebook. Development of phonemic awareness and sound analysis skills. – St. Petersburg, 2005. 7. Filicheva T.B., Tumanova T.V. Children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. Education and training. Educational and methodological manual for speech therapists and educators. -M.: "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2000. -80 p.

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MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Literacy program "ABVGDEyka" (5-7 years)

(educational field: speech development)

Developed by: teacher - speech therapist of MDOU No. 6 Dorzhieva A.A. village Mountain 2012

Ι. Explanatory note

Federal State Standard of Preschool Education

determines target guidelines - social and psychological characteristics of the child’s personality at the stage of completion of preschool education, among which speech occupies one of the central places as an independently formed function, namely: by the end of preschool education, the child understands oral speech well and can express his thoughts and desires.

Preschool age is the most favorable age for the development and education of a child. This is due to the accelerated development of the psychophysiological functions necessary for this period. The child is distinguished by sharpness and freshness of perception, curiosity and vividness of imagination. An important place is occupied by the development of thinking and the process of development of speech perception. Of course, it is important to develop not only speech, but also the ability to listen and hear, understand the difference between letters and sounds, the ability to retell and compose stories yourself. Many children show an early interest in learning to read and write, and the prerequisites for this are being formed.

Teaching literacy to preschool children is a mandatory element of an integrated approach to teaching children their native language and speech development, when in one lesson various interrelated speech tasks are solved - phonetic, lexical, grammatical - and on their basis - the development of coherent speech.

This program is based on image-based teaching. The basis is made up of fairy tales - but not ordinary, “elementary” ones . With their help, the child should discover graphic images of letters and learn to correlate letters with sounds. It is very useful and important for children to tell fairy tales, because they carry powerful psychotherapeutic potential. Their main purpose is to “nourish the soul . A child, as a rule, does not just listen to a fairy tale. He lives it.

The program is intended for children 5-7 years old, who, due to their psychological characteristics, can fantasize about a fairy tale and play it “based on” , but are not always ready to laugh at the fairy tale. A fairy tale for them -

this is serious. For them, this is a full-fledged, full-fledged reality.

Thus, the program combines the artistic principle of teaching with the phonetic principles of literacy teaching. And the logic of the unfolding of fairy-tale events determines its structure no less than the logic of science.

Each lesson and course as a whole is built on:

  • the principle of progression from simple to complex;
  • the principle of relying on the interests of preschoolers and parents;
  • the principle of psychological comfort;
  • the principle of development of a creative personality.

The methodology for conducting circle classes involves an integrated approach combined with visual and playful techniques. During the lesson, the basic principle of education is implemented - the principle of observing the triune task: education, development, training.

Teaching methods:

  • Visual;
  • Verbal;
  • Practical

The goal of the program is to form a full-fledged phonetic system of the language through the use of “alphabetic” fairy tales.

Program objectives.


  • Teach children to master the sound side of speech - tempo, intonation;
  • Carry out sound analysis of a word using various means (scheme of the composition of the word, intonation highlighting of sounds in the word);
  • Introduce children to the syllabic structure of words;
  • Develop the ability to correctly construct a sentence, use prepositions, extend a sentence, use the construction of a complex sentence;
  • Develop the ability to retell, compose short stories from pictures, using simple sentences;
  • Expand children's vocabulary.


  • Develop auditory perception;
  • Develop graphic skills;
  • Develop hand coordination, fine motor skills of fingers, accuracy of movement, differentiated perception, attention, memory.


  • Develop the ability to work in pairs;
  • Develop independence when performing tasks;
  • To cultivate moral qualities, namely tolerance, goodwill towards others;
  • Introduce children to fiction.

Expected results:

  • Be able to distinguish between the concepts of “sound” and “letter” ;
  • Carry out sound analysis of a word using various means (scheme of the composition of the word, intonation highlighting of sounds in the word);
  • Determine the place of sound in a word;
  • Characterize the sound (vowel - consonant, hard - soft, voiced - unvoiced), proving your answer in competent scientific language;
  • Be able to divide words into syllables and perform sound analysis of the word;
  • Be able to identify a stressed syllable and a stressed vowel sound in a word;
  • Know all the letters of the Russian alphabet, be able to convey them graphically on the board;
  • Be able to work in a squared notebook, observing all the requirements of printed writing;
  • Be able to correctly use grammatical forms to accurately express thoughts.

This program is modified and is based on the use of “ABC Tales” by M.S. Aromshtam, as well as for the Program for the education and training of children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina; teaching literacy to children with speech disorders E.V. Kuznetsova, I.A. Tikhonov.

The program lasts 2 years. Number of classes – 1 time per week. Duration – 25-30 minutes. The program is implemented within the framework of the ABVGDeyka , where children in a fascinating fairy-tale form get acquainted with letters and sounds, their features, connections and differences.

ΙΙ. Program content

The first stage of the program is designed for teaching children 5-6 years of age. The main task of this stage is to introduce children to the world of sounds and words, promoting the development of phonemic hearing and correct pronunciation of the sounds of their native language. The first stage is designed for 1 year.

The second stage of training solves the problems of developing sound-letter analysis, phonemic perception and preparing the child’s hand for writing. The stage is designed to work with children 6-7 years old.

The implementation of this task takes place on the material of the Russian alphabet.

The structure of the program described above meets the age and psychological capabilities of children and prepares them for further education at school.

ΙV. Mechanism for determining program effectiveness

  1. testing children in order to identify interests in learning to read and write their native language, determining the orientation of abilities for various types of speech art;
  2. diagnosing children to identify the level of development of general and specialized skills;
  3. organization of practical activities taking into account the program content of each year of study and the individual characteristics of children;
  4. assessment of acquired knowledge (in the form of a survey, game, competition quiz).

Levels of program mastery

Low – the child finds it difficult to answer questions about program content. Uses the help of an adult. Vocabulary is poor. Makes grammatical errors in sound pronunciation. Speech is inexpressive. Makes mistakes when analyzing words soundly and dividing them into syllables. Difficulty in determining stress. Confused about concepts: syllable, sound, letter. Doesn't know the exact names of the letters. Doesn't have reading skills. He gets tired quickly, so working in a notebook is not enough.

Average - in the story the child makes omissions and logical errors, but corrects them himself with the help of adults or peers. Shows interest in verbal communication, but is not active enough in it. There is no difficulty in constructing sentences; grammatical errors are rare. Speech is pure and correct; the child may have difficulty pronouncing certain sounds. Confused about concepts. Possesses the skill of reading words.

Tall – the child has verbal skills, is active and independent. Speech is clear, grammatically correct, expressive. Masters all the means of sound analysis of words, determines the characteristics of sounds in a word (vowel - consonant, hard - soft, stressed - unstressed, place of sound in a word). He is proactive in communication - asks questions, shares impressions, and involves children in communication. Notices children's speech errors and corrects them. Has a rich vocabulary. Unmistakably uses generalizing concepts. Possesses fluent reading skills.

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