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Applications are a very popular form of creativity for children. The activity will be interesting even for a child
In order to achieve the educational goal set for them, teaching staff of kindergartens must use
Abstract of GCD on FEMP on the topic: “Properties of objects” Author: Apreleva Marina Gennadievna Educator MBDOU
Design of thematic zones and corners in kindergarten Contained in sections: Design of groups 3852
Mystery Pykh loved his job very much and was ready to run along the rails during the day and
Many parents believe that to prepare a child for school life, the basics of reading will be enough.
Making various crafts from plasticine is a favorite pastime of all children. They especially like
The direct process of teaching literacy The issues of developing a program for introducing preschoolers to letters and sounds are being dealt with
Vegetable garden in kindergarten: rules of organization In order to create a vegetable garden in kindergarten,
“Butterfly” mask You will need: foam board, scissors, rubber band, tape measure, glue, sheet of paper, pencil. Master class Measure