Essays about winter: winter holidays, winter entertainment, winter forest - essays about the magical winter period

Winter is the time for snow games and fun

We have all been waiting for winter for a long time, and most of all - the winter holidays, because this is a time of joy, laughter, and most importantly - real snowy fun.

You can come up with fun for every taste: making snowmen, playing snowballs, sledding, skiing or skating. You can play tag or just fool around and roll around in the snow without fear of getting dirty.

Most of all I like to play snowballs with friends and go sledding. During the holidays, we go outside together every day and immediately start playing. Someone makes a snowball first and throws it at the other. That’s when the real “battle” begins—a “snowball fight.” Then we go sledding: we find the best sledding hill not far from our yard and start going down from it. Sometimes someone may bring skis from home. Then all of us, fascinated by these “winter shoes,” take turns trying to skillfully walk at least a few steps.

On weekends my parents and I go to the skating rink. There we begin our family “marathon”: who can skate faster? Of course, dad always wins, because he is the strongest and most agile of all of us.

Winter is a wonderful time of year, which brings a lot of interesting, useful and enjoyable entertainment. In addition, my favorite holidays fall during this period - New Year and Christmas.

Winter is a time for fun snow games and fun. That's why I like it more than other seasons.

Magical time of year - winter

Winter is both a harsh and wonderful time of year. As soon as the first snowflakes fall to the ground, nature plunges into a winter fairy tale. Snow-white snow covers the ground with a fluffy blanket. Lifeless trees put on a new ceremonial outfit. Frost leaves unique patterns on glass and ponds. It's amazing how picturesque the original pictures are. On sunny days, the snow shimmers, resembling precious stones. But as soon as you take it in your hands, all the beauty disappears, as if it never existed.

No one remains indifferent to the winter landscape. A walk in the first snow gives unique emotions and fills you with warmth. It is impossible to take your eyes off the snow-covered trees. Winter pictures bring back pleasant memories, taking us back to carefree childhood.


Short winter days shorten our walks. The blinding sun does not warm at all, and the frosty weather bites your cheeks. With the arrival of the first cold weather, you want the warmth of home with hot tea and pie. Winter evenings are the most cozy and magical.

In addition to beautiful landscapes, winter time brings many new worries. With the first cold weather, the need for a radical wardrobe change appears. The heating is turned on in the houses and they begin to burn with wood. The streets quickly get dark and everyone rushes to the warm home environment. It’s much better to admire the blizzard from the window, wrapped in a warm blanket and drinking hot drinks. The cold season is accompanied by frequent colds and illnesses. Slippery roads cause increased injuries and bruises. Snow drifts cause a lot of trouble for pedestrians and drivers. After every snowstorm, snowdrifts have to be cleared.

Nothing can last forever. People rejoice at the first snow. But as soon as winter lingers longer than usual, not a trace remains of the former delight. Everyone is looking forward to the first days of spring.

Mini-essay on the topic “Winter fun”

A snow-white winter has arrived. Snow covered the ground with a white fluffy blanket. The time for winter fun for children has begun.

Children take sleds, skis and go up the hill. Nastenka has already completed her descent. Her friend Andrei is preparing for the start. He skillfully controls the skateboard.

It is also very interesting for skiers. The children's cheeks turned red from the frost, speed and joy. Everyone is cheerful, laughter and cheerful squeals of joy can be heard from everywhere.

This is why children love and look forward to winter.

GCD for speech development On the topic “Winter entertainment. Storytelling from a picture."


Northern Administrative District

State budget

educational institution in Moscow

"School No. 717"

Summary of direct educational activities: speech development

On the topic “Winter entertainment. Storytelling from a picture."

Kholomonova Tatyana Anatolyevna



1. Purpose of the lesson. Teach children to purposefully examine a picture (target perception, sequential examination of individual independent episodes, evaluation of what is depicted); develop the ability to write a logical, emotional and meaningful story.

2. Tasks:

Educational: - expand and enrich children’s knowledge about the features of winter nature; — stimulate creative activity; - formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Developmental: - promote the development of coherent speech; - enrich speech with adjectives; - improve the dialogical form of speech.

Educational: - to form friendly relations between children, joint interaction; - cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

3. Type of lesson: integrated. 4. Lesson form: group. 5. Duration: 25 min. 6. Participants: 15 people. 7. Age: 5-6 years.

8.Equipment and materials.

Set canvas, plot picture “Winter fun”, plot pictures-fragments: “Girl skating”, “Boys playing snowballs”, “Children making a snowman”, “Boy skiing”, ball, picture of a blizzard.

9. Preliminary preparation: reading literary works on the theme of the picture (poem by S. Yesenin “Winter”, I. Surikov “Winter”, “Childhood”). Learning the poem “Winter Fun”, asking riddles about the winter months. 10.Methods and techniques: - visual (looking at a picture); - verbal (sample of a teacher’s story based on a picture, leading questions, compiling a story based on fragments of a picture, voice exercise, conversation, teacher’s questions, children’s answers).

11. Lesson structure.

Looking at the painting. Comparison, coming up with a name, remembering poems by Russian poets about winter activities.

6 min.

7. Independent compilation of a story based on the painting “Winter Fun”, development of coherent speech and visual attention

The teacher offers a sample story (if the children told the story well, the sample may not be given). Children make up a story.

4 min.

8. Summary of the lesson.

The teacher evaluates the children's stories, the children express their opinions.

1 min.

12. Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

Roof with a fur cap, White snow overhead. The yard is covered in snow, the houses are white, This is Mother - ... (Winter).

When does winter start? What winter months do you know? (December January February.)

Remember what happens only in winter? How is winter different from other seasons? (cold, frost, snow).

2. Communicate the topic and purpose. Winter is a wonderful time of year, isn't it? Children don’t want to leave home from a walk because it’s interesting outside. You can ski and skate, play hockey, build forts out of snow. Both books and paintings have been written about this time of year. Didn’t you find it strange that I said “the pictures are painted”? I was not mistaken - that’s what they say: the artist wrote (not painted) the picture.” Today we will compose a story based on the picture. And you can come up with the name of the picture yourself. (Appendix 2.).

Children guess descriptive riddles about winter:

White, cold, fluffy, creaks... (snow)

Smooth, slippery, shiny, fragile... (ice)

White, light, fluffy, carved... (snowflake)

Long, hard, slippery, shiny... (icicle)

Well done, you chose the right words.

Ball game “Which one?” Which? Which?"

Now I will throw the ball to you and ask a question, and you will catch it and give an answer to this question.

What kind of snow? - white, cold, creaky.

The wind in winter is prickly, cold and strong.

What is the air like in winter? - fresh, frosty, cold.

What kind of hill? - Icy, slippery, high.

What kind of ice? - shiny, slippery, smooth.

3. Voice exercise “Blizzard”.

This painting depicts a blizzard. What is a blizzard and how can a blizzard be called differently (blizzard, blizzard, strong wind).

Now we will play the game - Blizzard, you will sing the sound “u” either quietly or loudly, depending on whether I raise or lower my hand. The higher the hand, the louder you should sing, the lower the hand, the quieter you should sing.

4. Examination of the plot pictures - fragments for the plot picture “Winter Fun”, independent composing of sentences based on the picture fragments. (Annex 1.).

Guys, the word “riding” is repeated in all sentences. To avoid repeating the word, let's replace it with other words. (walks, drives down the mountain, slides on the ice). About which of the children can we say what is going on? (Kolya is skiing). Which of the children can be said to be going down the mountain? (The girl rides down the mountain on a sled). Which of the children can be said to be gliding on the ice? (Masha is skating on the ice) (Children select the appropriate picture

Tell us, what sentences can we make based on these four pictures? Don’t forget that children can be called differently when telling stories (children, guys, boys and girls, they).

What can you do on skates, skis; from snow?

Pictures - fragments - are displayed on the typesetting canvas. Children are given time to look freely, and then the teacher asks questions

Who is shown in the pictures?

- What are the children doing?

- What time of year can you play these games?

5. Exercise “Snowman” (coordination of speech with movement, development of general speech skills).

The teacher invites the children to go onto the carpet and do the exercise.

6. Conversation on the plot of the film “Winter Fun” and its fragments


  • What time of year and what time of day is depicted in the picture?
  • What was the weather like that winter day?
  • How do you determine that the day is warm and sunny?
  • Who is shown in the picture?
  • What are the children doing?
  • What winter activities are shown in the picture?
  • What words can describe winter weather?
  • How are the children dressed? Why?
  • How do they have fun?
  • Did everyone get down the mountain successfully? Why don't boys cry?
  • What are the children doing at the pond?
  • What mood are the children in?
  • Why did you decide so?

Guys, let's look at the pictures - fragments (parts) and the picture as a whole. What is the difference? (in the fragment pictures there is only one child who performs one action, and in the large picture there are several children who perform several actions: skating, skiing, sledding.) . What is another word for entertainment? What word can be replaced? (fun). Let's come up with a name for our picture. “Winter fun”, “Good in winter”, “Winter fun”. And why ? (children sledding, skiing, skating - these are winter fun). Now …………. will read the poem “Winter Fun”. It's not boring for the kids here, We'll take our shovels with us, Build a fortress in the yard. They piled up a lot of snow, The ice house is so good, All the kids were invited here, Winter brings us happiness! Let's have fun and play, Sleds, skis and skates. We won't get bored in winter, Oh, fun days.

7. Compiling a story based on the painting “Winter Fun”

One day on a warm sunny winter day, the children went for a walk. Everyone found something to their liking. You agree with me? How can you confirm this?

The child begins to talk about children sliding down the slide.

In conclusion, I offer the children my sample story (if the children told the story well, you don’t have to give the sample): The day off has come. It was frosty winter weather outside and a lot of snow fell. Snow lay in piles on the roofs of houses and tree branches. The children dressed warmly: put on winter hats, fur coats and felt boots, took their sleds and skis and went to the hill. Although the hill was not high, many children always gathered here. The children started a fun game: they quickly rolled down the mountain and ran up. But a funny incident happened on the way down the mountain. Two boys turned over from their sleds into a snowdrift. They are having fun, laughing and shouting to their comrades to wait until the guys get up. The children on the mountain are waiting impatiently. Everyone wants to slide down the slide at full speed. The children's cheeks were flushed from the frosty air and the game. They are having fun. Winter is a wonderful time of year.

Guys, tell us about your most interesting winter entertainment. (Where was it? Who else took part? Was it fun?)

8. Summary of the lesson (evaluation of children’s work) What did you do during the lesson? What did you like most?

13. Applications.

Annex 1.

Appendix 2.


1. V.V.Gerbova Speech development in kindergarten: Preparatory group. – M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2014. – 19-21 p.

2. Starodubova N.A. Theory and methods of speech development in preschool children.

3. Ushakova O.S., Smirnova E.A. Using a series of plot pictures in the development of coherent speech.

Short story (essay-miniature) about winter fun

Frosty winter has arrived. It's time for winter fun. The skating rink on the school football field was flooded. There are always a lot of children there after school.

Misha recently bought skates. Kostya teaches him to stand on them. The girl Katya skates great. She shows the boys various complex figures.

In another part of the skating rink, the hockey team gathered. Oleg deftly sends the puck into the goal. He is the team captain and the school's best hockey player. Not far away, two boys are watching the action with interest. They are cheering for the players of the hockey team. Apparently they don't have skates themselves. Otherwise they would willingly join the team.

Children have fun and interesting. They strive to learn how to skate well. Good in winter!


Winter fun is most often classified as children's, but in medieval Europe, where the roots of snowball fights, skating, sledding and skiing go, they were more likely to be fun for adults. And in Russia, sleigh rides and ice skating are described by Chekhov and Tolstoy as pleasures for adults.

“The sled flies like a bullet. The cut air hits you in the face, roars, whistles in your ears, tears, stings painfully from anger, wants to rip your head off your shoulders. There is no strength to breathe due to the pressure of the wind. It seems that the devil himself has grabbed us with his paws and is dragging us to hell with a roar. The surrounding objects merge into one long, rapidly running strip... Just another moment, and it seems that we will die!

This is an excerpt from Chekhov’s story “The Joke,” and few people know about Levin’s scene with Kitty at the skating rink. Something similar happened to me too, although much later than with Nadenka from Chekhov’s story, but at the moment of happiness I also wanted to ride down a high hill, which I did.

Snowball game. England

But this is still an exception, and in medieval England it was the norm. Winter there was associated primarily with snowballs, and secondarily with sledding and ice skating. Of course, the most common winter pastime is playing snowballs, but the history of its origin, unlike sledding, skating and skiing, is not described anywhere.

There is a strong suspicion, of course, unconfirmed, that playing snowballs is an invention of the inhabitants of all countries where snow falls. And, judging by the paintings of artists who loved to paint this winter fun, its distribution area includes half the world, starting with Holland, England and Russia, and ending with the Far East, Japan and China.

Sledging. England

Interestingly, few people know that snowball fighting has been an officially registered sport since 1988; the first snowball federation was created in 1993, and today annual competitions are held in which Russian athletes also take part.

Much earlier, skating, skiing and curling became sports. Ice skating spread to the northern countries in the 13th century, although skates as a device were known much earlier, for example, bone skates were invented four thousand years ago.


Curling, one of my most exciting and favorite games, was invented in Scotland at the beginning of the 16th century and is certainly fun for all ages and both sexes. When we talk about skates that appeared in the Netherlands and England, we must remember that we are talking about iron skates, whose name comes from the custom of decorating their front part with a horse's head.

Dutch artists loved to paint landscapes with speed skaters, and in England they loved to depict them in Books of Hours, prototypes of modern calendars. Skates came to Russia quite late, in the 18th century. They were brought by the tireless reformer Peter I, with whose light hand they began to decorate Christmas trees, celebrate New Year, Christmas and go ice skating.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder. Landscape with skaters

Skating was especially fashionable in Pushkin’s times. When the American Jackson Geis came to Russia, who believed that it was he who first attached skates to shoes, he was amazed to learn that this was done a hundred years ago by the great Peter, who was tired of fiddling with straps and firmly attached skates to his boots. In 1838, Pauli, a gymnastics teacher, wrote:

“Of all the pleasures that the youth of the north can enjoy in winter, there is none more decent and useful than ice skating. This activity is fun for young men and enlivens adults; it develops muscular strength, agility, improves health and especially the grace of body movement. During last year's winter, the number of people skating on the Neva increased significantly, including even cadets and students from other educational institutions. This is a national Russian pleasure with a capital P.”

Abel Grimmer. Winter landscape

I'm not even talking about our childhood, when going to the skating rink was something akin to our older sisters' summer trips to the park and dance floors. Here is one such memory from Soviet childhood, very similar to thousands of others:

“I, like most of our boys, had “snow maidens” with rounded noses and thick runners. We tied them with belts to felt boots and rolled on the trampled snow anywhere, clinging to trucks and trams with long hooks. I didn’t cling to cars, but often to trams, until I really screwed up, tripping over a sleeper exposed by the snow, tearing my coat, which was buttoned up on the girl’s side.

I would really like to go skating at the skating rink, but on the ice we skated on “inflatables”, it was difficult to get them, and they were expensive, beyond our means. One day Tolka Mamontov, a big guy from the fourth entrance, offered me to buy blowers from him cheaply, for only 50 rubles.

The first skates, bone

True, they were defective: one skate was missing a heel. But Tolka said that it’s nothing, you can do without it, you just need to put something on it, for example, a piece of rubber sole. And for the belt, here, you see, he made two holes in the tube. I understood that they were selling me obvious rubbish, but the desire to have puffers was irresistible.

I begged my mother for money and bought skates. Only, generously, he gave them a piece of thick rubber in addition. When my mother saw the skates and tires, she clasped her hands and burst out with curses at the arrogant seller, the idiot buyer and the fool who had thrown money away. “Dumb!” - she wailed, “you can throw them in the trash right away!” In my heart I agreed with her.

I tied my skates to my felt boots at home, went down the steps, clattering, and stomped to the stadium. On the way, the belts became loose, and at the skating rink they had to be tightened again using a twist stick. After several minutes of skating, the rubber heel began to shift, the skate flew off, and I fell. The strap was fraying in holes, the sharp stump was tearing the rubber and felt boots... In general, azohunvey, as they said at home.”

First skis

This happened in our childhood. Everything is different now. Skiing also appeared quite a long time ago. The Dane Saxo was the first to think about the shape of sliding skis, and in 1644 he created their first drawing. They were short, then their shape gradually changed until it took on its modern appearance.

At first, skis were everywhere made of wood, but since the mid-seventies of the last century, the era of plastic began. Skiing in our Soviet childhood was a topic as vast as going to the skating rink. I have already written about one such story that happened to me personally.

Well, and one more winter fun that cannot be ignored, especially in Russia. This is sleigh rides and carriage rides, beloved on all winter holidays: Christmas, New Year, Maslenitsa. Sleighs, of course, were not originally intended for fun.

Adolf-Konstantin Bumgartner-Stoilov (Russia, 1850-1924) Snowball fight

They were created to transport goods in winter, but over time, sledding turned into one of the most favorite pastimes. Young people, newlyweds and adults loved to ride with the breeze to the sound of bells, bells, accordion and songs.

On holidays, they prepared especially carefully for such winter fun: the sleigh was repaired, the horses were cleaned and decorated, and family wealth was judged by the richness of the decoration of the sleigh and the solemnity of the departure. Today, winter fun is different, but these too are preserved, even if they are just a tribute to tradition.

Tina Guy

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Essay description of the painting Winter fun

Winter has come. Winter is the most fun time of the year. How many interesting fun and games you can play together on the street! All around is white and white, soft fluffy snow shimmers in the sun and beckons you to play in the fresh frosty air.

In the painting “Winter Fun” the children are frolicking with all their might on the street, not paying attention to the cold. A clear winter day called the children into the yard. Everyone is dressed warmly, and no one is in a hurry to go home.

Each child found something to do for themselves. Someone has saddled a sled and is about to slide down the mountain with cheerful screams and laughter. A couple of guys gladly put on their skis and, creaking with snow, ride along the well-trodden track.

The lake froze and covered with ice to the delight of the children. So the skating rink is not empty, the girl is a master at skating. A group of boys and girls, meanwhile, staged a real snow battle, they roll snowballs and throw themselves at each other, trying to dodge the projectiles. The kids laugh heartily and provoke each other.

The kids also don’t waste time and make a big and funny snowman. A bucket for a hat, pebbles for eyes and a carrot for a nose. Meanwhile, the boy is rolling a new snowball and building a second snowman friend.

A girl comes from behind a hill, hurrying to join her friends in the winter fun.

The children's faces are full of delight and happiness, they are having fun and are not bored for a minute! I really want to join them. You can’t look at the picture without smiling; it infects you with a cheerful mood and a desire to play snowballs, build a snow fort or go ice skating. There is no better entertainment than playing in the yard with friends, especially in winter!

I love winter very much, it seems to me that this is a great time of year, with rich imagination and imagination you can spend it actively and usefully, without getting bored.

Other works: ← Duzelkhanov - Hunting ↑ Others Pimenov - Dispute →

Example 3

In the painting “Winter Fun” we see deep winter and children having fun. The guys are making snowmen, they have almost made two and are starting to make a third. Two boys are rolling a large snow globe, a girl is decorating a ready-made snowman, and a local dog is looking at them. In the background of the picture we see wooden houses in blue and yellow colors. The trees are covered with snow. The guys are dressed warmly: jackets, scarves, gloves and hats. The picture depicts a clear day and most likely the guys will be called to lunch, interrupting the process of making snowmen. Children make snowmen with dedication and work, and the snowmen turn out to be even bigger than themselves! Children used to spend more time outside with friends, but now they sit at home with gadgets. Children really enjoy spending this sunny, winter day in each other's company. The dog is interested in watching the guys, and I think she also wants to take part in this process. The sky is clear blue. When spring comes, their snowmen will melt. But I think the guys will find a new, exciting activity. The painting is painted in bright colors, which lifts my mood. After watching this picture I wanted to meet my friends. I really liked this painting and would like to hang it in my room.


Option 2

The picture is very cute. This shows what we can do in winter. That's the name - about winter fun.

There is a lot of snow in the picture - winter. There are whole snowdrifts here - slides from which you can ride. There is also a tree covered in snow. And also a snowman. And here is a frozen lake, it’s round.

There are many children in the picture. They are all dressed warmly. In hats!

Denis, of course, skates on the lake, otherwise they would fall. There is a girl in a pink coat and a boy in green and beige. They ride beautifully. Even on one leg. Are they rehearsing a dance?

On the left, the girl puts a bucket on her head. Not for myself, of course! To the snowman... And he closed his eyes with joy.

Nearby a boy is playing in the snow. He plays not with himself, but with other guys. More precisely, with a boy wearing earflaps. The opponent's jacket is red, and this one's is blue. There is also a girl on the “battlefield”, but she is making a snowman. She rolls a big ball out of snow - she just started sculpting.

Behind them the guys are sledding. So much fun! A boy in a green jacket, felt boots and mittens raised his hands and was flying down a hill on a sled. Immediately the girl goes up the mountain, dragging her sled. She has a blue sheepskin coat and a pink hat, like the Snow Maiden.

On the right (by the tree) two children feed birds and squirrels. Directly from your hands. And the animals are not afraid of them... Also in the background (near that tree) two people are skiing. One of them has a ski (warm) suit so that he can ski comfortably. Everyone is smiling, everyone is happy about winter.

Children are not like real children. That is, they are not the same as in the photo - this is a drawing. And he is very handsome. Everything is not just white, but beautiful... The sky is bluish with pink and yellow. Snow is blue, blue, lilac and gray. All the children are in very bright clothes. The trees and bushes are black - the snow has fallen.

And there is so much you can do in winter! We must remember to try all this in winter - it’s so fun and beautiful! From such pictures you begin to love winter more - all the good things are collected here. I really like the picture, the colors, the meaning, everything about it.

Description for grades 2, 3

Winter forest

An endless number of photographs and paintings depict the beauty of winter landscapes. A walk in the winter forest leaves an indelible impression. Far from the bustle of the city, nature preserves pristine snow in an untouched form for much longer. Traces of animals and birds can be seen on the snow-white blanket. Nature seems to be in hibernation and only the crunch of snow underfoot breaks the forest silence. The caps of snow on the trees give them special grandeur.

The winter forest is like an icy kingdom, ruled by plants and animals. The snowy figures from the trees resemble guards who gesticulate and say something with every breath of wind. Fluffy fir trees and pines with their green needles dilute the gray colors. The branches of the bushes bent to the ground under the weight of the snow caps. Most often, hares hide under them.


Sometimes the forest seems lifeless. With the first snow, the forest nature radiates a peaceful atmosphere. But if you look closely, you can see how agile squirrels and birds are jumping along the tops in search of food. If they are lucky, they will come across frozen rowan berries or cones. Red-breasted bullfinches can be seen by the contrasting outfit. From the sounds you can hear a woodpecker knocking on a tree or noisy sparrows chattering. There are animal feeders in the forest, so you shouldn’t go for a walk empty-handed. When snow falls, it is very difficult to get food. Therefore, taking a dozen nuts with you will come in very handy.

With the appearance of the sun, the forest seems to shine through. The sun's rays get entangled in tree branches and blind the eyes. I remember the words of the great Russian writer A.S. Pushkin: “Frost and sun, a wonderful day.”

The winter forest becomes a source of inspiration for many. Walking along snow-covered trails energizes you and makes you want to come back again and again. The winter landscape evokes a feeling of celebration and a premonition of wonderful events.

Pictures for children on the theme “Winter and winter fun”

Story pictures are a universal material for speech therapy work in kindergarten. They help the teacher solve the following problems:

Various pictures for children depicting winter and winter fun should definitely be among the speech therapist's teaching materials. You can use special themed sets for kindergarten or select suitable images yourself. Let's consider several options for pictures about winter that will help in your work.

The picture Winter has come opens a series of images of nature selected for the new season. It can be used in classes in senior and preparatory groups, conducting classes on the topic “Winter”, “How animals prepare for cold weather”, “Golden Autumn”, “Migratory birds”.

The plot picture Winter in the forest helps to clearly show children the changes that occur in nature, in the forest. A beautiful winter landscape helps expand a child's horizons and vocabulary.

The description of a winter forest can be played out as a journey, an imaginary adventure into a drawn area.

Snow-White Zimushchka-Winter is an ideal background for Russian folk tales; this can also be used in collective and individual work with children. A doll tetra on a transparent background superimposed on a forest landscape is suitable for this.

Stories about winter should also include a description of the New Year and Christmas holidays. Children love these Winter pictures more than others and are more willing to engage with them. It is very useful to select images of live Christmas trees in the forest and a decorated Christmas tree at a holiday, and then play “Find the Differences!”

The next picture is called Winter outside the window, it shows the life of the metropolis in the coldest time of the year. For the preparatory group, it is good to use images of snow-covered streets of a big city and winter in the countryside; a couple of these illustrations can be used for group work and games. Drawing winter in the city allows you to discuss with children not only changes in nature, but also conduct speech games and exercises on the topic of Transport and Professions, since at this time you can see new cars and people doing special work on the street.

Pictures depicting winter children's games and sports activities organized in the fresh air are an excellent opportunity not only to enrich children's active vocabulary and narrative speech, but also to work on reinforcing complex sounds. These could be exercises on differentiating between S and S, Z and Z, S and Z, S and Z.

Several pictures of winter fun will be useful for working in a group and for conducting open classes. A mnemonic table, which schematically shows:

With such support, children will be able to compose their own story not only following the example of an adult, but also with the help of independent analysis. No inscriptions are needed; even senior pupils can easily compose a complete story using clear, schematic pictures.

In speech therapy work, it is useful to use a series of story-based pictures on the topic of Winter fun, winter sports, etc. Here is an approximate list of games that a speech therapist can conduct on the topic of Winter fun using story-based pictures, one or a series:

The themes of the arrival of winter and winter children's fun are a real “methodological treasure trove” for speech therapists and teachers. There are a huge number of options for using it. We have offered you just a few of them.

Visual and didactic aid Stories from pictures Winter

Visual and didactic aid Stories from pictures Winter sports

N. Sozonova E. Kunitsina Notebook Stories about the seasons Winter

Many people love winter because it is the most beautiful time of the year, and because only in winter there is an opportunity to go sledding, skiing and skating, have a lot of snowball fights, build a fortress out of snow, and make a snow woman. On January 18, the “Winter Fun” sports festival was held at the playground of the social rehabilitation department. The main goal of the event was: to create an emotional holiday atmosphere for children, to attract children of different ages to joint play activities.

The holiday was held in the form of a relay race. Children of school and preschool age took part in the relay race. Before the start of the competition, the participants were divided into 2 equal teams. The teams were given a few minutes to come up with a name. The only condition for the team names was a theme related to snow, since the holiday was dedicated to International Snowman Day. The first team is “Snowflakes”, the second is “Snowmen”. The relay included 8 stages: “Chanters”, “Snake”, “Make a Snowman”, “Snow Debris”, “Reindeer Sleds”, “Crossing on Ice Floes”, an attraction game “Who has the least snowballs”, guessing riddles on a winter sports theme . Children took an active part in competitions: they completed tasks for dexterity and ingenuity (task “Crossing on Ice Floes”, solving riddles), competed in tasks for speed and accuracy (tasks “Reindeer Sleds”, “Snow Blocks”), supporting and helping each other to a friend. There was a cheerful and friendly atmosphere at the festival, despite the fact that there was a competitive moment during the relay race. There were no passive observers at the celebration. All the guys were very pleased.

Stories about winter for children 8-12 years old

Author's stories about winter and New Year holidays for children and teenagers

(methodological development) Myasnikova Daria Vladimirovna URFU, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and STU Drawing - Chingiz Uldanov
Relevance. Winter and New Year's holidays are a great time for active recreation with the whole family. Love of winter sports and winter adventures can also be conveyed through literary forms, such as short stories that can be read to children before bed. Even teenagers can be inspired to love winter sports. It is they who are offered the story “Ski Track!” Adolescence is a turning point in the consciousness of a young person. This is the time when he is looking for new heroes, new goals and values. Parental moral teachings are perceived with a slight grin. During the period of growing up, a person needs ideological support, but he is not always ready to accept it, especially from his parents. One of the tools for successful socialization is reading. Classic literature educates a teenager, but many read it “under pressure”, not wanting to get a bad grade. The situations and heroes of such works seem not modern to the children, living in a completely different time, so their thoughts and actions lose their relevance. Frankly speaking, many classic works of Russian writers do not give due place to a healthy lifestyle; more emphasis is placed on the development of the soul, self-education, the ability to devotedly love and sacrifice oneself for great goals and the Motherland. All this is great, but what is clearly missing is a new literary form - short stories about modern teenagers who love life and sports, which can be read on a mobile phone on the way to school. Goal : To involve children and teenagers in useful reading of short stories about winter fun, a healthy lifestyle, to inspire them to take real action (“tear them away” from the computer). Objectives: • Create short literary forms (stories) about children, teenagers, their actions, values; • Distribute stories on social networks that teenagers use for communication (“Vkontakte”, “My World”); • Recommend these stories to class teachers for discussion in classes and meetings of teenagers. It is advisable that they are talked about not by teachers, but by high school students invited to class hours - curators, tutors, counselors. The main idea of ​​pedagogical development: By reading funny short stories about winter and winter fun, you can start the process of involving a child or teenager in an active life, awaken the desire to participate in competitions, achieve success in school, sports, and improve not only the soul, but also the body. Main part Three stories are offered aimed at involving children and adolescents in winter sports (“Ski track!”) and developing an active life position (“Behind the Christmas tree”, “Unexpected costume”). 1. The story “Ski!”, author Myasnikova D.V.
Ski track!
(story) Myasnikova D.V. The guys have been waiting for this competition for a long time. Not everyone can perform, or better yet win, as part of the youth team at the Russian biathlon competitions at the age of 17! Our guys were in a great mood. Tomorrow morning they need to overtake St. Petersburg and Moscow. Only lanky Lekha was more worried than anyone and kept saying things. “If only the hare didn’t jump onto the ski track.” I'll shoot you, damn it! - What kind of bunnies are there? Security everywhere, spectators. All the animals have already been scared away. – Kirill, the team captain, calmed him down, confident in the best outcome of events. “A year ago, for no apparent reason, my ski cracked on the slope, it rolled disgustingly, I didn’t get into the top three. – chatty Gray supported the conversation. - Well, they started snotting like women! – Senka barked, “Shut up, let’s go to sleep.” Kirill commanded, turning off the light. - All boys, go to sleep! There was silence. When the captain's measured snoring was heard, Gray whispered to Senka Denyukhin. - We know this hare, Grandfather, his name is Zoya Smirnova. Now you can expect everything from Lekha. When she's on the women's team, expect trouble. The guy twitches and gets nervous thinking about her. - Yes, okay, it’ll be okay! Don't talk too much, let's go to sleep! “Senka muttered, turning over to the other side. The next morning somehow didn’t work out. It's warmer. Large sticky snow fell, and even with the wind. It was slippery on the hills, and a mess in the lowlands. Every lap the guys heard the familiar voices of the girls cheering for them; the active Zoya squealed the loudest. Snow flakes blinded our eyes, sweat flowed down our temples, and only the motionless spruce trees, wrapped waist-deep in snowdrifts, envied the skiers flying somewhere. The guys walked well, clearly keeping their distance. Lekha rushed ahead, followed by Gray, then Grandfather, and the captain brought up the rear. We shot both “prone” and “standing” with dignity, and reached the last loop in the forest. Suddenly, right on the downhill slope, an amateur crossed the road for the racers, picking up decent speed on a forest track. Gray was the first to notice him and shouted with all his might. - Ski track!!! Lekha, stop! But Alexey, apparently preoccupied with thoughts of his heroic appearance in Zoya’s eyes, had no intention of slowing down. He simply did not notice the skier. Further events unfolded at the speed of a bullet flying at a target. Lech, from a low squat, drove into the skier’s head, severely scratching him with his protruding rifle. And he also did not remain in debt - he knocked out the champion’s jaw with his head. But the main thing is that both remained alive. The rest stopped successfully, jumping into the nearest snowdrifts. Security came running and an ambulance was called. Several teams flew past. Having assessed the situation, Kirill made a proposal. -Guys, let's get out of the race. Everyone was silent. Lekha, rising from the snowdrift, muttered something, adjusted his rifle, took his sticks and drove off. The team looked questioningly at the captain. Kirill answered. - OK! We're not needed here anymore, are we? Let's go! Only twice as fast! It took a long time to catch up with Lyokha, but they finally caught up. Everyone returned to their positions. He seemed to have completely lost his head, his speed was simply frantic. When the guys crossed the finish line, they realized that they had come fifth, but everyone lost sight of Lech. It turned out he went to the next round. Gray caught up with him, grabbed his hand and said. - Leshka, stop! We've arrived! - A? Fto? Uwe finif? – he said, speaking with difficulty with his jaw curled to the side. The “hero” was escorted to the emergency room by Zoya, who was inspired by the boys to help her admirer. 2. The story “Behind the Christmas tree”, author Myasnikova D

V. Behind the Christmas tree (story) Myasnikova D.V. - Grandfather, why didn’t you and your grandmother decorate the Christmas tree? After all, New Year is coming soon? – asked little granddaughter Katyushka, tugging at her grandfather’s sleeve, who had been trying to concentrate and finish a scientific article for three hours. -Yes! Indeed! - Desperate to complete the work he started today, the grandfather said with a smile. - Galina! - the grandfather shouted to Baba Gala, who was busy in the kitchen, - I think I’ll go get the Christmas tree for my granddaughter. - Look, Volodya, it’s cold there. Maybe we can do without a Christmas tree? Katyushka will be taken away by her parents soon,” Baba Galya said when she entered her husband’s office, but seeing the enthusiasm in his burning eyes, she realized that her sober thoughts did not find support, “Do you even know where they are sold?” – Baba Galya said, carefully stroking her husband’s back. - Yes! - came the short answer. Grandfather clapped his hands, collected his papers, carefully placing them in folders, and rushed to get dressed. - I want to go get the Christmas tree too! Bah, is it possible? – Katerina whined. “Wait, Katyusha, it’s very cold there today, and then how long Grandfather will be looking for the Christmas tree is unknown... Let me take out the old toys and garlands, and you and I will decorate the apartment, huh?” - Baba Galya said to her irrepressible granddaughter, - Katya, will you help me climb onto the mezzanine? Katya thought indecisively. Walking with my grandfather was a lot of fun, but the mezzanine, located right under the ceiling of the house, was something completely fabulous and alluring. There were a lot of old things and toys there that she had long wanted to see. And here is such an opportunity! While the grandmother tried to persuade her granddaughter to stay at home, the grandfather got ready and stood in the doorway. -All girls. Wait for me, I'll be there soon! – Grandfather blurted out, inspired by the idea of ​​clearing his head a little and making his granddaughter happy. On the mezzanine it turned out to be terribly interesting: neatly folded old carpets, books, magazines, a Christmas tree stand in the shape of a huge snowflake, and, of course, the boxes themselves with garlands and New Year's toys. There was a treasure trove of the unknown there. Katyushka pulled all this out and pulled it out. In order to somehow distract Katerina from shaking up the old trash, of which there was still a lot in this God-forsaken place, Baba Galya said. “Katyushka, let’s go have tea with sweets, and I’ll tell you a funny story about how my brother and I went to the forest to pick up a Christmas tree.” - Only then will I climb in there, okay? – the granddaughter, who loved Babina’s stories, answered, going down the stepladder. The kettle made a noise and turned off. The grandmother took out a bag of sweets, which had already ceased to arouse any interest in the child. — Guess what color this sweet candy is? – Grandma Galya asked cheerfully, putting her hand into a bag of colorful sweets. - Green! – The granddaughter answered playfully. - I didn’t guess, I didn’t guess! – the grandmother commented smiling, “now this is my candy.” Guess what color this sweet candy is? - Maybe red? – Katya asked hopefully. - Well done! This candy is yours! – Baba Galya said, holding out “Red Poppy”. Katyusha happily unwrapped the chocolate candy, took a bite and washed it down with tea with gusto. “Now I want to drive,” the granddaughter said, taking the bag of sweets given to her. -Guess what color this sweet candy is? - Yellow! - What a cunning Baba you are! I won't have any candy left! Take it! – and handed the “Pineapple” to my grandmother. - Listen, Ba, you wanted to tell me about how you and your brother went to pick up the Christmas tree... - Ah... well, yes! – Baba Galya said, chewing green caramel. It was winter in a village in the Urals. Dad served there, and my brother, mother and I were preparing for the New Year. I was ten years old then. Vaska is about five. A lot of snow fell. So my brother and I decided to go pick up the Christmas tree while mom was preparing dinner. Of course, they didn’t tell mom anything, they just quietly took the skis and dad’s hacksaw and walked towards the forest, which was not very far away - across the field. - Do you like this tree? – Allochka asked her brother again. That's what my family called me when I was little. Only in the most serious situations did my name turn back into Galina. - Nope. “She’s kind of cool,” answered the picky Vaska, burr. -Well, yes, you're right. Let’s move on,” the elder sister said with a sigh. - Look, this one will do? - Allochka asked with hope for approval. – This slifkom is small, Petka’s is bigger! “The one-meter-tall chief answered with furrowed eyebrows. - At Petka's, at Petka's! How long are we going to walk through the snowdrifts here? Do you know that the sun will set soon? Mom probably already lost us, and we haven’t even chosen a Christmas tree yet,” the older sister began to be indignant, “Well, what kind of Christmas tree do you want?” You don’t even know yourself! Now I’ll cut down the first one I come across and let’s go home, got it! – Allochka said, almost shouting. “With fakes,” Vaska said. - What? – Allochka said turning around. “With fifties, fluffy, big,” the younger brother lisped, clearly listing the necessary criteria for choosing a Christmas tree. The elder sister stopped near a tall tree and raised her head up. - Yes, commander. Sit here, I went after your tree with cones. This one will do, look? - Allochka asked Vaska, pointing to the very top of a huge old, branchy spruce tree, hung with clusters of cones. - Yeah! – my brother shouted joyfully. Determined Allochka climbed up. Soon Vasya completely lost sight of her. Walking through the forest was fun, but standing around waiting for my sister became colder and colder. - Alla, are you there? – the younger brother began to whine. - I'm cold... Why have you been there for so long? - I'm drinking. I'm cold too, but I can bear it. “You want the most beautiful Christmas tree with pine cones on the top?” I heard my sister’s voice from somewhere above. After a while, the plaintive voice of the operation commander squeaked. - Jackdaw, get down, I don’t want these damned things, you can hear the wolves howling... it’s getting dark, I’m completely frozen... I’m scared... In response, I could only hear the desperate screech of a saw and the crunch of branches. - Move five steps away from the tree! Do you hear, Vasya! – Allochka shouted with all her might. Vaska, stupefied by the cold, was saved only by the fact that the top of the tree, cut off by his sister, hung on a large lower branch and could not hit the baby. Alla jumped off the ground and only then realized how risky she was by throwing the tree to the ground. - Allochka, you got down, Ulla! Go home! – Vasily rushed into the warm embrace of his sister. - That's it, buddy, you and I found the most beautiful Christmas tree in the village! Let’s go!” Allochka commanded. Rubbing her brother Allochka’s frozen arms and legs, dragging the Christmas tree behind her, she moved towards the house. It turned out to be quite heavy. The reason was huge clusters of cones that clung to stumps and hummocks, preventing normal movement through the snow-covered forest. “Galka, I can’t walk anymore, I’m tired,” Vaska groaned. - Okay, sit on the tree. “I’ll take you,” Allochka decisively suggested, for whom Vaska’s life was much more important than a trophy won from nature. Vaska climbed behind the tree, and Alla pulled the tree with all her might, with jerks, placing it on Vasyutka’s skis. We probably would have frozen in this dark forest if dad had not found us when he returned from work. I don’t know what he said to his mother, who couldn’t take care of the children, but this New Year she was a little sad. And the tree, bald on one side, was still the most beautiful in the village; several cones on it survived and aroused genuine envy among the local children. - Well, girls, accept the forest beauty! – the red-cheeked grandfather, standing with a huge, fluffy Christmas tree on the threshold, shouted loudly. - Wow, grandpa, great job! It smells so good! Now you will have a real New Year, like in your childhood, right, Grandmother? – Katyushka exclaimed jumping around the green guest. Baba Galya smiled and barely noticeable tears sparkled in her eyes. 3. The story “An Unexpected Costume”, author Myasnikova D.V. Unexpected costume (story) Myasnikova D.V. It's a wonderful time - New Year's holidays! How warm and cheerful it is at home. Adults smile and are in no hurry. Everyone was in the kitchen today: from young to old. Mom cut salads, grandmother beat the dough for the cake. Katyushka, who had not been taken to kindergarten today, was intently peeling her fifth clove of garlic with her lips stuck out. “Katyusha,” my mother said affectionately, “I think that’s enough.” Even dad, who loves everything spicy, might be scared of beet salad if I put five more cloves on the plate! “Then we’ll give this salad to Santa Claus,” my daughter seriously retorted. - Why him? – asked the curious Baba Galya with a smile. - Bah, look out the window. See, it's cold there. This is Del Moroz riding on a sleigh through the forest, probably frozen. Our garlic salad will warm it up. It will drive out all his snot,” said the diligent granddaughter, reaching for another clove of garlic and sniffling. Mom and grandma giggled. Katya was in a great mood today. She got enough sleep, wasn’t capricious, helped prepare the holiday food, and, to her surprise, the adults also changed a lot. Take my mother, for example. Even when it was her birthday and she was expecting guests, her look was serious, preoccupied. Today she was completely different - cheerful, relaxed, very, very beautiful. “Mommy,” Katya said, deciding to continue the conversation, “you are the most beautiful in the world!” - Even in curlers and a robe? – Mom asked in surprise. - Yeah! - said Katya. - Katyusha, you’ll have to live up to it! “Then, soon the guests will appear,” my mother said, looking at her watch and untying her apron. - Wait, I'll be right back. Five minutes later, the kitchen was filled with the sparkling beauty of the Snow Queen. In white beaded shoes, a long blue dress decorated with tinsel, and a carved crown on her head, stood an unrecognizable mother. - Wow! – Baba Galya and Katyushka said in unison. “Well, daughter, you can’t be allowed near the beets like this now!” Sit and relax, and I’ll tell you about how, as a child, I surprised all the guests with my unexpected costume. That year, dad, mom, Allochka and Vaska were invited to celebrate the New Year holiday by neighbors on the street. They had three sons, the same age, a little older and a little younger than Allochka. It was already time to go out, but she still hadn’t decided what outfit to wear to visit the boys. If there were girls there, then there would be no questions, but here are the boys... If she puts on a snowflake dress, embroidered with sequins and tinsel, then these tomboys will definitely pull her jewelry and will certainly tear everything off... If she chooses a cat costume, then in an hour he won't have a tail... Maybe a fox costume? No, after three years she was already tired of the fox, and then, under this hat in a warm house, her hair would sweat and stick together. - Hello, baby, are you ready? I already dressed Vasya and took the cockerel costume. Who will you be at the holiday? – Mom asked, trying to put the hat on Vasya’s constantly spinning head. “I decided to just wear a pantsuit.” I'll be...I'll be...a girl in a blue suit! – Allochka answered dryly, who loved to amaze guests with her outfits, but today something went wrong. - Strange, okay. I decided so I decided. Well, shall we go out? - Mom said. It was a truly fabulous night outside. Snow was falling. Under the light of the lanterns one could see the amazing dance of each flying snowflake. The path to the neighbors' house sparkled with diamonds. Allochka was in no hurry to go to these mischievous boys, she walked slower and slower, enjoying the freshness of the air and the beauty of New Year's Eve. - Daughter, where are you? We are already knocking on our neighbors' door! – Mom said in a slightly dissatisfied voice. - Now! I'll just finish the little snowman and catch up with you! – Allochka answered, placing one lump of snow on top of another. Ten minutes later the whole family: dad, mom, Vasya and Allochka were already sitting at the table and eating pies with poppy seeds that the hostess had just baked. This was the favorite treat of all the children and, of course, Allochka. After three pies, I no longer wanted to eat and all the children, to the delight of the adults, crawled out from behind the table and ran around the house. - One two three four five! I'm going to look for who wasn't hiding, it's not my fault! – Eight-year-old Leshka shouted. Allochka rushed into the nearest dark room under the old sofa. The gap between the sofa and the floor was narrow, but thin Allochka, in blue trousers that hugged her legs, just fit in there. Leshka had already run past the secret place twice, even looked in and looked straight into Allochka’s eyes, but in the darkness he couldn’t see anyone there. Allochka was funny at first, but then she became bored and even disgusted. Here under the sofa had not been washed for a long time, and her nose was very itchy. She could not resist and began to sneeze loudly, which attracted Leshka, who had completely lost her. Meanwhile, the adults, happy and relaxed, sat at the festive table, talking about the successes of their children, who every now and then rushed past with a whoop. Finally, Leshka discovered Allochka sneezing and led her out of the dark room to the guests. Suddenly silence reigned, and only my mother could not restrain herself. - Alla, look who you look like?! Then Allochka saw her reflection in the sideboard. Instead of a cute girl in a blue trouser suit, she was faced with a monster with disheveled hair covered with pieces of many years of dust, which was almost evenly distributed throughout the outfit. A wave of laughter swept through the room. Everyone laughed: the boys, the adults at the table, and even the old grandfather, who was sitting in a chair and could no longer walk at all, giggled and kept saying. - Well, I killed you, girl! A few more seconds and tears of resentment would have flowed from Allochka’s eyes, but suddenly an idea struck her. She made a cheerful grimace and began to rush around the room, pretending to be a wild monkey. She jumped, squealed, and tumbled. Her behavior discouraged the adults, but the boys were completely delighted. The holiday was a success! On the way back, she received a scolding from her parents, but after this New Year, the neighboring boys not only respected Allochka, but also recognized her as their leader. - Great! Well done, grandma, for not being at a loss and finding a way out of the situation! Don't cry all New Year's Eve over a ruined suit? Let me go and think of something too...” said the inspired Katyushka and flew to the nursery to change clothes. Expected results from the implementation of the development The proposed stories (included in a series of similar literary works) will become the object of correspondence in mobile applications, social networks, which will help educators and teachers instill the values ​​of: • A healthy lifestyle • An active life position • Aspirations for high results in life and sports • Team spirit • Love and true friendship • Courage, selfless behavior, in emergency situations

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Folk games for middle school students

Of course, in the middle group you can continue to offer the same games to the children, but it is better to complicate them, for example:

In addition, new exciting folk games are being introduced.

Ball rolling

This kind of fun is good to have after a snowfall. The guys are divided into teams (about 5-6 people) and distributed around the site. At the teacher’s signal, each group begins to roll a snow globe. After some time, a second signal follows, and the kids roll their big balls towards the teacher. The winner is the group with the largest lump.

Large snow globes are good for building fortresses or other structures that can also be used in games. You can also build a large snowman out of them on your site.

Children always loved to roll big balls of snow


An adult hangs a bell on a beautiful ribbon on a tree branch or horizontal bar. The guys throw snowballs at it to make it ring. The winner will be the one who hits the bell the maximum number of times.

Alternatively, two teams can participate in the game.

In the middle group, children can already throw snowballs at a target - for example, at a bell so that it rings

"Snowball Traps"

A circle with a diameter of about five meters is indicated in the snow. The participating children go there. The driver-trap (first time an adult, and then preschoolers) stands not far from the circle and holds a basket of snowballs in his hands. On command, he begins to throw them at the players, and they must dodge in every possible way inside the circle. After the snowballs are over, a new catcher is appointed from among the children who were not able to reach the snowballs.

The trap throws snowballs at children who must dodge them

"Snow Tower"

A small tower up to a meter long is built from snow (for this it must be loose and wet) (as an option, a snowman of similar height). The guys are divided into teams of “defenders” and “invaders”. The former block their “fortress”, defending themselves with cardboard or ice cubes), while the latter are at a distance from it, threatening them with snowballs. All together the preschoolers say:

After this, the “invaders” begin to throw snowballs at the turret (one at a time each), trying to destroy it. The “defenders” bravely repel the attack with the help of cardboard boxes and ice cubes. If the tower fails to be destroyed, the teams change roles.

Some children guard a snowman or a tower, while others try to break it with snowballs

“Ice, wind and frost” (the game came from Siberia and the Far East)

First, the guys, turning to each other, stand in pairs and clap their hands to the words of the teacher (one clap in their own palms, the other in the palms of their partner):

At the command “Wind!” “ice pieces” scatter, jump, spin, jump, etc. After the command “Frost!” Children quickly line up in a circle, forming a large ice floe - holding hands.

Holding hands in a circle, children depict a large ice floe


Winter holidays

Throughout the calendar year, we enjoy celebrating various holidays. This is a great reason to spend time with friends or family. The most magical and long-awaited celebrations occur during the winter period.

The first holiday celebrated on New Year's Eve is St. Nicholas Day. According to tradition, Nicholas the Wonderworker comes on the night of December 19 and brings gifts to children. Most often, children receive sweets. It is customary to hide them under the pillow or put them in socks hung by the fireplace. In the old days, this holiday was always accompanied by folk festivities and treats.

Winter holidays

The New Year's bustle is accompanied by various events at work, at school, and in kindergarten. Children's parties and feasts with friends fuel the anticipation of the most important holiday. Schoolchildren are looking forward to the New Year holidays. Parents and children attend New Year's performances and concerts. The shops are full of decorations and New Year's gifts. Colorful lights sparkle on the streets. Fluffy Christmas trees are decorated in public places. Every person prepares a New Year's surprise for their family, loved ones, and friends.

New Year has become the most favorite holiday for many. On this magical night, your deepest wishes are made. The coming of the New Year is associated with new hopes. Every person believes that the next year will bring more happiness and prosperity. It is customary to celebrate the New Year with a glass of champagne at the sound of the chimes. The fun takes place at the festive table with an abundance of culinary dishes. Fireworks and lights begin to be set off on the streets of the city. At home, under decorated Christmas trees, numerous gifts await each family member. New Year's Eve is filled with peace and harmony. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are considered the constant symbols of each new year. These two fairy-tale characters create a festive atmosphere for children and give adults a good mood.

The New Year celebration stretches over several days and smoothly flows into the next holiday - Christmas. There are many traditions and signs associated with this holiday. Christmas celebrations, as a rule, take place in the family circle. On Christmas night, according to biblical traditions, 12 dishes are served. This number is equal to the number of apostles of Jesus Christ. Kutya is always present among traditional dishes. It is prepared from assorted cereals and whole grains. Products added to this dish symbolize wealth, health and well-being. Baptized children treat their godparents to kutya. At Christmas we need to show mercy and help people and animals who need it.

  • Until Christmas, Orthodox Christians adhere to the Nativity Fast. In this way, spiritual and physical cleansing occurs. The fast is considered strict and long. It has its own peculiarities in dieting.
  • On the evening of January 6, it is customary to go caroling with neighbors and relatives. Children really like this entertainment, as in exchange they receive money and sweets. On the morning of January 7, people wish you Merry Christmas. On January 7, Christmas songs are sung.
  • On the eve of the old New Year, January 13, it is customary to be generous. The girls learn and sing a variety of generous songs. And on the morning of January 14, a man should be the first to appear on the threshold and sprinkle grain under his feet. This ritual symbolizes prosperity and a good harvest. It is customary to give both sowers and generous givers sweets and monetary rewards.
  • The last month of winter gives us two more wonderful holidays. Defender of the Fatherland Day and Valentine's Day.

Winter holidays

  • On February 23, it is customary to congratulate all men who are courageous defenders of their families and the Fatherland. The name of this holiday has been changed several times. Today this holiday has received state status in Russia and is declared a day off. No man is left unattended on this day, even if he has nothing to do with military service.
  • Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14th. This holiday is filled with romance and love. On this day, pleasant gifts are exchanged between family and friends. The symbolic attribute of this holiday was valentines - cards in the shape of a heart. This is a great way to express your attitude towards a good person. The history of this holiday is accompanied by several legends. But the most important thing is that it fills our lives with happiness and love.

February 14
The holidays will be accompanied by snowstorms and frosts. The cold weather will briefly give way to a thaw, but winter will not give up its position so easily. Parting with winter is accompanied by delicious Maslenitsa. After numerous holidays, the days will become longer. The snow will begin to melt and the first spring flowers will appear.

Narrative essay “Winter fun” according to the “Planet of Knowledge” program, 2nd grade

art therapy specialist

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

An essay is a narrative based on a plot picture.

Preparatory work. What time of year is shown? Give the children names. What does each of them do? What are the guys' mood? Why do you think so?

Continue the series of words. Winter is frost, snowman... Choose the most successful title. "Winter fun" "On the hill." "Winter came". "Winter Day".

Make sentences from the words in each line. The boys started a snowball game. The boys started a snowball fight. rapidly, on, slides, boy, sledding, with, rushes. A boy quickly rushes down a hill on a sled. funny, made a snowman, baby Write the sentences correctly. The boy made a snowman out of snow. A boy made a snowman out of snow. A skier makes a track on his skis.

Essay plan - narrative. 1. Introduction. 2. Main part. 3. Conclusion. A wonderful winter day. Winter activities for children. Have fun guys!

Winter fun. It's a wonderful winter day. There was a lot of snow overnight. All the guys got dressed and ran out into the street. Vanya and Alyosha built a snow fortress and started playing snowballs. Maxim is joyfully rushing down the hill on a sled. Carefully, afraid of falling, Lena slides down behind him. Kolya confidently lays the ski track. And little Egor himself made a huge snowman! The snowman turned out to be funny: there is a carrot instead of a nose and a broom in his hand. The bunny admires the guys and is probably a little jealous of them. Have fun guys in winter!

Key words and phrases. A wonderful winter day, a snow fortress, racing on a sled, laying a track, a snowman, fun.

Material number: DB-625697

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Summary of a lesson on a winter theme for older preschoolers on the topic “Winter fun”
Author: Galieva Gulnara Rashitovna, Educator, MADOU Kindergarten No. 70, Ufa

Goals and objectives: To develop children’s skills in writing a story about winter fun, using a mnemonic table, using the acquired knowledge and ideas on the topic: (“Winter”, “Winter fun”). Write a story coherently and expressively. Summarize children's knowledge about winter, winter phenomena, and winter entertainment. Exercise children in composing a simple common sentence. Improve the grammatical structure of speech, develop the skill of inflection and word formation. Strengthen the use of the preposition (na) in speech, form diminutive nouns with suffixes ( "ok", "ochk", "echk", "ushk"
Strengthen children’s ability to pronounce pure language clearly, distinctly, and expressively. Develop speech hearing, attention, memory, fine motor skills of the fingers. Cultivate a sustainable interest in the activity, independence, initiative, love and respect for nature. Material : Mnemonic table on the topic “Winter fun”, mnemonic track on the topic “How we are going for a walk”, model of a snowflake, plot pictures about winter phenomena about winter, about winter fun.
Structure of OOD
Educator: Today we will talk about winter fun. Educator: What time of year is it now? Children : Now the time of year has come - winter. Educator: What are the winter months? Children: December, January, February. Educator: What kind of weather can it be in winter? Children: Frosty, snowy, cold, warm, windy, icy. Educator : And now we will play a game. Game “ Finish the sentence

(The teacher shows pictures, starts the sentence, and the children must finish the sentence)
1. It’s (winter) 2. There’s fluffy (snow) on the ground 3. All the trees are covered (with snow) 4. A strong (wind) is blowing 5 In winter, the water in the river (freezes)
The teacher puts up a mnemonic track on the board.

(Children tell how they are getting ready for a walk)
First we put on tights, then socks, pants, a jacket or sweater, a jacket, then a hat and tie a scarf around our necks, at the very end we put boots or felt boots on our feet, and put mittens on our hands.
Educator: Well done guys, you correctly explained how to get ready for a walk. Educator : Tell me guys, what can you do outside in the yard, in the park in winter? Children: Ice skating, sledding down the hill, building a snow fortress, snow woman, skiing, playing hockey, playing snowballs. Educator: Well done guys, right. Physical exercise “ What do we like in winter?” What do we like in winter? (claps)
White glades
(spread your arms to the sides)
And on a snow hill
(raise your arms up, show the “slide”)
Skis or sleds
(walking imitating skiing)
What do we like in winter?
Soft snowdrifts
(children show snowdrifts)
To dig all day long
(imitate digging snow with a shovel)
To make a fortress to
(make snowballs)
What do we like in winter?
Dress warmly
(imitate putting on clothes)
In a warm fur coat
(clap your clothes with your palms)
Warm up in the cold
(jumping) Educator: And now I’ll tell you riddles. (the teacher makes
riddles about skis, about skates, about sleds, about a snow woman, about snow, about hockey) We stood all summer, We waited for winter, We waited for the time - We rushed down the mountain.
Wooden friends are under my feet.
I fly at them with an arrow, But not in summer, but in winter. (Skis)
I really want to wear them.
I'll fly like the wind. I will be carried away, standing on the ice, like a winter swallow, taking flight. (Skates)
May everything be Okay for you in the New Year!
Sticks in hand, - and on the ice, - Everyone play... (Hockey) Game “ Name the extra word” (The teacher names the words, and the child must choose the extra word)
1. Ice cream, car, frost, freezer (car).
2. Waxwing, icicle, dog, snowman (dog). 3. Ice floe, skis, light bulb, icebreaker (light bulb). 4. Cold, hamster, hockey, refrigerator (hamster). Educator : Let us repeat the simple saying about winter entertainment. Pure saying Om - om - om we're going for a walk Om - om - om - it's a snowball Om - om - om let's make a snowball Ry-ry-ry swinging on a sled from the mountain Oz - oz - oz the frost stings our cheeks Lyu - lyu - lyu I love snowy winters. Teacher: Oh, look at my palm, a snowflake fell on me. (the teacher hands over the snowflake and names the word, and the children must name this word affectionately) Game “Name it affectionately” Snow-snowball Hill-slide Sleigh-sleigh Snowman-snowman Winter-winter Skates-skates Lump-lump Compiling a story using a mnemonic table on the topic “Winter fun"

(The teacher invites the children to come up with a story using the table)
First, the teacher comes up with a story.
Winter came. One fine winter day, the children decided to go to the park, ski on the track, ride down the hill on a sled, build a snow woman, play snowballs, play hockey and of course go ice skating. It’s a pity that you can’t go for long walks in winter, it starts to get dark early and the children need to return home. Educator: Now guys, try to come up with your own story. (the teacher listens carefully, seeks a complete answer, makes sure that the children construct a coherent sentence.) Finger game “Walk” One, two, three, four, five (bend fingers)
We went for a walk in the yard
(with index and middle fingers “follow the trail” ")
They made a snow woman
(roll a “lump” with your hands)
fed the birds with crumbs
(feed the birds)
Then we rode down the hill
(run the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left hand)
And we also rolled in the snow
(put our palms on the table on one side or another)
Everyone came home covered in snow
(shake off their palms)
They ate soup
(“there is” soup)
They went to bed
(palms under their cheeks) Result of the OOD The teacher passes the snowflake to the children. Children, passing a snowflake to each other, must remember what they did today, what they talked about, what they remembered, what they liked most.

We recommend watching:

Summary of a lesson on the surrounding world for the senior group “Hello, Zimushka-Winter!” Summary of a lesson for older preschoolers “Hello, winter - winter” Summary of GCD in the senior group: How animals prepare for winter Summary of GCD on cognitive development in the senior group on the topic: Winter

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