Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in the preparatory group

Program for developing self-care skills “I myself”

Program for developing self-care skills “I myself”

Explanatory note.

Mastering self-care skills (the ability to dress and undress, take care of oneself, use the toilet, eat independently, bathe, wash, etc.) directly affects the child’s self-esteem and is an important step towards his independence.
Teaching self-service skills allows you to effectively solve the problems of expanding children's ideas and knowledge about surrounding things, sensory education, speech development, fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, as well as the ability to perform actions of imitation and verbal instructions, focus on a model, and follow a certain sequence of actions. With the usual development, a child after a year can already carry out individual actions aimed at himself: put on and take off a hat, take off socks, mittens, he can eat with a spoon and drink from a cup. The child acquires these skills himself by imitating the actions of the adults caring for him. And subsequent skills are formed with the direct participation of adults, who provide a model of action, approve the correct result and point out mistakes, while teaching the child to control and evaluate his actions, and compare them with the model. In children with special needs, the formation of self-care skills does not occur spontaneously. Teaching such skills constitutes a whole area of ​​work for specialists and parents, which is based on a special program that takes into account the child’s current capabilities and focuses on immediate tasks. Only through imitation and assimilation of a model, such children’s skills are not formed, at least not completely. There can be many reasons: various disorders of movement, auditory and visual perception, peculiarities of the emotional-volitional sphere, low level of development of programming and control functions, disorders of intellectual development. Forming self-care skills in children with special needs is a vital necessity for them and their parents. Our task is to help these children gain independence and independence in everyday life. The goal of the program:
to develop and improve the necessary self-care skills, as well as the ability to care for clothes, clean, wash, and maintain order in linen closets. Using all the cognitive capabilities of children, develop in them vital skills so that, when they become adults, they can take care of themselves, do simple work in everyday life, and live, if possible, in a family and in a work community.

Main goals

: Development of self-service and independent life support skills, dependence on others.

Development of all mental functions and cognitive activity of children in the process of learning and correction of their deficiencies.

Developing motivation to work and improving work skills, nurturing the necessary behavioral attitudes and personal qualities.

Increasing the effectiveness of pedagogical influence on children with psychophysical disabilities, preparation for independent life and inclusion in the social environment as full members of society

Program content:

The content of training in classes on developing self-service skills is based on solving three tasks: didactic, correctional and educational. The didactic task is aimed at obtaining certain information about the subject and mastering the methods and techniques of acting with the subjects being studied. The program material is selected in such a way that it allows building the foundation of social and everyday awareness.

Methodological work of the teacher:

1. Select content that would reflect new, promising and specific educational objectives and would lead to achieving the set goal. 2. Saturate work with cognitive and creative content, reveal the social and practical significance of work. 3. Set work tasks that require students’ volitional efforts, developing in them inquisitiveness, curiosity, and the desire to overcome difficulties and achieve success. 4. Use such work tasks that require the practical application of knowledge, rational actions, and the ability to use tools, devices, and equipment.

Forms of work:

– individual (separate operations are processed);

– group (objective conditions are created for the need to implement this skill: the child’s behavior obeys a rule common to the entire group of children; in addition, the mechanism of imitation works). The success of children's learning depends on the variety of methods and techniques used in the classroom. Their choice depends on the content of the lesson and the characteristics of the psychophysical development of children.

In the process of teaching children self-service skills, it is advisable to use the following methods and techniques :

• Detailed demonstration and detailed explanation of each movement in their sequence. In this case, the active behavior of the child is of decisive importance, i.e. his practical participation in the implementation of this action.

• Keep the same method, the same sequence of actions unchanged to develop an action algorithm.

• Repeated repetition of the same actions in a certain sequence.

• Gradual transition from demonstration to detailed verbal explanations. They help consolidate skills, develop precise movements, and provide the opportunity to act in accordance with every word of the teacher.

Each skill building lesson includes the following stages of work :

1. Creating a positive emotional attitude towards the skill;

2. Demonstration of the action by the teacher (demonstration on oneself and commenting on each action);

4. Joint actions between the teacher and the child;

5. The child’s action to imitate the actions of an adult;

6. Independent actions of the child.

Mechanisms for developing key competencies of students.

Through the main forms of organizing children's work - assignments, duty, collective work - the issues of instilling industriousness in children are resolved.

Assignments are tasks that the teacher occasionally gives to one or more children, taking into account their individual characteristics, experience, and educational goals. An assignment is the first form of organizing work activity. Assignments become a means of forming a habit of work effort in children and prepare them for duty.

Duty duty is a form of organizing children’s work, which requires the child to perform work aimed at serving the team. Most assignments become group assignments, i.e. take on a collective character. At the same time, the role of familiarization with the social orientation of work, its social significance is especially emphasized, and a respectful attitude towards the work of adults is formed.

Before tasks it is important:

• tell children about the benefits of work so that they can have an idea of ​​how necessary and important work is;

• list to children the entire scope of upcoming activities, for example: “You are on duty today, what needs to be done? During children's work, the main attention should be paid to coordinating the work of individual duty officers and helping children;

• highlight tasks that would become the content of the work of individual children;

• pay attention to how children treat each other when distributing work among themselves, in what form they express their disagreement, whether they know how to correctly reprimand a friend, and prove the validity of their claims.

The program lasts 6 months. The duration of one group lesson is 30 minutes. Classes are held 2 times a month. The duration of an individual lesson is 10-20 minutes. The frequency of classes depends on the development of skills.

Requirements for knowledge and skills in accordance with the level of development of students:

Be able to distinguish and name the objects necessary for eating (spoon, fork, knife, plate, glass, mug, cup, saucer, salt shaker, napkin, oilcloth, tablecloth, etc.). Have the skills: wash your hands before eating: set the table before eating, while eating, develop the skill of using a spoon, fork, knife, be able to eat neatly, without spilling or dropping food, chew food thoroughly, eat consistently and be able to distinguish which foods are compatible and which are healthy and which are not. Know that you can’t eat green or unwashed berries, vegetables, and fruits. Be able to set the table before dinner, eat food carefully during meals, use a napkin and rinse your mouth after eating; clear dishes after eating. Identify and name parts of the body, know sanitation and hygiene items. Have the idea that being clean is beautiful and healthy, and dirt contributes to disease. Know and follow the rules for morning and evening toilet: washing hands, face, wiping dry with a towel; knowledge of where to store toiletries: soap dish, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb and towel. In the toilet room, use toilet paper, wash your hands with soap after using the toilet, wipe dry with a towel, and be able to comb your own hair. When undressing, fold clothes in a certain sequence. Dress carefully, checking all fasteners on clothing, and match clothing sets according to the range. After class, remove supplies from your desk; put away games and toys. Be able to carry out dry and wet cleaning of the room, make the bed, and change bed linen. Be able to distinguish and name items of clothing and footwear (panties, socks, tights, T-shirt, shirt, jeans, shorts, dress, sundress, skirt, vest, coat, fur coat, jacket, boots, boots, slippers, sandals, shoes, etc. .). Be able to dress and put on shoes, fold and hang up removed clothes and shoes. Be able to distinguish between shoes for the right and left feet, fasten large and small buttons, zippers, snaps, etc. Be able to dress correctly and consistently (clothes and shoes), fasten clothes independently (with buttons, zippers, snaps). Monitor your appearance, check that your clothes are fastened and not dirty; be able to use a handkerchief and wash small items of clothing. Help each other in performing certain self-care skills. Behave calmly and politely at the table, be able to treat each other and don’t forget to thank each other and wish you bon appetit while eating. Be able to let each other through in the shelter premises, express a polite request and thank you for the help provided. Sit down at the table together and leave the table together at the end of the meal. Do not litter in the boarding school or on the street, do not shout.

Thematic planning of group lessons.

Lesson topic
1 Introduction to the course “Formation of self-service skills” External structure of the human body.
2 What is a daily routine? Maintaining a daily routine.
3 The dream and its meaning. Making the bed. Practical work.
4 The nose is the organ of smell. Nose care. Forming standards of behavior - using a handkerchief. Practical work.
5 Fighting dust. Types of cleaning. Cleaning rules.
6 Houseplants. Caring for indoor plants.
7 Digestive system. Diet. Useful and harmful products
8 Consolidation of cultural and hygienic skills. Proper hand washing before eating, washing fruits and vegetables.
9 Dishes. Variety and purpose. Table setting. Practical work.
10 Food culture. Rules of behavior at the table.
11 Hair. Hair care. Practical work. Combing hair. Washing head.
12 Name of clothing. Types of clothing by season. Clothes storage. Rules of neatness.

Thematic planning of individual lessons.

Lesson topic
1 Teach children to wash their hands consistently, following the washing algorithm.
2 Formation of skills in using a spoon when eating.
3 Developing neatness skills: potty training.
4 Oral hygiene. Practical work.
5 Combing hair. Washing head.
6 Independent undressing. Undressing algorithm.
7 Dressing yourself. Dressing algorithm.
8 Fastening sandals. Lacing boots.
9 Learn to turn tights, blouse and socks inside out
10 Folding and hanging clothes in a locker. Practical work.
11 Nose care. Forming standards of behavior - using a handkerchief. Practical work.
12 Making the bed. Practical work
13 Independently restore order in the group, put toys and things in their places.
14 Change of bed linen. Practical work.
15 Removing dust. Sweeping the floor. Practical work.
16 Caring for indoor plants. Formation of skills.
17 Clearing dishes from the table. Washing dishes. Practical work
18 Practical work. Washing socks.
19 Clothing repair. Sewing on a button.


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State Public Institution “Social shelter for children and adolescents “Gnezdyshko” in the Zelenodolsk municipal district” I APPROVED Acting Director of the GKU SPDiP "Gnezdyshko" in the ZMR _____ Ibragimova O.A. Program for developing self-service skills for preschool children “I myself” Author of the program: Educator - Abdulkhakova Venera Rashitovna


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