Planning "Director's games in the first junior group"

Directing games in kindergarten

Olga Ageeva

Directing games in kindergarten

Directing games in kindergarten

Directing games in kindergarten must be organized for the following purposes:

• Teach children to communicate freely and easily enter into dialogue;

• Show what speech etiquette is;

• Teach children to speak expressively, meaningfully, and listen to their interlocutors;

• Show children what it means to “make decisions”

, creating artificial situations in which it is necessary to make a choice.

To conduct director's games, special attributes are needed - heroes and scenery, with the help of which the child can reproduce the situation he has invented. The teacher can only give him a topic, prompting him at some points. The best director's game in the senior group is a puppet theater, in which the child can give free rein to his imagination and show a real performance to all his classmates. Features of director's games in kindergarten

Games for children of different ages have their own characteristics.

The director's play in the younger group has a very simple plot. All actions are performed on one character, who is fed, bathed, dressed, taken for a walk, etc.

As you gain skills, the games become more difficult . And the director's acting in the middle group is already very diverse. There are more heroes. And the plot is based on a fairy tale familiar to the child or a cartoon he watched the other day. Value judgments appear - an angry wolf, a cowardly bunny, etc.

In addition to role-playing games, the child begins to master plot and role-playing games. That is, other children can already take part in the game.

The director's play of children in the older group acquires greater dynamics. Children use substitute objects more often. Thus, one toy can be endowed with different qualities and perform completely different roles.

Director's games do not lose their relevance in the preparatory group either. While playing, kids continue to improve their skills with pleasure and experience happiness from creativity.

Directing games in a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution)

help the comprehensive development of the child and contribute to the full development of the individual.

Director's play in the younger group

Small children aged 2-3 years are not always able to independently play games . You should not impose your plot on them, but first, the teacher should show a clear example, explaining how to play, control the characters and come up with scenarios.

Director's play "Kolobok"

An excellent visual example of a director's game in a younger group can be the reproduction of a fairy tale. As an example, you can take the simple Russian folk tale “Kolobok”

, which will probably be known to every child in the group. To begin, prepare the dolls of the main characters of the fairy tale yourself. If you don’t have dolls, then you can make all the characters out of paper, create an impromptu theater and control how the plot will unfold in it. It is important that Kolobok, Baba, Grandfather, Fox, Wolf and Bear each have their own character; convey their mood with voice, breathing, and other sounds so that they can come to life in the imagination of your little viewers.

Try to completely reproduce the entire plot of the fairy tale, and in the final part, summarize by telling what this fairy tale taught the children. By holding such a demonstration performance, you will clearly make it clear what a director's game , this will certainly interest the children and they will begin to improvise. A wonderful director's game in the middle group, this is a game of "Family"

, during which the teacher will be able to find out what role the child gives to the family in his life, how he feels in it.

Directing games in professional preschool educational institutions

Director's games in professional preschool educational institutions are the best opportunity to tell children about different professions, to make it clear that “all professions are needed - all professions are important!”

It is best to conduct such director's games in a preparatory group; the theme can be games of doctors , teachers, gardeners, cooks, etc. A
properly organized director's game helps to talk about many new and unknown things, develop children's imagination and thinking, which is very important at all stages growing up.

Director's play is a type of story game , the specificity of which is that the child organizes the activity as if from the outside, like a director , building and developing the plot, controlling toys and voicing them. From a psychological point of view, directing is “imagination in action”
(E. E. Kravtsova)

D. B. Elkonin called director's games a special type of individual child's play . Due to their originality, they are of particular interest for the psychology of children's play , since it is in the director's play that the child's personal characteristics are revealed.

The director’s play seems to be an alloy in which the social and the individual appear in a dialectical interweaving and are accessible to observation and control.” 's play has exceptional possibilities in terms of its use for diagnostics with the aim of subsequent correction of the personal development of children. (Gasparova E. M. 1989)


The director's play indicates that the child is actively appropriating culture, reflecting what is of paramount value to him. By creating and voicing the objective world, the child embodies his own ideas, his own vision of the surrounding reality. Therefore, director’s play is the most important factor in the socialization of a preschooler and, at the same time, one of the few means that allows an adult to find out what the child’s value orientations are, what excites and interests him.

The child, like the director, imagines how different characters will interact and what will happen as a result of this. He looks at imaginary events and evaluates them from different positions. Having learned to act from different points of view in director's play , the child more easily masters communication with peers as an activity of value in itself.

The object world of director's play is extremely diverse: these include toys and various objects to which the child transfers the functions of those toys that are not enough to implement the plot. This indicates that in director's play the child masters the ability to transfer functions from one object to another, a substitution mechanism appears, thanks to which the formation of genuine play - symbolic activity - occurs.

Card index of theatrical games (secondary group)

Card index of theatrical games (secondary group)

Card No. 1

( Theater on the hand - finger)


Tasks for the teacher: Encourage children to actively participate in theatrical play


Game task for children: Develop the ability to coordinate actions with other children

Attributes: Finger-sewn fairy tale characters (grandfather, woman, hare, wolf, bear, fox, bun, forest scenery.

Preliminary work: Examination of illustrations, learning the words of the fairy tale characters.

Game rules: 7 children play. The teacher helps distribute roles and determines the order of performance of the heroes

Game actions: The game starts in the house. Grandma baked a bun. He rolled into the forest. There he met a hare, a wolf, a bear and he rolled away from them all. One fox tricked him and ate him.

Result: Staging a fairy tale with the help of a teacher


( Theater on the hand - finger)

Game: "Turnip"

Tasks for the teacher: Develop visual thinking

Game task for children: Develop elementary mathematical concepts: first, then, first, second

, last.

Attributes: Sewn finger-tale characters (grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, dog, cat, mouse, large turnip, small turnip).

Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations based on a fairy tale, watching a cartoon.

Game rules: 8 children play. Children, with the help of the teacher, distribute roles and determine the order of performance of the heroes

Game actions: The game takes place in the garden. Grandfather planted a turnip. She has grown up. The grandfather himself cannot pull it out and called his grandmother, granddaughter, dog Zhuchka, cat Murka and mouse for help. Everyone pulled out and ate the turnip together.

Result: Fairy tale dramatization

Card No. 3

( Theater on the hand - mitten)

"Three Bears"

Tasks for the teacher: Improve the artistic skills of children.

Game task for children: Teach children to use their palms, conveying the emotions of the hero.

Attributes: Fairy tale characters sewn from mittens (three bears and Masha, scenery: the bears’ house and the bears’ bedroom.

Preliminary work: Getting to know the content of the fairy tale, looking at the illustrations, learning the words of the fairy tale characters.

Game rules: The teacher helps distribute roles and determines the order of performance of the heroes. 4 children play and the teacher is the presenter.

Game actions: Masha goes into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. A girl got lost in the forest. I saw a house and went into it. She ate, sat on the chairs, went into the bedroom and went to bed. The bears come and find Masha. Masha wakes up and, frightened, runs away.

Result: Staging a fairy tale with the help of a teacher


( Theater on the hand - mitten)

Game "Three Bears"

Tasks for the teacher: Develop diction and intonation.

Game task for children: Develop communication skills

Attributes: Three bears sewn from mittens (papa bear, mama bear and bear, scenery: the bears’ house and the bears’ bedroom)

Preliminary work: Watch a cartoon based on the fairy tale “Three Bears”, remember the plot of the fairy tale in a conversation.

Game rules: 4 children play and an adult is the leader. Children determine the order of actions of their heroes.

Game actions: The adult begins with the words of the author

. Masha goes into the bears' house, eats and goes to bed. The bears come and find Masha. She, frightened, runs away.

Result: Dramatization of a fairy tale.

Card No. 5

( Theater on the hand - mitten)

“Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”

Tasks for the teacher: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language.

Game task for children: Teach children to use their fingers, conveying the emotions of the hero

Attributes: Fairy tale characters sewn from mittens (Alyonushka, Ivanushka, kid, merchant, witch, servant, scenery: pond, road, forest, house.

Preliminary work: Getting to know the content of the fairy tale, looking at the illustrations, learning the words of the fairy tale characters.

Game rules: Plays with 5 children and a leading adult. The teacher helps distribute roles and determines the order of performance of the heroes

Game actions: The teacher says the words of the author

, and the children say the words of their heroes according to the script.

Result: Staging a fairy tale with the help of a teacher

Card No. 6

( Theater on the hand - mitten)

Game "Fox and Goat"

Tasks for the teacher: Develop the ability to analyze the positive and negative actions of the characters.

Game task for children: Develop creativity and independence in creating an artistic image.

Attributes: A fox and a goat sewn from mittens, decorations – illustrations of a well and a crow on a tree.

Preliminary work: Reading the Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Goat”

, learning the words of the heroes.

Game rules: 2 children and a leading adult play.

Game actions: The action of the fairy tale begins with the words of the author

, then the fox falls into the well. A goat passes by and is very thirsty. The fox deceives him and the goat jumps into the well. And she herself, standing on the goat, gets out of the well. The goat, with difficulty, gets out of the well.

Result: Fairy tale dramatization

Card No. 7

( Theater on the hand - finger)


Tasks for the teacher: Develop children’s coherent speech

Game task for children: Expand children's vocabulary

Attributes: Finger-sewn fairy tale characters, two houses.

Preliminary work: Learning the words of fairy tale characters.

Game rules: The teacher helps distribute roles. 7 children play, they determine the order based on the plot of the fairy tale.

Game actions: The game takes place in the forest. There is a house. A mouse comes into it - a little mouse, a frog - a frog, a bunny - a little runner, a fox - a little sister, a gray wolf - a click of his teeth. A bear comes and crushes everyone, asking to live with them. But the bear does not enter the house. He climbs onto the roof and the house falls apart. The residents escape and decide to build a new house – a big one. They build together with a bear. Everyone fits in and lives together.

Result: Staging a fairy tale with the help of a teacher

Card No. 8

( Theater on the hand - finger)

Game "Fox, Hare and Rooster"

Tasks for the teacher: Develop an understanding of emotional states.

Game task for children: Develop onomatopoeia skills for your characters.

Attributes: Finger-tied fox, hare, rooster, house for fox and house for hare, dog, bear, bull.

Preliminary work: Reading the Russian folk tale “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster”

, learning the words of fairy tale characters.

Game rules: Three children and an adult presenter play.

Game actions: The game begins in the forest in winter. There are 2 huts: ice and bast. A fox lives in the ice one, and a hare lives in the bast one. In the spring the ice hut melted. The fox drives the hare out of the bast hut and settles in it herself. Having cried, the hare complains to the dog, bear, and bull. They couldn't drive the fox out. And a rooster with a scythe drives out the fox. The hare and the rooster began to live together. Result: Dramatization of a fairy tale.

abstract of the educational activity "Director's Play" (junior group) - open (2015)

Topic: "Director's Play"

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip” in the younger group.

Completed by: Matskovskaya Irina Vasilovna

Teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 31 “Thumbelina”

Zelenogorsk, 2015

The theme of the joint activity: “Director’s play.”

Goal : development of the child’s play activity.


- to help children gain gaming experience and thereby create the prerequisites for the transition to activity in role-playing games.

- develop the child’s imagination and artistic abilities;

- develop the ability to regulate behavior and interact with other participants in the game;

- promote the child’s social development, the ability to perceive and understand life situations, imagine relationships between people, their actions and deeds;

- promote the development of independence, children's initiative, the ability to express themselves in a new life situation;

- develop speech skills, the ability to select phrases, words, and emotionally color speech; help children overcome communication difficulties, uncertainty, timidity, shyness, and isolation;

- develop memory, the ability to establish a sequence of actions and events;

- to develop the ability to use the subject-developmental environment of the group in the game, to use substitute objects.

Participants : teacher, 6 children of primary preschool age (3 – 4 years).

Equipment : caps (cat, dog, mouse), hats, braids, beads, pants, skirts, sundress, scarves; large box for things; a basket of real vegetables; Substitute objects: “seed” is a bead, “earth” is the hood of a black jacket.

Progress of the game.

Educator: - Guys, look, I brought the autumn harvest of vegetables in a basket! What vegetables do you see? (Children's answers: beets, cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, turnips; describe vegetables, touch them with their hands, smell them).

- Let's play the fairy tale “Turnip”? (children agree).

- And the “Magic Box” will help us (the teacher takes out a large box, opens the lid, and in it are costumes and attributes for the game).

Children choose attributes, assign the roles they like, the teacher helps them remember which characters are present in the fairy tale “Turnip” (Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse). The teacher chose the role of “storyteller” (she is the “director” in this game activity).

The fairy tale begins. “Grandfather” plants a “seed” (bead) in the “ground” (the hood of a black jacket). A real turnip appears on the surface of the “ground”.

Then the fairy tale unfolds according to its plot. Children try to portray their hero, convey habits, voice, movements. If someone finds it difficult, the “storyteller” (teacher) helps to remember the sequence, emotionally show the movements, and pronounce the phrase.

The tale ends (“They pulled out a turnip!”). Children take the turnip in their hands, examine it, smell it, pass it to each other, whoever wants to hold it.

The "actors" bow. The “Storyteller” thanks and praises the “actors” for a very interesting game!

Then children can continue the game, change attributes and roles as they wish.

Director's play "Birthday"

5) age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics).

Principles of education:

formation of a personal style of relationships with peers and teachers; creating a positive emotional background and an atmosphere of emotional uplift; education through interaction.

Principles of training:

principle of accessibility; principle of visibility; the principle of systematicity and consistency; scientific principle; principle of consciousness; principle of activity.

Education methods:

game, artistic expression, emotional stimulation with entertaining content.

Teaching methods:

verbal (conversation, encouragement); visual (demonstration, display); practical (space design, joint preparation of attributes).

Game equipment:

colored box, various objects for playing out situations

Preliminary work: Conversation “Who is a director”

— The theater is a magical land!

How many miracles she gives us,

Holiday, smiles, songs and laughter

This country awaits us all!!!

— Who knows what theater is? (Listen to the children's answers.)

-That’s right, the theater is an amazing house where they show performances, fairy tales, where they dance and sing, and recite poems;

- Why do you think people go to the theater? (children’s answers). Adults and children go to the theater to watch a play, a fairy tale, listen to music, learn new things, and relax. That's right, children, every visit to the theater is a holiday.

-Do you know who is organizing this holiday for us? (actors, painters, make-up artists, costume designers, etc.)

— There is another very important profession:


He's a theater worker

– Productions “conductor”,

Performance manager

- This is probably true... (DIRECTOR!)

- Guys, what does the director do? (children’s answers). Offers the roles of fairy-tale characters, shows the artists how to behave in order to be like their hero, what voice the director advises to speak in, and conducts rehearsals.

-He runs the show

He knows all the scenes by heart.

He teaches how to play a role.

What should we call him, friends? (Director.)

The director is the most important person on the stage or film set. The director chooses which play to stage, distributes the roles, organizes and conducts rehearsals, and everything that the actors perform on stage happens according to the director’s plans.

“He is an organizer, creative director and inspiration for the entire acting group. If it were not for the art and high professionalism of directors, the world would not have seen talented feature films or theatrical productions.

-I suggest you play a game. I will be the director, and you will be the aspiring actors. I propose to depict any fairy-tale animal, and I will try to guess. children take turns depicting any character with movements and facial expressions

Director's play

But let's return to the topic: how to teach a child to play

How is the game developing in general, what transformations is it undergoing? Many mothers say that there was a period in their baby’s life when mother’s favorite toys were pots, lids, and frying pans. Many of them get irritated: they are spinning under their feet. At first, the child simply manipulates the pots and pans. Then the first plot-based games appear - the child repeats the individual actions of the mother.

These display play activities are incredibly important because they create the basis for further development. And then the chain of games develops:

  1. director's
  2. role-playing,
  3. game with rules
  4. and again the director's.

How does a baby learn to play?

Substitute items

How to find out whether a child has his first director's play or not? Take a closer look: if a child, instead of a phone, picks up a brick and, putting it to his ear, says something, or moves the brick around the table, making the sounds of a running motor, or does something else similar, this is great.

You are watching the first game actions of the director's game. They differ from simple manipulations with toys in that the baby transfers functions from one object to another. As teachers say, he begins to use substitute objects. Rejoice, you are being shown the first manifestations of imagination - the highest of the highest mental functions.

Director's play appears in three-year-old children and is characterized by the primitiveness of the plot and short duration. But don’t let this bother you, hard trouble is the beginning.

Fairy tale

Fairy tales acquire special significance in teaching a child how to play. They are especially important for the first director's games. A director's game always has a plot (that's why it's a game). It is difficult for a small child to come up with it on his own. A fairy tale or cartoon helps him.

The child does not listen to fairy tales. This also happens. Therefore, tell them using puppet theater. You can see what they are in the video here. When a word at three years old (and older) is based on some image (picture, object), it is perceived as if at a higher level, because both hemispheres of the brain are involved in the work.

A fairy-tale plot-scenario helps the child learn to come up with mise-en-scène - to imagine a sequence of actions in space, in other words. At first, the director's play will be based on the fairy tale verbatim. But over time, the baby will learn to overcome this given plot. Let me give you an example of an already quite developed director’s acting.

"Director's play, its features and significance for the development of a preschool child"

Director's play and its features

and importance for the development of a preschool child

Director's play is a special type of individual play, which is built by the child on two levels: for himself as a director and for a toy endowed with a specific role. The child comes up with a story, which he acts out with the help of dolls or other objects, acting and speaking for them. Director's play. promotes the development of speech, thinking, imagination.

K.N. Polivanova

The first game of a preschool child is director's play, which is a type of children's game and appears in the life of a preschooler after about two years.

This type of children's play is the least studied. Interest in it has arisen in the last decade. D.B. Elkonin called director's games a special type of individual child's play. Due to their originality, they are of particular interest for the psychology of children’s play, since it is in the director’s play that the child’s personal characteristics are revealed.

According to E. E. Kravtsova, director’s play in preschool age is not only the initial stage of game development, followed by figurative-role-playing, plot-role-playing and other types of games, but it (director’s play) completes the development of play in preschool age, collects the most important achievements of other types of games; it is in it, like a focal point, that all the features of the child’s imagination are manifested.

A preschooler's director's play is an individual game, during which the child creates play situations with toys and substitute objects. Of course, every child should be involved in group games, children should feel and understand other people, but this does not mean that there should not be individual games in kindergarten. Even the most sociable child periodically has the desire to make a building on his own or play with his favorite toy.

Pedagogical value of director's games:

– promotes the child’s social development, the ability to perceive and understand life situations, imagine relationships between people, their actions and deeds;

– help children gain gaming experience and thereby create the prerequisites for the transition to developed role-playing games;

– develop the child’s independence, the ability to occupy himself in a new life situation;

– help to acquire the skills and abilities necessary to organize independent theatrical activities;

– are a means of developing adequate self-esteem in a child - a necessary component of educational activity and an indicator of readiness for schooling;

– help children overcome communication difficulties, uncertainty, fearfulness, shyness, and isolation. This is the main accessible type of games for children raised in families and disabled children; children who have difficulty adapting to social forms of education;

– provide an opportunity to develop children’s individual characteristics and play creativity. Unfettered by gaming stereotypes and the demands of peers, the child departs from the learned model in constructing the plot. He independently models a new situation from elements of familiar plots.

Features of the director's game:

1. The child himself creates the plot of the game, which is based on the child’s personal experience. As a rule, the game reflects an event that made a lasting impression on the child (for example, a visit to a children's clinic, or a birthday celebration, or some kind of street incident). Very often, the plot of the game becomes the child’s knowledge obtained from cartoons, fairy tales, children’s programs or stories of other people. In the director's game, the child himself comes up with a script for his “performance”, i.e. is a director, he himself selects the performers of the roles and plays the roles for them.

2. Toys and objects that the child has chosen for play perform both direct and portable functions. In other words, very often in director’s games, children use so-called substitute objects. For example, a sofa cushion turns into a horse on which a child rides on a long journey, or a comb becomes a microphone for a doll that gives a concert on stage (in the role of which the sofa acts), etc.

3. The main component of the director's play is the child's speech. The baby enjoys expressively imitating adults. During play, a child’s speech may change in intonation, volume, tempo, and rhythm of statements. For example, a girl plays Kuzya the brownie and the hostess. The hostess baked pancakes and invited guests to her home. So, the girl spoke for Kuzya in a rougher voice, and for the hostess she spoke in a thin voice.

The speech can also be an announcer - text behind the scenes. For example: “Masha’s doll’s birthday” Mom said thank you for the gifts, the guests began to sit down at the table, etc.

Speech can be evaluative. For example: the guests are good, they brought me a lot of gifts.

4. As a rule, a children's director's play uses many characters, but the child acts with only 3–4 toys. For example, in the game “Concert”, a child places many toys that play the role of spectators, as well as artists, but he plays only with the active “artists” who perform; the rest of the toys take a passive position in the “auditorium”.

One excellent example of director's acting is given in the diaries of V.S. Mukhina. The child, having placed toys around him, lies quietly among them for about an hour, without touching them and without performing any external actions. When asked what he was doing, whether he was sick, he answered: “No. I'm playing." “How do you play?” “I look at them and wonder what’s happening to them.”

All of these are manifestations of the director’s play, which is not always noticed and correctly assessed by an outside observer.

The main task of the teacher

in the development of director's play - to guide children's play activities, enrich other types of play activities that contribute to the formation of director's play.

Pedagogical guidance during the game has its own characteristics:

it contributes to the development of its concept, expansion of content, clarification of game actions, roles, and the manifestation of friendly relations. The teacher must strive to ensure that these relationships are consolidated and become real relationships between children outside the game. In no case should management of the game be intrusive and cause preschoolers to protest and quit the game. Leading questions, advice, and recommendations are appropriate.

The teacher exerts an educational influence through the roles performed by children. For example, he asks a child who plays the role of a manager in a store game, where is the cash register, who is the cashier, why certain items are missing, is it convenient for the buyer to choose what he wants to buy, who will wrap the purchases, prompts that the buyers thank the seller, and the seller politely invites you to come to the store for shopping.

The most effective way of leadership is the participation of the teacher himself in the game. Through the role he performs and play actions, he influences the development of the content of the game, helps to include all children in it, especially timid, shy ones, awakens in them confidence in their abilities, and evokes a feeling of sympathy for them on the part of other children.

At the end of the game, the teacher notes the friendly actions of the children, the elders are involved in discussing the game, and emphasizes the positive relationships of its participants. All this contributes to the development of children’s interest in subsequent games.

The teacher must analyze the game, evaluate its educational impact on children and think about ways to further guide the role-playing games of the children in his group, instilling in them collective principles.

Advantages of the game:

– Director’s games allow the child to practice relationships and communication in the process of acting with dolls. Unlike a partner, dolls do not require a high level of communication from the child - it’s easier with them.

– When acting as a director, you don’t need to take into account your partner’s position, you don’t need to adapt to him. Here the child remains himself, he does not need to obey any general requirements, he comes up with his own rules and fulfills them himself, shows his creativity, his knowledge.

Scientists show that director's play is typical for children: those who do not attend preschool, those who are often ill, those with severe speech impediments, those who are withdrawn and inactive, and those who do not adapt well to preschool. Such children are prone to solitude, and the need for play is expressed through director's play.

Director's play manifests itself at the beginning of the 4th year of life. It is a prerequisite for a role-playing game. The game is based on personal experience. The plot is very poor. Children perform only well-known actions (feed the doll, put it to bed, wash it, etc.) Most often, children of the 2nd junior group have only two characters.

At the 5th year of life, the game is based on stories from fairy tales and cartoons, and the number of characters increases. Role-playing and evaluative statements appear in speech (cunning fox, evil wolf). At the age of 4-5, preschoolers begin a period of good role-playing play, but director's play remains widespread, because has the above advantages.

At an older age, there is a noticeable increase in gaming skills. Substitute objects are often used, the role of the toy is not fixed (for example, a dog can be both a lion and a monster), the plot is richer and more dynamic, and the child’s vocabulary is expanded and activated.

During the director's play, the child should under no circumstances be disturbed, pressure should be applied, the child should be compared with other children, his manifestations should be judged, or his feelings and emotions should be ignored. It is necessary to provide children with freedom and the opportunity to show inner activity. Therefore, it is necessary to create an individual space, provide them with space and time.

For the successful development of director's acting, it is necessary to create a number of conditions:

The first of these is the child’s individual space for play. Various screens will help to do this, both ready-made and made by parents; they can be in the form of a curtain, in the form of a folding book, flexible, and, if necessary, taking on different shapes. But the most favorite place for children to play individually are cardboard boxes.

The second necessary condition is that the child has small play material. Now on sale there are sets of small toys united by one theme (“Zoo”, “Pets”, “Army”, etc.). If it is not possible to purchase these sets, then you can make toys for director’s play yourself, using paper, glue and paints. Children will treat toys made together with their parents with more love and take care of them.

And finally, the third, most important condition for organizing a director’s game is skillful management of the development of this game. Adults help children find interesting activities. The tasks given by adults can serve as an impetus for directing; they develop and enrich the plot created by children. Often adults can be in the role of a spectator, but not a passive one, but one who is interested in what is happening, asks for clarification of certain actions, and emotionally responds to the events taking place in the game.

Fulfillment of all conditions will ensure the successful development of directing acting in preschool and family settings.

Thus, the skillful organization of director's play, the creation of the necessary conditions for its development, contribute to the acquisition of gaming skills by children, the formation of the child's personality, his social competence and the education of humanity.

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