Life Safety Project “Creating a Safety Corner in a Preschool Educational Institution”

Pictures for a safety stand: safety corner in kindergarten design

A corner with visual materials on the topic of safety is an integral part of the overall design of each group in kindergarten. By studying useful pictures, instructive stories, tips and rules, young explorers learn to recognize danger both at home and on the street.

Proper design of the safety stand in the future will certainly protect many children from injury, and perhaps even save their lives.

To make it easy to create a stand with information interesting for kids, you can use ready-made pictures and useful materials for filling.

safety rules for children in pictures

Templates for stands and posters about safety for children:

safety pictures for children in kindergarten

Information in the “Your Safety” section of the stand:

summer safety pictures

safety at home and on the streets

promoting safety in preschoolers

about fire safety for children

pictures of rules of behavior for children

what to do if you get lost on the street

Information stand for parents “Child safety comes first”


child comes first

Security is “... a state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats” (Article 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation of March 5, 1992 No. 2446-I “On Security”).

In the modern world, no one is immune from disasters or natural disasters. We feel special concern for defenseless little citizens - preschool children. Today, life itself has proven the need to teach not only adults, but also children the basics of life safety. Indeed, in conditions of social, natural and environmental disadvantage, a child’s natural curiosity can become unsafe for him. Preparing a person for a safe existence in the environment should take place at all stages of a person’s life, and it must begin from preschool age. The task of teachers and parents is not only to protect and protect the child, but also to prepare him to face various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations.

Work in this direction largely comes down to finding answers to the questions: “How can I help understand the variety of life situations? How to protect your child's health? How can we teach them to help each other?”

After the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. The modern world has changed its approach to the problem of security; it has also included such concepts as environmental disaster and terrorism.

The content of the educational area “Security” in preschool educational institutions is aimed at achieving the following goals:

Forming the foundations for the safety of one’s own life through solving educational problems:

— acquaintance with household sources of danger, with the necessary actions in case of danger, the formation of ideas about methods of safe behavior in everyday life;

- fostering a sense of mutual assistance and camaraderie.

Formation of prerequisites for environmental consciousness (safety of the surrounding world) through solving educational problems:

- formation of ideas about situations that are dangerous for humans and the natural world and methods of behavior in them;

— familiarization with the rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the natural world around them;

— transferring to children knowledge about road safety rules as a pedestrian and a passenger in a vehicle;

— formation of a cautious and prudent attitude towards situations that are potentially dangerous for humans and the surrounding natural world.

The safety formula for children reads:

“We must see, anticipate, take into account, avoid if possible,

if necessary, call for help"

Child and nature

Parents, going with their children to the countryside or nature, sometimes lose their vigilance. But in vain! For example, no one has yet canceled the disease of dirty hands. And there are more than enough other dangers around. Curious kids can get hurt by sharp pruners or shovels. So it doesn’t hurt to brush up on personal safety rules and convey them to your child.

Harmful instruments

There are tools hidden in grandpa's barn, and this is much more interesting than children's toys! Little Kulibin will want to try out how a lawn mower works, what a pruning shears are for, and how to work with an “adult” shovel. What should I do? Castles can be saved, but only if the child is under five or six years old. Older children cope with this obstacle using pins, twigs, and mother's hairpins. It’s better if the grandfather himself shows the child the curious contents of the barn, explains how to use it, lets him hold the tools and definitely (!) explains safety precautions.

Problems with dirty hands

Let your mother or mother-in-law talk as much as they want about organic tomatoes and cucumbers from their garden plot or greenhouse, but you should not encourage your child to eat something directly from a garden bed or bush. Dirty hands coupled with “acid rain” have already put an end to this topic. What should I do? Teach your child to wash fruits, berries and vegetables before trying them. You need to start at home, then the baby himself will explain to his grandmother why he takes the cucumber to the sink and not straight into his mouth. If possible, install a washbasin right in the garden so that your child does not have to run into the house every time he wants to eat his vitamin. And strictly prohibit grandmothers from setting a different example for their child.

The dog can be a biter

Let them say that the greatest danger to a person is the person himself, but a clash with our smaller brothers does not always bode well. Strange animals and unfamiliar plants pose a threat to the baby. After all, not a single household farm can do without representatives of flora and fauna. The bright colors of the Colorado potato beetle attract children no less than homemade toys - they just want to catch it, touch it, hide it in a matchbox and feed it grass.

Petting a chained dog is also a bad thing for a fool. What should I do? Teach your child to communicate with the world of wildlife at a distance. Explain that it is forbidden to touch plants or pick flowers, no matter how beautiful they are: tell them that flowers are hurt and offended when this is done to them. Come up with similar stories about animals, insects, birds to show your child: you need to treat nature on a first-name basis, then she will be kind. Do not scare your child with the words “poisonous” or “harmful” - this will only fuel interest in the forbidden. It’s better to tell us what’s good about these bugs and spiders, why they don’t need to be offended and destroyed.

Costs of forest walks

It’s better to forget the saying “every speck in the forest is a vitamin” as soon as possible. Kids like to collect cones and twigs, run after butterflies and catch insects, look into nests and watch squirrels. But children under 3-4 years old still explore the world with the help of their lips and tongue and put “all kinds of infection” into their mouths. And older children still do not distinguish harmful plants and insects from harmless ones. What should I do? For five-year-old children, urgently begin an educational program on the flora and fauna of their native forests, thereby preparing them for zoology and botany lessons. With younger children, be attentive and don’t forget to take a pack of wet wipes on walks to wipe your baby’s hands.

Hide and seek without loss

As you know, the game of hide and seek is very popular among children of five to seven years old, especially since there is a place to disguise themselves in the forest. Adults know the dangers of this fun - children can get lost. What should I do? Strictly outline the boundaries for the game: we hide from that edge to those bushes. At the same time, it is better for you, an adult, not to take part in the game as a leader, but to observe from the side where the children are hiding and make sure that they respect the boundaries of the playing field. It’s ideal to invite kids to play “hide-and-seek in disguise” rather than traditional hide-and-seek. Competition for the best mask outfit: allow yourself to be sprinkled with leaves, branches, and lie on the grass to become invisible against the background of the forest. It's better to sacrifice clean clothes than to worry about your baby's safety.

Child on the street

When ensuring the safety of children on the street, remember that:

  • There is no need to wear expensive jewelry and other expensive accessories for your child when going outside.
  • There is no need to hang your keys around your neck or in another visible place (put them in a secret pocket).
  • A child should not talk to strangers, go anywhere with them, take anything from their hands, get into a car, etc. Be sure to talk to your child about not answering questions about where the adults are, who is at home, where things are at home, etc.
  • The child should know that he must always look both ways (so as not to end up under the wheels of a car) when leaving the entrance, crossing the road, or while playing in the courtyard.

To keep children safe on the street, parents must teach them lessons about “who am I.” So the child should know the following personal information:

  • His first name, last name, home address and telephone number, as well as the names of his parents.
  • It is also necessary to learn with your child what dangers/injuries can be received by him or other children: do not touch sharp, heavy, hot things (so as not to get hurt, bumped, or burned).

Rules for safe behavior of children on the street

  • You cannot talk to strangers, take any objects from their hands, or leave with them. If a stranger wants to use force, teach your child to scream and run away, call for help.
  • You must not take dangerous objects from the ground or even approach them: syringes, knives, broken bottles, strange packages, etc.
  • You cannot run away from your parents, hide from them, run into rooms, or transport without parents.
  • Talk and learn the child’s model of behavior if he is lost (what he should do, what information about himself to give, how to call for help).
  • Learn with your child the basic rules of behavior on the road (when to cross the street, a ban on playing near the road, etc.).

Remember that you need to gradually teach your child to be independent. Do not scare your child and do not tell about all the dangers at once. Present the information carefully, methodically (you can keep a notebook and note which points you have already talked about and what you will talk about next time). Don’t forget to work through the same topic several times and remind them of certain important points. Accompany the learning process with pictures.

In the process of learning the rules for safe behavior of a child on the street, involve relatives in demonstrating role-playing scenes. Show how to behave on the street by your example, broaden your child’s horizons. And also ask the child to show how he remembered what you told him.

Child at home

When was the last time you crawled around the apartment on your knees? The question seems strange, but it arose for a reason. Children explore their surroundings every day, climbing into the most unexpected places and grabbing objects that were not at all intended for them. Inspect the entire house before the child to eliminate things that are potentially dangerous to the baby. Many parents believe that special precautions need to be taken if there are babies in the house who are just starting to crawl and walk. However, older children also often suffer household injuries.

Safety precautions for children can be represented by a set of rules that relate to:

* behavior in dangerous and emergency situations;

* use of all kinds of household electrical appliances;

* child’s access to objects that may pose a potential danger to him (this includes scissors and knives, a computer and the Internet, a first aid kit with medications, etc.);

* communication with strangers who may call or come.

More than a third of accidents that occur in children under 14 years of age occur at home. And many of them could have been avoided if parents had taken the safety of their children more seriously. Children under 4 years of age are at greatest risk. The best way to prevent accidents with your child is not to leave him unattended. But even the most attentive parent is not able to monitor the child every second of the entire day. It only takes one moment for children to run to a hot oven, grab a knife, or put found pills in their mouths.

How can you ensure your child is safe at home?

First of all, we must remember what most often causes domestic injuries and accidents at home:

Water - in the bath, in the kitchen, in water supply and heating pipes.

Fire and hot objects, such as an oven.

Poisonous substances and medicines. Many housewives store household chemicals under the sink in the kitchen or bathroom. And often children crawl into these secluded corners more often than mothers. Many medications are also often kept “at hand,” that is, within the child’s reach.

Fall hazards include stairs, slippery floors, tall furniture and windows. Consider how you can avoid these dangers. Do not leave your child unattended in the bathtub or near the pool. Keep matches, lighters, piercing and cutting objects, toxic substances and medications out of the baby's reach. Do not leave your child alone in a room with an open window.

Remember that a mosquito net does not prevent a child from falling. Quite the contrary - it creates the illusion of a reliable barrier, and the child can lean on it.

A 3-year-old child is not able to understand the reason for the danger of a particular object. But it can already be explained to him that fire can be very painful. And that you can take medicine only if the doctor orders it. For clarity, you can tell a story about a girl/boy who ate pills without asking, became very ill, and had to be taken to the hospital. This will not guarantee your child's safety, but will slightly reduce the risk of an accident. Be a good role model - if you don't let your child sit on the edge of the bathtub or on the windowsill, don't do it yourself.

Young children are very inquisitive and restless. Bans alone cannot force them to play all day on the carpet in the center of the room. When prohibiting your child from playing in a certain place, be sure to offer him a safe alternative. If your baby has a “house” under the sink, invite him to make a shelter under the table in the room. Use your imagination to make the new place more attractive for your baby - hang a blanket instead of a wall or use empty boxes as furniture.

Try to look at the house through the eyes of a child to understand where danger may await him. It’s better to play it safe than to regret your own carelessness later.

Pictures for stands for parents

On the walls of the corridors of kindergartens you can often find stands with educational information for parents. They are designed to teach parents important rules for the safety of their children, interesting aspects of raising and developing a child, as well as to promote a healthy lifestyle. Information stands can be supplemented with sections that will be taught by educators, a speech therapist, and a full-time psychologist.

stand templates for parents

memo to parents pictures

Pictures for sections on child safety

pictures of the alphabet of health

pictures of psychologist's advice

pictures of advice to parents

pictures of speech therapist for children

Safety corner

Reflective elements on clothes for children

At the preschool educational institution, special emphasis is placed on compliance with safety requirements. The methodological service of the preschool educational institution works with the teaching staff to teach safety rules to preschool children:

So, the concept of “safety” includes not only the organization of protection of all participants in the educational process from emergency situations, such as fires, natural, environmental and man-made disasters, terrorist threats, extremism and violence against individuals, but also transport and domestic injuries, insufficiently protected working conditions and study, illegal invasion of personal and information space. Ensuring safety depends not only on equipping educational facilities with the most modern technology and equipment, but also, above all, on the human factor, i.e. on the literacy and competence of people responsible for the safety of educational institutions and the educational process, on the coordination of their joint work with the administration and teachers, on the preparedness of students and employees of educational institutions to act in emergency situations.

Anti-terror pictures for the stand

The Anti-Terror stand highlights important topics that help children learn to recognize danger in the form of terrorist criminals, as well as to behave correctly in the event of a terrorist attack.

Main topics that can be presented at the stand:

  • Rules of conduct with strangers. Is it possible to have conversations with them and what to do if your parents are not around.
  • What to do if you are alone at home.
  • We learn our names, addresses, and phone numbers of our parents.
  • Dangerous situations on the street: strange objects.
  • Campaigning for a world without war.
  • Actions in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack.

children's pictures anti-terror

anti-terror pictures for kindergarten

danger signs pictures

pictures and information for the mobile folder at the Antiterror stand

Firefighter stand clip art

Posting information about fire safety is one of the ways to inform kindergarten students and their parents. The fire stand in kindergarten is decorated with text and graphic information. Its main task is to convey information in an accessible form on how to prevent a fire, and if one occurs, how to avoid negative consequences.

In a preschool educational institution, the fire stand consists of several sectors, for example, it could be information about fire prevention, types of fire extinguishing agents, propaganda leaflets, evacuation recommendations. For each section it is necessary to select suitable information material in pictures.

In preschool educational institutions, on fire safety stands, it is advisable to place educational pictures on the topic:

  • dangerous actions and consequences of a fire;
  • actions in drawings during a fire;
  • images of fire extinguishing equipment.

Pictures for decorating a stand in kindergarten

where to call fire

fire safety rules in the forest

pictures for children about fire

templates for fire safety stand

folder moving in dow for parents

An interesting part of the fire stand is a sliding folder with information presented in a concise form and with beautiful illustrations. You can fill such a folder with the following materials:

Corner for ensuring life safety in preschool educational institutions

The task for us, teachers and parents, is not only to protect and protect the child, but also to prepare him to face various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations. Here is such a corner to ensure the safety of preschool children, made in our group.

It's no secret that the current social and environmental situation is causing concern among people all over the planet.
We feel special concern for the most defenseless citizens – small children. While the child is small, adults are more or less calm: they will help the child, insure, warn, not allow... But soon, very soon there will come a time in the life of the family when the child will need to start letting go of him. Is the child ready to take independent steps? Will he be able to protect himself and avoid danger? We need to think about and take care of this now, while the child is next to us, adults. The task of us teachers and parents is not only to protect and protect the child, but also to prepare him to face various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations. Work experience shows that only those who obtain the necessary knowledge about existing dangers, learn to recognize them in a timely manner, avoid them, contain them and reduce them can help themselves in a difficult situation. They said correctly in the old days: beware of troubles while they are not there. Preschool age is the most important period when personality is formed and solid foundations of life experience and a healthy lifestyle are laid. Due to its physiological characteristics, a baby cannot independently determine the full extent of the danger. Therefore, an adult is entrusted with the mission of protecting his child. P. Leach and P. Statman note in their research that the advantage of preschoolers in learning personal safety is that they love rules and completely adhere to them. If the rules are forgotten or deviated by someone, then the baby instantly reacts to this. A child of this age’s desire for logic will help adults teach him safety rules. K. D. Ushinsky wrote that “education reduces the number of dangers that threaten our lives, reduces the number of causes of fear and, by making it possible to measure the danger and determine its consequences, reduces the intensity of fear due to these dangers.” This work should be included in all sections and areas of the education program in kindergarten: • organized forms of teaching in the classroom, • joint activities of an adult and a child, • independent activity of a child, • education of behavior skills, • familiarization with the environment, • speech development, • artistic literature, • construction, • fine arts, • games. That is why our preschool educational institution pays great attention to the issues of children's health, safety and safety. The goal of my project: to develop in children the conscious implementation of rules of behavior that ensure the safety of their lives and health in modern conditions of the street, transport, nature, and everyday life. Project objectives: • To form and expand understanding of the causes and consequences of careless handling of fire; • Familiarize children with traffic rules and safe behavior on the street; Explain the rules of communication with animals. • Teach children to behave correctly in dangerous situations such as contacts with strangers;
• Enrich children's understanding of health. To form in children basic ideas about the human body; • Teach how to care for your body, personal hygiene skills and basic care; Project implementation stages:
First stage: Preparatory. Goal: to determine the main directions of work. Objectives : to develop conceptual approaches to issues that form the life skills of a child in kindergarten. Second stage: Organizational. Goal: to draw up a program for a project of interaction between families, kindergartens and services that ensure the safety of human life. Objectives: assess the capabilities of prevention subjects; prepare the material and technical base. Create the necessary conditions for the prevention of basic life safety for children. Third stage . Basic. Goal: to carry out project activities to prevent the basics of safety. Objectives: selection of innovative methods of work to organize the prevention of the basics of children's life safety. Fourth stage. Analytical. Goal: systematize methodological material and compare intermediate results with project objectives. Objectives: quantitative and qualitative processing of intermediate results of the work. Fifth stage . Final. Goal: generalization of the experience gained; understanding it in the form of a model of psychological and pedagogical interaction between family, kindergarten and city services that ensure the safety of human life. The implementation of each specific topic goes through three stages: • Initial: examination of drawings, photographs, use of didactic games, familiarization with literary works that reflect various modes of behavior and, accordingly, precautions; • Main: thematic classes, thematic days, meetings and conversations, organization of excursions, leisure activities, games. • Final: KVN, productive activities, participation in regional competitions. As part of the project, we propose to pay more attention to the game when building the pedagogical process. Training, testing and consolidation of knowledge on the rules of safe behavior are effectively carried out in a playful way. For these purposes, various types of games can be used, both intellectual (board, didactic, and role-playing games (outdoor games, indoor, outdoor). The content of the project corresponds to the intellectual capabilities of older preschoolers. Based on the psychological characteristics of children, much attention is paid to clarity, based on the feelings and sensations of children. The products of this activity are: • creation of a baby book “The ABC of Safety”, • exhibitions of children's drawings, • photographs of activities, • layout “Our Street”, • notes of classes and themed days, • collection “Piggy Bank” riddles", • multimedia presentation. The implementation of the project "Formation of the fundamentals of life safety for children in preschool educational institutions" will help: • Develop children's skills for safe behavior on the street, in nature and at home; • Develop an algorithm for actions in emergency situations; • Form simple ideas about events aimed at maintaining health. To solve the problems of the project, conditions are necessary. One of them is the environment. The carefully thought-out developmental environment of the preschool educational institution itself encourages children to explore, be active, show initiative and creativity. The construction of a subject-based developmental environment by adults makes it possible to organize both joint and independent activities of children in such a way as to develop safe behavior skills in the child. In this case, the environment performs educational, developmental, nurturing, stimulating, organizational, and communicative functions. But most importantly, it works to develop the child’s independence and initiative. The life safety room in the preschool educational institution is equipped with technical means, such as a TV and a music center. Children have the opportunity to watch educational films: “Lessons from Aunt Owl”, fairy tales: “Peter in the Land of Traffic Lights”, etc., which help children reinforce the rules of life safety; Life safety corners in groups are equipped with: • didactic games; • educational layouts, intersections; • books by different authors on relevant topics; • reference literature: encyclopedias, reference books; • building designer with medium and small sized blocks; • transport: special transport (ambulance, fire truck, police car); • printed board games; • a model of our neighborhood with markings, road signs, transport, traffic lights, small toys-dolls; • various albums on this topic, children's drawings; • audio cassettes, video cassettes, works of art according to traffic rules; • albums with poems and riddles, coloring books; • illustrations about dangerous situations in the lives of children; • family projects: “Road Signs”; “Rules for using a bicycle”, “Traffic rules that we follow with our family”, etc. Thus , the achievements of students in the formation of rules of safe behavior are objectively high, which allows us to evaluate the fairly high result of the existing system of work in the educational process. To preserve the health of children, reduce morbidity and promote a healthy lifestyle, all the necessary conditions have been created in the kindergarten. These are: - flexible daily routine; — hardening activities; — good nutrition, vitaminization; - medical office; — compliance with SanPiNov; — relaxation room; — sports ground; — gym; — motor mode; — music hall; -thematic classes. The medical staff in our preschool educational institution conducts medical examinations, immunizations, examinations of children, and massages. The teacher teaches the children self-massage and play massage. Classes organized by a physical education instructor not only help improve the health and physical development of children, but also improve their overall vitality. In music classes with children, musical-rhythmic and breathing exercises and chants are used, which contribute to the development of the respiratory, speech, musculoskeletal, and cardiovascular systems of the children’s body. To promote a healthy lifestyle, thematic classes, interesting leisure activities, holidays, and health days are held with children in the garden. Close interaction with various specialists inside and outside the educational institution will allow you to successfully form initial concepts on the rules of safe behavior. Active involvement of parents in the process of learning and mastering by children the skills of a healthy lifestyle, safe behavior on the street and in everyday life takes place at parent-teacher meetings, open classes, seminars and consultations. Contact with parents helps not only to collect material, but also to attract parents to participate in events. The peculiarity of children receiving the basics of safe behavior largely depends on cooperation with parents, with whom complete mutual understanding has been achieved. Parents are our interested partners in the learning and development of children. When interacting with parents, I used various forms of work: individual dialogue; introduction to reading literature about the culture of behavior on the roads; familiarization with publications from the local press; inviting parents to a meeting on safety topics with the participation of traffic police officers; conducting open classes and entertainment with the participation of parents; awareness of parents about the positive dynamics of the formation of rules of safe behavior; participation in competitions; operational information about the state of child injuries from the traffic police for parents; • information stands, folders, reminders, where parents are given recommendations on how to behave with their child, taking into account the age of the children. Now that many parents have video equipment and computer equipment, they can be used to teach their child safety rules. The example of elders should help the child develop the habit of behaving in accordance with the basic rules of child safety. Throughout the year, in mobile folders, I place material about the rules that children must learn, a list of literature for adults and children. Thus, systematic work with children to teach the rules of life safety, the use of effective, modern methods and techniques, and taking into account age characteristics give positive results. Diagnostics of knowledge on traffic rules and safe behavior shows the following results: that all children know the rules for crossing the road with and without traffic lights, they know perfectly well the rules of behavior for passengers, the rules of behavior at home and with strangers. Predicted result of the project: Children:
- conscious attitude to issues of personal safety and the safety of others;
— manifestation of discipline, self-control, independence in observing the rules of behavior; - the ability to anticipate possible danger and find ways to avoid it; - knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on city streets. — the ability to take care of one’s physical health and comply with life safety rules; — the ability to choose an adequate model of behavior in various life situations; — the ability to organize activities in accordance with the rules of behavior that is safe for oneself and others in “typical” situations; — the ability to act in extreme situations in accordance with the learned rules on the road; - ideas about possible negative consequences for other people by their careless actions. Parents:
- conscious involvement in raising a safe type of personality.
Teachers: - formed orientation towards the implementation of a competency-based approach to the development of healthy and safe lifestyle values. The proposed project is an attempt to show in practice the system of activities of parents and educators of preschool educational institutions to teach preschoolers basic safety rules. To develop in children the necessary ideas, abilities and skills of safe behavior in various situations. We are convinced that targeted work on this project undoubtedly produces positive results. We believe that this area of ​​work should always be under the close attention of teachers and parents, which means that further search and improvement is necessary in organizing work to prevent the basics of safety in children.

We recommend watching:

Safety of conducting classes on the playground and in the gym Notes of a lesson on fire safety in the preparatory group Notes of a lesson on life safety in the middle group Scenario of child-parent entertainment for the preparatory group. Safety regulations

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Traffic regulations pictures for the stand

Preschoolers, due to their age, do not yet understand the level of danger awaiting them on the road. In addition, kids are very active and inquisitive, which increases the risk of ending up on the road. It is precisely in order to teach children how to cross the road correctly, not to ride a bicycle and not to play in dangerous places near moving vehicles that illustrated stands are created in kindergartens. They help preschoolers consolidate the material they have learned about traffic rules in life safety classes.

Stand templates and ready-made posters in pictures of traffic rules for preschoolers

Road signs - pictures for the traffic rules stand

Pictures for designing sections of the traffic rules stand

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Methodological developments project for my safety corner in the middle group



Speech on the topic “Organization of a safety corner as one of the means of social and communicative development of preschool children”

Teacher of the Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten No. 113 combined type"

Oktyabrsky district of the urban district of the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Kuleshova Daria Sergeevna

On January 1, 2014, the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education came into force, according to which the educational process is carried out in accordance with five educational areas:

— Social and communicative development;

-Cognitive development;

-Speech development;

-Artistic and aesthetic development;

-Physical development;

It is social and communicative development that pursues the task of forming the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, and nature.

Children's safety has always been and will be a common concern of teachers and parents. The life of a child is the most precious thing in the world. Children may find themselves in unpredictable situations on the street or at home, so the main task of adults is to encourage them to develop independence and responsibility. So that the children know how to behave correctly in various situations and are able to apply this knowledge in real life, we use conversations, discussions, reading literature, conduct classes, and games in our work. Each of our groups has its own “safety corner”

, which we tried to fill with relevant, useful, interesting materials. The most significant information was highlighted in bright colors that would attract children’s attention.

The manuals have been updated and diversified.

By organizing a safety corner in the group, we synthesized material on the following topics:

  • "Traffic Laws"
  • "Indoor Safety"
  • "Safety in Nature"
  • "Communication with strangers"

When creating a “safety corner”

We relied on the basic requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and tried to make it content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

It is advisable to promote the formation of a safe lifestyle precisely in preschool age. Preschoolers' lack of independent experience of relationships with people, natural phenomena and inhabitants, and technology causes many problems, often leading to dire consequences.

By creating conditions for promoting safe behavior in preschoolers, we undertake and promote each child’s mastery of safe behavior skills in the process of everyday life, play, motor, communication and other types of activities.

It is important to psychologically prepare the child for the appearance of this situation in his life, which allows him to concentrate at the right moment and make the right decision.

"Safety Corner"

in our group includes:

- methodological and fiction literature (folding books, children's magazines, road alphabet, where safety situations are vividly and colorfully described and shown)


- didactic games and didactic material (dominoes, lotto, various types of transport: water, air, land, special services vehicles, we created several road models with our own hands, prepared illustrations on topics)


— attributes for role-playing games “Police”

“Firefighters” (road signs, suits, helmets, helmets, models of guns)

— sets of constructors;

- sliding folders;

— sets for art activities;

— safety equipment.

To consolidate knowledge on life safety, exhibitions of children's and collective works are often organized.

And for a trip to the “World of Security”

did not leave any of our students indifferent; we are accompanied by our friends and assistants:

Buddy fire extinguisher


Book – Znayka

Working with parents (legal representatives)

carried out in the form of individual consultations and with the help of a corner for parents, where we post the following material:
“A fun supplement to traffic rules”
, “Information about fires and deaths”, Fire safety games”, “Riddles, proverbs, poems, songs on fire safety and traffic rules”, “ABC of firefighters”, photographs
“Fire truck”
, booklets for parents on fire safety, “Traffic folder”,
“Alone on the street, or a safe walk”
“Safety of your baby”
"Road rules for preschoolers"

After all, when building readiness for safe life activities, developing a child’s independence, encouraging children’s imagination and creativity, it is necessary to remember that the main thing in developing children’s safe behavior skills is the personal example of teachers and parents! Thank you for your attention!!

Formation of the foundations for the safety of one’s own life activities

Continue to introduce children to the basic rules of behavior in kindergarten


Introduce the rules of playing with sand: do not destroy buildings made by others

children; do not throw sand, etc.

Develop safe behavior skills in outdoor games and when

use of sports equipment.

Remind children that they can only ride bicycles under

under adult supervision, without disturbing others.

Learn how to use scissors correctly (in the presence of adults)


Reinforce the rules for safe movement indoors: carefully

go up and down stairs; hold on to the railing; open and close the door,

holding the doorknob.

Continue to introduce the culture of behavior on the street and in transport.

About road safety rules.

Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules: crossing the street

only with an adult, in strictly designated areas and when the traffic light is green.

Expand children's knowledge about traffic lights. Reinforce knowledge about the meaning of signals

traffic lights (pedestrians and cars stand at a red light, prepare for

movement, when green - moving).

Continue to introduce the elements of the road (dividing strip, pedestrian

crossing, public transport stop). Reminder that pedestrians must

cross the road at a surface, underground or pedestrian crossing "Zebra"


Strengthen knowledge about special types of transport: “Ambulance”

(driving along

call to sick people), fire truck (going to put out the fire)

(going to

helping people in trouble), an emergency vehicle.

Introduce road signs: “Pedestrian crossing”

, "Stop"

public transport."

To consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of conduct in public transport (in

You can only travel on public transport with adults; talk calmly, no

disturbing other passengers; obey adults; maintain cleanliness and order; go out

you can get out of the vehicle after the adults have gotten out, etc.).

Tell children that they need to wait at the bus stop for public transport.

Explain that public transport stops are located near the road

part of the road, therefore, while waiting for transport, you need to behave calmly (do not run, do not

walk on curbs, do not push, do not run into the roadway, do not litter, do not


Formation of prerequisites for environmental consciousness

Continue to form basic ideas about how to interact

with plants and animals: examine plants without harming them. harm; watch for

animals, without disturbing them or harming them; feed animals only with

adult permission; do not pet other people's animals; do not bring animals home without

adult permission; do not pick up stray animals.

Explain to children that they cannot pick and eat plants without adult permission—

they may be poisonous. Form the habit of saving water by turning off the water tap behind you.

Next >

Pictures season summer

Summer is the period of the most vivid childhood impressions and emotions. Some people go to the sea, some go on a hike, some go to the river... Whatever the childhood holiday, it is always memorable and unique. To capture the storm of these wonderful memories, the preschool educational institutions set up summer stands. They are a free platform for imagination, ideas and impressions. What to put on the Summer stand?! Everything related to the summer months, for example, such fellings:

  • Hello summer!
  • Summer months and what they are rich in.
  • Summer rest.
  • Riddles, proverbs, poems about summer.
  • Summer games on the sand and in the water.
  • Tips for parents on how to spend a healthy and safe summer.

Summer stand templates

Pictures for filling stands

Useful information for parents

A mobile folder for the Summer stand will help remind children of summer memories. Proverbs, stories, riddles in pictures will be useful for its design.

Pictures of the season autumn

With the arrival of September, the information in the sections on the Autumn information stand becomes relevant. What will be interesting for parents to read and for kids to see at the autumn stand:

  • Autumn months and gifts of autumn.
  • Riddles and signs about autumn.
  • Advice for parents.
  • What to read to your children on autumn evenings.

To make the stand colorful and attract the attention of children, it is decorated with beautiful pictures, bright posters and fascinating folders. Ready-made material templates for the Autumn stand can be found below.

Pictures season winter

The entertaining Winter stand delights kindergarten students with every section, because there you can meet a Snowman, Santa Claus, interesting winter riddles and rhymes. There will be a lot of important information at the stand for parents: safety while walking in winter, prevention of ODS, hardening, etc. Also at the stand there will be a lot of information about the winter months, New Year holidays, winter games.

Mobile folder for parents at the Winter stand

Pictures of the season spring

Preschoolers perceive information better not in verbal form, but in the form of a schematic image. Therefore, the concept of the seasons is presented in the form of pictures and diagrams, which can be found on special thematic stands. The Spring stand provides general information about this season: signs of spring, its gifts, months and their features, information about animals and birds, seasonal riddles and signs.

Poster templates and pictures with useful information

Materials for sliding folders at the Spring stand

Anime pictures for stands

Preschool educational institutions must have themed corners that help children learn, gain important life skills, simply play, have fun and bring their creative potential to life. To design such corners, educators need visual aids and all kinds of pictures. To make the corner special and unique, you can complement it with anime pictures on different topics.

Leisure in kindergarten and holidays

Traffic regulations, fire safety and health protection


DIY design according to Federal State Educational Standards + photo

The safety of children is the most important task for parents, educators and all adults who surround them. Unfortunately, there are a lot of dangers in the world around us that can cause harm. Therefore, it is necessary not only to intensively protect and protect the child, but also to teach him safe behavior in various situations both in the house and outside it. This work is purposefully carried out in all educational institutions, starting from a young age in kindergarten and gives positive results. Because despite the complexity of the organization of modern society, childhood injuries are an emergency situation for which all those responsible bear responsibility.

Safety training in kindergarten

Teaching children not to get into dangerous situations both at home and in the outside world is the most important task for parents and educators in child care institutions. It is necessary to teach children safe behavior from the very first steps of life. There are a large number of situations when a child can get injured at home, on a walk, while playing, or while traveling in public transport. The main task of adults is not only to ensure control over the behavior of children, but also to instill in them the concept of their own safety . a safe behavior corner in kindergarten is intended to solve this problem. Using stands, models, toys, and didactic games, educators teach preschoolers the rules of behavior in the most likely life situations. The materials presented at the stands are also addressed to parents, since the child is with them most of the time, and young parents cannot always properly create a safe environment at home.

Table: studying the rules of life safety in different age groups of kindergarten

Design of a safety corner

The importance of the safety corner in the educational activities of teachers is quite great. But in order to successfully and efficiently teach children the basics of safety, it is necessary to have interesting and varied material in this area of ​​work. The life safety corner may contain:

  • Stands with information for parents about possible traumatic situations.
  • Analytical reports on emergency incidents involving children.
  • Visual materials for teaching safe behavior for children and adults.
  • Didactic games (“Road Signs”, “Good and Evil Fire”, “Smart Traffic Light”, “Safety Fundamentals” and so on) factory-made and hand-made.
  • Models of fire equipment, ambulance, fire shield - to better familiarize children with emergency services.
  • Models of items for personal safety: reflectors, fire detector, fire extinguisher, emergency telephone numbers.
  • Toys for organizing role-playing games: firefighter dolls, rescuers, policemen; children's equipment for traffic police and rescue service workers.
  • Floor covering for designing traffic when studying traffic rules.

As part of the subject-development environment of the kindergarten, the safety corner must meet the requirements: aesthetic and attractive design for children and parents, functionality and variability, periodic updating of the content to maintain interest in the material.

Menu for kindergarten templates pictures

Both parents and children study the menu in kindergarten with interest, because it is interesting to know what the pupils will be treated to today. Each group updates the form with the proposed menu daily, which is placed on the stand. It is especially pleasant to look at the menu, which is beautifully and stylishly designed. To do this, they set up a stationary stand on the wall, and then change the colorful insert templates on which the menu is written every day.

Stand templates with pictures for little ones

Ready-made menu forms for printing

Fire safety stand (corner): requirements and design

Fire is a dangerous phenomenon that is associated not only with the loss of life, but also with causing major material damage. The suddenness of a fire causes panic, confusion and erroneous actions, which often leads to tragic consequences.

Read more about what a fire is in our encyclopedia

Fire: stages, phases, types, groups, classification, zones, parameters

This situation can only be corrected by forming a person’s subconscious level of readiness for any emergency situation. For this purpose, regular briefings are used at enterprises, safety lessons are introduced in educational institutions, and fire raids are conducted.

One of the most effective and accessible ways to inform citizens is to design a fire safety stand. They are present in all crowded places, unobtrusively notifying citizens how to behave in the event of a fire.

A fire safety information stand should be equipped with:

  • large production enterprises, especially those with a high level of danger;
  • places of recreation and leisure for citizens (shopping and entertainment centers, sports sections, cinemas);
  • medical institutions and educational organizations;
  • warehouses.

What the stands can be like, how to design them correctly, where to place them, and whether there are any requirements for them - we will look at them in more detail in this article.

Fire safety stand design

(general rules)

A fire-fighting stand is understood as a special structure on which text, graphic or photographic materials about fire safety are placed. Standard size is 490 × 770 mm, may vary depending on the volume of material.

The design varies: graphics, brochures, bright illustrations, posters.

However, all information must be related to fire safety, and not contradict the currently valid legislative acts of the Russian Federation and regulations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. All important information should be written large and legibly.

What can be reported at the stand, and what information would be useful?

Sample stand (corner) on fire safety

Stand on fire safety in enterprises

It is recommended to adhere to the following content:

  • building diagram and indication of the location of emergency exits;
  • methods of evacuation in case of emergency;
  • emergency phone numbers;
  • procedure for notifying a fire;
  • rules for using self-rescuers;
  • description of fire extinguishers: what types there are, features of their operation, and how to use them correctly;
  • recommendations on providing primary care to victims;
  • fire extinguishing equipment layout diagram;
  • preventive measures to prevent a flammable situation.

A fire safety stand at enterprises that have a high level of fire danger may contain information about production features and additional safety measures (automatic fire extinguishing installations, alarms, auxiliary equipment). In addition, additional cells contain brochures for self-study.

Today there are 2 types of information stands. These are floor and wall. At will, they can be stationary or mobile (mobile).

Fire safety stand in kindergarten

Children's idea of ​​danger is blurred. This is why they love to climb trees, experiment with fire and create homemade bombs.

Therefore, it is extremely important to inform the child from an early age about possible situations that threaten life and health. You should be informed about the tragic consequences of fiddling with fire, what to do when in danger, who to call, and how to protect yourself until you get help.

We recommend that you read this article:

Children's prank with fire: cause of fire and consequences

In practice, these issues are well resolved by installing a fire safety stand in a kindergarten.

Bright pictures depicting the same guys attract the attention of kids.

Adults must constantly draw children’s attention to the stand, explain what is drawn there, and answer questions.

Such an information fire corner helps:

  • develop norms of safe behavior in a playful way;
  • do not panic in case of fire;
  • learn an algorithm of actions to protect yourself in a dangerous situation.

The form of folding books is effective. You can take them with you, take a closer look at the pictures, and share information with friends. For preschoolers, it is advisable not to place more than 5 images on one stand.

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