Development of plot-role play of a preschooler at different age stages

Features of a role-playing game and the tasks of its management. consultation on the topic

Features of the role-playing game and the tasks of its management

Throughout preschool childhood, while the child grows and develops, acquires new knowledge and skills, role-playing play remains the most characteristic type of his activity.

A role-playing game has the following structural components: plot, content, role.

The plot of the game is the sphere of reality that is reproduced by children. The plot is a child’s reflection of certain actions, events, relationships from the life and activities of those around him. At the same time, his game actions (turning the steering wheel of a car, preparing dinner, etc.) are one of the main means of realizing the plot.

The plots of the games are varied. Conventionally, they are divided into household (family games, kindergarten), industrial, reflecting the professional work of people (games in the hospital, store, construction), public (games in the library, school).

The content of the game is what is reproduced by the child as a central and characteristic moment of activity and relationships between adults in their everyday, work, and social activities. Throughout preschool childhood, the development and complication of the content of the game is carried out in the following areas:

- strengthening the focus, and therefore the consistency and coherence of what is depicted;

- a gradual transition from an expanded game situation to a collapsed one, generalization of what is depicted in the game (the use of conditional and symbolic actions, verbal substitutions).

The development of the content of games depends on the child’s ability to identify characteristic features in the activities and relationships of adults.

The content of the role-playing game is embodied by the child through the role he takes on. A role is a means of realizing the plot and the main component of a role-playing game. Every role contains its own rules of behavior, taken by the child from the life around him. Throughout preschool childhood, the development of roles in role-playing games occurs from the performance of role-playing actions to roles-images.

Throughout the preschool period, gaming activity does not stand still, undergoing qualitative and quantitative changes: not only the plot and playing roles develop and become more complex, the duration of the game and the composition of the participants gradually increase. D.B. Elkonin identified four levels of development of gaming activity (see appendix, booklet)

Guiding children's play activities

The development of gaming interests requires the teacher to have an attentive, sensitive attitude to children’s games and personal interest in them.

At the same time, it must be remembered that planning is subject to the activities of the teacher in the development and management of play, and not the play activities of children.

Thematic planning (one role-playing game) can cover several lessons over one to four weeks. There cannot be a strictly fixed time for a specific game theme. If the children, on their initiative, have an interesting and useful game, then the teacher can wait to propose the intended game topic.

Thematic planning of the game should include specific observations of objects and phenomena of the surrounding life, excursions, selection of appropriate fiction, examination of paintings, illustrations; topics of design, modeling, appliqué and drawing; toys and attributes for the development of play (mark which ones need to be purchased in the store, which ones must be made in advance with the help of parents, which ones must be made together with the children during the game).

The guidance of game actions is carried out directly by the teacher during the game, to a certain extent intuitively. First of all, it consists of purposefully influencing decisive moments in the development of games: choosing the theme of the game, developing the concept, enriching the content.

The teacher can suggest a theme for the game, but it cannot be imposed. The game should captivate the child and induce a positive attitude towards gaming activities.

Guiding the development of the game requires that the teacher help children enrich the game with highly moral content and saturate it as much as possible with appropriate actions. Providing comprehensive assistance in the process of developing the game assumes that the teacher not only keeps all the participants in the game in sight and, as it were, conducts them, but also personally participates in the game.

With younger children, the teacher most often plays together, gradually towards older preschool age he develops independence, and uses other forms of influence on the course of the children’s play.

The teacher can use various techniques that promote the development of children's play creativity: advice, a remark aimed at developing children's imagination, instructions, questions, evaluation of individual characters and performers. By participating in the game, the teacher resolves various conflict situations, and also examines various cases that arose during the game and require attention.

Thus, the emergence and development of the content of creative games is directly dependent on children’s assimilation of specific knowledge about the phenomena of surrounding social life and the work of adults, the formation in them of a positive emotional attitude towards the creative activities of people and the level of formation of relationships between children.

Features of the organization and management of plot-display games

1st junior group

Tasks for teaching children role-playing games

- to develop the ability to develop conditional actions with a plot toy, a substitute object and an imaginary object, to connect 2-3 actions into a semantic chain, to verbally designate them, to continue within the meaning of an action started by a partner - an adult, and then a peer


- in the process of direct educational activity in the form of a game exercise, individual game, joint game with a teacher, with peers, in a pair room, in a small group

- during regime moments

- in the independent activities of children.

The role of the teacher:

The main character is involved in the game, presents children with the opportunity to choose (type of game, plot, role, stimulates children to use substitute objects, contributes to an emotionally rich atmosphere in the game).

2nd junior group

Tasks for teaching children role-playing games

— Develop the ability to perform play actions in play exercises such as “Dress the doll”, perform several interrelated play actions (washed and dressed the doll, fed it, put it to bed), stimulate interest in joint games with adults and children.


- in the process of direct educational activity in the form of a game exercise, an individual game, a joint game with a teacher, with peers, in a pair room, in a small group;

— during regime moments;

- in the independent activities of children.

The role of the teacher

- when conspiring to play, the main character stimulates and directs the play communication of children. By offering the child a toy, he asks the child who he would like to play with, and encourages the children to communicate. Helps distribute roles and select the necessary attributes.

- is included in the game in a secondary role.

Indicators of successful formation of role behavior in children of the 4th year of life are the following:

- development by children in independent activities

specific role actions and role speech aimed at

puppet characters;

- paired role interaction with a peer, including

naming your role, role address, short dialogue.

Children's independent play largely depends on the organization of the object-based play environment and the selection of appropriate play material.

Middle group

Tasks for teaching children role-playing games

— Encourage children to participate in games with adults and peers, offer simple plots for games, teach how to distribute roles between play partners, select the necessary attributes, and reproduce behavior patterns of adults and children in games.


- in the process of direct educational activities in the form of individual play, joint play with a teacher, with peers, in a pair, in a small group;

— during regime moments;

- in the independent activities of children in the form of joint play with peers.

The role of the teacher

- when conspiring to play - helps to distribute roles and develop new storylines in familiar games, teaches you to remember the most interesting things from your life - to bring them into the game.

- when discussing the content of the game - with a remark, advice, reminder, their personal experience is updated.

- is included in the game in a secondary role; participant, partner of children in this creative process.

The teacher enters into role interaction with many children, activates role dialogue, and “locks” the children into role interaction with each other. The whole game is in the nature of free improvisation.

Senior and pre-school groups

Tasks for teaching children role-playing games

— Learn to organize games, independently offer several stories to choose from, use attributes, toys, objects in a variable way, distribute them among children in accordance with roles, accept the roles of worthy men and women. Develop the ability to develop a plot based on existing knowledge.

— To develop the ability to organize role-playing games together with other children, negotiating, distributing roles, proposing game plots and their variants, coordinating one’s own game plans with the game plans of other children; negotiate, discuss, plan the actions of all players, combine storylines in the game, expand the composition of roles.


- in the process of direct educational activities in the form of individual play, joint play with a teacher, with peers, in a pair, in a small group;

— during regime moments;

- in the independent activities of children in the form of individual play and joint play with peers.

The role of the teacher (secondary during the game)

Takes into account friendships between children when organizing joint games

Unites individual playing groups with a common plot, develops the ability to negotiate, share toys, and take turns

Includes shy children in the game and promotes gender-role socialization of boys and girls in the game

So, when leading role-playing games, educators are faced with the following tasks: developing the game as an activity (expanding the themes of the games, deepening their content); Using the game to educate a group of children and individual children, directing a role-playing game requires great skill and pedagogical tact. The teacher must direct the game without disturbing it, and maintain the independent and creative nature of the game activity.

In the children's day mode, a certain time should be allocated for role-playing games, corresponding to their significance. Teachers must master the methodology of organizing role-playing games, primarily in the interests of children's development.

Methods of pedagogical guidance of plot-role-playing games for preschool children

Methods of pedagogical guidance of plot-role-playing games for preschool children

Kashina E.V.

Currently, much attention is paid to the problem of socialization in the development and education of preschool children.

The process of socialization begins in childhood and continues throughout life. The child strives for active activity, and it is important not to let this desire fade away; it is important to promote his further development. The more complete and varied a child’s activity is, the more significant it is for the child and the more consistent with his nature, the more successful his development is. That is why games and active communication with others - with adults and peers - are the closest and most natural for a preschooler.

The plot-role-playing game is the first test of social forces and their first test.

The uniqueness of children's play requires great delicacy from an adult in the pedagogical guidance of this activity. He must become a benevolent participant in the game, regardless of whether he takes on any role or not.

What is the content of a teacher’s work in nurturing creative abilities in preschool children in role-playing games?

The teacher’s skill is most clearly demonstrated in organizing children’s independent activities. How to direct each child to a useful and interesting game without suppressing his activity and initiative? How to alternate games and distribute children in a group room or area so that they can play comfortably without disturbing each other? How to eliminate misunderstandings and conflicts that arise between them? Both the comprehensive education of children and the creative development of each child depend on the ability to quickly resolve these issues.

When leading role-playing games, educators are faced with the following tasks:

• development of games as an activity (expanding the themes of games, deepening their content);

• using the game to educate children's groups and individual children,

Directing a role-playing game requires great skill and pedagogical tact. The teacher must direct the game without disturbing it, and maintain the independent and creative nature of the game activity.

Preschool pedagogy describes many methods and techniques of influencing children, the choice of which depends on the specific situation.

There are methods and techniques that help enrich the content of the game: the teacher plays the main role; individual play between the teacher and the child, with the teacher playing the main role; introducing figurative toys; parallel game technique; role-playing game with continuation; activating communication between an adult and children during their play, aimed at awakening and independent application by children of new ways of solving a game problem, at reflecting new aspects of life in the game; telephone game; playing out scenes of life in kindergarten with the help of dolls; playing out imaginary situations with children. And also those that contribute to the regulation of gaming relationships: games that facilitate adaptation (“come visit me”), the participation of the teacher in the game (the main role); use of a multi-character plot (2 doctors, 2 drivers); introducing a puppet character, setting rules of behavior on his behalf; creation of multi-age play triads.

Methodological methods and techniques give results and bear fruit only in those cases if the teacher applies them systematically, takes into account the general trends in the mental development of children, the patterns of formed activity, if he knows and feels each child of his group well

The teacher’s task in working with older children is to expand and deepen their play interests and create conditions that encourage children to be creative. The teacher, with his advice, suggestions, and questions, should guide the children to find an independent way out of difficult situations. Gradually, the teacher moves from being a direct participant in the game to the role of an adviser in it. In addition, the teacher consistently leads children to the use of all previously undeveloped play tools, the production of play aids, the introduction of toys with the obligatory discussion of the issue of how these toys are used. In the future, the teacher, when working with older children, teaches them to transfer the acquired knowledge into play and continues to develop their basic planning and organizational skills.

The teacher must guide the game without destroying it, preserve the amateur and creative nature of children’s play activities, the spontaneity of experiences, and faith in the truth of the game. The teacher influences the play concept and its development, enriching the content of children’s lives: it expands their ideas about the life of adults, about the relationships between people, and thereby concretizes the content of a particular play role.

However, in expanding the knowledge and understanding of preschoolers, it is necessary to observe moderation. An overabundance of impressions can lead to superficial reflection in games of the unimportant and random, to their instability, and lack of organization.

A game is a means through which children demonstrate their independence during the distribution of roles and actions during the game. The child lives in the game. And the task of educators is to become a guide and link in the child-game chain, tactfully supporting the leadership to enrich the children’s gaming experience.

Senior preschool age

Direct Leadership Techniques

- inclusion of the teacher in the game, taking on a role (main or secondary) - not often, as necessary (showing a speech sample, collective discussion of the role behavior of the players after the game).

Indirect Leadership Techniques

– enriching children’s social experience through all types of activities (observations, excursions, reading fiction, watching children’s TV shows, conversations)

— involving children in the production of attributes and design of playing fields.

Creating conditions for the development of creative role-playing games:

— creation of an object-game environment;

— use of a modern storage system (arrangement of game material in containers);

- inclusion of “semi-finished toys” into the environment for making homemade products;

— replenishment and enrichment of the gaming environment in accordance with the knowledge acquired in the classroom.

Adult help

- remember events that are more suitable for the game, establish their sequence;

— plan the course of the game, the sequence of actions;

— distribute roles, agree on plans;

— assistance in solving game problems, maintaining cognitive interest in the game;

- watching children play;

- direction of children’s plans and actions (advice, hint, question, change in the play environment);

— creation of problematic situations (flexible influence on the game concept, plot development, complication of ways of displaying reality;

- create a game situation;

- individual work (if the child does not know how to play, you can use the experience of children who play well).

What are role-playing games?

From 3-3.5 years old, children begin to actively participate in games where several children are involved. In this case, the participants play certain roles, for example, a girl transforms into a mother, and her friend transforms into a daughter.

Types of role-playing games:

  • everyday (“Mothers and daughters”, “Holiday tea party”, “Visiting”, “How the family spends the day”, etc.);
  • public places (“Supermarket”, “Beauty salon”, “Hospital”, “Cafe”, “Train”, etc.);
  • literary (based on stories, fairy tales, cartoons, movies);
  • directing (participants voice the toys and come up with a plot for them).

Methodological recommendations for conducting role-playing games in preschool educational institutions

Role-playing game is called the queen of children's games. Therefore, it is very important for the teacher to organize it correctly, without disturbing children’s creativity. These recommendations will help young educators and students. Before you start conducting a role-playing game in one of the age groups, pay special attention to the tasks that you will solve when working with preschoolers. These include the following:

  • development of play as an activity;
  • expanding the themes of children's games and deepening their content;
  • acquiring positive social experience;
  • using the game to educate children's groups and individual children;
  • development of all aspects of the personality: movements, all mental processes (thinking, imagination, memory, speech), personality traits and character traits, strengthening and further development of the child’s emotional and volitional manifestations;
  • preparing a preschooler for life in society, socializing his personality.

Before you organize and conduct a role-playing game, you need to study the features of the role-playing game, which are revealed in the works of researchers (L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, R.I. Zhukovskaya, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, A.P. Usova, D.B. Elkonin, etc.). In domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical literature, role-playing game is considered as an activity of a special kind, which is characterized by the presence of all components of the activity: goal, motive, means, and even in some cases they talk about the result, but at the same time, each of the elements of the game activity is specific.

Having analyzed the theory, each of you must draw your own conclusions on the questions you have learned, understanding the special significance of role-playing games in the development of preschool children

When organizing a role-playing game, it is important to take into account that in early preschool age you must: select toys that allow you to develop games in the family, home, kindergarten, “drivers”, “trip”, “train”, “at the doctor”, “shop” ", etc. Pay special attention to their accessibility to children and storing them in play corners within the child’s field of vision, stimulating his play intentions.

In older preschool age, it is necessary to assemble toys by theme (for playing hospital, post office, astronauts, school, library, etc.) Prepare ready-made sets consisting of the most necessary attributes and toys, additional gaming material, and substitute items. Do not give children ready-made material, involve them in this as the game develops.

I would like to pay special attention to the following points in the method of using plot-role-playing games :

1. Select the game you will include.

2. Equipment (equipment).

3. The presence of an object-based play environment depending on age and topic.

4. Availability of a plan - outline.

Organize observation of children’s free play activities (in order to identify children’s gaming interests and skills). Familiarize yourself with the long-term plan for the development of role-playing games in this group (pay attention to the previous work done by the teacher in this direction).

1. Game selection. Start developing a plan for organizing gaming activities. At the same time, take into account the interests of the children, the level of development of game actions, the ability to develop the plot, etc. Think over and describe the content of the game. Plan possible directions for the plot. Define the game rules. Prepare all the necessary attributes for the game. Organize your gaming environment. Create a game situation for the children’s play ideas to emerge. Organize a situation of distribution of roles between children. Discuss the game concept and rules of the game. Provide direct (younger preschool age) or indirect guidance of play activities, follow the development of the plot. — Pedagogical development of a game plan, i.e. the initial stage of pedagogical design: outlining its plot, defining game roles and filling them with specific content (senior preschool age). — Familiarize children with the game plan and refine it together. - Creating an imaginary situation. Distribution of roles depending on the child’s wishes. Starting the game: create a game or problem situation, have a preliminary conversation, discuss the topic of the upcoming game, etc. Saving the game situation: use a reminder, instructions, advice, positive assessment, role interaction, etc. Completing the game: positive assessment, analysis of role-playing and friendly relationships.

Questions for analysis 1. Start of the game: how interest in the game was created; compliance of the selected techniques with the age of the children and the level of development of gaming skills. 2. Preparation for the game: created specifically; children act in an imaginary situation; is created as the game progresses. Compliance of training with the age characteristics of children. 3. What educational tasks were solved during the game? 4. Did the methods and techniques of game management help the development of the plot, gaming skills, and the formation of children’s relationships? 5. Were the principles of humanistic pedagogy implemented during the game? 6. Level of development of children’s playing and visual skills; the ability to use various means to embody the image of a hero (speech, facial expressions, gestures, costume elements, etc.). 7. Children’s passion for play, to what extent an individual approach to children was implemented. 8. The end of the game, its completion, what activities did the children move on to after the game. 9. The teacher’s assessment of children’s activities in the game, its compliance with age, management goals, and the principles of a person-oriented approach. 10. The teacher’s expected subsequent work on the development of play activities. 11. Assumptions, recommendations:

  • How can you transform the object-game environment to influence the development of the plot and content of preschoolers’ games?
  • Is it possible to influence children's role behavior in play, and how?
  • How can children's creativity manifest themselves in play?
  • What did you discover today by organizing a role-playing game with children?
  • What leadership techniques do you find most effective?
  • What difficulties did you encounter when managing this type of game?
  • What resources have you discovered in your teaching activities?
  • What has changed in your attitude towards this type of gaming activity?

The upbringing, development and consolidation of the personality qualities necessary for the future schoolchild is facilitated by such role-playing games as “School”, “Library”. They reflect the children’s ideas about school, the rules of school behavior, the teacher’s requirements, as well as their dreams and desires. When introducing children to school life, pay special attention to such phenomena as school, who are called students, pay attention to the activities of students, their relationships with each other and with the teacher, talk about the best students, arousing the desire to imitate them. Invite them into the group and tell them about interesting school activities, your favorite lesson, how the kids help those who are behind, how they spend cleanup days, participate in the work of adults, how they relax in the summer, what games they play. Conduct a conversation “Addresses of good deeds”, use works about the school. The knowledge about school acquired by children during excursions, observations, and targeted walks will help you when organizing and conducting the role-playing game “School”.

Criteria for evaluation:

  • the game is appropriate for the child’s age;
  • involvement in the game (number of people participating in the game);
  • compliance with the game algorithm;
  • emotional intensity corresponds to the intent of the game;
  • features of children's behavior in the game, obedience to the rules of the game;
  • degree of satisfaction with the game.

Performance indicators

  • The idea arises on the initiative of the child himself, discusses it with play partners, taking into account his point of view. Formulation of the game goal and game task, stability of the concept, use of improvisation in the game.
  • The main content of the game, its diversity, the relationship between objective, everyday and actions reflecting social relations.
  • The plot of the game. Diversity, stability and development of the plot. The child’s ability to jointly construct and creatively develop the plot of the game.
  • The playing role is indicated by a word through role-playing speech, objective actions, and facial expressions. The degree of development of the role-playing dialogue, its duration, the ability to convey the characteristic features of the character.
  • Relationships, their number, stability and character.
  • Game actions: degree of generalization, expansion, diversity, adequacy.
  • Attitude to the rules: the ability to fulfill them with the assumed role, to monitor the implementation of the rules by other children.
  • Achieving the result of the game, the ability to correlate it with the plan.

Possible risks:

  • The poverty of the plots of children's games, their monotony.
  • Reflection in the game of the negative aspects of the lives of adults, the subordinate position of individual children in the game, where they act as passive participants.
  • Frequent conflicts regarding the distribution of roles, compliance with rules, possession of a toy, etc.

How to avoid

  • Enriching children's experience by expanding, clarifying and systematizing knowledge about the environment.
  • Development of gaming skills in children.


  • Alyabyeva E.A. Moral and ethical conversations and games with preschoolers. M.: TC Sfera, 2004, - 128 p.
  • Vinogradova N.A. Role-playing games for older preschoolers: a practical guide / N.A. Vinogradova, N.V. Pozdnyakova – M.: Iris-press, 2008 – 128 p.
  • Grishina G.N. Favorite children's games. - M., 1997
  • Doronova T.N., Karabanova O.A., Solovyova E.V. Play in preschool age: a manual for kindergarten teachers. M.: Education of a preschooler, 2002, 128 p.
  • Preschooler games. - M., 1995
  • Mikhailenko N.Ya., Korotkova N.A. How to play with a child. – M., 1990.
  • Novoselova S.L. Developing object-based play environment for childhood. World “Quadro” // Preschool education, 1998. No. 4.
  • Polyakova M.N. Construction of a developmental environment in groups for children of senior preschool age // Preschool pedagogy. 2004. No. 1. p. 12-15.

Author: Leskova Victoria Ivanovna, teacher, supervisor of practice for students at the regional college of teacher education in Irkutsk.

The article is published in the author's edition

Recommendations for parents

It is difficult for a small “producer” to come up with an interesting plot in the first stages. He has not yet sufficiently mastered the world in which adults live. During this period, it is necessary to help the baby, show how and what to play. The variety of plots, their duration and emotional intensity will depend on the parents’ imagination. When organizing entertainment for adults, you need to follow several rules:

  1. Don't force. If the child is not in the mood or he was simply planning to put together a picture from puzzles, there is no need to start building a spaceship. First you need to ask whether the baby wants to do this and only after receiving consent can he begin to take active action. At the first sign of loss of interest, it is better to stop the activity.
  2. Don't force yourself into rigid boundaries. Let the child show his imagination and contribute to the development of the plot.
  3. Create a friendly atmosphere. Leave aside the strict intonations, irritation and authoritarian manners; they are completely unnecessary here. Play on equal terms, or better yet take on secondary characters: a patient in a clinic, a disheveled model in a hairdresser; incompetent road user. Guide your child’s actions slowly, gradually, so that he doesn’t feel it.

Role-playing activities not only entertain, but are also an element of the educational process that allows you to understand the laws by which people live. In addition, they instill in the younger generation communication skills and help them become independent individuals, ready to overcome any adversity in life. More interesting information about toys and children's development can be read on our blog.

Levels of role-playing play: from 3 to 7 years

The main indicator of the development of the game is its sequence: the beginning of the process, the culmination and the logical conclusion. Observing children during activities helps adults notice behavioral deviations at an early age and make efforts to eliminate them. Child psychologists find a relationship between the child’s age, his level of development and the complexity of play activities:

  • 3-4 years. Mostly kids play with adults, whose help at this stage is quite significant. Parents come up with a plot, hold an imaginary situation, guide the children and provide guidance. Children often try to play on their own, but such activities are usually short-term and limited to a couple of actions: wash the dishes, put the doll to bed, feed the teddy bear. The plot does not unfold further - no one eats, no one praises them for clean plates, and no one wakes up. At this stage, the game should teach children to act according to the script, develop imagination and enrich their vocabulary.
  • 4-5 years. From this age, children begin to master simple plot directions in which they try on various images: a mother, a sister, or a doctor from a children's clinic. They actively interact with toys, talking for themselves and for them. At this age, children can already join groups (2-3 people) for joint activities. The company helps 4-5 year old players develop communication skills, teaches how to conduct a dialogue, independently distribute responsibilities and select toys.
  • 5-6 years. The main focus of the game is the relationships between people, whose roles the children distribute among themselves. Toys are selected to match the invented scenario. The everyday theme is complemented by work activities and significant events in life. Must be consistent with the character and actions of the assigned role. While playing, the child develops the ability to determine the rules and change the plot, activates dialogical speech, enriches his social experience (learns the rules of behavior on the road, in transport, cafes, shops, etc.)
  • 6-7 years. At this stage, children act meaningfully, aware of their relationships with partners. While playing out scenes, they jealously monitor their friends’ compliance with generally accepted rules: “Dads don’t act like that,” “Dinner doesn’t start with the second course,” “Girls don’t behave like that”—such phrases are often heard in the company of older preschool-age children. Creative role-playing games with exciting plots, content, new characters, and a fairy-tale world come to the fore. The children themselves prepare the scenery and attributes, select toys, and add elements of dance and singing to the scenes.

Play is the leading activity of a preschooler and occupies an important place in his life. Children are transported from everyday routine to an imaginary situation, try on interesting roles, use images and imagination to act in the play space. At this time, adults receive in their hands a powerful tool for influencing the child’s future inclinations, his actions and character. You can read about the benefits of wooden toys in the article “Wooden educational toys: features and benefits for children.”

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