Physical education lesson notes in 1 ml. gr. "On a visit to the sun"

CARD FILE of physical education activities for children of the younger group

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution kindergarten No. 14



Chepeleva Victoria Nikolaevna

Summary of physical education classes with children of the younger group


Pedagogical goal –

development of sustainable motivation for physical education in children of primary preschool age.

The state of a child’s health is one of the leading factors that determines his ability to successfully cope with all the demands placed on him, living conditions and upbringing in kindergarten.

The effectiveness of implementing the tasks and content of physical education for children of primary preschool age largely depends on the presence of a rational play environment. Interest, play, and the subject environment are the main motivations for children. To create motivation and increase interest in physical education, notes on subject-based classes were compiled, non-standard equipment was manufactured that promotes the development of muscle strength and agility, posture is corrected, and flat feet are prevented.

To ensure motor density in classes with children of primary preschool age, the structure of the lesson can be changed.

Work with children is carried out in three directions: health-improving, educational and educational. These directions are specified in solving the following problems:

Wellness tasks

  1. Promote the development of adaptive capabilities.
  2. Improve the functions and hardening of children.
  3. Form the musculoskeletal system and correct posture.

Educational objectives

  1. To form motor skills and abilities as individual motor actions and in combination, to develop the ability to move from performing some movements to performing others.
  2. Promote the development of spatial orientation in statics and dynamics.
  3. Create conditions for the development of dexterity, flexibility, gross and fine motor skills.

Educational tasks

  1. Arouse and maintain interest in physical activity.
  2. Cultivate friendly relationships with peers in joint physical activity.
  3. To form basic skills of self-organization in physical activity.

Principles of organizing the educational process:

The principle of pedagogical comfort.

It consists in removing, if possible, all stress factors of the educational process. Pedagogical activities are carried out on a humanistic basis, that is, genuine respect for the child, positive support for his ideas and constant reinforcement of his sense of self-confidence.

The principle of self-worth of childhood.

I am close to the words of Sukhomlinsky that “childhood is the most important period of human life, not preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life.”

The principle of creativity.

Maximum focus on creativity in the activities of preschool children, their acquisition of their own experience of creative activity

Summary of a training session with a rope closed in a circle “Friendly guys”

Lesson objectives:

teach and run in circles after each other (around the “puddle”); while learning a set of general developmental exercises, teach how to make movements together, coordinating with the movements of other children, consolidate the ability to jump on two legs in place; harden children by walking barefoot; foster a sense of partnership.

Physical education equipment:

a rope closed in a circle “Friendly guys”, a gymnastic bench, hats for outdoor games - a hare, an elephant, a crow.


A rope is laid out in a circle on the floor, the children are sitting on a gymnastics bench.

This is a big puddle. To loud music we will run after each other without pushing or bumping around the puddle, and to quiet music we will walk around the puddle one after another - to walk.

Introductory part

Run after each other in a circle - 2 laps.

Walking one after another in a circle – 1 lap.

Repeat 2 times.

Main part

General developmental exercises with a rope closed in a circle.

The rope lies on the floor, the children stand facing in a circle, their toes next to the rope.

1. “Show me the rope.”

I.p. basic stance, rope in hands; 1 – lift the rope up together, 2 – i.p. - 4 times.

2. “Leaned over together.”

I.p. wide stance, rope on shoulders behind head, hold rope with hands; 1 – bend down, 2 – i.p. - 3 times.

3. “Let's go.”

I.p. sitting on the floor with your feet in a circle, rope on your knees, grip from above; walking on the buttocks in and out of the circle “chug-chug-chug” – 1 time.

4. “Hidden.”

I.p. Same; 1 – hide the rope under your knees, 2 – i.p. - 4 times.

5. “Let’s dry the lace.”

I.p. sitting on the floor, lace on the ankle, arms at the side; 1 – raise your legs with the rope up, 2 – i.p. - 3 times.

Main types of movement

  1. Jumping on two legs in one place - 2 times.
  2. Walking sideways with an additional step along the cord - 2 times.

Outdoor game “Mom and children”

Children sit on a gymnastic bench, pretending to be children; on the opposite side, the instructor is the mother.

- I am a bunny mother (I put on a bunny hat),

little bunnies, come to me.

Baby bunnies jump on two legs towards their mother. They waved their ears, crunched the carrots, showed their tails to mom, and turned their backs.

- I’ll catch up!

The bunnies run away.

Repeat the game with other characters (baby elephants stomp, wave their big hands; crows flap their wings, croak)

Final part

Dynamic pause “Leaves”.

The north wind blew - s-s-s-s (put your palms to your lips)

And blew all the leaves off the linden tree (by blowing)

They flew and began to spin (show the leaves spinning with your hands)

And they sank to the ground (press your palms to your thighs)

The rain began to tap on them (we tap on our thighs with our fingers)

The hail then began to hammer (we knock our fists)

It pierced all the leaves.

Then he dusted them with snow and covered them with a blanket (press your palms to your hips)

Summary of a training session with a medium-sized ball

Lesson objectives:

learn a set of exercises with a ball; improve jumping skills on two legs; develop fine motor skills, cultivate a desire to engage in physical education.

Physical education equipment:

a set of balls (one for each child), one large diameter ball.


Introductory part

Exercise “Big legs - small legs.”

  1. Walking in a circle, one after another, with long strides – Big feet walked
    along the road.
    1/2 circle.
  2. Running in circles one after another - Little feet ran along the path

    1 lap.

Repeat the tasks 3 times.

Main part

Remind the children what kind of balls “live” in the basket - funny, bouncy, naughty. And so that they don’t run away, you need to hold the balls tightly (spread your fingers and press them to the ball)

Distribute balls, formation is free, children stand facing the instructor.

General developmental exercises with a ball

1. “Let’s hide the ball.”

I.p. wide stance, ball in front of the chest in straight hands; 1 – hide the ball behind your head, 2 – i.p. – “here” – 4 times.

2. “Tumbler”.

I.p. wide stance, place the ball on your head and hold it tightly; 1 – turn to the right, 2 – i.p., 3 – turn to the left, 4 – i.p. - 4 times.

3. “Watch.”

I.p. wide stance, ball pressed to the chest, elbows spread to the sides; 1 – tilt towards “tick”, 2 – i.p. “so” – 4 times.

4. “Let’s go for a ride.”

I.p. sitting on your knees, the ball on the floor in front of you; roll around yourself once in one direction, then in the other - 2 times.

5. “Carousel”.

I.p. sitting on the floor, holding the ball in your knees, arms at your side; holding the ball with your knees and pushing off with your hands, make a full turn around yourself in one direction, then in the other direction.

Main types of movements

  1. Jumping on two legs near the ball “jumping like a ball”
  2. Game - exercise “Top” - spinning the ball while sitting on the floor with your right hand.

Outdoor game “My funny ringing ball”

Bring in a large rubber ball, preferably brightly colored.

— The ball looked at us and also wanted to play.

My cheerful ringing ball, where did you start galloping? Yellow, red, blue, Can't keep up with you.

Children jump on two legs, then run away from a rolling ball

-3 times.

Final part

Breathing game “Let’s blow up a ball” – connect your fingers, blow into the hole, then take the “ball” by the string and take it to the group.

At first glance, it seems that the exercises are difficult and kids will not be able to cope with them. But there is play motivation, certain skills, children really like to play with the ball.

In subsequent activities, you can try giving the children a ball in the water part: the kids can run with the ball in a flock or in a circle. Run with a stop (with the end of the music, hide the ball, lying on your stomach): walk on your toes, lift the ball up - “Giants”, walk on your heels, putting the ball behind your head.

Next, in the classroom, include exercises with a ball in the OVD, in accordance with the program according to which the preschool institution operates

Summary of training session with hoop

Lesson objectives:

introduce children to a new sports equipment - a hoop; learn a set of general developmental exercises with a hoop; improve

straight gallop technique in the “horse” exercise; learn to maintain balance when walking from hoop to hoop; increase the emotional mood of children.

Physical education equipment:

a set of hoops (one for each child).


Show the children the hoop and ask what it looks like. Children usually answer that it looks like a circle and a steering wheel. Give everyone hoops, take it as a “steering wheel” (side grip).

Introductory part

1. Walking in a circle one after another, exercise “steering wheel” - 1 circle.

2. Straight gallop in a circle – hoop around the neck, side grip, exercise “Horses” – 1 circle.

Repeat tasks 3 times.

Main part

General developmental exercises with hoop

1. “Window”.

I.p. wide stance, hoop pressed to the chest; 1 – pull the hoop forward, look through the “window”, 2 – i.p. - 4 times.

2. “Watch”,

I.p. Same; 1 – tilt to the right “tick”, 2 – i.p. “so”, tilt to the left “tick”, 4 – i.p. - 4 times.

3. “Beads”.

I.p. wide stance, hoop around the neck, arms to the sides; 1 – bend forward, hoop hanging on the neck, 2 – i.p. - 3 times.

4. “Ku-ku.”

I.p. basic stance, hoop on the floor, overhand grip; 1 – sit down, look into the hoop – “Peek-a-boo”, 2 – i.p. - 4 times.

5. “Skirt”.

I.p. sitting in the hoop, legs crossed, grip on the hoop from the side; turn the hoop around yourself without letting go of your hands for 5 seconds.

6. “Pyramid”.

I.p. Same; 1 – lift the hoop up, 2 – i.p. “put the ring on the pyramid” – 3 times.

Main types of movements

  1. Walking along a path made of hoops.
  2. Jumping in a hoop on two legs.
  3. Exercise “Top” – spinning a hoop on the floor

Outdoor game “Day and Night” (running in all directions with a stop)

The children are sparrows, hoops - nests - are laid out in discord on the floor. To the music, the sparrows fly around the hall around the hoops, and when the music ends, they fly to their nests.

Complication: at night the cat goes hunting. The role of the cat is played by an adult.

Final part

Slow whirling - “Snowflakes are spinning” in one direction, then in the other. Snowflakes fell on the floor, creating a large snowdrift.

Further, hoops can be used in ATS: jumping into a hoop, climbing into a hoop, jumping from a hoop into a hoop, deep jumps from a mat into a hoop and further according to the work program.

Summary of a training session with a gymnastic stick

Lesson objectives:

learn a new set of general developmental exercises; improve the technique of straight gallop while riding a gymnastic stick; continue to teach how to throw a bag into the distance with one hand; develop a sense of balance and correct posture when walking with a bag on your head; cultivate a desire to engage in physical education.

Physical education equipment:

a set of gymnastic sticks (one for each child), bags of sand weighing 150 g (one for each child), a cap for Santa Claus.


Line up the children. Give the kids a gymnastic stick. The child stands in line, holding a stick with one hand, like a cane.

Give the command to turn around one another and sit astride a stick.

Introductory part

  1. Straight gallop on a stick – “On a horse” – 1 lap.
  2. Walking on toes, stick up - 6 steps.
  3. 3. Straight gallop – 1 lap.
  4. 4. Calm walking, “steering wheel” exercise – 1 lap.

Main part

Formation in a circle.

General developmental exercises with a gymnastic stick

1. “Barbell”.

I.p. wide stance, stick on chest; 1 – raise the stick up, 2 – i.p. - 4 times.

2. “Watch.”

I.p. wide stance, stick on shoulders; 1 – tilt to the side, 2 – i.p. - 4 times.

3. “Spinner”.

I.p. wide stance, stick in straight hands in front of you, overhand grip, fists side by side; rotation of the stick – 8 sec.

4. “Rolling pin.”

I.p. sitting on the floor, arms at the side, feet on a stick; roll the stick forward and backward with your feet – 6 times.

5. Jumping X exercise “Swing”.

I.p. basic stance, the stick stands on the floor, the child holds it with one hand, like a cane.

Jumping around a stick. – 8 sec.

6. “Swing”

I.p. wide stance, stick in hands, lowered down; swing the stick as if on a swing – 8 sec.

Main types of movements

1. Game – exercise “Don’t drop your hat” – walking with a bag on your head – 10 seconds.

2. Throwing the bag into the distance with one hand - 3 times.

Outdoor game “Santa Claus”

The role of Santa Claus is played by an adult (in a cap, with a staff - a gymnastic stick). Children are sitting on a bench.

I am Frost - red nose, overgrown beard, knocking with staff

I'm looking for friends in the forest. Come out quickly....
Bunnies jumping bunnies
I'll freeze it!
children run away
The game is repeated three times, Santa Claus is looking for different animals (bear cubs, mice, foxes, etc.).

Final part

Sedentary game “Monkeys”

Movements in accordance with the text.

Early in the morning the monkeys frolic in the clearing like this: With their left leg - stomp, with their right leg - stomp. Hands up, up, up, Who will raise the highest? Hands down and bent over, Hands on the floor, And then we walked on all fours a little... And then we will rest, We will sit and go to sleep.

From the above activities you see that the exercises are often repeated: watch, beads, steering wheel, top,

but with different sports equipment. This way we increase interest in classes, eliminating monotony.


All classes have been tested on the children of our kindergarten; our kids happily run to physical education classes, quickly adapt and cope with program tasks with ease.

Objectives in the field of Federal State Educational Standards “Physical Development” for the first junior group for the academic year by month


1. Teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other.

2. Encourage joint actions with adults and other children.

3. Exercise children in crawling under obstacles without touching them.

4. Encourage grasping and vigorous pushing of a large ball.


1. Teach children to vigorously swing their arms back and forth while walking.

2. Develop the ability to energetically push the ball forward and upward.

3. Develop the ability to perform springy movements in the knees when landing after a jump, landing on the front of the foot.


1. Continue teaching children to walk and run after each other around the edge of the hall.

2. Learn to combine springy half-squats with jumping in place on two legs.

3. Practice crawling under the arch without touching the obstacle.

4. Develop balance function when walking on a board lying on the floor.

5. Encourage them to throw the ball vigorously.

December _

1. Encourage children to push energetically when rolling a large ball.

2. Practice energetic push-off and soft landing when jumping into a hoop, from hoop to hoop


1. Teach children to use the transition from a sitting position on their heels to a kneeling position when throwing the ball into the distance.

2. Practice climbing without setting an obstacle and landing softly.

3. Develop the function of balance and the ability to crawl on your hands and knees in a confined space.


1. Develop the ability to give it the desired direction when throwing a small ball, the function of balance when walking on a gymnastic bench.

2. Encourage confidence to stay at the top.

3. Practice the ability to distinguish actions by name


1. Exercise children in energetic push-off and soft landing in jumping on two legs while moving forward.

2. Develop the ability to maintain balance when crawling on a gymnastic bench.

3. Confidently act on a platform.

4. Strengthen the ability to push off energetically with both legs and land on bent legs on your toes when long jumping.


1. Exercise the ability to climb a gymnastic ladder.

2. Develop the ability to climb over an obstacle (log, bench), perform actions in a certain order.

3. Develop the ability to crawl under an arc 50cm high without setting an obstacle.

4. Teach children to energetically push the ball away when throwing into the distance, performing a swing with their hand


1. Exercise children in vigorously pushing a large ball away from their chest with both hands when throwing into the distance.

2. Develop the ability to land softly and push off energetically with both legs at the same time when performing a standing long jump.

3. Strengthen the ability to perform familiar movements in new conditions.


1. Introduce walking and running in a given direction.

2. Develop the ability to maintain balance.

3. Introduce you to jumping on two legs in revenge.

4. Strengthen walking and running in a column one at a time, rolling the ball to each other, crawling on all fours with support on your palms and knees.


1. Learn to walk and run in a circle, develop a stable position when walking and running on a reduced support area.

2. Develop the ability to land on bent legs.

3. Develop the skill of vigorously repelling balls when rolling to each other.


1. Strengthen the skills of walking and running in a column one at a time, performing tasks at a signal, alternating running and walking.

2. Exercise: jumping from hoop to hoop.


1. Learn to walk and run randomly, using the entire area in a circle, between objects, without touching them.

3. Practice maintaining stable balance while walking on a plank.

4. Develop the skill of landing on bent legs.

5. Practice rolling the ball, crawling under the arc and cord without touching them.


1. Introduce children to forming and walking in pairs.

2. Practice walking and running in all directions, learning to land softly on bent legs.

3. Practice rolling the ball around an object.

4. Develop the ability to crawl under an arc, develop eye and dexterity.

5. Learn to maintain balance while walking over a limited area of ​​support.


1. Practice walking and running, performing tasks when given a signal.

2. Teach to land softly after jumping.

3. Energetically push the ball while rolling it in a straight direction.

4. Practice walking and stepping over objects.

5. Learn to throw balls over a cord, strengthen the skills of walking over the slats of a ladder.


1. Teach standing long jumps and proper grip on the rail when climbing.

2. Practice walking in pairs and running in all directions.

3. Develop dexterity when rolling a ball, walking and running in a circle.

4. Learn to throw the ball on the ground and catch it with both hands.

5. Practice crawling on a board, walking over obstacles, and maintaining balance while walking on a gymnastic bench.


1. Learn to land on both feet, throw the ball up and catch it with both hands.

2. Climb onto an inclined ladder and practice walking and running, stopping at the teacher’s signal.

3. Practice long jumps from the place of throwing the ball on the floor. walking and running scattered in a column, one at a time.

5. By walking and crawling on the board, form correct posture, strengthen the ability to jump over a cord, crawl on a bench, learn to walk with side steps, steps forward.


1. Teach to land softly when performing a standing long jump, throw the ball up and catch it.

2. Practice walking and running in a circle, jumping over a cord, walking and running in all directions and finding your place in a column, crawling on a bench with support on your palms and knees.

3. Strengthen the ability to climb an inclined board.


1. Practice walking and running in a column, vigorously pushing off the floor with both legs.

2. Learn to maintain stable balance when walking on a reduced support area, jump up energetically, throw the ball up and catch it with both hands.

3. Strengthen the ability to roll the ball in a straight direction, crawl under the cord, arc.


1. Learn to maintain a stable position when walking on increased support, to find your place when walking and running.

2. Develop the eye and rhythm of the step when stepping over the bars.

3. Practice vigorous pushing off the floor and rolling the ball to each other.

4. Develop directional accuracy, practice crawling under an arc without touching the floor with your hands, walking with changes in direction, and jumping on two legs.


1. Practice walking and running with changes in direction, jumping on two legs, and throwing a ball.

2. Learn to crawl on your stomach on a bench (pulling yourself up with your arms), to establish stable balance when walking on an elevated support.

3. Hardening procedures, watch your posture.


1. Teach children to form pairs on the spot.

2. Practice soft landing when jumping.

3. Strengthen the ability to roll the ball, develop the eye, learn to catch the ball.

4. Practice crawling on all fours on an elevated support, strengthen the skill of finding your place in the column.

5. Teach the correct grip when crawling, teach how to keep a distance when moving, continue to introduce children to the basics of a healthy lifestyle, methods of hardening, and healing.


1. Practice walking and running between objects to strengthen the ability to hit the ball on the floor.

2. Practice crawling on a bench on all fours and walking with your knees raised high.

3. Strengthen the ability to crawl under the cord.

4. Learn to maintain distance when moving.

5. Learn to walk on a gymnastic bench with a turn in the middle, practice stepping over an obstacle.


1. Develop the ability to be proactive in preparing and cleaning class areas.

2. Learn to catch the ball with both hands.

3. Practice walking and running, changing direction, on an inclined board, jumping over cords.

4. Strengthen exercises in balance, practice crawling on all fours while walking while performing a task, jumping from hoop to hoop.

5. Nurture and maintain friendly relations, improve the technique of throwing at a target, teach the rules of the relay race.


1. Teach correctly, keep busy, etc. etc. when jumping long from a place, climb an inclined ladder with the transition to a wall bars.

2. Practice throwing the ball over the net, walking and running in a circle, and rolling the ball around objects.

3. When crawling on your stomach on a bench, teach consciously refers to the rules of the game.

4. Practice jumping on hopper balls.


1. Objectives. teach energetic take-off, standing long jump, swing when throwing a bag at a distance, maintaining distance while moving and forming.

2. Strengthen the ability to take the correct position when jumping long from a place, throwing at a target, crawling on all fours on a reduced support area.

3. Develop the ability to rebuild three columns.

4. Repeat throwing the ball to each other.


1. Learn to run and walk by changing directions, climb a gymnastic wall, and rappel.

2. Practice standing long jumps, throwing the ball to each other, throwing at a distance with your right and left hands, target.

3. Crawling, crawling on the bench on your stomach, jumping over the cord.


1. Learn to maintain stable balance when walking on a gymnastic bench, energetically pushing off the floor with both legs, swinging your arms while jumping while reaching for an object, throwing a ball up, walking with changes in pace, climbing through a hoop.

2. Practice running in all directions, throwing and catching the ball, throwing the ball to each other, walking with high knees, continuous running, jumping forward.


1. Teach walking in a formation step, turning while walking at a signal, changing into three columns, stopping on command.

2. Practice running for up to 1 minute, stepping over ropes, throwing a ball at a target, balancing and jumping.

3. Repeat climbing through the hoop sideways, throwing the ball to each other, crawling over an obstacle.



1. Learn to transfer a small ball from one hand to another while walking on a gymnastic bench, jumping on the right and left legs alternately with moving forward.

2. Practice walking skills with high knees.

3. Running in all directions, throwing a ball in a line, crawling on a bench on your stomach and dribbling a ball between objects, climbing through hoops with a ball in your hands, walking and stopping at a signal.

4. Develop dexterity and stable balance, coordination of movements.


1. Teach walking on an inclined board, jumping from foot to foot moving forward, climbing a wall bars, going down a rope.

2. Improve running in a column one at a time while maintaining distance, jumping on 2 legs while overcoming obstacles, crawling on all fours between pins, and catching the ball.

3. Develop dexterity and eye, crawling on a gymnastic bench on your stomach, strengthening balance in jumping, running loosely and in circles.


1. Objectives. learn to climb a gymnastic staircase and move to the next flight.

2. Practice walking and running between obstacles, jumping from foot to foot.

3. Practice throwing the ball into the hoop, on all fours, pushing the ball in front of you with your head, into the hoop in balance, and dribbling the ball in a straight direction.



1. Learn to maintain stable balance when walking on an inclined board, throwing balls at a target, and climbing a gymnastic ladder.

2. Strengthen the skills of jumping over bars, throwing a ball into a basket, energetic push-off and landing when standing long jump, crawling under an arc and hitting the ball on the floor with one hand, crawling under a stick and stepping over it.


1. Teach tightrope walking with a bag on the head, high jumping from a running start.

2. Practice walking in a column one at a time with a turn at a signal, jumping from hoop to hoop, throwing a ball to each other, throwing at a target, walking and running between objects, changing into pairs and back.

3. Strengthen the skills of crawling on all fours between objects, on a bench on your palms and feet, crawling under a rail, forming in three columns.


1. Learn jumping with a short rope, running at speed.

2. Practice walking on a gymnastic bench, jumping on two legs, throwing at a target, walking and running between objects, rolling hoops, balance and jumping.

3. Strengthen throwing at a target and at a distance, skills in climbing a gymnastic wall, rappelling.


1. Teach running long jumps

2. Practice walking and running in pairs, throwing at a target and at a distance, long and high jumps and standing and running, throwing the ball to each other, climbing on bears, throwing the ball on the floor with your hand, catching with both hands.

3. Climb the bench on your stomach, pull yourself up on your arms, and throw the ball against the wall.


1. Exercise walking and running in a column one at a time, maintaining a distance, clearly recording repetitions, in a circle, stopping at a signal.

2. Strengthen balance skills when walking on increased support.

3. Strengthen balance skills when walking on increased support.

4. Develop accuracy when throwing the ball, coordination of movements when jumping, when jumping over objects.

5. Repeat standing and running long jumps, long-distance and target throwing, exercises for throwing the ball over the net.


1. Strengthen the skills of walking and running between objects, changing the spray on a signal, raising the knees high, changing the pace of movement.

2. Practice maintaining balance.

3. Jumping, throwing a ball, landing on bent legs, crawling on all fours with an additional task.

4. Develop coordination of movements.

5. Learn to jump up from a deep squat.


1. Strengthen the skills of walking and running in a circle, in pairs, overcoming obstacles, in a snake, between objects.

2. Learn to walk along a rope placed on the floor, jump over a short bench, throw a bag at a target, and move diagonally to another flight along a gymnastic wall.

3. Practice energetic push-off while jumping, crawling under a cord, rolling hoops, crawling on a bench with a bag on your back.


1. Strengthen the skills of walking by completing a task at a signal, running over obstacles, in pairs, changing from one column to two to three.

2. Develop coordination of movements when walking over a limited area of ​​support.

3. Practice jumping, alternating bouncing on the right and left legs, and climbing gymnastic stairs with the transition from flight to flight.

4. Watch your posture while doing balance exercises.


1. Learn the side step, jumping on a soft surface.

2. Secure the formation in three columns, crawling along the bench.

3. Develop dexterity and coordination in exercises with the ball, walking skills alternating with running and performing tasks at a signal, the ability to energetically push off the floor when jumping and land on bent legs.

4. Repeat balance exercises on the gymnastic wall, using a short rope.


1. Exercise in walking and running in a column one at a time, stopping at a signal, jumping, throwing a small ball, walking and running with changes in direction, crawling on a gymnastic bench, and running between objects, climbing between slats, throwing a ball each other.

2. Strengthen balance, posture when walking over an increased area of ​​support, energetic push-off when jumping.

3. Develop dexterity and eye when throwing at a target.


1. Strengthen the skills of alternating walking and running, changing into columns of 3 and 4, and climbing a gymnastic wall.

2. Practice maintaining balance. In energetic push-off and landing on bent legs, in jumping, in running up to 3 minutes, in dribbling the ball with the foot.

3. Develop coordination in exercises with the ball, spatial orientation, eye and precision and accuracy in throwing.

4. Teach how to rotate hoops on your belt.


1. Teach walking on a limited area of ​​support, walking in a circle in the opposite direction.

2. Strengthen walking with changes of direction, running with high hip lifts, skills of dribbling the ball in a straight direction, climbing on a gymnastic bench, throwing at a distance.

3. Repeat jumping forward, balance.

4. Improve running long jumps and high jumps.


1. Learn speed running, running at an average speed of up to 100m.

2. Practice running high jumps, long jumps, throwing a ball at a target, throwing a bag at a distance.

3. Repeat jumping rope and dribbling the ball.

Physical education lesson in 1st junior group

Artyukhova Natalia Alexandrovna

Physical education lesson in 1st junior group.

Program content:

Strengthen children's interest in physical exercise.

Help improve motor skills and abilities.

Teach children to walk and run without bumping into each other, with coordinated, free movements of their arms and legs.

Develop correct posture and stable body position.

Strengthen the skills of crawling on a limited surface.

Learn to change direction at the teacher’s signal.

Strengthen the ability to act together, adhering to a certain direction of progress.

Materials and equipment:

Arc – 1 pc.

Ribbed board – 1 pc.

Bench – 1 pc.

Cubes for the obstacle course.

Progress of the lesson.

The hall is decorated to resemble a spring meadow, with flowers arranged in a circle. Children enter the hall together with the teacher.


Now you and I will be horses. The horses went for a walk in the spring meadow. How do horses walk? The head and back are held straight, the legs are raised high. (Children with a teacher walk in a circle around the flowers).

“And horses also love to run.” How do horses run? Let's show. Well done.

- And now you and I will be mice. The mice walk quietly

on toes, paws in front, head pressed to shoulders. How do mice squeak? Well done.

- And now we are chickens. Where are the wings of chickens (children show). How do chickens walk? (children show). Well done.


Guys, look how many flowers there are in the clearing. Let's pick one flower at a time.

Children stand in a circle and take a flower in their hand.


Please show me what flowers you picked.

General developmental exercises are performed.

Exercise 1. “Show the flower.”

I.p. – legs apart, flower hidden behind back.

Hands up through the sides, showed a flower, lower your hands, hide. Repeat 3-4 times.

Exercise 2. “Show the flower to a friend.”

I.p. – the same as in exercise 1.

Turn right, show the flower, return to IP. Repeat 2 times. Place the flower in the other hand - turn left, return to IP. repeat 2 times.

Exercise 3.

I.p. - sitting on the floor, legs together.

Bend over, stretch forward, and touch your toes with the flower. Return to i.p. Repeat 3-4 times.

Exercise 4.

I.p. – legs apart, wider, the flower lies in the middle.

Raise one leg, move it over the flower, put it down, return to i.p. Do the same with the other leg. Repeat 3-4 times with each leg.

Exercise 5. “Whose flower is taller.”

Jumping on two legs, hands with a flower up.

Exercise 6. “Let’s smell the flowers.”

Exercise to restore breathing.


Guys, let's sit in the spring meadow, relax, listen to the spring song.

Music is playing. At this time, equipment for the main types of movements is prepared.


Now you will be tiny kittens. The kittens are lost and need to find their home. Well, let's hit the road.

The naughty kittens crawled under the gate and ran away from their mother cat. (Children crawl under the arc). They walked and walked and reached a narrow path (walking on a ribbed board). The kittens walked along the path. They went further and came across a river on their way, and a bridge across the river. The kittens need to cross the river across the bridge to the other side (climbing on all fours on a bench). The kittens moved to the other side, and here in front of them was a path with bumps (the children walked, stepping over the blocks). The kittens walked along the path and found themselves in front of their house.

In conclusion, the game “Shaggy Dog”


Description of the game.

The children stand on one side of the hall. One child is on the opposite side of the hall, on the carpet, pretending to be a dog. The children quietly approach the dog in a crowd, and the teacher at this time says the following words:

Here lies a shaggy dog,

With your nose buried in your paws.

Quietly, quietly he lies,

He's either dozing or sleeping.

Let's go to him and wake him up

And let’s see: “Will something happen?”

Children approach the dog. As soon as the teacher finishes reading the poem, the dog jumps up and barks loudly. The children run away, the dog chases them and tries to catch someone and take them to him. When all the children hide, the dog returns to his place and lies down.

Instructions for playing the game.

The place where the dog is and the place where the children run should be located further away from one another so that there is space for running. The teacher makes sure that the children do not touch the dog when approaching him and do not push each other when running away from the dog.

Physical development lesson in the nursery group “Walk with the Bunny in the autumn forest”

Lesson on physical development in a nursery group

"Walk with the Bunny in the autumn forest"


strengthen the physical and mental health of children;



• exercise the ability to walk and run after each other;

• develop the ability to correctly perform jumps through 2 parallel lines, pushing off with both legs and landing softly;

• practice maintaining stable balance when walking on a gymnastic bench;

• strengthen the ability to crawl under an arch and straighten up;

• enrich and activate children's motor experience.


Develop attention, fine motor skills of fingers and toes; spatial orientation skills, coordination and rhythm of movements, psychophysical qualities: speed, dexterity.


To cultivate interest in physical education, to evoke joy and satisfaction from joint gaming activities, to cultivate courage and confidence when walking on a limited plane.

Equipment for the lesson:

leaves - 2 for each child; arcs of different heights; gymnastic bench (height 20 cm); 2 ropes; soft toys - bunny and bear; treats for the Hare (vegetables and fruits - dummies).

Progress of the lesson

Part I - Introductory part.

Organizing time:

Educator - Guys, Bunny came to us today (the teacher shows a toy hare, he invites you for a walk in the autumn forest)

. Shall we go for a walk with the Bunny?

We walk along the path (walk one after another, 30 seconds)

(The teacher walks backwards, carries the Hare in his hand and offers to look at him - formation of correct posture).

We begin to stomp loudly (stomp).

Through a puddle, stream

Jump-jump, jump-jump (jumps with forward movement).

We are walking on pebbles

And we don’t get tired at all (Corrective walking along massage paths, an exercise to prevent flat feet)

Well, if you're not tired,

ran quickly and quickly (running after each other).

Part II - Main part:

Educator: Here we are in a forest clearing. Look how many leaves there are! Take 2 leaves each and let's play with them! And the bunny will see how the children can play with leaves (Children stand scattered facing the teacher, each holding 2 leaves).

1. Outdoor switchgear

1) “Showed - hid the leaves”

I.P. - standing, hands below, leaves in each hand. Show the leaves, hands forward, hide the leaves, hands behind your back (4-5 times).

2) “Let’s stroke the legs with leaves”

I.P. - sitting, legs apart, hands with leaves in front. Bend over your toes, stroke your legs with leaves, straighten up (4-5 times).

3) “Bugs hide in the leaves”

I.P. - lie on your back, arms with leaves extended along the body, raise your arms with leaves and legs, move them randomly “like bugs” (4-5 times).

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