Game “Road Experts” (joint entertainment with parents)

Scenario for shared winter fun with parents in kindergarten. Senior group

Scenario for joint entertainment with parents “Christmas tree, goodbye!”
Author: Alexandrova Alexandra Evgenievna music director of GBDOU kindergarten No. 4 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg Description of work: I bring to your attention a scenario for joint entertainment with parents “Christmas tree, goodbye!” This scenario can be used by music directors and preschool teachers. The holiday scenario is intended for children of senior preschool age. Topic: Joint events with parents Leading educational area: artistic and aesthetic development. Goal: to create an atmosphere of magic, mystery, mystery for children; Objectives: - to attract children to participate in the holiday; — develop children’s musical, dancing, and singing abilities; - encourage children to actively participate in musical games; Types of activities: communicative, gaming, musical. Participants: children of the senior group, music director, teachers, parents Preliminary work: - selection of musical repertoire; - learning poems with parents - learning songs Decoration: the hall is festively decorated Venue: music hall. Materials and equipment: snowballs, baskets.
costumes for parents for the scene, rattles. Christmas tree, goodbye!
Presenter: Today we have gathered to see and please our guest from the forest - a green, fluffy Christmas tree. She comes to visit us along with fun and festive mood on winter days. Let's sing her a joyful song. “Winter Song” Presenter: The Snow Fairies will fly to us and show us a wonderful dance. Fairy Dance

Presenter: scatters snowballs. How much snow the Snow Fairies gave us. Guys, run out and play with snowballs! Snowball game Presenter: Now let's collect snowballs and amuse our parents. Game “Collect snowballs with parents’ eyes closed. Children holding baskets

Presenter: We invite guests to show their talent and read poetry to us. Poems Holidays are everyday life, holidays are everyday life, Somewhere it’s easy for us, but somewhere it’s difficult for us. The holiday is passing - we see off the guests, we put the elegant dresses in the closet. We decorated Christmas trees for the holiday, and we lit lights on them. The Christmas tree gives us a bright outfit, and treats our favorite children. We will remove the candy toys from the tree, our green guest will leave the hall. Christmas tree, goodbye! We say goodbye to the Christmas tree together - GOODBYE!!

It’s getting quieter in our hall, and the lights on the Christmas tree are not on. Goodbye girls, boys, Goodbye they say. Goodbye, our Christmas tree, wish us goodness and love. Wish your wishes come true, New Year tree, goodbye. Friends part, but tenderness remains in the heart. Let's cherish the fairy tale. Goodbye, until we meet again.

Presenter: And now, as a farewell song, let’s sing a song to our Christmas tree. “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” Presenter: And now we’ll play and amuse ourselves! “Pass the snowball around each other”

Presenter: Let’s take the rattles apart and play again. Playing with rattles

Presenter: We guys showed so many skits to our parents. and today they will show us themselves. Would you like to see? Sketch “Hares on a Christmas Tree” Presenter: The runner-up bunnies galloped through the forest for a long time, But they were cold and tired, and the bunnies hid. . The white bunnies are sitting and shivering from the cold. Bunnies: Who will take pity on us and warm our paws? Presenter: The Cockerel, a bright red comb, heard them. Cockerel: I will take pity on you, I will warm your paws! You will learn like this: stand on one leg, flap your wings strongly! The bunnies repeat, but they don’t succeed. Presenter: No matter how hard the hares worked, they learned nothing. Again the bunnies are sitting and shivering from the cold. Bunnies: Who will take pity on us and warm our paws?

Presenter: Bear found them in the forest and came waddling. Bear: I will take pity on you, I will warm your paws! You will learn to lie in a den like this and suck a paw! Bunny: What are you talking about, Teddy bear, we can’t lie like that, sucking a dirty paw! Our mother said: “It’s a shame to put your paw in your mouth!” Presenter: Again the bunnies are sitting and shivering from the cold! Bunnies: Who will take pity on us and warm our paws? Presenter: The fox saw them and ran to the bunnies. Fox: I will take pity on you, I will warm your paws! I will hug you, kiss you tightly, tightly! Am!!! (tries to grab) Presenter: Oh, you sly fox! You want to eat the rabbits! Bunnies: Go away, go away, don't come to us again!!! Presenter: Then the Snow Maiden came and approached the bunnies. Snow Maiden: I will take pity on you, I will warm your paws! Louder, music, play, warm the rabbits' paws! And that's it, guys, come out and dance with us! General dance “It’s frosty outside” Presenter: I would like to end our joyful holiday on a cheerful note. As a farewell, I suggest taking a photo at the Christmas tree.

We recommend watching:

Winter entertainment in the senior group “Winter Fun” Scenario for a musical festival in the senior group on the theme: Winter Winter Festival on the street in the senior group of the kindergarten Scenario for the winter holiday “Crystal Winter” for preschoolers in the senior group

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Spending leisure time together in the senior group as one of the forms of working with parents in a preschool educational institution

When parents bring their child to kindergarten for the first time, they always experience great excitement, concern about who they will have to entrust the most precious thing in the world - the health and life of their baby. And, of course, at first they closely monitor the work of teachers in preschool educational institutions.

In order to improve the status of the institution, show the work of teachers, improve the level of education and training of preschool children, a huge educational work is being carried out for parents.

How to win over new parents? How to establish trusting relationships with them? How to help create good-hearted relationships between parents of students? This can be facilitated by holding holidays in preschool educational institutions, which are one of the forms of working with parents.

At the beginning of the school year, children from other kindergartens came to our senior group. Therefore, in order to establish relationships with parents and children, we decided to hold a holiday in the group dedicated to Mother’s Day at the end of November. But not in the traditional form, when educators prepare children for performances, and parents are invited as spectators, but joint creativity between educators, parents and children. The structure of such leisure activities should include both performances by teachers and children, and demonstrations of homemade preparations by parents and children.

The goal of our event is to arouse sustainable interest of all participants in the process towards each other; to give both parents and their children the opportunity to express themselves, to show their skills, abilities, and creativity.

The preparation of the holiday was preceded by a lot of preliminary work, which lasted for a month. The teachers' responsibilities included:

  • Get parents ready to speak publicly.
  • Distribute topics for speeches among parents according to their wishes, suggest sources of information.
  • Together with the children, prepare collective performances, gifts for mothers, necessary attributes, and musical accompaniment.
  • Write a holiday script so that it harmoniously intertwines performances aimed at physical, intellectual and emotional development.

To make the holiday bright and memorable,

took into account the individual characteristics and interests of children and their parents, a variety of topics were proposed for presentations:

  • showing tricks;
  • telling riddles for children;
  • telling riddles for adults;
  • making puzzles;
  • viewing the poster “Tall Tales”;
  • telling children's jokes;
  • reading a poem;
  • performance of the song;
  • dance performance;
  • showing a humorous skit;
  • master class “Kinesthetic gymnastics”;
  • demonstration of unconventional drawing techniques;
  • gymnastic sketch;
  • roller skating;
  • masterful ball handling;
  • competition “Hairstyle for Mom”.

With each parent, the teachers discussed the time of the performance, the availability and clarity of information, the necessary attributes, and costumes. Programs were also printed for the convenience of the speakers.

The teachers, in turn, learned two songs and poems about mother with the children, prepared musical physical education breaks, a performance with non-traditional musical instruments (strums, rustles, ringers...), gifts (applique with drawing elements).

As a result of careful preparation, leisure time was dynamic; During the event, a balance was maintained between mental, physical and psycho-emotional stress; performances and tasks corresponded to the age characteristics of the children, were accessible and entertaining; During the celebration, children were able to show ingenuity, imagination, the ability to think and reason logically, as well as listen carefully and kindly support the speakers with applause.

The attention and interest during the event was steady among all those present. All participants in the process were very pleased. For several days after the holiday, the guys shared their impressions of the brightest moments of their performances.

Thus, the holiday turned out to be interesting, eventful, colorful, educational, emotionally charged and memorable for all participants. And this is an important stage for establishing further cooperation between parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of the event with parents Topic: “The safety of children is in our hands”

municipal preschool educational autonomous institution "Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities

on the physical development of children No. 88"

Preparatory group for school

Prepared by: Elena Anatolyevna Traitelman, teacher of the first qualification category of MDOAU No. 88 of Orenburg

Program content:

  1. To help parents develop self-esteem, self-control and self-organization in children in the field of safety. To consolidate children's knowledge of how to behave correctly and safely at home and on the street.
  2. Stimulate the development of the child’s psychophysiological qualities that ensure his safety.
  3. Foster a culture of behavior and develop the mental activity of children.



  • Cultivate moral qualities: mutual assistance, culture of behavior
  • To form motivation for health in children;
  • Create a desire to help others.


  • Develop: interest in the history of Russian cultures, in the world of objects and things; the ability to act independently; in case of difficulties, turn to an adult for help; creativity, imagination and individual expression when making a rag doll.


  • Expand children's understanding of dangerous household items.
  • Discuss with children various dangerous situations and objects that can serve as sources of danger when playing in the yard and in the house. Expand your understanding of. teach how to behave correctly in situations when communicating with strangers
  • To form universal prerequisites for educational activities (the ability to work according to a rule, according to a model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions).
  • Improving the ability to comply with generally accepted norms of behavior, the desire for health-saving behavior;
  • Learn to use verbal and nonverbal means of communication.
  • Creating an environment for organizing and conducting parental education for parents:

Types of children's activities in GCD:

  • Gaming.
  • Communicative.
  • Labor.
  • Productive.
  • Musical and artistic.
  • Reading fiction.
  • Telling poems.

Expected results:

For children:

  1. Developed healthy lifestyle skills.
  2. Proper physical development of the child’s body, increasing its resistance to infections.
  3. Improvement of somatic health indicators and physical fitness indicators.
  4. The formation of a hygienic culture, the presence of a need for a healthy lifestyle and the possibilities of providing it.

For parents:

  1. Formed active parental position.
  2. Increasing the competence of parents in matters related to child safety and health.
  3. Active participation of parents in the life of the preschool educational institution.

Integration of educational areas:

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