Drawing on the topic of traffic rules, grade 6 – Competition for children’s drawings on the topic of road safety. Prizes of the project “Safe roads point RF”

road safety through the eyes of children, drawings, pictures, coloring pages on traffic rules for schoolchildren and kids


Knowing the rules of the road will help children navigate the road. Learning takes place in a playful way - kids act out skits, draw posters, emblems or color corresponding pictures. Children easily remember how to behave in emergency situations on the road, how to avoid an accident. Below are options for how to draw a poster on the topic “Road Rules”.

How to draw a poster on a theme

Compliance with traffic rules is the key to the safety of children and adults; they explain the rights of pedestrians and drivers on the road, and sometimes save lives. Schools and kindergartens instill in children and older children not only knowledge of traffic rules, but also the desire to adhere to them.

When children are asked to draw a poster or picture, in the process of working they learn the basic rules of behavior on the road.

To create an image you will need whatman paper, glue, scissors, and colored paper. Colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints are useful for drawing.

The children draw their intended picture on a poster or cut out small pictures and then paste them onto the main background.

Posters are usually signed with a short slogan:

  • "Don't play on the road!";
  • “The road is a dangerous zone, be careful!”;
  • "Children! It is forbidden to play around on the road!”;
  • “I follow traffic rules, and you?”

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Traffic Laws

The posters depict a safe world through the eyes of children. Themes are suitable for pictures related to road traffic: people crossing the road, cars standing at traffic lights, zebra crossings, railway crossings, accidents on the roadway, travel by bus and other public transport.

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Safe road

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My friend is a traffic light

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My street

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Way to school

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Railroad safety

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Young pedestrian

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Road signs

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ABC of traffic

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Caution, accident

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Safety wheel

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Dangerous situations

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Car on the roadway

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Behavior in transport

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Road of the future in the city

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Underground crossing

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Drawing “We and the road”

Teachers and educators suggest depicting in illustrations how to cross the road correctly and follow the instructions of a traffic controller or traffic light.

The captions of the drawings play an important role. Capacious and concise phrases will attract attention.

If a child draws a car accident, then the title would be appropriate:

  • “The road does not tolerate pranks!”;
  • “Don’t aggravate the situation - cross the road correctly!”

If the child portrays a driver, then the drawing is signed:

  • “My dad is the best driver”;
  • "Chauffeur! Keep your eyes on the road!

In addition to drawings, children are offered other types of creativity on the topic of traffic rules: applications, crafts, presentations.

High school students can make clipart, collages, or campaign banners. Thematic photos are also suitable; high school students prepare a series of photographs about how to behave correctly on the road. Then they are shown to children in primary school, teaching the basics of safe behavior.

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For kindergarten

For learning traffic rules in preschool educational institutions, children are offered simple coloring books with large figures.

For example: a person is walking along a pedestrian crossing, a child is standing and waiting for a green traffic light. There may be good poems under the pictures.

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Senior group of preschool children

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1st class

Learning the rules of behavior on the road forms a personal desire for safety. During primary school, this is especially important, since the child for the first time begins to move independently without parental control.

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2 classes

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3 classes

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4 classes

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For middle school children

Schoolchildren in grades 5, 6, 7 often draw wall newspapers. They contain several columns: advice on following traffic rules, news about working with preschoolers or elementary school students. Columns are written by hand or typed on a computer, then printed and glued. A small picture is drawn next to each section.

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Posters on life safety

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For the competition

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For the exhibition

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With explanations

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cartoon pictures

The hero of your favorite cartoon acts as a road safety knight. The kid can portray Superman, Smesharik, a robot in the form of a traffic cop or a young traffic inspector (yuid).

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Safe traffic coloring pages

Children are offered coloring pages about following traffic rules. They can be downloaded for free from the Internet, then printed.

Topics include:

  • “I am a pedestrian”;
  • “We and the road”;
  • "Be careful on the roads."

The pictures depict a safe route to school and home, drivers in cars, traffic police officers, and a dangerous zone on the road. Coloring pictures will help preschoolers of the junior and senior groups learn the rules of road safety (road safety) in a playful way and increase children's attention to traffic problems.

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Safety precautions

The pictures cover not only behavior on the road, but also the rules of labor protection and human life safety. Compliance with them guarantees a safe childhood for school and preschool children.

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Child and road

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Smeshariki and traffic rules

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Transport on the roadway

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Coloring pages with cars

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How to draw a picture on the topic of fire safety:

Fire is an element that should not be joked with. Fire is dangerous for children and adults. But, if an adult knows and does not joke with fire, then this needs to be explained to the child.

to school, details

Children go to school smarter and prepared. They already know about the danger of fire. Therefore, for schools, fire safety drawings should be more comprehensive. This is how you can depict a forest fire. Trees with tongues of flame and animals running away from the fire. So the child will know that not only plants, but also animals suffer from fire. And in addition, they will monitor the fires during outdoor recreation.

The student already knows that firefighters fight fires and wildfires. This can be reflected in the drawing. It is enough to draw how firefighters extinguish a burning house. This illustration will once again remind you of the danger of fire and the difficult work of rescuers.

A fire can happen not only in the warm season outdoors, but also in winter. On New Year's Eve, older children love to play with firecrackers and firecrackers. And it would not be amiss to remind you that careless handling of them can lead to serious injuries and burns. For example, as in the following picture, which shows boys playing around with firecrackers and a woman whose coat caught fire from their hooliganism. This picture serves as a clear example of the dangers of such entertainment.

to kindergarten, details

For kindergarten, you can prepare a number of thematic drawings on the topic “Fire Safety”. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, it is best to describe everyday situations. For example, a drawing depicting a boy and a girl playing with matches. Fire dances around them. This is a clear illustration that playing with matches is dangerous. A fire may occur. And explain to your child the rules for handling matches and draw a poster.

Another option is an image illustrating the handling of gas appliances. The girl tried to light the burner on the stove; as a result of her inept actions, a strong flame broke out and spread to the curtains. Using this drawing as an example, we explain to children that the stove is not a toy. You can only learn to light gas with adults. Otherwise there may be trouble.

Explaining various situations is one thing, but the child needs to be told where to go if there is a fire. The following image is quite suitable for this. The picture shows a doghouse engulfed in flames. The dog is standing by the phone and calling for help. At the top of the picture is written the firefighter telephone number “01”. So, in the form of a story or fairy tale, we tell the kid that Sharik’s dog’s house caught fire and he ran to call the fire department. This way the child will remember who needs to be called in such a situation.

Pictures about traffic rules

Pictures about traffic rules will help children become familiar with various situations on our roads and learn how to act in these situations.

In general, children should be introduced to the rules of behavior on the street as early as possible, since this is a matter of their personal safety.

Sometimes, even living in a residential area, where cars are not supposed to drive quickly between houses, you encounter situations that are simply a nightmare. The lack of compliance with the rules by some drivers is simply amazing.

Therefore, we, pedestrians, need to be very vigilant and teach children to do this. And our pictures about traffic rules will help you with this.

The drawings can be saved to your computer and, if necessary, printed on a printer.

See also Collection “Traffic Light”

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Coloring pages Traffic rules (traffic rules) for children

A child’s knowledge of the rules of the road is one of the main conditions for his safety on the street. Many pedestrians, including adults, take these rules rather lightly, which often becomes the cause of traffic accidents of varying severity. Children must clearly understand that when they are on the street in a populated area, they are full participants in the road traffic, therefore compliance with traffic rules is their responsibility.

Coloring pages Traffic rules for children.

Teaching a child the rules of behavior on the street (roads, sidewalks, city transport) should begin at a very early age, before he learns to walk and run on his own. And here the example of parents and other adults with whom the child is on the street is very important. You must not only tell and explain the rules of the road to your child, but also strictly observe them yourself. The traffic rules coloring pages presented on this page are primarily intended for preschoolers and will help children learn the basic points of behavior on the road, as well as near it.

Traffic light coloring page.

The best place to safely cross the road is a pedestrian crossing equipped with a traffic light. Coloring pages with images of traffic lights also contain small rhymes that help kids more easily remember the rules for using them.

  • Always start driving only when the traffic light is green.
  • Never cross the road when traffic signals are red or yellow, even if there are no vehicles nearby.
  • When turning to a green light, additionally make sure of your safety - look to the left, then to the right.

Pedestrian crossing coloring page.

Teach your child to cross the roadway only at a pedestrian crossing. Coloring pages of pedestrian crossings will teach children how to cross the road correctly. A crossing that is not equipped with a traffic light is called unregulated.

  • The pedestrian crossing is marked on the road surface with a zebra crossing.
  • Before crossing the road, carefully inspect it and make sure that there is no traffic nearby.
  • Cross the road, don't run across it.
  • Don't cross the street diagonally.
  • Pay special attention to stationary vehicles that block your view.
  • When moving through a pedestrian crossing, stop talking on the phone.
  • If there are underground or overpasses nearby, be sure to use them; traffic is especially intense in such places.


The sidewalk is intended for pedestrian traffic. Teach children to behave correctly on sidewalks, especially those located in areas with heavy traffic flow.

  • When driving on the sidewalk along the road, do not get too close to it.
  • Carefully monitor possible vehicles leaving courtyards and alleys.
  • Don't play ball on the sidewalk or run.

Coloring pages with rules of behavior for children in city public transport and at bus stops.

These coloring pages will teach children how to safely use public transport.

  • A public transport stop is a dangerous place due to a possible poor view of the road and a large crowd of people who can accidentally push a child off the sidewalk onto the roadway. Here you need to be especially careful.
  • Approach the doors of the vehicle only after it has completely stopped.
  • After getting out of the vehicle, proceed to cross the road only after it has left the stop.

In addition to these basic traffic rules, children will be interested in coloring road signs. The presented traffic rules coloring pages are suitable for toddlers, preschoolers and primary school students, as well as for use in kindergartens and primary school lessons. All pictures with Traffic Rules are completely free - you can download and print them.


The importance of drawings on the topic of traffic rules for children

Many parents today alternate between pedestrians and drivers. Thus, the baby can learn from adults from a very early period. Walking along the streets, the child pays attention to the pedestrian crossing, its sign, and gradually learns other information. Subsequently, it will be easier for him to draw a drawing of traffic rules in kindergarten.

Project on traffic rules “Jolly traffic light”

Important! Many modern cartoons (“Smeshariki”, “Robocar Poli”, “Lessons from Aunt Owl”) deal in great detail with the issues of children’s behavior on the roads. The animated series “Three Cats” also provides explanations, which makes viewing not only entertaining, but also educational.

To help your child remember traffic rules faster, you can:

The sooner a child learns the names of signs and their characteristics, the safer his time on the street will be.

Children learning traffic lights

Traffic rules drawings for children (31 photos): 2nd grade, 5th grade, traffic rules

Traffic rules drawings for children

Drawings for children on the topic of traffic rules.

Traffic rules drawings for children 2nd grade.

Traffic rules drawings for children 5th grade.

Drawings for children - traffic rules.




Competitions in preschool educational institutions

The preschool educational institution annually holds competitions “Traffic rules through the eyes of children, drawings”, the participants of which are kindergarten students.

The objectives of the events are:

Competition-exhibition of drawings by preschoolers in kindergarten

The stages of the competition are as follows:

Additional Information! The competition is held in accordance with a table where marks are given for the fulfillment of each criterion: correct design of the sign, safety rules.

Municipal competition of children's drawings "Traffic Light - 2012". | Living Angarsk

People have long understood that the process of learning any of the sciences is a painstaking and time-consuming process. And the more time devoted to this process, the more thorough the student’s knowledge. Let's not touch on the fundamental sciences, but let's talk about the rules of the road.

Looking back half a century, we can state that the traffic rules were known and followed by almost all adult citizens of the then Soviet Union, and the culture of behavior on the road was fundamentally observed by both pedestrians and drivers. In addition to a serious fine for violating traffic rules, other sanctions were applied. For drivers - from film lectures to an exam on knowledge of traffic rules right at the scene of the violation, for pedestrians - from a conversation in the work team to the deprivation of bonuses. Well, by their personal example, adults taught the younger generation to comply with the rules of behavior on the road.

Everything is changing, and today we have widespread non-compliance by all road users with the same norms and rules of conduct on the road (by the way, they have hardly changed in 50 years), rudeness and rudeness on the roadway, and even the use of ourselves with self-defense weapons against another driver whose behavior seemed to us to be beyond the bounds of decency. And all that remains of the measures of influence are penalties, and sometimes a conscience that calls for responsibility. But what can she do to counter us against the fact that we are late for a very important meeting, or are simply in a hurry to the store?.. Therefore, drivers, in the absence of a traffic police inspector, drive as they want, and pedestrians walk where they please or are more convenient. And by our personal example, we still teach the younger generation to “comply” with the norms of behavior on the road.

Today, the problem of road traffic injuries is given great attention, and the process of teaching traffic rules begins much earlier than half a century ago - right from kindergarten. When visiting preschool educational institutions in the city or gathering their students for mass events dedicated to knowledge of traffic rules, we can say that 100% of children know what traffic light signal and at what place they need to cross the roadway. Primary school students can say exactly at what age they can ride a bicycle on the roadway and how and where they should sit in a car. Well, high school students are already helping us teach kids the rules of the road.

But why is it still there? Isn’t it because, rushing to kindergarten in the morning, we run across the road where it is closer, and do not cross it at a pedestrian crossing? Not because, when transporting a child in a car, you didn’t bother to purchase a child restraint? Is it not because the teenager in the passenger seat, like you, is driving with his seat belt unfastened and watching you, absorbing your behavior on the road? Endless rushing from row to row, the desire to get past the “flashing” intersection in time, “a pedestrian is not a tram - it will wait”...

And today, summing up the results of the annual municipal children's competition "Traffic Light - 2012", looking at children's drawings, you are convinced that children have a photographic memory. Many of the drawings are the realities of our lives. There are pictures here about tinting, and about cell phones, and about drivers, and about pedestrians. Don’t judge too harshly, of course adults also helped in making them. And it’s great to stop for a second and sit next to your child and think - are we doing everything right? Remember the existing traffic rules and reinforce them with your child. We present a number of the most successful works, selected on various topics.

It's a shame that we won't be able to encourage all the children who took part in this competition. Despite the fact that the competition is municipal, no one needs it except its organizers - the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of Angarsk and the TsRTDIYu "Harmony". And those two works that win in their nomination and will be placed on the banners of our city, as social advertising, will be produced and placed by Angara residents who are not indifferent to this problem.

Traffic police of Angarsk


Road safety through the eyes of children

For several years, the kindergarten has been carrying out planned, systematic work to develop conscious behavior on the roads in children. Traffic rules training is a vital necessity today, which is why any activities related to this issue are always supported.

Evaluating drawings on road safety through the eyes of children, the world community came to the conclusion that a child sees the road differently and crosses it differently. That is why it is important to be careful that children know the traffic rules. An adult can always study the road situation in advance, and children, as a rule, only when they are on the roadway.

Illustration of how children see road safety

Note! Child psychology is different in that the child’s attention is selective. Therefore, they cannot keep their focus on more than two objects. For this reason, from all the diversity of the surrounding world, he singles out exactly what attracts him, arousing curiosity. Therefore, if the ball jumps out onto the road, the child may rush after it, completely unaware that it is dangerous there.

How children of different ages perceive the road:

Drawings on the topic of traffic

Very often, children are asked to draw a picture on a specific topic, for example, “Road rules.” The child comes home and, together with his parents, tries to figure out what to draw. So that in such a situation you do not have to “rack your brains,” we have created a diagram called “Drawings on the topic of traffic.” This diagram presents the main themes of drawings on traffic rules. Based on our tips, you can easily decide on the choice of theme for your picture.

How to navigate the diagram (examples of themes for drawings):


  1. The child almost got run over;
  2. The children are running across the road, but the driver stopped in time;
  3. The cars collided against the background of a sign, one of them clearly violated the rules;
  4. A man saves a child who almost fell under the wheels in a place where he was not allowed to cross the road.


  1. Play with each color of the traffic light, for example, people go on green, on red - the crowd stands;
  2. A traffic light shows and tells about colors and actions with them;
  3. How to cross the road at a traffic light.

We have a traffic light drawing for you step by step here.


  1. The teacher in the class tells the rules of the road, he has signs on the board;
  2. The character of your favorite cartoon crosses the road;
  3. The traffic light/policeman tells the children the meaning of a certain sign, traffic signal, etc.


  1. The flow of cars moves according to the rules;
  2. A traffic police officer stopped the violator;
  3. Car after an accident.

How to draw LADU2112 step by step - >>


  1. Just an image of a sign with some kind of recruiting inscription;
  2. A close-up of the sign, and behind it an image of what happens when it is violated;
  3. How to behave when a certain sign is in effect.

Step-by-step lessons for drawing traffic signs->>

On our website you can find several step-by-step lessons that may be useful to you if you want to draw a picture on the topic of traffic rules. On the pages of our website you will find a step-by-step lesson on drawing traffic signs, traffic lights, as well as a cartoon version of a traffic police inspector.



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