Musical fairy tale in a new way for children funny teremok

The tale of the Teremok in verse in a new way

Purpose: This scenario can be used by educators and music directors when working with children. Goal: To promote the development of creative abilities and talents of preschool children. Objectives: To teach the difference between good and evil using the example of a fairy tale plot; Development of positive emotions, acting abilities; Cultivate an interest in fairy tales and a love of reading; Foster team cohesion. (Music sounds, the Storyteller enters.) Storyteller:

In a clearing, on a hillock, a little tower appeared. Terem-terem-teremok. It is neither low nor high: Windows, roof, shutters, Porch and chimney, What else is needed for a good life? (Music sounds, Mouse runs.) Mouse:

I kept running across the field, looking for grains for myself. What I see is a mansion! He is neither short nor tall. (Walks around the tower, examines it) I’ve been here many times, Haven’t I seen the tower? (Continues to look) Windows, roof, shutters, Porch and chimney, What else do I need for a good life? (Enters the mansion) There is so much dust here. It’s been a long time since anyone lived in the mansion. We need to tidy up the tower and wait for the guests quickly. (Cleans up order) (Music plays, Bunny jumps.) Bunny:

Jump and hop, jump and hop, I’m Zainka’s friend. He galloped into the clearing and saw Teremochek. What kind of miracle is a tower? (Walks around the mansion, examines) Tower-terem-teremok You are not low, not high. The tower is clearly painted: Windows, roof, shutters, Porch and chimney, What else do I need for a good life? Maybe they live in a mansion? And they are probably expecting guests? Knock-knock-knock, come out, look at the guests! (Mouse comes out) Mouse: I hear, I hear that he has come. Hello, Zainka-friend! Did you like my little mansion? Bunny: You have a wonderful tower, will you let me in? Mouse: Well, come and visit. Bunny will live with me, You will heat the stove, I will teach you how to bake pancakes, We will go to the forest to pick berries, We will bake pies Together brother, have fun! Bunny: Oh, yes, the Mouse is a busybody! I will live with pleasure, I will help in everything! Mouse: Well, great! The two of us will live together in harmony. Let's go into the forest to pick berries, pick some sweet berries and bake some pies. Song "Let's go through the raspberries into the forest"

(Music sounds, Fox runs.) Fox:

Something smells familiar to me: Pies, hare... (Runs to the tower) What is it? Teremok? Is there smoke coming from the chimney? And where did he come from here? (Walks around) Interesting, interesting! Who lives in the mansion, And is probably waiting for guests? (Sniffs) The pies smell delicious, I need to knock on the tower, Maybe they’ll invite me to visit? (Knocking) Mouse (In the mansion): Someone came to the mansion, Someone found our mansion. Bunny: Something is scary, Mouse for me. Mouse: Are you scared, Bunny?

Maybe someone got lost, saw a wonderful tower, knocked loudly on the door. Go and see who came? (The bunny is shaking with fear) Mouse: Don’t be afraid, take a grip, If anything happens, call me! (The bunny opens the door with a grab, sees the Fox, falls from fear) Mouse: What kind of roar do I hear? (Goes to the door, sees the Bunny lying) Who scared me so much that my Bunny fell? Fox: Hello, dear friend, I'm a cheerful Fox. The wonderful Tower ran past on the floor and saw. Give me a minute, I think I’ll go in and visit someone. Oh, how it smells like pies. Mouse: Bunny and I live here. We bake our own pies. Why did you scare him away? Fox: The Little Bunny saw me and fell down in fear. I'm not an evil Fox, I came to the smell. Oh, how it smells like pies! Mouse: Come on, Bunny, get up. You were scared of the Fox, but the Fox is not evil. She was just walking by and came to us following the smell. Fox: Everyone is afraid of me, my friend, They think that I’m evil. And I am a kind Fox. I am beautiful to the whole world. Look how I can have fun playing with spoons and amuse everyone in the circle. (The Fox plays on the spoons, the Bunny gets up and plays along with her, the Mouse dances.) Bunny: Oh yes, the beautiful Fox is a cheerful soul. Maybe you will live with us? To amuse us with a game? Mouse: Exactly, exactly, stay. You will help me, you will clean the tower, and we will play on spoons. Lisa: I liked it with you. I’ll stay at the same time! Mouse: The pies are getting cold, getting cold. Bunny, pour some tea and treat the little fox! (Everyone enters the mansion, sits down at the table, drinks tea. Music plays, the Frog jumps.) Frog:

Kwa-kwa-kwa! What kind of miracles are these? I've been jumping here all summer, singing my songs, haven't I seen the tower? Song of the Frog

Frog: Someone lives in the mansion, will he invite the Frog to visit? Bunny: What is the songbird singing here? Frog: I kept jumping around the field, singing my songs. I saw a wonderful mansion. Let me in. (Fox and Mouse come out.) Mouse: Here is another friend, My green Frog. Do you want to live with us? Frog: I will live with pleasure. How glad I am, friends, that I found your mansion. Lisa: We’ll teach you everything here, we definitely won’t let you get bored. We'll treat you to pies. (Everyone enters the mansion. Music plays, the Wolf slowly wanders.) Wolf:

Poor, poor, I’m a top, I lost a tuft of fur, They tore off my tail and paws. Those dogs were evil. Oooh- sad alone! Fox (from the tower): I hear a familiar voice. (Looks out of the window) This, gray one, is my friend. What happened, kumanek? (Comes out) Wolf: What do I see, a little mansion! He is neither short nor tall. Windows, roof, shutters, Porch and chimney, What else do I need for a good life? How are you here, godfather? All: This is our little mansion, We live in it, my friend! Wolf: Can I make friends with you and live in your mansion? Frog: What will you do? Wolf: I will protect the tower from the dogs. And also chop wood, heat the stove, mow the grass. Even though I’m gray and unprepossessing, I can do everything. Let me in, friends! Mouse: We need such animals. Protect our tower and protect us all! Hare: Now there are five of us. Our teremok is growing up. Lisa: We all live well. The song is sung cheerfully. Song "True Friend"

(Music sounds, Bear appears.) Bear:

What kind of fun is this, What are these endless songs. Apparently the good one settled in the clearing, by the pond. Let me go there and see what kind of miracles they are? (Goes to the tower) What kind of miracles are these? My eyes widen. Tower, tower, tower It is not low, not high. What kind of animals live in it? What kind of songs do they sing merrily? Everything about them is great! Knock-knock-knock, you'll be let into the little mansion! Fox: (In the mansion) This is who is knocking again, Who saw the mansion. And quickly jump to us, hop? (Comes out) Yes, this is Mishenka the Bear. Bear: Yes, I'm Mishka - a bear. I love to sing songs. I play myself, I sing myself, I have fun, I live with friends. (All the animals come out of the house) Bear: Look at me, I’ll dance for you, friends! Bear Dance "Lady"

Bear: You will be allowed into the tower.
I'll sit here on a tree stump. I won’t take up much space, I’ll still sing a song. Frog: We all know how to sing songs. Bunny: We all liked you. Mouse: Come into the little mansion, Let's drink tea together, Talk about the weather. Wolf: And the weather is good... Fox: That's what the soul is asking for - Take a walk, dance, Stretch your little legs. Bunny: You, Fox, come out and show yourself dancing. I'll look at you and go dance with you! Frog: And we will help you too. We will help you dance. General dance
Mouse: While everyone was dancing the dance, the Samovar ripened. Puff-puff - samovar, pour some tea quickly! (All the animals sit down to drink tea and pies.)

Fairy tale in verse “Teremok in a new way”

The scenario of the fairy tale “Teremok” in a new way. Characters:

The mouse is a bitch, the Frog is a frog, the Bunny is a little hopper, the Fox is beautiful when talking, the Wolf is clicking his teeth, the Bear is nothing, the Hedgehog is good at everything.

Children who do not play the main roles read poems: 1. The lingonberries are ripening, The days have become colder, And the cry of a bird makes the heart sadder. 2. Flocks of birds fly away, beyond the blue sea. All the trees shine in a multi-colored dress. 3. The sun laughs less often, There is no incense in the flowers. Soon Autumn will wake up and cry awake.

4. The forest, like a painted tower, Lilac, golden, crimson, stands like a cheerful, motley wall above a bright clearing. 5. Birches with yellow carvings Shine in the blue azure, Like towers, fir trees darken, And between the maples they turn blue Here and there in the through foliage Clearances in the sky, like windows.

6. The forest smells of oak and pine, Over the summer it has dried up from the sun, And Autumn, a quiet widow, Enters its motley mansion...

7. There is a tower in the forest, a tower - It is not low, not high, not high. Cheerful friends live in it, but friends can’t quarrel!

8.Somehow Mouse for his birthday

invited all my friends. Everyone came to her with congratulations,

look at the guests...... (The mouse sets the festive table with treats.)

9. Holiday in the house - birthday! I have prepared jam, cookies, and sweets... But there are no guests yet.....


I will set the table as soon as possible for our dear guests!…. - I put a cup and a plate, I work all day like a squirrel, Here are napkins, a fork, a knife... (Thinking) How did the Hedgehog teach me there?...

Song about a hedgehog

(A bear comes out to the music and looks out the window)

10.Under a snag in a windfall

The bear sleeps as if in a house.

He put his paw in his mouth

And, like a little one, he sucks.


- I was walking in the forest, I was walking and I saw a hut... Hey, who lives in the hut?
What’s tasty there to chew on?…. It smells like honey and jam, I’m asking for a treat…. Mouse
- I’m waiting for guests for my birthday, and I’m preparing a treat.
Help me set the table. I need to wash the fruit. (The mouse takes the basket of fruit and leaves) (The bear comes in and sits lounging at the table.) Bear
- Well, why cover it? You can manage everything anyway, I won’t help her... I don’t like eating from dishes..... (Takes a barrel of honey in her paws and starts eating from it) - I eat with my paw, because it’s tastier and, in my opinion, more honest. Everything went to one, I don’t need order….. (He gets up and leaves, dropping the dishes on the floor along the way.) (A mouse comes running with a vase, there is fruit in the vase.)


- Oh! He ruined my whole table, spilled tea on the tablecloth! How will I greet guests? What will I treat them with?…. (The mouse sits and cries) (The Frog comes to the accompaniment of cheerful music. There is a gift in his paws - a beautiful green bag, and in it a towel and soap, also green.)

11. A jumping frog is like a pickled cucumber: It has goose bumps and the color is so green.

12.Sits and soaks in brine in a swamp. But you shouldn’t eat it - your tummy will be upset! Frog

- Hello, kind hostess! Here's a gift, guess what? What will I give you? You know - I love water! (The mouse takes the gift out of the bag.)


- Oh, how beautiful! Apparently very expensive! Your favorite color is the best gift from you! I will remember you when I wash my face!


- Why were you crying, tell me?
Don't worry, my friend. Mouse
- The Bear trampled on me here, ate all the honey and ran away.
I'll go wash myself, maybe I'll calm down. (Leaves.) Frog
- I’ll help my friend, I’ll tidy everything up on the table….
(Bear enters without knocking.) Bear
- Hello, green frog, what are you doing here, Frog?
- I came to a birthday party to eat mosquito jam, I brought a gift to the Mouse, she already took it away - There is soap and a towel from everything - from the bottom of my heart!
- Why does she need soap?


- Wash your face!


- Here’s another thing, why try? - I wash my face with my paw to my heart’s content....
- Oh, what a dirty little thing you are! Get out of here, get yourself in order! And when you look pretty, then you’ll come for a visit! (The bear leaves.) (The mouse returns.)


- Sit down at the table, dear friend!
Here's a green mug for you, pour some tea, take some cookies, here's mosquito jam! Help yourself... (Frog and Mouse drink tea.) A song about a hare.

- Hello, girlfriends! Mouse, congratulations! I wish you health and fun! (Looks around the mansion.) - What a glorious mansion! Every corner is clean! The table for the holiday is set, Every guest here will be well-fed! Mouse, accept your gifts! (Gives the mouse a tape recorder.)

- Turn on the tape recorder quickly! Let's dance and celebrate our birthday! ( They turn on the tape recorder and dance a merry dance.)

(A bear appears.)
- What's that noise? Jumping and dancing?

I don't like this shaking! I would like to lie under a bush... Hare

- You'll have a fat belly!
You need to always be in order - Do exercises in the morning, Run, jump - don’t be lazy - Dance and have fun! Bear
- No, I’d rather lie down and leave you. (The bear leaves.) 13. I met a fox with curious eyes, hiding behind a stump with a bright red light, and calmly watching: Who is walking in her forest?!

(Fox appears. To fashionable music, all fashionable and elegant.) Fox

- Hello!
I met a Bear - I’m ashamed to look at him! The skin is all - all dirty - sticky, terrible! He doesn’t take care of himself - he looks very unkempt! (Looks at everyone.) - Oh, you are good too - you had a lot of fun! Mouse
- Hello, gossip Fox!
On holidays you need to have fun! It's my birthday! Fox
- I know, my darling!
I brought you gifts: Here is a fashionable, bright handkerchief, A mirror, perfume, a comb - You will have a fashionable hairstyle! Happy birthday!... Mouse
- To the table, please, for a treat.... (Everyone sits down at the table and drinks tea.) (A wolf appears to the music.)

14. A gray, menacing-looking wolf, not so terrible, he can be lonely, and not at all scary!

15.At night he howls at the moon, Out of longing for friendship, 16.Because he also needs someone.

17. But no one believes him, From foxes to hares, Animals shun the wolf, And they don’t want to be friends with him!


- Who lives there in the mansion?
What's tasty there? Hey, mistress, open up, welcome the Wolf to visit!... (Knocks on the house, all the animals are hiding behind the furniture.) Mouse
- Oh, I'm afraid, why did you call!
- Rude!
- Gee!
We need to call the Hedgehog, we’ll teach the Wolf!... (The Fox calls the Hedgehog on his mobile phone.) - Come quickly, my friend! An ignoramus has come to us - the Wolf! He knocks on the door with his fist, And he also threatens us! Hurry up!.... The wolf
drumming on the door: - Hey, mistress, answer me!
(The wolf knocks, the bear is coming.) Bear
- What are you making, what are you making?
- For a visit, the Mouse called, but she herself won’t let you in!….
- Yes, this happens... Come on, Gray, I’ll help... (They start knocking together.) (The Hedgehog is running.)
- I’m already running, running... (See the Wolf and the Bear.) - This is what else is the matter?
Who is this brave guy here? What kind of bullies are they that almost get into a fight? Who goes to visit like that? Why so much anger? You scared everyone there - you almost became bandits... (Shakes his finger at them.) Bear
- The Mouse didn’t call me at all....
- Then why are you making noise?
- I want a Bear for the holiday...
- And I was in a hurry, but I was late... I scared everyone in the little house...
- What should we do, and what should we do? Hedgehog

- You need to wash yourself, become polite and neat.
Come with nice gifts, so that everyone has a good mood at the birthday party! (The Wolf and the Bear leave.) Hedgehog
- Open the little house, the Bear and the Wolf have already left!
- Hello Hedgehog!
- Hello, sister!

(Gives a gift - a samovar)

Here, it will come in handy on the farm! Mouse

“We’ll all drink tea together at the festive table!”
(A neat knock on the door.) (Dressed up Bear and Wolf - Bear with a bow on his neck, and Wolf in a tie and hat. The Bear has a gift - a barrel of honey, the Wolf - a bouquet of flowers.) Bear and Wolf:
- Who, who is in the little house lives?

Who, who lives in a low place?

- Who drinks tea with treats?

Who is waiting for their friends to visit?


- I'm a little mouse!
- I am a frog - a croak! - I'm a jumping bunny! - I am Fox - when talking - beauty! - I’m Hedgehog - I’m good at everything, and who are you? Bear and Wolf:
- I am a Bear - I can sing...
- I am a Wolf - I know a lot about fashion.... - Let us in for the holiday! (they say the phrase together) Wolf
- I’m no longer a prankster!
- And I washed my face, combed my hair, dressed up - I tried!
I won’t eat with my paw, I’ll listen to the hedgehog! I won’t be lazy anymore!…. Wolf
- And I won’t be angry anymore!!...


- Come in, I'm glad to see you!
These are the kind of guests we need! Hedgehog
- Everyone needs to be polite!
- I eat jam with a spoon!
(shows) Wolf
- I wipe myself with a napkin, I’m not embarrassed to say “thank you!”
(shows) Fox
- It’s very important for everyone to be friends!
- Bringing joy to each other! 18. Friendship is a warm wind, Friendship is a bright world, Friendship is the sun at dawn, A cheerful feast for the soul.

19. Friendship is only happiness, People have only one friendship. With friendship, bad weather is not scary, With friendship, life in spring is full.

20. A friend will share pain and joy, A friend will support and save. With a friend, even evil weakness will melt and go away in an instant.

21. Believe, keep, value friendship, this is the highest ideal. It will serve you well. After all, friendship is a valuable gift!

A song about friendship.

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