The role of construction in the middle group

Ustinova A.M. The role of construction in the middle group // Sovushka. 2022. N3 (13). URL: https://kssovushka.ru/zhurnal/13/ (access date: 01/13/2022).

Order No. 115806

The name of constructive activity takes its origin from the Latin word constructio, which translates as construction. By children's construction we mean an activity in which children create various play crafts (toys, buildings) from various materials (paper, cardboard, wood, special construction kits and construction sets). The basic point in design is the analytical and synthetic activity of examining objects. It makes it possible to establish the structure of an object and its parts, and take into account the logic of their connection. Thus, a tower with a too narrow base collapses.

Design in preschool age belongs to the educational field of “artistic and aesthetic development”, since it is very close to visual activities (appliqué, drawing, modeling). However, the program requirements also reflect the technical side of design, because it is the basis for the development of technical abilities, which serves the comprehensive development of preschool children [2, p. 56].

The following scientists studied the problem of design in preschool age: L.A. Wenger, A.N. Davidchuk, L.V. Kutsakova, Z.V. Lishtvan, V.S. Mukhina, V.G. Nechaeva, L.A. Paramonova, N.N. Poddyakov, G.A. Uruntaeva, G.A. Uradovskikh.

There are technical and artistic types of design for preschoolers. In technical design, real-life objects (cars, houses, bridges, etc.) are displayed in compliance with their structure and functionality. In this type of construction, the following are used: building material (sets of geometric bodies made of plastic or wood), construction sets with parts with fastenings, large modular blocks.

In artistic design, what comes to the fore is not functionality and close correspondence to a real object, but the beautiful appearance of the product, the child’s opportunity to demonstrate his creative and artistic abilities, and to express his attitude towards what he creates. Such crafts are made from: paper and cardboard; natural material (chestnuts, nuts, acorns, leaves, branches, straw, and so on); waste material (corks, matchboxes, yogurt jars, milk and juice cartons, etc.) [4, p. 89].

For any type of design, there are two main stages (according to L.A. Paramonova): the birth of a plan and the execution of a plan. These stages are interconnected. Let's analyze them.

The essence of the first stage is that the environment with all its diversity acts as a concept: a palette of colors, the objective and natural world, and the artistic component.

At the second stage of design, modeling is built on the basis of already finished items or objects. Gradually, the child’s activity is enriched with new content, methods of activity and, as a consequence, the appearance of new images. This leads to the development of thinking and imagination, and has a positive effect on the most constructive activities. The child can independently operate with images in space and easily transform them. Naturally, creative design for this provides every opportunity to develop the child’s personal potential.

There are the following forms of design for preschool children:

1. Design based on a model - the most elementary type. The child is shown a sample of the future building or is shown how to build it and is asked to reproduce the given pattern. Such activity does not require special mental and creative effort, but it requires attention, concentration, and most importantly, acceptance of the task itself of “acting according to the model.”

2. Design according to conditions. In this case, the child begins to build his structure not on the basis of a model, but on the basis of conditions that are put forward by the tasks of the game or by adults. For example, build a steamship so that it can accommodate the crew and passengers, build a bridge across a wide and deep river for a tram, cars, etc.

3. Design by design. Here nothing limits the imagination of the child and the building material itself. This type of construction is usually required by the game: here you can build not only from special building material, but also from any surrounding objects: furniture, sticks, umbrellas, pieces of fabric, etc. [6, p. 90].

A distinctive feature of the design process is the recreation and transformation of spatial representations, which contributes to the practical knowledge of the properties of geometric bodies and spatial relationships. At the same time, the development of spatial imagination and imaginative thinking is very important (N.N. Poddyakov). On the one hand, this type of activity requires children to have rather complex spatial orientation. The child needs to imagine the structure being created as a whole, take into account its spatial characteristics, the relative position of parts and details. On the other hand, it is in design, like in no other activity, that spatial orientations are formed.

The idea of ​​space is made up of specific features of the shape, size, length, volume of objects, as well as their structural units: parts, details. In this regard, children’s speech is enriched with new terms and concepts that are rarely used in other types of activities [7, p. 90].

Also in the process of construction, the development of children's sensory and mental abilities is carried out. Children acquire constructive-technical (construct individual objects from building materials - buildings, bridges or make various crafts from paper - Christmas tree decorations, boats) and generalized skills (examine objects purposefully; compare them with each other and dismember them into parts; see in them the common and various; find the main structural parts on which the location of other parts depends; make conclusions and generalizations).

During the design process, planning mental activity develops, which in turn is an important factor in the formation of educational activity. During construction, children mentally imagine what they will be like and plan in advance how they will be performed and in what sequence.

Construction is also a means of moral education of preschool children. In the process of this activity, the following personality qualities are formed: hard work, independence, initiative, perseverance in achieving goals, organization. Joint constructive activity of children plays a significant role in developing the initial skills of working in a team - the ability to agree in advance (distribution of responsibilities, selecting the material necessary to complete a building or craft, planning the process of their production) and work together without interfering with each other.

And finally, constructive activity is of great importance for the education of aesthetic feelings and the development of creativity. When children become acquainted with modern buildings and with some architectural monuments that are accessible to them, they develop artistic taste, the ability to admire architectural riches and understand that the value of any structure lies not only in its compliance with its practical purpose, but also in its design - simplicity and clarity of forms, consistency of color combinations, thoughtful decoration. Making crafts from natural materials develops in children not only technical skills and abilities, but also a special creative attitude towards the world around them - children begin to see and feel the beauty of emerald moss and bright red rowan, the whimsicality of the roots and branches of trees, to feel the beauty and purposefulness of their combinations. In the process of creative construction from different materials, children develop generalized means of constructing activities.

L.A. Research Paramonova proved that construction in preschool age can be a truly creative, developing and developmental activity, because in its process the child develops a universal ability to build new structures and endow them with individual meaning.

Children of middle preschool age acquire a fairly stable interest in construction games. They are well acquainted with some of the details of the building material and know their purpose. The construction experience that children gained earlier gave them the opportunity to acquire some technical skills and remember how to create simple structures, which they easily reproduce in their games [3, p. 112].

If in previous groups the child mainly imitated the actions of the teacher, reproducing buildings according to his model, only adding some details, then in the middle group he can already name the theme of the building he is going to make, and is able to carry out his plans to the end. But topics often change under the influence of external circumstances and sometimes can only be realized with the help of a teacher.

During design classes in the middle group of a preschool educational institution, the teacher sets the following tasks:

1. Continue to develop in children the ability to distinguish and name building parts (cube, plate, brick, block, learn to use them taking into account their structural properties (stability, shape, size);

2. Learn to analyze a sample of a building: identify the main parts and distinguish, and correlate them by size and shape, establish the spatial arrangement of these parts relative to each other. Learn to independently measure buildings (in height, length and width, follow the design principle given by the teacher (“Build this same house, but high");

3. Learn to construct buildings from large and small building materials, use parts of different colors;

4. Teach paper construction: bend a rectangular sheet of paper in half, matching the sides and corners (album, flags for decorating an area, greeting card, glue parts to the main shape (to a house - windows, doors, pipes; to a bus - wheels; to a chair – back);

5. Involve children in making crafts from natural materials: bark, branches, leaves, cones, chestnuts, nut shells, straw. Use glue or plasticine to secure the parts. Use reels, boxes of different sizes and other items in crafts [4, p. 99].

Depending on the assigned tasks and the availability of building or any other material, both frontal and subgroup methods of teaching children can be used.

Thus, design plays an important role in the process of comprehensive, harmonious development of the personality of children of middle preschool age. The use of a variety of materials in design classes with middle preschool children significantly increases the preschooler’s repertoire of creative solutions and allows the production of new ideas. Involving a child in the use of a variety of construction materials not only for their intended purpose, but to solve other problems is the most important in the development of the child’s intelligence and, to a greater extent, creativity.


  1. Grigorieva G.G. Visual activities of preschool children. M.: Arkti, 2007. 272 ​​p.
  2. Davidchuk A.N. Development of constructive creativity in preschoolers. M.: Education, 2010. 345 p.
  3. Kutsakova L.V. Construction and manual labor in kindergarten. M., 2000. 158 p.
  4. Kosminskaya V.B. Theory and methodology of visual activities in kindergarten. M.: Education, 2010. 456 p.
  5. Lishtvan Z.V. Construction. M: Education, 2009. 322 p. (Library of a kindergarten teacher).
  6. Paramonova L.A. Creative design: psychological and pedagogical foundations of its formation // Preschool education. 2000. No. 11. P. 58-64.
  7. Uruntaeva G.A. Preschool psychology: textbook. aid for students avg. ped. textbook establishments. M.: Academy, 2008. 324 p.

Methodological development “Constructive-model activity”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten “Rosinka” in the city of Yadrina, Chuvash Republic


at a meeting of the pedagogical council

Protocol No. from

I affirm:


_______________T.E. Karpova

Order No. dated

Working programm

joint activities

on constructive and modeling activities

Educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

(middle group)

for the period from 09/01/2016 to 05/31/2017

according to the approximate general educational program of preschool education

“From birth to school” N.E.Veraksy, T.S.Komarov, M.A.Vasiliev

Compiled by:


Serina Tatyana Alexandrovna

Yadrin 2016

Explanatory note.

The work program for constructive-model activities in the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” is a normative document that presents the basic skills and abilities to be acquired in the process of direct educational activities, determines the most optimal and effective content, forms, methods and methods of organizing the educational process in order to formulate targets that comply with the Federal State Educational Standard. The section “on the constructive-model activities of the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”” is compiled on the basis of the “Approximate general educational program for preschool education “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva . It is carried out during joint activities in the first half of the day once a week for 20 minutes.

The content of the design work program is aimed at achieving the goals of developing children's cognitive interests and intellectual development through solving the following tasks:

-Introduction to design; development of interest in constructive activities, familiarity with various types of constructors.

— Developing the ability to work collectively, to combine their crafts in accordance with a common plan, to agree on who will do what part of the work.

The work program is focused on the use of the educational and methodological complex: - Kutsakova L.V. Construction from building materials: Middle group. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2015

The preferred forms of organizing the educational process that are adequate to the age of children in design for children of middle preschool age are joint and independent activities, taking place in group, subgroup and individual forms.

Number of classes per year 36.

Implementation period from 09/01/2016 to 05/31/2017

Types of integration of the educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

According to the tasks and content of psychological and pedagogical work:

— “Speech development” —

development of free communication with adults and children about the process and results of productive activity.

— “Cognitive development” —

formation of a holistic picture of the world, expansion of horizons in terms of fine arts, creativity, formation of the foundations for the safety of one’s own life in various types of productive activities

— “Socio-communicative development” —

formation of labor skills and abilities adequate to the age of pupils, hard work in various types of productive activities.

By means of organizing and optimizing the educational process:

The content and results of all areas of the Program can be enriched and reinforced using means of children's productive activities:

- “Speech development” - the use of musical and artistic works to enrich the content of the area “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

Contents of work on constructive-model activities in the middle group.

Draw children's attention to various buildings and structures around their homes and kindergarten. During walks while playing, look at cars, carts, buses and other types of transport with children, highlighting their parts, naming their shape and location in relation to the largest part. Continue to develop the ability to distinguish and name construction objects (cube, plate, brick, block); learn to use them taking into account their structural properties (stability, shape, size). Develop the ability to establish associative connections by asking them to remember what similar structures children have seen. Develop the ability to analyze a building sample: identify the main parts, distinguish and correlate them by size and shape, establish the spatial arrangement of these parts relative to each other (in houses - walls, at the top - ceiling, roof; in a car - cabin, body, etc. ). Develop the ability to independently measure buildings (in height, length and width), to follow the design principle set by the teacher (“Build the same house, but tall”). Offer to construct buildings from large and small building materials, use parts of different colors to create and decorate additions. Develop ideas about architectural forms. Teach paper design techniques: bend a rectangular sheet of paper in half, matching the sides and corners (album, flags for decorating a site, greeting card), glue parts to the main shape (to a house - windows, doors, pipe; to a bus - wheels; to a chair - back). Involve children in making crafts from natural materials: bark, branches, leaves, cones, chestnuts, nut shells, straw (boats, hedgehogs, etc.). Learn to use glue and plasticine to secure parts; use reels, boxes of different sizes and other items in crafts.

Calendar-thematic planning for constructive-model activities.

Monthdate Theme of educational activities Program content Educational, methodological and information support for the program
Mandatory part Part formed by participants in the educational process
September 1



and Fences"
Practice closing space by arranging planar figures; in distinguishing and naming the four primary colors and geometric shapes (square, triangle, circle, rectangle). To consolidate ideas about the main construction parts and parts of the designer (cube, brick, block); teach to understand an adult, think, find your own solutions L.V. Kutsakova Design from building materials p.13


"Tree" Learn to work with scissors, observe the proportions of parts. Learn to work according to verbal instructions and demonstration. Exercise children in bending paper in different directions and smoothing the fold lines. Cultivate neatness and the desire to make quality crafts. To promote the development of skills in working with various materials and the development of design activities. Develop attention, memory, imagination, aesthetic perception, creative imagination. Paper, scissors.


"Terema" Develop children's constructive skills; practice in the construction of durable buildings with floors by building paper models with bricks, making floors from plates and boards, decorating the roofs with various details; practice identifying and naming basic geometric shapes. Develop imagination, creativity, the ability to independently perform a sequence of actions, generalize, compare, find commonalities and highlight differences. L.V.Kutsakova Design from building materials p. 28



"Funny little animals" Strengthen the skills of performing the basic “Triangle” form. Continue to improve children's skills to make correct, clear folds, and fold a square diagonally. Expand children's communication abilities. Develop spatial imagination, memory, creativity, self-confidence, constructive thinking. L.V.Kutsakova Design from building materials.



"Forest kindergarten" Teach children to organize space for construction; plan activities, model; design various pieces of furniture; unite buildings with a single plot. To encourage the creation of new versions of already familiar buildings, to involve them in joint activities, to develop design abilities, to form ideas about geometric shapes, and to develop spatial thinking. L.V.Kutsakova Design from building materials p. 34
October 6


"Houses, sheds" Exercise children in fencing small spaces with bricks and plates installed vertically and horizontally; in the ability to make floors; in mastering spatial concepts (in front, behind, below, above, left, right); in distinguishing and naming colors. Develop independence in finding design methods; promote playful communication. L.V. Kutsakova Design from building materials p. 21


"Trucks" Give children a general idea of ​​freight transport; exercise in its design, in analyzing samples, in transforming structures according to given conditions; give an idea of ​​the construction part - the cylinder and its properties (comparison with a block); Clarify children’s ideas about geometric shapes; encourage you to find your own solutions. L.V. Kutsakova Design from building materials p. 37


"Bridges" Give children an idea of ​​bridges, their purpose, structure; practice building bridges; consolidate the ability to analyze examples of buildings and illustrations; the ability to independently select the necessary details by size, shape, color. Combine them. Introduce a stencil ruler (with geometric shapes), practice working with it, comparing the shapes to highlight their properties and differences. L.V. Kutsakova Design from building materials p. 45


"Ships" Give children an idea of ​​different types of ships; that their structure depends on their functional purpose; bring to a generalization: all ships have a bow, a stern, a bottom, a deck; practice in analyzing structures and planning activities. Develop design skills L.V. Kutsakova Design from building materials p. 49
October 10


"Aircraft" Give children an idea of ​​airplanes, their types, and the dependence of their structure on their purpose; to summarize: all airplanes have wings, a cabin, a cockpit, a tail, and a landing gear. Practice designing aircraft based on a model, transforming a model according to certain conditions, and coming up with your own variants of buildings. L.V. Kutsakova Design from building materials p. 51


“The street of our city. Traffic light" Teach children to build cars from construction kit parts and a traffic light from a box. Develop attention, speed, motor skills. White cardboard, cards with images of red, yellow, green traffic lights, construction set, toothpaste box.
november 12


"Magic Mirror" Learn to work with a square: divide by gender, diagonally; fold the sides away from the corner. Teach children to design birds (crows). Form artistic taste, imagination, develop spatial thinking. Blanks: black squares, scraps of different colors, felt-tip pens, scissors, glue.


"The buildings" Strengthen children’s ideas about three-dimensional geometric bodies; exercise in their differentiation, in the correlation of real and depicted volumetric geometric bodies. Practice modeling using a diagram. Construction kits.


"Doll's bed" Teach children to make buildings commensurate with toys; distinguish between long and short bricks, name them correctly; independently select the necessary parts in accordance with the nature of the building.. Learn how to build according to a ready-made model, cultivate interest in design Wooden construction set




"Garland" Learn to cut out shapes exactly along the contour, fold them in half, and carefully glue the parts. Colored cardboard, patterns of stars, flags.


"House for Friends" To develop children’s ability to find external similarities between the structure of an animal’s body and a combination of certain geometric shapes; develop the ability to create conventional schematic images of the figure of some animals according to a ready-made model; develop the ability to “read” diagrams of parts. Develop memory, attention, imagination, fine motor skills of the fingers. Geometric figures.


"Paper hats" Learn to fold paper, matching the corners and sides. Develop small muscles of the hand. Sheets of white paper.


"Herringbone" To develop the ability, based on the analysis of an unfamiliar toy, to “recognize” a familiar method of construction and transfer it to new conditions. To develop the ability to relate the sizes of geometric shapes (squares and triangles) to each other. Continue to cultivate accuracy in your work. Colored paper (green).




"Merry Snowmen" To reinforce children’s concepts about the signs of winter and winter fun. Enrichment of vocabulary, development of associative thinking, selection of features for the subject. Continue to teach how to navigate on a plane, consolidate the concepts of “in the upper right, left and lower corners”, “in the middle”. your workplace. Strengthen the ability to use scissors and glue, make snowman parts by crumpling napkins, and create a composition from individual parts. Learn to convey mood. Clean up after work Paper napkins, scissors, cardboard.


"Early in the morning, at dawn,

The tower grew up on the mountain.”

Develop children's design skills; practice in the construction of durable buildings with floors by building paper models with bricks, making floors from plates and boards, constructing superstructures on floors, decorating roofs with various details; practice distinguishing and naming basic geometric shapes and shading. Develop imagination, creativity, the ability to independently perform a sequence of actions, generalize, compare, find commonalities and highlight differences. Wooden constructor.


"Dog Kennel" Learn to make simple paper crafts using a new design method - folding paper in half. Learn to analyze paper crafts: identify parts, their spatial arrangement relative to each other, the location of parts on a plane, learn to fold a sheet of paper in half (lengthwise, crosswise). Learn to round two corners of a square so that it forms a semi-oval. Continue to teach how to work carefully with glue and napkin. Paper napkins, glue.


“Designing a Zoo” Exercise children in constructing fences of different configurations and sizes, in enclosing space by arranging planar figures. To promote the development of skills in working with various materials and the development of design activities. Wooden construction set


"We transport goods" Strengthen children's ideas about freight transport; exercise in its design, in analyzing samples, in transforming structures according to given conditions; expand the understanding of the building part - the cylinder and its properties (in comparison with the block); clarify children’s ideas about geometric shapes; encourage you to find your own solutions. Develop imagination, creativity, the ability to independently perform a sequence of actions, generalize, compare, find commonalities and highlight differences. Wooden constructor.


"Binoculars" Learn how to construct binoculars from paper, roll paper into a tube, and connect parts into a whole. Introduce military professions. Cardboard, pictures of a sailor, tanker, pilot.


“Postcard as a gift to dad” Teach children to fold ties from a square using the origami technique. Improve skills in working with glue and scissors. Develop imagination, thinking, creative abilities. Arouse children's interest in preparing gifts and souvenirs. Cultivate respect for dad. Colored paper, glue, scissors.




"The buildings" Strengthen children’s ideas about three-dimensional geometric bodies; exercise in distinguishing them, in correlating real and depicted volumetric geometric bodies; Practice modeling using a diagram. Construction kits.


"Bouquet of roses" Learn to make a rose from paper, arrange flowers and leaves symmetrically. Cultivate neatness and the desire to make quality crafts. To promote the development of skills in working with various materials and the development of design activities. Develop attention, memory, imagination, aesthetic perception, creative imagination. Colored paper.


"Ship for travel" Give children an idea of ​​different types of ships; that their structure depends on their functional purpose; bring to a generalization: all ships have a bow, a stern, a bottom, a deck; practice analysis of structures, planning activities; develop design skills.


Exercise in planar modeling, in composing a whole from parts according to a model and design; develop the ability for visual analysis. Construction kits.


"Wonderful twig" Strengthen design skills and develop the ability to combine parts. Continue to teach children to design from paper and act according to the model. Improve basic spatial orientation skills; develop creativity and aesthetic taste. Colored paper, napkins, glue.


“On a visit to old man Borovitch” Teach children to construct crafts from natural materials, connecting parts with pieces of plasticine. Develop imagination, attention, perseverance. Form artistic taste, develop creativity and interest in creating an image. To promote the development of skills in working with various materials and the development of design activities. Cultivate accuracy and the ability to find non-standard solutions to creative problems. Plasticine.


«White bird

Rushing across the sky»

To develop children’s ability to find external similarities between the structure of an airplane and a combination of certain geometric shapes; develop the ability to create conventional schematic images of the figure of some ships based on a ready-made model; develop the ability to “read” diagrams of parts. Develop memory, attention, imagination, fine motor skills of the fingers. Planar geom. figures.


"Magic Flower" Strengthen design skills and develop the ability to combine parts. Continue to teach children to design from paper and act according to the model. Improve basic spatial orientation skills; develop creativity and aesthetic taste. Colored paper.


"Friends of the Cube" Practice analyzing structures and planning activities; develop design skills. Form artistic taste, develop creativity and interest in creating an image. To promote the development of skills in working with various materials and the development of design activities. Cultivate accuracy and the ability to find non-standard solutions to creative problems. Construction set.


"Growing a water lily" Teach children to make crafts using any available material, to use their imagination and make crafts with their own hands. Learn to finish what you start. Template on a large sheet, cardboard, colored yellow and white paper. Glue, scissors, pencil, brush, markers, water lily sample.
May 35


"Flowers" Awaken children's creative imagination. Continue folding the square in half diagonally, folding the corners along the line. Cultivate a love for nature. Thin square sheets of paper of different colors, scissors, sticks, strips of paper, felt-tip pens. Flower samples.


"Chains of Rings" Teach sensory analysis. Develop fine motor skills. Learn to cut paper with several movements of scissors. Learn to glue strips of paper into a ring - a steering wheel. Develop accuracy, attention, and the ability to complete your work to the end. Mastering the mathematical concepts of “one”, “many”, “one at a time”. Colored paper, glue, scissors.

Planned results of mastering the work program for constructive model activities.

By the age of five, with successful completion of the program, the following level of mastery of the necessary skills and abilities in design is achieved:

— knowledge and ideas about the objects being constructed are expanded;

— ideas about people’s activities related to construction, the creation of equipment, objects, things are expanding;

- children learn to analyze buildings, designs, drawings;

— ideas about building parts, their names and properties are formed;

- children learn to transform buildings according to different parameters, to build according to verbal instructions;

— constructive skills are improved;

— spatial orientation skills are developed;

- children create buildings according to individual and joint plans and play with them;

- creativity and inventiveness develops;

- children practice making simple flat toys from paper strips by folding them in half;

— children learn to make basic origami toys;

- practice making crafts from waste and natural materials;

- carefully paste images of objects consisting of several parts;

- make up patterns from plant shapes and geometric shapes;

— business and play communication between children develops;

- Accustomed to accuracy and order in work.

Development of constructive abilities of preschool children

Author: Kuzmenko Svetlana Vladimirovna

The relevance of the topic is due to the need to prepare children for life from preschool age, since we live in an age of unprecedented scientific and technological revolution. And life in all its directions becomes more diverse and complex, the further it goes, the more it requires from a person not stereotyped, habitual actions, but mobility of mind, thinking, quick orientation, and a creative approach to solving large and small problems. Construction is closely related to play and is an activity that meets the interests of children, through which their mental and creative abilities can be improved. In the process of targeted learning, preschoolers, along with technical skills, develop the ability to analyze objects in the surrounding reality, form generalized ideas about the objects being created, develop independent thinking, and form valuable personality traits (accuracy, determination, perseverance in achieving goals). All this allows us to consider construction as an effective means of preparing children for school.

The purpose of this work is to show the need to develop the constructive abilities of preschoolers as a factor in readiness for school learning; to form children's sensory abilities; develop thinking, attention, imagination, creativity, artistic taste; cultivate dedication, accuracy, and perseverance in achieving goals.

Objectives: to develop a child’s interest in creative design in preschool age through play activities; teach children observation skills and the ability to compare; introduction to the world of beauty.

The term “construction” (from the Latin word construere - construction) means construction in general, bringing various objects, parts, elements into a certain relative position. Children's construction is usually understood as a variety of buildings made from building materials, the production of crafts and toys from paper, cardboard, wood and other materials. In its nature, it is most similar to visual activity and play - it also reflects the surrounding reality. Children's buildings and crafts are for practical use, and therefore must correspond to their purpose.

Constructive activity is a practical activity aimed at obtaining a specific, pre-conceived product that corresponds to its functional purpose. Children's constructive creativity can develop successfully if they have clear ideas about structures that clearly reflect the spatial characteristics of objects and their relationships. Such ideas are formed in conditions of the child’s active cognition of the environment and deepen in the process of representation. The basis of children's ideas is the analysis and synthesis of objects and buildings.

Thus, the prerequisites for the formation of children’s constructive creativity are: ideas about the objects of reality and the ability to highlight their spatial properties and relationships; childhood experience, including a variety of constructive skills and abilities to create different versions of the same object. Depending on the material from which children create their buildings and structures, they distinguish:

ü design from building materials;

ü construction from paper, cardboard, boxes, reels and other materials;

ü construction from natural materials.

Children begin constructing Lego-type construction materials from building materials and large parts in the middle group. At this age, buildings may include 5-6 parts. Design skills according to one’s own design are developed, as well as planning a sequence of actions. At this age, children develop an interest in the quality of their work: they begin to consciously strive to comply with certain requirements imposed by the teacher (the sequence of operations, the use of different design methods, they show a desire to master certain skills and willingly practice design. In the middle of the year, children begin construct from paper, and at the end of the year - from natural and waste materials.

In the older group, construction is characterized by children’s ability to analyze the conditions in which this activity takes place. Children use and name various parts of the wooden construction set. In the older group, during design classes, children can make objects necessary for the game from paper and other materials. From natural materials - cones, acorns, leaves, branches, berries - children learn to construct animals that are simple in structure. The main techniques that help children create images are observations, looking at animals and birds on a walk, in illustrations. When teaching how to design an object, you should not constantly resort to showing methods of construction - it is necessary to intensify the experience of children, ask how, in their opinion, this thing can be done, ask leading questions, and praise those who answer correctly. This technique promotes the development of children's creativity.

In the preparatory group, children have already mastered a fairly wide range of knowledge, skills and abilities in creating various buildings, children are able to construct more complex structures, which require various construction sets.

Children continue to learn not only from building material, but also from paper and other materials. These classes are of great importance for preparing for school: imaginative thinking develops during the design process. Design abilities.

Children should develop the ability to use buildings made from building materials in role-playing games, develop the ability to independently make toys for role-playing games (binoculars, hats, books, toy furniture, etc.); souvenirs for parents and kindergarten staff; Christmas tree decorations.

Most children simply love to design, so a construction set is something that should be in every home.
And the benefits of such an acquisition are obvious - on the one hand, the child is captivated by an interesting activity, and on the other, this activity contributes to all-round development. comments powered by HyperComments

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Educational constructive-model activity in the middle group “A truck came to us, he’s not used to resting” using the “Larchik” carpet printer and the “Froebel’s Gifts” play set

teacher of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 153" of the Samara city district Zvereva Alexandra Vladimirovna

Goal: formation of cognitive actions of preschoolers.


  1. Continue to form children's ideas about trucks, their purpose, the main parts of a truck, teach them to determine their shape and size.
  2. Develop children's ability to design in accordance with the proposed scheme.
  3. Strengthen ideas about the shape and size of individual geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle).
  4. Develop attention, observation, ability to analyze and compare.
  5. Form a responsible attitude towards completing a task, encourage initiative in helping comrades.

Equipment: toy truck; illustrations of trucks and cars; construction diagrams of trucks: van, garbage truck and dump truck; set No. 7 “Froebel's Gifts” , a sheet of paper - the basis for constructing “City Street” , carpet print “Larchik” .

Educational activity plan.

There's a knock on the door. Enter Gena Barboskin (toy)

Toy: Guys, mom and dad prepared a gift for the Kid, and you will find out what they prepared by guessing the riddle.

Educator: Guys, do you want to know what kind of gift it is? (reads the riddle).

And we have fun in our family. We are celebrating housewarming. We moved instantly! Did he help us? Truck.

On the Larchik , the parts of the truck are attached in a certain order.

Kid: I liked the truck so much that I took it out to play in the yard and accidentally broke it. Machine parts scattered all over the site. Please help me find them. Educator: Guys, can we help the Kid find parts from the car? But in order to find all the parts from the car, you need to complete tasks.

  1. exercise. You will find the first part if you draw a path from the swing to the sandbox.
  2. exercise. You will find the second part under the Christmas tree.
  3. exercise. You will find the third detail between the birches.
  4. exercise. You will find the fourth part behind the bench.

Children go out at will and use the Larchik to find parts of the truck, and then assemble a car from the parts)

Educator: What kind of car did we get? That's right, it's a truck. Why is it called that?

Expected children's answers: Because she is carrying cargo.

Educator: What part of the machine is the cargo loaded into? (into the body).

Educator: What else does the truck have? (cabin, wheels, lights).

Children can come out and show parts of the truck if they wish.

Educator: There are different trucks and they have different names. If a car transports milk, then it is called a milk tanker.

Next, the teacher and the children look at different types of trucks in the illustrations (van, dump truck, milk truck, garbage truck).

What kind of loads does this car carry, what kind of body does it have, what is it called? Toy: Thank you, you helped me a lot, (says goodbye and leaves)

Educator: You have worked hard, and I suggest you rest a little. Physical education lesson: “Truck”

The truck is carrying sand (they walk in a circle, pretending to turn the steering wheel)

The people are surprised: (they stop, turn their faces in a circle, spread their arms, make a surprised face)

“This is a miracle - miracles, (tilt head left and right twice)

It contains sand to the skies! (stretch on tiptoes, raising arms up)

Educator: Do you want to assemble the truck yourself? And these drawings and diagrams will help us with this.

The teacher turns over 4 diagrams on the board.

Let's look at what geometric shapes the parts of the truck in the yellow diagram are made of.

Educator: What figures does the cabin consist of? (3 squares and triangles).

What geometric shapes can be used to make a body? (2 squares).

What geometric figure do wheels resemble? (2 large and small circles).

What are the headlights made of? (From two semicircles).

Each circuit is analyzed using this algorithm.

Children independently divide into subgroups, stand near tables on which diagrams, sheets of paper depicting a city street and road, and play set No. 7 “Froebel's Gifts” .

Educator: Now start building trucks, don’t forget that the diagram will help you with this.

When the cars are built, the children go around the tables with the buildings and discuss the result, name the type of truck, the main details, what geometric shapes were used, what the car transports)

“Machine” plays quietly .

Educator: You were great today, you all completed all the tasks and folded and built different trucks from geometric shapes.

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