Summary of collective work in the preparatory group

Summary of classes on labor education preparatory group.

Summary of classes on labor education preparatory group


“You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty

Goal: to consolidate the skills of independently performing the full work process (from goal setting to result)

develop an interest in cooking; strengthen the skill of using a knife correctly and cutting vegetables into cubes; contribute to the development of a child’s hygienic culture during cooking; to form socially significant motives for work
, the ability to work carefully, diligently, and in a friendly manner; expand children's ideas about professions; develop auditory memory, imagination, thinking and speech.

Vocabulary: cutting vegetables into cubes, vinaigrette, technological map.

Products: boiled vegetables - potatoes, carrots, beets; onions, salted cabbage, peas, salt, vegetable oil.

Material for the lesson

: aprons, caps, knives, cutting boards, bowls, spoon;
subject pictures for the game “Guess the Profession”
, crossword puzzle, letter, package, crow, musical accompaniment.

Models: labor process

: preparing vinaigrette; model of safety regulations.

Preliminary work: examination of thematic albums “Vegetables, fruits”

, didactic game
“Find out the taste”
“What grows in the garden”
, application
“What autumn brought us”
, reading and solving riddles about vegetables and fruits, memorizing proverbs and sayings about
, visiting the Museum of Fine Arts theme
“Still Life”
, task for parents to bring vegetables and fruits for salads.

Move for the lesson:

The wise Raven came to visit the children and tells them that their forest was attacked by the old woman Lenya. Because of this, the plants stopped growing, the animals did not feed their young, all the trees were covered in cobwebs, the entire forest became as if dead.

Raven asks children for good deeds, his hard work

free the forest from the old woman Leni and help the inhabitants of the forest.


: -
“Well, guys, let’s help the forest inhabitants?”
Children: - “Yes”



: —
“And for this you need to complete tasks”

Task 1 – “This is a crossword puzzle from a raven. If you solve the crossword puzzle correctly, you will read in the vertically shaded cells what type of agricultural work it talks about.”

Children solve a crossword puzzle and find words - clues (words are written on paper and stuck on with Velcro)


1. It is a seasoning for vegetables, and for appetizers, and for borscht, but it is also good for mushrooms, for pickling cucumbers (dill)


2. Reproduces by means of whiskers, see for yourself. Of the fruits, her jam is simply delicious (strawberries)


3. It ripened on its bush and flew into the basket. In the fairy tale he was called Signor - red-cheeked (tomato)


Summary of work activities in the preparatory group

Tatiana Spiridonova

Summary of work activities in the preparatory group

Author: Spiridonova Tatyana Sergeevna MADOU d/s 59 Novosibirsk

Goal: Involving children in labor .


1. Expand children’s knowledge about work and its role in human life.

work skills and the ability to work together in a group of children .

3. Cultivate a love of work , a caring attitude towards the work of other people .

Preliminary work:

Conversation with children about work , reading followed by discussion of proverbs and sayings about work , observing the work of a junior teacher.


Aprons for each child, buckets, basins, rags, watering cans, containers, envelopes with work assignments .


Educator: Russian folk proverb says “A small deed is better than a big idleness”

And today each of you will do your own little thing. You and I will help the junior teacher restore order in our group .
And before you start, tell me what services you know that come to people’s aid? Educator: - Well done, but there is a service that also helps people, and it’s called a household service or a cleaning company.

Educator: -What services do you think this service provides? (washes, cleans, washes)


Educator: -Yes, this service cleans apartments, washes windows, washes and cleans things and furniture.

Educator: -What do consumer service workers do? (help people)


Educator: -Guys, would you like to work in the consumer service and help people?

Educator: -Let's organize our own household service in our group . Who do you think we can help in our group ? (to junior teacher)


Educator: -How can we help him? (wipe dust from shelves, water flowers)


Educator: - How do you think household service workers organize their work? (children's answers)

Educator: -They fulfill orders coming from people. Our service also received 3 orders from a junior teacher. To complete them we need to divide into three teams (we divide into three people)

Each team must have a foreman who will supervise the work of the entire team. Let's choose the foremen using rhyming rhymes so that no one is offended. (we use counting books taking into account the children’s choice)

Educator: - The foremen come up to me and pull out envelopes with orders.

Educator: -Now return to the teams and discuss your orders, take what you need for work. (the guys open the envelopes and read the applications)


1st brigade: wiping and watering flowers.

2nd brigade: wiping dust from shelves.

3rd Brigade: Cleaning up toys in activity centers.

Educator: - guys, have you discussed everything? 1st Brigade, what will you need for work? (a bucket of water, soft cloths, watering cans)


2nd brigade, what do you need? (basin with water, rags)


3rd Brigade, what do you need? (containers)


Now put on your aprons, take everything you need for work and go to your work places.

The children begin to work, and upon completion they put the equipment back in its place.

Educator: - now come to me and see if you have completed everything? (Yes)

Tell me, did you have any difficulties doing your work? (children's answers)
Guys, did you like working in the consumer service? Was it easy for you to do your job? Why do you think you need to value your own and other people’s work ? (children's answers)
Educator: - it turned out that everyone did their own small thing, and all together we did one big good deed. Our group is now clean and tidy. In gratitude for your help, I present you with medals for your good work.

Abstract of educational activities on labor education. lesson plan (preparatory group) on the topic

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution No. 24

Abstract of educational activities on labor education.

Completed by: Shvydkina A. A.

Teacher 1st category

Leninsk - Kuznetsky 2016

Abstract of educational activities on labor education. This lesson was held at the open event “Sharing Experience”.

Goal: To teach children to help adults and maintain order in the group.

Software tasks:

  • Improve children's ability to wash toys and dry them.
  • Form the habit of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Ability to interact in a team, negotiate the scope of everyone’s work.
  • Finish what you start.
  • Cultivate hard work, responsibility for assigned work, and accuracy.

Methods and techniques: Explanations, reminders, conversation, game time, advice, demonstration, positive example, practical cleaning actions, encouragement, artistic expression, musical accompaniment, experimentation.

Previous work: Introduction to the rules of collaboration; with proverbs and sayings; conversations: “Our house - let’s put it in order”, “A small task is better than a lot of idleness”; listening to music; reading V. Dragunsky “Top down, diagonally”, Y. Akim “The Incompetent”, S. Mikhalkov “All by myself”, A. Barto “The Dirty Girl”, fairy tales “Cinderella”.

Equipment: Oilcloth for the table, basins, rags, towels, sponges, oilcloth aprons, Cinderella doll, toy dishes, building material, envelope with assignments, pictures, crossword puzzle about professions, items for the game “Select items for labor,” treats for children.

Progress of the lesson


I love it when we say Good morning to everyone when we meet in the morning! Good afternoon

Let's say hello to our guests. (Children say hello). Guys, pay attention to who is sleeping in our group. This is Cinderella. When you were at home, getting ready to come to kindergarten, our Cinderella wanted to have time to clean up the group and go to the ball. But apparently she was tired and fell asleep. Well, are we going to wake her up or are we going to try to do everything for her ourselves?

Children: Let's try to do everything ourselves.

Educator: Let's remember who in the fairy tale helps Cinderella sort the cereal and clean the house.

Children: Mice and pigeons.

Educator: Guys, what is this next to Cinderella? (Envelope). This is an envelope, and on it is written “Until you complete all my tasks, you will not go to the ball!” Who do you think this letter is from?

Children: From an evil stepmother.

Educator: I propose to help Cinderella, complete all the tasks.

Task No. 1

  • These are pictures. We need to tell what is depicted on them.
  • What is shown in the picture? What do children and adults do? (The family collects vegetables and fruits in the garden).
  • But in this picture, what do you see? (Children in kindergarten are having lunch. Some children have already eaten and are clearing the dishes from the table).
  • And now I want to read you a story about two girls, and then you tell me which of the girls has become more mature.
  • One girl put on beads, her mother’s shoes, put on lipstick and said, “I’m already big!” The second girl at the same time put away the toys, folded the books, swept the floor and also said, “I’ve already become big.” So what makes the little ones big?
  • Which girl has grown older? Why?

And this task is more difficult.

Task No. 2. This is a crossword puzzle. If we solve the crossword puzzle correctly, then in the horizontally shaded cells we can find out the main word. Children solve a crossword puzzle and find words - clues (words are written on paper and stuck on Velcro).


1. Walks around in a white cap with a ladle in his hand. He prepares lunch for us: Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette. (Cook)

2. Who will prescribe vitamins? Who can cure a sore throat? Don’t cry during vaccinations - He knows how to be treated... (doctor)

3. I have a pencil, Multi-colored gouache, Watercolor, palette, brush And a thick sheet of paper, And also a tripod easel, Because I... (artist)

4. All the roads are familiar to me, I feel like I’m at home in the cabin. The traffic light is flashing for me, He knows that I am... (Chauffeur)

5. The bell rang loudly and the lesson began in the classroom. The student and the parent know - Will teach the lesson... (teacher)

6. He is not a pilot, not a pilot, He is not flying a plane, But a huge rocket. Children, who, tell me, is this? (Astronaut)

7. Waves a stick - Predators dance. If his face frowns, Leo will jump into the ring. What is he, a traffic controller? No, this is... (trainer)

8. He lays bricks in a row, builds a kindergarten for the children, not a miner or a driver, builds a house for us... (builder)

9. He is not an artist, but he always smells like paint, He is not a master of paintings - He is a master of walls! (Painter).

Physical minute “We help mom together.”

Together we help mom - we wipe the dust everywhere. Now we wash the clothes, rinse them, wring them out. We sweep everything around and run for milk. We meet mom in the evening, open the doors wide, hug mom tightly.

Task No. 3. Game "Select items for labor."

Objects are laid out on the table; you need to select only those that are useful for work. Children put aside: aprons, arm ruffles, basins, rags, oilcloth, towels. (They leave toys and stationery).

Task No. 4.

Educator: The evil stepmother tells Cinderella to wash the dishes and building materials. To complete the last task, we need to put on aprons. The boys will wash the building materials, and the girls will wash the kitchen utensils and put them in their places. Before starting work, I suggest you remember the basic labor rules:

  1. You can't be distracted.
  2. Carry out any task carefully, bring the work started to the end.
  3. Help your comrades if they refuse help, do not interfere.

I remind you of the work process:

  1. I cover the table with oilcloth so as not to wet the table.
  2. I pour some water into the basin.
  3. I take the dishes in my left hand, a rag in my right, put it in the water, and wash it from all sides. Next, I pass it on to another child, who will wipe these dishes with a towel, and the next child puts them back in place.

The children get to work. The teacher helps with advice and sometimes shows the method of action. If necessary, the teacher redistributes work responsibilities. After work, children clean up after themselves with napkins, sponges, and aprons.

The Cinderella doll wakes up, is surprised, and rejoices.

Cinderella: Thank you guys for helping me out and completing all the tasks that the evil stepmother had prepared for me. Now I can go to the ball with peace of mind. And if you help your parents like this at home, they will be very glad that their children have grown up and become great helpers. Goodbye children!

The teacher sees off Cinderella, and together with the children we summarize:

Educator: You see, guys, we did a good deed, helped Cinderella, did a lot of useful things, worked together, helped each other. It’s not for nothing that people say: “Friendly is not burdensome!” And they also say “Patience and work will grind everything down!” The group became clean, beautiful and light. Let's remember what we did for this? What were we doing?

  • We washed toys (dishes), building materials, wiped them, and put them in their places.
  • Why do you think we got the job done quickly?
  • That's right, everyone worked together, in harmony, and helped each other in their work.

Educator: Cinderella wants to thank you for such work.

Treats are distributed for children

Types and forms of employment in the preparatory group

Labor education runs a red line through all areas of educational activity in preschool educational institutions through the organization of different types of classes.


In this type of activity, two motives for work are realized at once: the desire to be useful and praise. Older preschoolers receive instructions from authoritative adults with great enthusiasm. And for the sake of praise, the desire to be useful, they do everything to complete the assignment well and as quickly as possible. For example, they remove toys from the playground after a walk.

Orders can be of three types:

  • individual (the student receives the task of watering the ficus in a group),
  • group (instructions are addressed to 2–4 children, for example, after a leisure activity, put the gaming material into boxes - dolls, cars, board games, sports equipment),
  • general (all children in the group receive the task, for example, put away their writing utensils in a box, laying out pencils separately, pens separately, after the literacy lesson is over).

In the educational process, all types of tasks are combined, which is displayed when compiling a file of work assignments. This type of work activity is especially in dire need of encouragement. And not only for the worthy execution of the assignment, but also for the initiative and desire to provide assistance.

This is interesting. The assignment does not at all exclude the assistance of an adult in completing the task. Moreover, this approach creates in children a feeling of a strong shoulder and confidence in the help of others.

When running errands, it is important for a child to know that it will be beneficial, and the child will be praised


This type of work activity involves several (2–4) children receiving a specific task, the implementation of which requires a high degree of responsibility. Duties can be of the following types:

  • around the dining room, which involves laying out cutlery, placing plates of bread on tables, etc.,
  • around the territory, when the children, after a walk, cover the sandbox, collect the remaining toys, sweep the paths,
  • in preparation for classes, that is, the guys prepare sets of materials for each student in accordance with the educational direction of a particular lesson (paints, brushes, water, a rag, sheets of paper - for drawing with paints, etc.),
  • in a corner of nature - children water flowers, pour food for fish, etc. (one of the methods of working in this type of work activity is “talking with animals, flowers,” when students thank the plants for flowering, wish them a good day, etc., which helps children understand the importance of attention and kind words for all living things).

Duties help unite a team of kids, teach them to take responsibility for their actions in front of the group, and also help them get to know each other better.

Joint work

This type of work activity is designed to develop in children the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of their comrades, establishing a uniform pace of work. The product of joint activity is a common benefit: a cleaned area on the street, a group room decorated for the New Year. The essence of the lesson is that the teacher formulates a common task for the group, and then distributes responsibilities for its implementation. At the end, the results of this work are summarized.

In the course of joint work, preschoolers learn to negotiate and take into account the opinions of their comrades

From my own experience, I can say that I practice joint activities, for example, when preparing a group room for an open lesson. So, one child collects the toys necessary for the lesson, checking the set with the list that I gave him, the second lays out files with sets of materials on the tables, the third brings pencils to each table, the fourth wipes the dust on the shelves, etc. After At the end of the preparatory stage, I thank all the guys for their help and draw their attention to the fact that it will be convenient and pleasant for us to work in a clean and well-organized room.

This is interesting. Joint work presupposes children's dependence on each other and close contact. Therefore, it is important to select tasks so that students can fully complete their task. For example, Polina should not be assigned to work with Masha - she is distracted, and Misha should not be given the task of disassembling the construction set after the game, since the boy does not know how to work quickly, and besides, the toy will probably captivate him.

Video: example of organizing joint work activities in a preparatory group

Forms of work activity of older preschoolers

Work in the preparatory group is organized in the form:

  • direct educational activities (in the classroom),
  • leisure activities (walks, matinees, etc.),
  • independent activities (usually in the form of instructions, for example, to remove the surroundings - dolls, a chair, toy dishes, etc. - after the game “Mothers and Daughters”).

In good weather, work activities are organized mainly outdoors

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