health-saving technologies lesson plan (senior group)

Summary of individual lessons using health-saving technologies

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention the summary of an individual speech therapy session using health-saving technologies (massage, eye gymnastics, breathing exercises) for children with level III OHP.

The use of health-saving technologies gives positive results. Massage contributes not only to the health of the child, but also to faster and more harmonious psychophysical development. Massage and self-massage evoke many positive emotions in children; children gain the first experience of reflection, learn to understand themselves and others, and take care of their health and the health of others. Thanks to breathing exercises, speech and physiological breathing, the strength and duration of exhalation develop, and correct sound pronunciation is reinforced. Gymnastics for the eyes helps relieve tension, relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation, reduces fatigue and eye fatigue.

Games with health-improving elements stabilize the emotional state of children, help relieve muscle and emotional tension, develop breathing, and improve their general condition.

The combination of exercises used in classes with the pronunciation of special speech material makes it possible to expand vocabulary, clarify sound pronunciation, combine speech with movement, develop auditory attention and visual memory, improve gross and fine motor skills, and develop clear coordinated movements in conjunction with speech.

The use of health-saving technologies in speech therapy classes contributes to the comprehensive development of speech and non-speech processes in children with special needs; in addition to correctional ones, health-improving tasks are also solved.

I hope that you will appreciate the individual lesson notes I have developed and add them to your teaching collection.

Summary of an individual lesson using health-saving technologies (massage, eye exercises, breathing exercises) for children with level III OHP.

Preparatory stage of sound correction [Ш].

Lexical topic: Autumn. Mushrooms.

1. Articulation gymnastics. Prepare the articulatory apparatus for pronouncing the sound [w].

The hedgehog lives under a bush (exercise “dog”), the Hedgehog gets up early (exercise “fungus”), washes its back (exercise “let’s brush your teeth”), rubs its ears (exercise “let’s brush your teeth”). He is not lazy, guys, he deftly does exercises (exercise “accordion”), bakes pancakes for himself (exercise “spatula”), drinks fresh milk (exercise “lapping”). And then he takes the basket (exercise “cup”) and he runs along the path (exercise “punish the naughty tongue”).

2. Game massage “A hedgehog walks.” Relieving muscle tension, coordinating speech with movement.

A hedgehog walks without paths through the forest, through the forest. And with its thorns it pricks and pricks. And I’ll show the hedgehog that path, where the mice roll little cones.

For this game you will need massage spiky balls and cones. Adults help the child roll first balls between his palms and over his body, and then pine cones.

3. Gymnastics for the eyes. Reduce eye fatigue and fatigue, prevent myopia.

Looks left, looks right, Up and down, back, forward - And he doesn’t recognize his own forest! Where are the green leaves? Where are the birds? Where are the flowers? Oh, and a difficult riddle! Would you guys help?

4. Vocabulary development. Updating the dictionary on the topic, developing memory and thinking.

- What time of year is it? Name the signs of autumn.

5. Development of fine motor skills. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

The hedgehog could not be restrained; he began to collect mushrooms. Top-top - five steps (Children “walk” with their fingers on the table). There are five mushrooms in the little container. (Interlace the fingers of both hands - tuesochek, thumbs - pen; show five fingers of the right hand). Red fly agaric is a dangerous mushroom. And the second is a fox, a red pigtail. The third mushroom is the little mushroom, the Pink Ear. And the fourth mushroom is the morel, the bearded old man. The fifth mushroom is white, eat it boldly! (For each couplet, children extend one finger, starting with the little finger, on one or both hands).

6. Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of the “Merry Count” speech. Practice agreeing nouns with the numerals two and five.

He collected mushrooms and cheerfully counted them. One fox, two..., five...; One boletus, two..., five...etc.

7. Breathing exercise “Autumn leaves”. Develop the duration and smoothness of exhalation.

Suddenly a leaf fell on the hat. (At the level of the child’s mouth, dry multi-colored tree leaves are suspended on strings. Children stand in front of the leaves. Slowly draw in air through the nose. Make sure that the shoulders do not rise. Pull out the lips with a tube, blow on the leaves without puffing out the cheeks. Repeat 3-5 times.)

8. Development of mental processes “Find the fungus.” Development of visual gnosis, consolidation of prepositions in speech.

He walked through the forest all day, he collected all the mushrooms. The hedgehog hurried home and dried the mushrooms. Where did the hedgehog dry his mushrooms?

9. Development of phonemic hearing. Learn to distinguish the sound [w] from other sounds.

Oh, our hedgehog was tired and lay down on his side in his bed.

The leaves rustled and they sang a lullaby. You will hear: shhhh, wave your hand.

a, y, i, w, o, e, s, w...

p, n, v, w, m, t, l, w...

h, sch, f, c, w, s, z, w...

Barannikova Olga Nikolaevna, teacher-speech therapist, MBDOU combined type kindergarten No. 30 “Teremok”, Krasnodar region, art. Leningradskaya

  1. Abstract on automating the pronunciation of sound [C] using health-saving technologies
  2. Summary of a speech therapy session for children of the older group with general speech underdevelopment using health-saving technologies
  3. Summary of educational activities using speech therapy rhythms and computer technologies for children 5-7 years old
  4. Using health-saving technologies in speech therapy classes
  5. Summary of an individual lesson: Automation of the sound [Zh] in words and sentences

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Lesson summary "Use of health-saving technologies in physical education lessons"

Physical education lesson plan

using health-saving technologies

Improve ball handling skills through joint game exercises and outdoor games.

Educational : consolidate the technique of dribbling and passing the ball with both hands from the chest.

Developmental : develop student interaction skills, dexterity, attention, coordination.

Educational : to cultivate a sense of collectivism and a conscious attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.

Wellness : promote the development of correct posture, strengthen the muscles of the foot and respiratory muscles.

Venue : sports hall.

Equipment and supplies : basketballs, gymnastic wall.

Lesson parts Lesson content Dosage Guidelines
Preparatory part (12 min.) Construction. Greetings.

Reporting the objectives of the lesson.

1 min.Class! Be equal! Attention!
Walking: – on toes, hands on waist, hands up; – on your heels, arms forward, hands behind your head; – on the outside of the foot, arms to the sides; – with your toes facing in, hands behind your back. 1.5 minRight! Walking around to the left, march!” Maintain a distance of 1m.

Do not bend your knees, straighten your arms. Elbows apart, back straight. Watch your posture. The step is short.

Running: – with side steps on the right, left side; – backwards forward; - “snake”. 2 minutes. The pace is average, keep your distance. Sliding step, hands in front of chest. Look back over your shoulder. Counter-movement to the left, “snake” march.
Go to walking, restore breathing.

Formation into a column of 2, followed by formation into 2 ranks.

1 min. Hands up - inhale, hands down - exhale. “To the left in a column of 2 - march! Distance and interval 3 steps.”
Outdoor switchgear complex with balls: 6 min.
1. I.p.: stand, ball down; 1 – ball up, right back on the toe; 2 – i.p.; 3–4 – the same with the left.

2. I.p.: stand, ball in front of the chest; 1 – tilt your head forward, squeeze the ball with your hands; 2 – i.p.; 3 – head tilt back; 4 – i.p.; 5 – head tilt to the right; 6 – i.p.; 7 – head tilt to the left; 8 – i.p.

Bend over, head up. Keep your back straight.

Press the ball with your fingertips. In i.p. relax your fingers.

3. I.p.: stand, ball down; 1 – right to the side on the toe, tilt to the right, ball up; 2 – i.p.; 3–4 – the same to the left. When bending over, look over your shoulder at your heel.
4. I.p.: stand with legs apart, ball up; 1–4 – circular movement of the body to the right; 5–8 – the same to the left. The amplitude is greater, look at the ball.
5. I.p.: wide stance with legs apart, ball up; 1 – tilt forward – to the right, put the ball; 2 – stand with legs apart, arms up; 3 – lean forward – to the right, take the ball; 4 – i.p.; 5–8 – the same in the other direction. When bending, do not bend your knees.

Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions - Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions

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