Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the natural world in a preparatory group for school.

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Summary of direct educational activities to get acquainted with the outside world in a preparatory group for school Topic: “Wonders of Nature” Program objectives: Educational: - cultivate an ecological culture, love for nature.8) Educational: - teach children to carry out simple actions similar to natural phenomena (rain, wind, thunder); -give basic information about the profession of a weather forecaster; - teach children to analyze and draw conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships; - consolidate the ability to classify natural phenomena by seasons; -continue to introduce children to natural phenomena. Correctional and developmental: - develop the cognitive abilities of children; -develop observation, curiosity, thinking; - develop fine motor skills; -develop coherent speech, the ability to correctly construct a sentence, improve the sound culture of children’s speech, achieving clear pronunciation of sounds and words, and correct stress placement. Working with the dictionary: -enter the following words and phrases into the active dictionary: thawed patches, drops, ice drift, flood. natural phenomena, folk signs; - enter words and phrases into the passive dictionary: meteorologist, weather forecaster of the Hydrometeorological Center Materials and equipment: - Basins with water, foam sponges; - Confetti, drum. Multimedia presentation about natural phenomena “Wonders of Nature” Emblem “Sun” for each child. Preliminary work: - Observation of seasonal changes; — Reading works of fiction; — Guessing riddles; — Examination of paintings and illustrations of natural phenomena. Progress of the lesson Educator: Children, today we will talk about the miracles that nature gives us. I'll tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it. The sun is shining, the wind is whistling, the rain is pouring down like buckets. After rain in the sky, a rainbow is immediately visible These weather changes Give us ……………… (natural phenomena). Educator: You guessed correctly. What happens if you blow on confetti? Give it a try. (Children take confetti and blow on it.) Children's answers: (confetti will fly in different directions). Educator: What does this remind you of? Children's answers (as if it were snowing and the wind was blowing). Educator: (beats the drum) What does this sound remind you of? Children's answers: (rolls of thunder). Educator: Let's wet our lips, lift them and squeeze them out. Do you hear sounds? What can they be compared to? Children's answers: (with rain). Educator: What can we compare all that we have seen and heard with? Children's answers: (with natural phenomena). Educator: Now I will ask you riddles about natural phenomena. Try to guess them. Puzzles. 1. Mom and I went for a walk. He began to water the ground. Watered and watered, drove everyone under umbrellas. (rain) (Slide 2) 2. Not snow or ice, but with silver the trees will be removed (frost) (Slide 3) 3. A white canvas hung over the river and over the valley (fog) (Slide 4) 4. In the morning the beads sparkled, All the grass we covered them with ourselves And we went to look for them during the day, We search, we search, but we will not find (dew) (Slide 5) 5. He was a black cloud at first, He lay down like white fluff on the forest. Covered the whole earth with a blanket, And in the spring it completely disappeared. (snow) (Slide 6) 6. A colored rocker hung above the river (rainbow) (Slide 7) 7. A fiery snake appeared in the sky How it found itself among the gray clouds (lightning) (Slide) 8. I say to my brother: - Oh, peas are falling from the sky! , sings She breaks the snow and ice (drops)( Slide 10) 10. He lives on the street, He carries leaves in the fall, And in winter he carries snowflakes, Sometimes in the spring there are rains, In the summer, if he blows, He will blow the panama hat off his head. (wind)( Slide) 11) Children guess riddles and describe these phenomena, the teacher monitors the correctness of speech and the construction of sentences, corrects and supplements if necessary. Educator: Well done! Educator: Guys, tell me at what time of the year you can observe dew, fog, rainbows, hail? Answers children: (in summer). Educator: When can you see snow, a blizzard? Children's answers: (in winter). Educator: When does it rain? Children's answers: (in spring). Educator: Tell me, what time of year is it now? Children's answer: (Spring) Educator: Look at the screen what natural phenomena we notice in the spring. (Slide 12) In the second half of March, the days noticeably lengthen, the nights decrease; The sun rises higher and higher at noon above the horizon, its rays fall more directly on the earth and warm it up more strongly. The snow becomes loose, begins to melt, and thawed patches form in open areas. Drops begin to ring. In the second half of March, the first cumulus clouds appear (Slide 13). They are very beautiful, looking like snow-white, dome-shaped masses with smooth bases. Clouds usually appear in the morning or at noon due to the heating of the air adjacent to the ground; in the evening, when the rising currents weaken, they begin to disappear and melt. In the first half of April, the snow melts off the ground; The streams formed when it melts run down to reservoirs. (Slide 14) Ice drift usually begins in mid-April. Shortly before this, edges appear near the shore? narrow strips of water. Under the influence of water and sun, cracks form in the ice, it splits and moves away. This phenomenon is called ice drift. Ice floes, crowded and jostled, rush down the river, hitting the banks and piles of bridges. In the middle of the river, ice floes move faster than near the banks. Along the way they melt. The river is freed from the ice cover, overflows its banks and overflows. The flood begins. (Slide 15) What do you guys think, why do all these spring changes begin in nature? Children's answers. Educator: Well, of course, all thanks to the bright, warm spring sun! . Let us relax under the gentle spring sun. Physical education is being conducted (to music) Educator: Why do drops appear and streams flow? Children's answers: The sun shines brighter in spring, warms warmer and melts snow Educator: Many natural phenomena (rain, wind, hail, blizzard, etc.) affect the state of the weather. Children, do you know that the weather forecast is given to us by weather forecasters from the Hydrometeorological Center. (Slide 16) Scientists who study weather phenomena are called meteorologists (Slide 17). They use satellite photographs of the Earth to make weather forecasts. These satellites are unmanned, they are called probes. (Slide 18) From photographs, meteorologists determine where it will be cold and where it will be warm, what kind of wind it will be, where there will be snow, rain, etc. (Slide 19) Tell me, how else can you predict weather phenomena? (Slide 20) How can you find out whether it will be sunny, clear, or rainy? (Slide 21) Children’s answers: (according to folk signs). Educator: Let's play the game “Predict the Weather.” The game is “Predict the Weather”. The teacher names a sign, and the children predict the weather. Signs: 1. The sun sets behind a cloud - (wait for bad weather) 2. A bright sunset - (the day will be hot) 3. Swallows fly low - (for rain) 4. A lot of midges in the evening - (for warm weather) 5. Ants are hiding in anthill - (for rain) 6. Dandelions close during the day - (for rain) 7. Swallows fly high - (there will be no rain) 8. A lot of rowan trees - (rainy autumn) 9. Starry sky - (for cold weather) 10. A frog jumps on on the ground - (for rain) 11. Smoke rises from the chimney - (frost is expected) 12. There are a lot of acorns on the oak tree - (for severe winter) 13. A dog rolls on the ground - (rain is expected) Educator: Well done, guys. You are so observant. This is our nature - a magician. She gives us her miracles. This is the sun, rain, snow, rainbow, blizzard, drops, dew and many others. Tell me, what miracles has nature given us today? Children's answers: (rain, wind, etc.). Educator: Today you learned that the weather forecast is given to us by weather forecasters from the Hydrometeorological Center. You can also determine the weather based on folk signs. Today you listened to the rain dripping, thunder roaring, and the wind blowing. You completed the tasks so well that the sun came out and brought us its light and warmth. I want to give you little suns so that the weather will be good more often and you and I can go for walks. I wish that the sun always shines brightly for you and that you are healthy and happy!

Forms and methods of introducing children in kindergarten to nature

Forms and methods of introducing children to nature
I picked a flower - and it withered.
I caught a beetle - and it died in my palm. And then I realized that you can only touch beauty with your heart. Pavol Gnezdoslav Have you ever thought that the current generation of young children lives in isolation from nature?
Modern children are practically deprived of the opportunity to see the flora and fauna with their own eyes, to be amazed at the wonders that direct communication with this world brings. But due to his extraordinary natural curiosity, the baby, seeing a bug, worm or frog in the grass, shows a keen interest in them and begins to ask his countless “why” questions. Animals, birds, fish are constant objects not only of children's curiosity, but also of play, observation, care and love. Getting to know the world around you is like traveling along a deep, unknown river. What secrets does she keep within herself? What awaits us along the way? Where will this river lead? What will give us confidence on the road and make our boat reliable? — Interest in understanding the world around us; desire to explore, discover; the ability to think, reason, analyze, draw conclusions - this is what will help us in our pursuit of the unknown. When setting off on a journey, we will arm ourselves with oars that will help us move forward in a given direction. The first paddle is activity. It is necessary to create conditions under which the child becomes a subject of cognitive activity, i.e. new knowledge, abilities, skills, new methods of action are obtained in the process of search, research and experimental activities. It is important to encourage and support the child’s desire to think, feel, try independently, and then he will try to solve many of his problems on his own, while receiving great pleasure. The second oar is emotions. It is known that the leading area of ​​mental development in preschool childhood is the emotional sphere.
Therefore, it is important to give the learning process a bright emotional coloring, to carefully influence children’s feelings, their imagination and fantasy. It is important to remember that only under the condition of the harmonious development of two main spheres - intellectual and emotional - is personal harmony possible. Forms for introducing preschoolers to nature.
Children are introduced to nature in a variety of forms. Forms of organizing children's activities when introducing them to nature are classes, excursions, walks, work in a corner of nature, work on a plot of land.
Classes are held at certain hours, according to a pre-developed plan agreed with the program. During classes, the teacher not only imparts new knowledge to children, but also clarifies and consolidates it. The main thing in the lesson is that the children master the program material. For this purpose, various methods are used - observation of natural objects, the work of adults, didactic games, working with paintings, reading fiction, stories, conversations. An excursion is an activity in which children get acquainted with nature in natural conditions: in a forest, in a meadow, in a garden, near a pond. Excursions are conducted during the hours allocated for classes. On excursions, certain program content is carried out, the assimilation of which is mandatory for the entire group of children, which distinguishes excursions from everyday walks. Staying in the fresh air in a forest or meadow among fragrant flowers, movements and joyful experiences usually associated with this, also have a beneficial effect on the physical development of children. The choice of excursion location depends on its objectives and the age of the children. Excursions outside the kindergarten are conducted with children of the middle, senior and preparatory groups. It is recommended to conduct excursions to the same places at different times of the year. When preparing for excursions, the teacher visits in advance the places where the excursion is planned. The organization of children plays an important role in conducting the excursion. Before leaving, they check that they have taken everything they need, then remind the children how they should behave. Walks – Daily walks are widely used to introduce children of all age groups to nature. They can be in the nature of small excursions, during which the teacher conducts inspections of the site, organizes observations of the weather, seasonal changes in the life of plants and animals. On walks, children get acquainted with nature according to a planned plan, drawn up in advance based on the program and taking into account local conditions. The program content of the plan is carried out on a number of walks at a time when certain natural phenomena appear. During walks, the teacher organizes games using natural materials - sand, snow, water, leaves. To play while walking on the property, you need to have a box of sand, a small pool, and waterfowl toys. During their daily walks, children participate in labor processes: raking fallen leaves, clearing paths of snow, watering plants. Work on the land plot - children work on the land plot mainly after naps. Just like in the corner, this is combined with observations and contributes to the accumulation of knowledge about plants and animals, the improvement of work skills and abilities, and the cultivation of hard work. Work in a corner of nature – work in a corner of nature is carried out during the hours allocated for work. Children observe plants and animals, get used to caring for them, learn to work together with adults, with each other, and then independently. Methods for introducing preschoolers to nature
Visual methods As proven by psychologists, children in the first seven years of life are characterized by visually effective and visually imaginative thinking. Therefore, we structure the learning process in such a way that children learn basic information not verbally, but visually. One of the main methods of becoming familiar with the world around us is observation. Observations during a walk enrich ideas about the world around us, contribute to the formation of a friendly attitude towards nature, stimulate children's curiosity, and teach them to draw independent conclusions. So in winter we paid attention to the beauty of winter nature - trees covered with snow, fluffy snow, transparent pieces of ice, watched the birds flying to the site, and fed them. Looking at paintings - paintings provide an opportunity to examine natural phenomena in detail and focus attention on them for a long time, which is often impossible to do with direct observation due to the dynamism and variability of nature. When introducing children to nature, didactic, object-based, and also artistic pictures are used. The purpose of using paintings is to form in children an aesthetic attitude towards nature, the ability to see its beauty, perceive the figurative and artistic meaning of the painting, and see vivid means of expression. Looking at an artistic painting may be accompanied by listening to music or poetry. Educational screen - when introducing children to nature in kindergarten, filmstrips, films, and television films are used. With their help, the teacher forms in children ideas about the dynamics of natural phenomena - the growth and development of plants and animals, about the work of adults, showing phenomena that occur in nature for a long time. Practical methods Didactic games - in didactic games, children clarify, consolidate, and expand their existing ideas about objects and natural phenomena, plants and animals.
Many games lead children to generalization and classification. Didactic games promote the development of attention, memory, observation, activate and enrich the vocabulary. Subject games - games with leaves, seeds, flowers, fruits and vegetables: “Wonderful bag”, “Tops and roots”, “Whose children are on this branch?” Widely used in junior and middle groups. Printed board games: “Zoological Lotto”, “Botanical Lotto”, “Four Seasons”, “Berry and Fruit”, “Plants” - provide an opportunity to systematize children’s knowledge about plants, animals, and inanimate natural phenomena. Verbal games “Who flies, runs, jumps”, “It is necessary - it is not necessary” - are carried out with the aim of consolidating knowledge. Outdoor games of a natural history nature are associated with imitation of the habits of animals and their way of life. These are such as “The Mother Hen and the Chicks”, “The Mice and the Cat”, “The Sun and the Rain”. Work in nature is organized in the form of individual and collective assignments. Individual assignments make it possible to more carefully direct the actions of children, while collective work makes it possible to develop work skills and abilities simultaneously in all children in the group. Elementary experiments are observations carried out under special conditions. It involves an active influence on an object or phenomenon, their transformation in accordance with the goal. Experience is used as a way to solve a cognitive problem. Solving a cognitive problem requires a special process: analysis, correlation of known and unknown data. Discussion of the conditions of the experiment takes place under the guidance of the teacher. Verbal methods A teacher's story can be told to children for different purposes: to expand knowledge about already familiar phenomena, animals, plants, to familiarize themselves with new phenomena and facts. The story must be accompanied by illustrative material - photographs, paintings, filmstrips. The duration of the story for children of senior preschool age should be no more than 10 - 15 minutes. Conversation – there are two types: final and preliminary. Preliminary - used before observation, excursion. The goal is to clarify the children’s experience in order to establish a connection between the upcoming observation and knowledge. The final conversation is aimed at systematizing and summarizing the facts obtained, their specification, consolidation and clarification. The conversation is the result of the work done with children. Therefore, the teacher is faced with the task of accumulating ideas in children through observations, work, games, reading, and stories. Conversation as a method of introducing children to nature is used with middle-aged and older children. Reading fiction - children's natural history books are used by teachers, primarily for educational purposes. The book provides rich material for cultivating cognitive interest, observation and curiosity. Implementation of the principles and methods of introducing preschoolers to nature.

And I would like to share my experience in introducing children to nature.
To improve my work, I combined different types of activities - visual, musical, physical, so I was able to form a more complete understanding of the surrounding reality. So, after observing the sun, the children draw a “radiant sun”, in music classes they sing songs about nature, in physical education classes we use comparisons - “we walk like bears, we jump like bunnies.” I tried to create the necessary developmental subject environment in the group (including conditions for independent and joint activities of children); during the day the child is involved in various types of activities (observations in a group, on a walk, games, reading and discussing literature, drawing, etc. .) We have a special corner where children have the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge acquired in class. There are printed board and didactic games, manuals for individual work, and albums for viewing. Considering the age of my students, the greatest place is given to the joint activities of the teacher and the children. This is due to the importance of each child accumulating personal experience of environmentally correct interaction with nature in accordance with their interests, inclinations, and level of cognitive development. To do this, our interaction with children is built taking into account an individual approach, which helps to support unsure children, restrain the hurried ones, load the nimble ones and not rush the slow ones. And in order for the children to strive for the correct answer and to work more independently, we created a “House of Success”, where each child accumulates his own, albeit still small and at first glance inconspicuous, successes. The older children become, the higher their independence will be, the more intense their activities in nature will become. In introducing children to nature, I attach particular importance to observations while walking. For example, in the fall, I asked you to pay attention to the color of the sky through the branches: at this time, the varied coloring of the leaves especially emphasizes the color of the sky. Children love to collect fallen leaves of different shapes. In order to develop observation skills and expand children's horizons, we use leaves in the game. My children and I attached particular importance to organizing winter feeding for birds. We have feeders of various designs; all of them were made by the students together with their parents. Feeders are hung on the site. With children we prepare food from seeds of plants and trees, crumbs, etc. winter feeding of birds makes it possible to clarify the idea of ​​wintering birds and the characteristics of their life in winter; show the need for winter feeding; bring to the understanding that a person feeding birds in winter saves them from death. I pay a lot of attention to introducing children to inanimate nature: earth, water, air, etc. children become familiar with the concept of wind, the causes and conditions of its occurrence. Through experiments, children had the opportunity to get acquainted with air and learned to transform water into solid and liquid states. In my work with children, I attach great importance to gaming technologies. Didactic games: “Big-small”; “Where is whose house?”; “Tell me who I am?”; "Seasons"; “Which tree is the leaf from?” “Let’s dress a doll for a walk” helps me a lot in introducing children to animals, birds, and natural phenomena. Word games: “Find out by description”; “Edible – inedible”; "Good bad"; “What’s extra?”; "Magic wand"; “Recognize by voice”; “Who is screaming?”; “Who came to us?” develop children's attention, imagination, and increase knowledge about the world around them. With the help of toys and pictures, I introduce children to domestic and wild animals, and cultivate interest in them and their babies. In working with preschoolers, I am convinced every day that they really love fairy tales, stories, and poems, so I pay a lot of attention to fairy tales; children of all ages succumb to its charm, and it does not leave adults indifferent. Therefore, a fairy tale should be one of the obligatory components of environmental education of children. I often use fiction. Fiction about nature has a deep impact on children's feelings. First of all, you need to use the literature recommended by the kindergarten program. These are works by A. Pushkin, F. Tyutchev, A. Fet, N. Nekrasov, K. Ushinsky, L. Tolstoy, M. Prishvin, V. Bianki, N. Sladkov and others. After reading, I have a conversation with the children, ask questions, see sympathy, empathy or joy, delight in the children’s eyes. It’s very nice when children ask questions where they show care and love for our little friends: “Will someone save him?”, “Won’t they freeze?”, “Why didn’t anyone help him?” It is very important to convey to children the meaning of the work. Environmental education is currently not only one of the most difficult areas in working with children, but also an important process in nurturing the environmental culture of parents, because The family plays a major role in a child's life. Therefore, we have developed a plan for cooperation with parents. The magazine “Lesovichok” was created for them, which contains interesting facts from the life of plants and animals, facts about natural phenomena. A section was created on the topic “Know, love and take care”, the motto of which was the words of V. Sukhomlinsky: “Before giving knowledge, one must teach to think, perceive and observe.” Homework was offered in the form of puzzles, crosswords, quizzes, and experiments. The purpose of the magazine is to support parents' interest in environmental education of children. Visual information also helps to attract the attention of parents to the environmental education of children. Consultations were offered on “the rules of friends of nature”, “building a culture of love for nature in preschoolers”, a list of children’s literature was proposed that would help in the environmental education of children, and together with parents they made a herbarium from tree leaves. We hope that our joint work will yield good results. Familiarizing preschoolers with nature is an important means of developing the ecological culture of preschoolers. Without knowledge of nature and without love for it, human existence is impossible. It is important to lay the foundations of environmental education from early childhood, since the main personality traits are laid in preschool age. It is very important to use a variety of forms, methods and techniques when working with children, and to carry it out in close cooperation with parents and teachers. Make familiarization with nature an interesting, creative, educational activity for children, use more practical activities. And then, through familiarization with nature, we will raise sensitive, kind, attentive and caring inhabitants of our planet.

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