Week “Games and Toys” Report on the work done by the teacher of the secondary group MUNICIPAL STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION “SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL. - presentation

Lesson summary "Toys" in the middle group

Summary of a lesson on speech development on the topic “Toys” in the middle group

Direct educational activities in the middle group

Topic: Toys.


practicing the ability to form adjectives; correlate nouns with adjectives in gender, number, case; Expansion and systematization of vocabulary; Dictionary: rubber, iron, glass, cardboard, plastic; Cultivate a caring, friendly attitude towards toys; teach children to put their toys away after themselves.


: pictures of toys; a wonderful bag of toys; Mashenka doll; toys: bunny, spinning top, boat, kite, lantern, Teddy bear with a bow (for beauty).

Progress of direct educational activities

1. Organizational moment

(task for children).
Cutting pictures - make a picture from parts and name it. - Guys, what do you think we will talk about today? About toys. All toys are made from different materials. And today we will talk about what toys are made of and what they are like. 2. Studying new material.
Game: Wonderful bag.
Children take out toys by touch and name them; then determine the material from which they are made. - What did you get? - ball. -What is it made of? - made of rubber. - So what kind of ball is it? - rubber ball. Questions clarify the answers: rubber ball; glass ball; wooden cube; iron soldier; plastic scoop; cardboard fish. It is important to ensure that children give complete answers. Game: Let's help the doll Mashenka.
A sad doll Mashenka appears - Why is Mashenka so gloomy, so sad?
All her toys have run away because she doesn't know what they are made of. Let's help Mashenka. We need to find toys and name what they are made of and what they are. Children find toys in the play corner and return to the teacher. You need to name the toy and say what it is. (I have a fur hare; an iron spinning top; a blue ship; a beautiful Bear; a big snake). - Mashenka, do you remember? Tell me what the toys are made of? - Children, did Mashenka answer correctly? - Why isn’t it right? — She didn’t name the material, didn’t say what the toys were made of. - Let's remember once again what kind of toys Mashenka has and what they are made of. Children answer using relative adjectives. 3. Physical education minute.
- Guys, you have all been turned on with a key, you are wind-up dolls (the children walk around pretending to be wind-up dolls).
And now you are bunnies (children jump, imitating bunnies). And now you are bears (imitation). And now the foxes (imitation). And now all the balls are big and small; boys are big and girls are small balls; and they jump in different ways: big ones - high, small ones - lower (then they changed: the girls became big balls, and the boys - small ones). 4. Fixing the material.
Game: Toy Store.
Children look at toys on the shelf. Play activities: children go out and buy the toy they like. Condition: buy only toys made from the same material. First, they buy wooden toys. You need to name it, say what it is, what the toy is made of. — I bought a wooden spoon. I bought a wooden nesting doll. I bought a wooden horse. I bought a wooden cube. — The wooden toys are all gone, they’re all sold out. And now they sell rubber toys. Then plastic toys go on sale. Then iron ones. The teacher asks the children to help, clean up the store and place the toys on the shelves; the children arrange the toys, classifying them. - Well done, guys, you behaved well in the toy store today, played carefully with them, carefully placed the toys on the shelves. Reflection: Children, did you like the toy store? What toys were the most fun to play with? 5. Summary.
Closing conversation. — Guys, what other toys and what materials do you know? Yes, guys, today you learned a lot of interesting things about toys, you played happily and amicably with different toys. The teacher praises the children for their attentiveness and complete answers.

teacher Melikova F.M.

DIRECT EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY educational area “Speech development”

Program content : Check how well children have developed the ability to compose a consistent story about a toy. Exercise children in the ability to form words by analogy.


Educational objectives: To strengthen children’s ability to describe a toy, naming the most characteristic features and various actions with them. Continue to teach how to connect sentences with each other, leading to writing a short story about toys. Practice choosing synonyms and antonyms.

Educational tasks: To cultivate a friendly attitude towards friends, animals, toys. Teach children to put their toys back in their place.

Developmental tasks: Enrich children's vocabulary with the names of surrounding objects (toys, their properties and actions).

Equipment: Toys (pyramid, soft toy hare, doll, car, ball, magic bag)

Progress of the lesson.

partscontentmethods and techniques
Introductory partEducator: All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend! Let's hold hands together and smile at each other. (Children sit down, knock on the door) greetings
Main part.Educator: Oh, guys, do you hear someone knocking on the door. Let's see who's there? (The teacher opens the door, and behind the door is a bag with a letter.) Educator: Guys, here is a letter with riddles that need to be solved. Listen carefully to the riddles and before answering, think. The teacher asks riddles: Teacher: A ball of fluff, a long ear, jumps deftly, loves carrots (hare) He is small in stature, but he is daring, he galloped away from me. Even though it’s always inflated, it’s never boring with it (the ball) Doesn’t fly, doesn’t buzz, the beetle runs down the street, and two brilliant lights are burning in the beetle’s eyes. (car) Blue eyes, golden curls, pink lips. (doll) There are different rings on sticks, they look like a Christmas tree, they amuse the children. (pyramid) Educator: Guys, what is this, how can all this be called in one word. (toys) Educator : Guys, let's play a finger game. A small hare with big ears, a pink nose, and a funny mustache. He digs a deep hole for himself. With strong paws in soft ground. He cleans his fur or sleeps. The bunny always moves his ears. Educator: Let's write a story about toys together. (The teacher takes one of the toys and begins to describe it with the children) Educator : By color, what kind of toys there are, by shape, by size, from what materials (children's answers). Well done boys. Educator: Guys, let's talk about the doll together. (Children's answers) Educator: What is she like, what is she wearing. (Children's answers). Educator: I invite anyone who wants to come up and take any toy (doll, car, pyramid, ball, hare), and the rest help. Educator : And now everyone stood in a circle to play, it’s time. Our game is called “What is What?” The teacher gathers children in a circle. Educator: I will tell you the juice, and you must guess what fruit it is made from. (Orange juice, from orange; apple juice, from apples.) Surprise moment Guessing riddles Finger game Making up a story game “What from what”
Final partEducator: Guys, you liked our game. What we talked about today. Guys, did you like our new toys? Now you can take the toys and play with them. Summary of the lesson.

Lesson duration : 20 minutes.

Planning a thematic week in the middle group “My favorite games and toys”

Tatiana Goryacheva

Planning a thematic week in the middle group “My favorite games and toys”

Goal: continuation of work on the development and enrichment of game plots, development of creative abilities in role-playing, active, theatrical games.



Integration of educational areas

Conversation “My favorite toy.” Goal: to create a desire to talk about your favorite toy, to describe it. S/r game "Kindergarten". Goal: to develop children’s social skills, strengthen the ability to create a play environment.

Canteen duty. Goal: continue to teach how to carefully set tables. Finger gymnastics “For the girl Zinochka” Goal: to develop fine motor skills and speech.

Ind. work: D/i “What was put in the basket”

RPPS: Play equipment: attributes for s/r games, building material.

1. Speech development. Making riddles-descriptions about toys. (Gerbova p. 124) Goal: continue to learn how to write riddles-descriptions about toys. Set of toys

2. Physical education according to the plan of the physical education instructor during a walk.


Observation - wind power. Goal: to continue to introduce the concept of “wind force”, to teach how to determine the force of the wind. P/game “Bees and Swallows”. Goal: to teach children to change direction and pace of movement when given a signal. Sports exercise: riding a scooter. S/r game "Family". Goal: to develop the ability to create a game environment, distribute roles, and use natural materials.

Ind. job: jumping from heights

RPPS: Play equipment: attributes for indoor games, balls, scooters, building material, ribbons.


Tempering procedures after sleep, gymnastics in bed. KGN while washing. Goal: to strengthen the ability to wash oneself carefully and use an individual towel. Repetition of A. Barto’s favorite poems from the “Toys” cycle Goal: to develop interest in fiction.

P/i “We shared an orange” Goal: to develop motor activity. S/r game “Hospital for Dolls” Goal: continue to teach how to select the necessary attributes, distribute roles, and cultivate friendly relationships.

RPPS. Creation of an art exhibition in the book corner. literature on the topic of the week.


P/game “Sparrows and the Cat” Purpose: to teach how to jump from a height, land on both feet, and practice running. Teamwork: cleaning up fallen leaves. Goal: to cultivate a desire to work, provide assistance to educators, and develop labor skills. S/r game "Family". Goal: to develop the ability to select attributes and assign roles. Ind. work: practice standing long jumps.

RPPS: Take-out material for the development of motor activity, attributes for physical education games, equipment for work.


1. Information in the corner for parents on the topic of the week.

2. Consultation “Outdoor play as a means of physical education of a child” (physical education instructor)

3. Folder “Tell your children what toys you played with as a child”

4. Organization of the exhibition “Do-It-Yourself Toy”


Integration of educational areas


Conversation "Matryoshka - a folk toy." Goal: expand understanding of road signs, types of transport, develop attention and speech. Work in the book corner - looking at illustrations on the topic of the week. S/r game “Toy Store”. Goal: continue to teach how to distribute roles, select attributes, and interact with each other in the game. Work assignments in a corner of nature. Goal: to teach how to water flowers correctly. Finger gymnastics “I have a big, friendly family.” Goal: to develop motor and speech activity.

Ind. work: d/game “Whose Mother” (pets)

RPPS: illustrations depicting toys, attributes for the agricultural game: baskets, cash register, models of products, strollers, dolls

1. FEMP No. (Metlina p. 69)

Purpose: to introduce the formation of the number 4, teach to count to 4, practice distinguishing between a circle, a square and a triangle.

Stand with shelves, 3 bears, 3 squirrels, 4 nuts; for each child - 2 squares, 3 triangles, 4 circles

2. Physical education according to the instructor’s plan.


Observation of a birch tree. Goal: expand your understanding of trees in the fall. Repeating the rhyme “We are walking along the path.” Goal: to develop memory and speech activity. S/r game “Supermarket” Goal: to develop the ability to select attributes and distribute roles. Work on the site: raking dry leaves. Goal: to cultivate hard work. P\game “At the Bear in the Forest” Purpose: to develop motor activity, practice running, teach to follow the rules of the game.

Ind. job: Running between objects

RPPS: Toys: dolls, strollers, etc., external material for the development of motor activity, attributes for playtime games, equipment for work


Tempering procedures after sleep, invigorating gymnastics in bed. Reading S. Marshak “Ball” Goal: to develop interest in fiction. C\r game "Barbershop". Goal: to develop the ability to create a game environment, distribute roles, play roles until the end of the game. Round dance game “Like this”. Goal: to teach how to accurately perform a game action, to intensify musical performance activities. Construction of a “Toy House” from building material. Goal: to develop constructive skills, creativity, and respect for toys.

Ind. work: practice drawing a tree.

RPPS: Lego construction sets, wooden tabletop, coloring albums


P/ game “Shaggy Dog”. Goal: exercise running, develop motor activity. Observing the moon. Goal: continue to form elementary ideas about the moon. S/r game "Builders". Goal: to develop the ability to create a game environment and distribute roles.

Work on site: garbage collection. Goal: to cultivate a desire to work.

Ind. work: d/game “Match a Pair”

Take-out material for the development of motor activity, attributes for recreational games, equipment for work.



Conversation “What girls play, what boys play” Goal: expand ideas about games and toys, cultivate friendly relationships. D\game “Dress the doll for a walk.” Goal: continue to teach how to choose clothes according to the season. Work in a corner of nature: looking at the fruits of trees. Goal: learn to correctly name the fruits and seeds of trees. C\r game “Guests have come to us.” Goal: to develop children’s social skills, teach them to use the knowledge gained in the classroom in play.

Canteen duty. Goal: continue to develop work skills, the ability to carefully lay out cutlery.

Ind. work: D\game “Find the same leaf”, repetition of poems for the holiday

RPPS Attributes for s/r games, sports equipment, hats for theatrical games.

1. Application “Boats float on the river” (Komarova p. 39) Purpose: to teach children to create images of objects, cutting off the corners of rectangles, to consolidate the ability to create a composition, and carefully paste images.

Material: Blue paper (oval); paper strips of different colors, scissors, brushes, glue

2. Music according to the music director's plan.


Outdoor game “Cucumber-cucumber”. Goal: practice running, develop spatial orientation. Observing the sun. Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the influence of the sun on the lives of living beings. Work assignments: cleaning dry leaves. Goal: to teach how to perform labor operations, to cultivate hard work. C\r game "Toy Store". Goal: to develop children’s social skills, the ability to create a play environment, and select the necessary attributes. Ind. job: throwing a ball over a string

External material for the development of motor activity, attributes for recreational games, equipment for work


Hardening procedures after sleep, walking along corrective paths. KGN while dressing. Goal: to consolidate the ability to dress quickly, develop the habit of taking care of appearance, and eliminate shortcomings. Reading the poem by V. Berestov “The Sick Doll” Goal: to develop interest in art. Literally, cultivate a caring attitude towards toys. Listening to P. I. Tchaikovsky’s play “The Sick Doll.” Goal : to cultivate interest in classical music.

Ind. work: comparing objects by size

RPPS: Printed board games, attributes for sports games, sports equipment

plastic constructor, dolls.


Observation of the chestnut tree. Goal: pay attention to chestnut fruits, develop cognitive interest and thinking. P/i "At the bear in the forest." Purpose: to teach to act in accordance with the rules, to practice running. C\P game “It’s Masha’s doll’s birthday.” Goal: to develop the ability to use building material in the game, distribute roles and perform them until the end of the game.

Ind. work: jumping from hoop to hoop

RPPS: Remote material for the development of physical activity, attributes for agricultural games, equipment for work, building material.



Conversation “How to take care of toys” Goal: to cultivate a caring attitude towards games and toys. D/game “Fourth wheel”. Goal: learn to classify and generalize objects. Finger gymnastics “Toys”. Goal: to develop fine motor skills and speech. S/r game “Beauty salon for dolls”. Goal: develop social activity, continue to learn how to agree to play, prepare attributes. Canteen duty. Goal: to cultivate conscientiousness and responsibility for the assigned work.

Ind. work: D\game “Count how many”

1. Physical education according to the plan of the physical education instructor

2. Drawing “Simple and golden testicles” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the oval shape, the concepts of “dumb”, “sharp”, continue to teach the technique of drawing an oval shape, to cultivate independence and creativity.


Monitoring the grocery machine. Goal: develop observation skills, speech, thinking. Outdoor game “Who can reach the flag the fastest?” Goal: develop motor activity, practice running. S/r game “Toys were brought to kindergarten.” Goal: develop social skills, the ability to distribute roles. Work on the site: sweeping paths. Goal: to cultivate hard work.

Ind. work: repetition of the poem “Hello, autumn!”


Hardening procedures after sleep, walking along corrective paths. KGN during meals. Goal: to consolidate the ability to use cutlery, a napkin, and say thanks after a meal. Reading the poem by Z. Petrova “My toys.” Goal: to help children understand the meaning of the poem, to cultivate a caring attitude towards toys. Theatrical game "Turnip". Goal: continue to learn how to play a role in a production, select a costume or mask, develop speech activity and creativity.

Ind. work: practice cutting corners at straight lines


Observation "Trees in autumn." Goal: to learn to distinguish trees, to note the changes that have occurred to them. P\ game Bird and Cat” Purpose: to consolidate the ability to respond to a signal, to develop self-confidence. C\r game "Cafe". Goal: to develop the ability to create a game environment and distribute roles. Labor on site. Goal: to consolidate labor skills, cultivate a desire to work.

Ind. job: jumping from heights.



Situational conversation “If I broke a toy.” Goal: to foster a caring attitude towards toys, to create a desire to fix broken toys. C\r game "Bus". Goal: to develop the ability to use knowledge gained in classes in the game, distribute roles, select attributes. P/game “All the little animals are at the edge” Goal: to develop motor activity. Work assignments in a corner of nature. Goal: continue to teach how to water flowers correctly.

Ind. work: d/game “Find a match for the toy”

OOD summary on the topic: “Every toy has its place”


“Every toy has its place”


Strengthen the ability to put toys away.



— Strengthen the ability to distribute toys in their places;

— Improve children’s ability to participate in carrying out collective work assignments;

- Learn independently, highlight the disorder in the environment;


— Develop a desire for everyday work, careful attitude towards toys;

-Develop accuracy, attention, imagination, creativity;


— Foster humane feelings and positive relationships between children;

— Cultivate the desire to work for the common good, to understand the significance of one’s work for others.


toys: cars, dolls, dishes, cubes, pyramid; pencils; coloring books; paper; emblems on the baby's chest.

Vocabulary work

: nouns: car, doll, pyramid, cubes, cleaning, help, play area, corner, group room.

Verbs: help, help out, interact, work.

Adjectives: neat, polite, rude, bookish, artistic.

Preliminary work:

reading fiction: K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, “Fedorino’s Mountain”; memorizing Ouspensky’s poem “Everything is Alright”; conversation about work;

Methods and techniques:

gaming – didactic game; visual - looking at the playroom; practical – children’s independent activities; verbal – teacher’s story, questions.

Progress of direct educational activities.

Conversation about work.

(Children enter the group and sit on chairs)

- Guys, look what happened in the group? (Children's answers).

— Maybe someone in our group played? What changes do you see? Do you put away toys? Why do you need to put away toys? (Children's answers)

- Guys, look, what happened in our group?

- Now let's watch the scene.

Dramatization of Ouspensky's poem "Everything is Alright"

(Guys, show a scene from a poem)

Mom comes home from work, Mom takes off her boots, Mom goes into the house, Mom looks around. — Was there a raid on the apartment? - No. — Did a hippopotamus come to see us? - No. - Maybe the house is not ours? - Our. - Maybe not our floor? - Our. Seryozhka just came and we played a little. - So this is not a collapse? - No. — Didn’t the elephant dance with us? - No. - I am very happy. It turned out that I was worried in vain!

Practical activities. Cleaning toys.

- So who scattered the toys in our absence? (Children's answers)

— Why is it difficult to find a toy? (Children's answers)

- What toys are located in which play corner? What should be in the art corner? (Children's answers)

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