Summary of a lesson in kindergarten on the topic: Transport. Junior group

Educational lesson-game on the topic “Transport” in the 2nd junior group of a preschool educational institution

Summary of a game lesson in the 2nd junior group “Transport”.
Goal: - to give children a basic understanding of transport, - to promote the establishment of positive contact between children, - to continue to develop the ability to actively take part in a conversation, to answer the teacher’s questions, Tasks: - to consolidate knowledge of the names of the professions of people who drive different types of transport; - give a “countdown” performance 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; - activate children's vocabulary with words: transport, cyclist, driver, motorcyclist, driver, pilot, machinist, captain, astronaut, rocket, port, pier, water area; - continue to coordinate speech with movements; - preserve and strengthen the health of children by using health-saving technologies (active musical games) - continue to perform movements to the music clearly, rhythmically; respond to the beginning and ending of a musical phrase, - develop the ability to build from cubes of different types according to a pattern; Materials and equipment: - pictures depicting: a bicycle, a motorcycle, a car, a bus, a ship, an airplane, a rocket made from cubes, a rocket - a magnetic board, - a music center, recordings of songs, games, the sound of a rocket taking off; excerpt from the film about “Leopold the Cat” song ...flying around the world, Musical game “Machine” author. Konopelko, Musical game “Bus”, author. Zheleznova, Musical game “Here is our train coming...” Music. N. Metlova, lyrics. T. Babajan, an excerpt from their cartoon “At the Port”, the song “We came to the port today...” about ships, Musical game: “Airplane” Spanish. Chudariki, A. Rybnikova - “Meeting” from the film. “The Tale of the Starry Boy”), - a starry sky projector, - a multimedia installation for showing a cartoon, - pictures depicting all types of transport presented in the lesson (for each child) Preliminary work: - observation of transport, - examination of albums, illustrations with images transport, reading works, guessing riddles, - conversations about traffic rules, pedestrian rules, - didactic, outdoor, musical games, games with building materials
Progress of joint activities:

Guys, today we will be traveling!
Today I didn’t just walk to work, I arrived by public transport! Guess what transport? It has two wheels AND a saddle on a frame. There are two pedals below, They spin them with their feet Children : Bicycle Teacher : That's right, well done! (shows an illustration of a bicycle) Who controls the bicycle? (children's answers) Cyclist. And now you and I will go for a bike ride. (to the soundtrack of an excerpt from the song “Leopold the Cat” about a bicycle...flying around the world, children lying on their backs pretend to ride a bicycle) Teacher : We’ve arrived. And now we will continue our journey to... This is a loud car. No steering wheel and no cabin. The guy in the helmet is very brave and handles it skillfully. Children : -Motorcycle Educator: Correct! Well done! Shows an illustration on an easel - Depict how a motorcycle hums: Trerr-trrr-trrr! Children pretend. Educator : Who drives the motorcycle? (motorcyclist - children's answers) Guess what kind of transport this is?
The light is on, the engine is humming There are tires on the wheels Along the road it dashes us inside...
Children : Car Teacher: That's right! Who is driving the car? (children's answers - driver) Start your engines, let's go further in cars Musical game "Car" auto. Konopelko Educator: The house is walking down the street, everyone is lucky to get to work. Not on chicken legs, in rubber boots Children : bus Teacher: Well done! Who drives the bus? (driver) Take your seats, we’ll continue on by bus (sit on chairs standing in two rows) Musical game “Bus” auth. Zheleznova Educator : We've arrived! Let's go out! What's rushing and hissing and knocking with wheels: Chuh-chukh-chukh-chu! I'm flying on rails! Children: Train Teacher: That's right! Who controls the train? (children's answers - driver) Let's continue our journey by train! Take your seats in the carriages (children stand one after another) Musical game “Here is our train coming...” Music. N. Metlova, lyrics. T. Babajan Educator : Where have we gone, what type of transport will we see here? A huge house is floating on the sea - It carries people on itself through the waves Children: Ship Educator : let's look at the ships Watching an excerpt from their cartoon “In the port” the song “We came to the port today...” about ships Educator : what is the song about? (children's answers) Next riddle: Boldly floats in the sky, overtaking the birds in flight. Man controls it. What's happened? Children: Airplane Teacher: Well done! Who flies the plane? (answers from child pilots) We also turn into pilots and fly airplanes! Musical game: "Airplane" Spanish. Chudariki Educator: In the sky, a blue-blue star sparkles. I’ll definitely check if there are people on Venus? To an amazing planet I will fly on... Children : Rocket Teacher: That's right! Who controls the rocket? (answers from children - astronaut) Let's build a Rocket (there are cubes and an illustration with a sample of a rocket on the side), what can we build a rocket from? (children's answers) Let's start construction! I suggest you sit comfortably in our “rocket” - We are going on a space journey! Children lie down on the sun-shaped carpet, the teacher begins the countdown, inviting the children to repeat 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - start! (sound of a rocket) Calm music sounds (A. Rybnikov - “Meeting” from the film “The Tale of the Star Boy”), the children look at the ceiling with a projection of the rotating starry sky... -
Look how high, mysterious the sky is (the teacher speaks smoothly in an even voice, with short stops) It can only be seen when the sun sets and there are no clouds in the sky.
The whole sky is strewn with stars and constellations, they have different names: Ursa Major, the constellation Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, Pisces, etc. ... (music ends) Well, our journey has ended. We're flying back to kindergarten! I start the countdown: I invite the children to repeat 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - start! (sound of a rocket) The guys get up. Activity reflection: Educator: We are in kindergarten again! - Guys, what did we do today? (travelled) - What did we travel on? (children's answers). — What do you remember most? (children's answers) - Was it difficult for you to do something? (children's answers) - Today you were very active, attentive, and answered questions correctly! As a souvenir, I give you cards with images of the transport we traveled on!

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Complex lesson in a nursery group on the topic “Transport”

Shcherbakova Yulia

Complex lesson in a nursery group on the topic “Transport”

» Complex lesson in the nursery group “Transport” «

Types of children's activities:

Gaming, communicative, educational and research,

musical and artistic; reading fiction, productive.


teach to distinguish by appearance and name trucks, cars, buses, as well as their main parts: cabin, steering wheel, body, wheels, windows

develop speech, attention, general motor skills;

Planned results:

knows how to find objects following verbal instructions from an adult;

responds emotionally to outdoor games;

takes an active part in drawing;

demonstrates emotional responsiveness to age-appropriate literary and artistic works.

Materials and equipment:

toy cars, plane, ship, truck, car, motorcycle, helicopter, bus;

pictures depicting different types of transport

Whatman paper for collective drawing using non-traditional drawing techniques (stamps)

Organized educational activities:

Fixing transport names.

1. The teacher names a toy vehicle, and the children show it. (Car, plane, ship, truck, car, motorcycle, helicopter, bus)

2. Children look at the pictures and, at the teacher’s request, show transport.

Game “How noisy is transport?”

There is a lot of noise from transport. Let's remember and pronounce the sounds that we hear from transport:

• The car tires rustle on the road: “Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh.”

• The car is stuck in a ditch and is slipping: “Dzzz-dzzz”, Jzh-jzh”

• The pilot starts the plane’s engine: “Rrrrr-rrrr=rrrr.”

• The plane took off: “U-oo-oo-oo”

• They start the motorcycle, and it makes the noise “D-d-d-d-d-d” louder and faster.

• A train passes by: “Chuh-chukh=chukh.”

Introducing children to the poem “Truck” by A. Barto.

Listen to a poem about how a cat decided to go for a ride in a car.

No, we shouldn't have decided

Ride a cat in a car:

The cat is not used to riding -

The truck overturned.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “We are going, going, going”

Children listen to music and beat out the rhythm with rattles.

- Make some noise at the top. Tap the rattles on the floor. Tap the rattles on your knees. Hands with rattles to the sides. Hide the rattles behind the back.

Construction game “Car Garage”

When night comes, you and I go to bed in our beds at home. And real cars go to sleep in a special house for cars, called a “garage”. Now you and I will build a garage for our car. Take the cubes. Place them like this. And be sure to cover the top with a roof. Now our cars have their own garages.

Massage “These are the wheels”

For a car to move, it needs wheels. Look where the wheels are on your car? Spin the wheels by hand. Now let the car ride on your palm. Like this. I went along the handle, I went along the leg.

The wheels of the car are spinning and spinning,

They spin and spin, they drove through the whole city.

Collective drawing with stamps “Crossroads”

Look how big our sheet of paper is. Now we will all draw a real road with cars and a traffic light together.

(We draw the road with car treads, everything else (traffic lights, trees, cars) with foam sponges)

This is such a real crossroads we have!

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