GCD using ICT in the senior group on the topic: “On the roads of fairy tales”

Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old

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using ICT.
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Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group using ICT

NOD: "Earth Day".

Software tasks:

1. Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening the horizons of children:

- expansion and clarification of children’s ideas about nature

— strengthening the ability to conduct observations.

2. Form a concept of yourself as a resident of planet Earth, ideas about the environmental problems of your hometown.

3. Through an emotional attitude, to form a sustainable interest in nature, to lay the foundations of environmental education;

4. Strengthen the ability to reflect acquired knowledge through artistic and productive activities.

5. Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena.

6. Formation of ideas about the interaction of living and inanimate nature. Stories about the importance of the sun and air in the life of humans, animals, and plants.

7. Foster a caring attitude towards nature, a sense of kindness, belonging and empathy for everything and beauty that surrounds us. Learn to preserve, preserve and protect nature.

Goal: to consolidate the understanding that nature is our common home; to form in children an idea of ​​the interaction between living and inanimate nature;

bring to the understanding that one must love nature from childhood, study it, and communicate with it correctly;

cultivate a love of nature and the ability to empathize.

Developmental environment:

Fairy of nature, easel, globe; demonstration material for the conversations “The Earth is our home”, “On the interaction of living and inanimate nature”; demonstration material for the game “Rules of Conduct in Nature”; circles of red, yellow, green colors for the game “Ecological traffic light” (for each child); material for the practical task of designing a poster “Earth Day. Let's save our planet", seeds and containers with soil for planting flower seedlings.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: This holiday is celebrated in different ways in different countries of the world. Various environmental campaigns are carried out. Residents of the city take part in its improvement and landscaping: they plant young trees, decorate flower beds with beautiful flowers, refuse to drive a car and ride a bicycle. When cosmonaut Yu. Gagarin saw the Earth from space, he called it the blue planet. Since 3/4 of planet Earth is water. Tell me, where does water live?

Children answer independently and with the help of the teacher.

Educator: 1/4 of the land is fields, forests, mountains, deserts. The earth is our common home, in which man is the master. And this owner must be kind and caring. We need to protect nature, plant forests, feed birds, protect animals. And for this you need to know nature.

The creator created the world good,

The sun is our common father,

And the Earth is, of course, the mother

We need to protect the Earth!

Educator (points to the globe) : Look how beautiful our Earth is, especially in the spring, when all nature comes to life and everything blooms. Let's take care of the beauty of our nature.

(There is a knock on the door). Fairy Ecology enters (to music)

- Hello children! My name is Fairy Ecology. I really want to get to know you better and therefore I invite you to visit me - to the Kingdom of Mother Nature. Take with you your knowledge, favorite poems, proverbs, games.

Educator: Guys, do we accept this invitation?

Game – situation “In the kingdom of Mother Nature”

Fairy: Guys, do you know what nature is?

Children: Sun, air, water, plants, animals, birds, etc.

Fairy: What cannot be called nature? (Something made by human hands.)

Educator: Is there a car in nature?

Children: No, because it was made by human hands, but the horse and camel, which are also ridden by humans, are already nature. Man only tamed them, made them domesticated from wild ones, they existed in nature even without him.

Fairy: There are many living creatures on planet Earth.

There are many different species of fish and sea animals in the oceans and seas. On land (continents) - plants (trees, shrubs, herbs). Various animals, birds, and people live. All living beings need the sun, clean water, soil, air.

Fairy: Do you think life on Earth would be possible if there were no soil or water or air? Why?

Children's answers.

Educator (presentation showing): Unfortunately, people do not always do the right thing in nature. By discharging industrial and agricultural wastewater into rivers, ponds, and lakes, it will make a solution of harmful substances from clean water. The soil nurse is also vulnerable. The use of various chemical fertilizers leads to the soil becoming poisoned. Garbage and dirt also poison the soil. Air quality has also deteriorated significantly, especially in industrial areas. A wide variety of chemicals are released into the atmosphere from factory chimneys. When it rains, these harmful substances enter the soil, poisoning plants and animals. People, animals and plants suffer greatly from this and often get sick. To protect the cleanliness of the air, it is necessary not only to make industries clean, but also to protect, plant forests, and green cities and towns. Thus, the forest is also nature’s priceless storehouse. One large tree produces enough oxygen to breathe for one person. Fairy: To save our planet, we must love nature and know it. We must treat all insects with great care. Remember, without butterflies, like without dragonflies or grasshoppers, our meadow is not a meadow. By protecting grass, bushes and trees, you help animals, birds, and insects.

And for this you need to be kind, honest, hardworking and competent people. It’s not for nothing that proverbs say:

- Protect the birds and animals - never offend them.

“Whoever knows how to be kind will not destroy nature.”

- The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect it.

- Love the forest, love nature, you will forever be dear to the people.

- If you cut down a tree, plant ten.

Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful clearing. Let's relax and dance. Physical education is conducted to the soundtrack.

We are going to the clearing, We are not in a hurry, we are not left behind. So we came and suddenly we see. (Walking in place.) A thousand flowers around! (Stretching - arms to the sides.) Here is chamomile, cornflower, Lungwort, porridge, clover. The carpet is spread out both to the right and to the left. (Bend over and touch the left foot with your right hand, then vice versa - the right foot with your left hand.) The arms were extended to the sky, The spine was stretched. (Stretching - arms up.) We all had time to rest and sat down again. (Children sit down.)

Fairy: Guess my riddle:

The house is open on all sides,

It is covered with a carved roof

Come to the green house

You will see miracles in it.


Summary of GCD using ICT technology lesson plan (senior group)

Summary of the GCD “What is friendship?” in the senior group using ICT technology

Goal: to bring children to an understanding of what friendship is.


Educational: to form children’s ideas about friendship; will consolidate children's knowledge about positive and negative situations; to ensure that children acquire the ability to evaluate the actions of their peers in joint games and situations.

Developmental: development of constructive relationships in a peer group.

Educational: cultivate goodwill, cooperation skills.

Methods and techniques: conversation, game, exercises, viewing a presentation.

Materials and equipment: a ball, an envelope with a letter, whatman paper with drawn bags, pictures with situations, green and red traffic lights, circles with a diameter of 4-5 cm on one side - green, on the other - red.

Educational technologies:

  • game training (game technique “Tangle”, exercise “Dark and light bags”, exercise “Traffic light”);
  • health-saving technologies (physical education);
  • ICT (CD: multimedia presentation, audio recording of songs).

Preliminary work: familiarization with sayings about friendship, reading fiction, looking at paintings.

Progress of educational activities:

1. Organizational point:

Educator: Guys, I brought a magic ball, and it is magical because now each of you will be able to express good thoughts and feelings towards your peers.

Game technique "Tangle".

-What does a ball look like? (sun, bun. Children sit in a circle, the first child unwinds the ball, and clamps the end of the thread and passes it to the person sitting next to him, while calling his name, and talking about the good qualities of his friend (I really like playing with you, you are so kind, we good friends with you, etc.) and so they unwind the ball.)

Educator: That’s great, how many wonderful words you said. Well done to all of you!

The “Song of Friendship” comes on, the children come up to the teacher and stand around her.

Educator: Do you think those who know how to be friends take care of their comrades and try to do something good for them?

Children's answers.

2. Preparation for mastering program material through updating background knowledge.

Knock on the door (the postman brought a letter)

— Hello, group “………” You have a letter, please receive it and sign it.

The teacher reads the letter: “Attention, attention, alarm! The insidious witch Zlyuchka is approaching our kindergarten “Ladushki”, she wants to steal our happiness. Help urgently needed! Guys, don't let this happen!

Educator: Guys, what are we going to do? After all, our help is urgently needed.

Children's answers.

Educator: To help us, we need to find out what the happiness is that the Evil One wants to steal? And these pictures will help us with this.

3. Familiarization with new material.

1st slide (a group of children playing together)

Educator: Do you think they are friends? How did you guess?

Children's answers.

Educator: Well done guys, you understood everything correctly, look how happy they are, they feel good together. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.”

Educator: Let's see where friendship begins? (with a smile)

2nd slide (children with smiles on their faces)

Educator: Guys, do you think it is more pleasant to communicate with a person who smiles or who is angry and gloomy?

Children's answers.

Of course, that’s right, with those who smile, look how happy their faces are.

I also want to share my smile with you, and you will share your beautiful smiles with me.

Educator: There is a phrase: “A smile will make everyone brighter.”

3rd slide (one child helps another in trouble)

Educator: What can you say about this picture?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, friends should help each other. Listen to this saying: “Friends are known in need” and a true friend will always come to the rescue.

4th slide (children play with each other)

Educator: Guys, do you think it’s more fun with friends or better alone? Why?

Children's answers.

Educator: It’s not for nothing that they say: “It’s more fun together!” Do you guys know that a person can be in a bad mood, but I know what to do about it and I can teach you.

Children stand near their seats.

Physical education

The mood has dropped (spread your arms out to the sides and down, shrug your shoulders sadly)
Things get out of hand... (raise your arms and lower them smoothly)
But all is not lost yet, (finger left - right)
If you have a good friend. (point to friend)
Let's handle this together, (put your hands on your friend's shoulders)
Let's breathe a sigh of relief - oh
Let's lift your spirits (squatted down, stood on tiptoes and raised hands up)
And shake off the dust! (dust off hands)

4. Primary comprehension and consolidation of the material in practice.

Educator: Now I know that you know how to cheer up, you can play.

Game exercise “Dark and light bags” and “Traffic lights”.

Two large bags are drawn on a piece of whatman paper, we take out pre-prepared pictures that depict good and bad situations and invite the children to individually classify these situations into “dark” and “light.” At the same time, “dark” will be understood as those situations that interfere with living peacefully and happily, both for the person himself and for those around him. Accordingly, under “bright” are those situations that help. Each child is given a picture. One by one, the child goes to the board with his picture and determines which bag his situation belongs to. The children are also given green and red “traffic lights” - circles from whatman paper, green on one side, red on the other, with a diameter of approximately 4-5 cm. When one child comes to the board, the rest of the children show with a “traffic light” whether he has correctly identified the situation or No. "Yes" is green, that's right. "No" - red, incorrect.

Educator: You guys are great, I saw only the correct answers.

5. Summing up the organizational activity.

Educator: Guys, do you think we did it?

Children's answers.

Educator: We proved to Zlyuchka how friendly we are! Friendship is our happiness and we will not give it to anyone!

The teacher reads a poem while simultaneously showing slides.

Friendship warms in the fierce frost,

With a friend, even a sea of ​​tears dries up.

Friendship is a bright star in the sky!

Friendship is happiness for everyone, everywhere, always!

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