Summary of game activities in the middle group “Bunny is looking for friends.”

Organized educational gaming activities in the middle group

Organized educational gaming activities in the middle group

Topic: Shopping
Educational objectives: •Give an idea of ​​the work of a freight forwarder and merchandiser •Consolidate children’s ideas about different stores and professions - salesperson, cashier, security guard, director •Develop skills in grouping objects based on common characteristics •Exercise the ability to write a descriptive story about a toy Developmental tasks: •Develop the ability to accept the game task set by the teacher, act according to the rules; •Develop cognitive interest •Promote the development of control and self-control functions Educational objectives: •Develop the ability to communicate with each other, make decisions together;
•Cultivate responsiveness and kindness. Material: pictures depicting furniture, clothing, shoes, vegetables, dishes; Bunny, many different toys. Progress:

— Guys, this morning, when I was going to work, I met...look who? - Bunny. - That's right, I was very surprised, because hares live... - In the forest. - It turns out that this Bunny doesn’t know what a store is and has never been to a store! I promised him that you could help him. Can you? — Where are shops usually located? Children's answers. — What types of stores are there? Children's answers. — Who works in the store? — How do you think goods appear in stores? Children's answers. — That's right, they are brought in cars from the base. Or maybe you know who works at the base? — Listen, there is a commodity specialist at the base, he is responsible for the quality and quantity of goods. There is also a freight forwarder working there, he delivers the necessary goods to stores. - Let's put the Bunny in, let him look, and today we will deliver goods from the base to the shops, i.e. who will we become? That's right, freight forwarders. And I will be a merchandiser. Pictures depicting dishes, furniture, clothes, shoes, vegetables, fruits, toys and tools are laid out on the table. Other tables are shops. Each table is marked with a card - a symbol. Children, as instructed, take cards and take them to the appropriate store. When all the goods have been taken to the stores, I invite the children to go through the stores and see if everything is in order. If the children did everything correctly, i.e. Only shoes were brought to the shoe store, and only fruits and vegetables were brought to the vegetable store, unnoticed by the children, I put in goods that are not suitable for this store. Children find and explain why this product is superfluous. After all the stores have been checked, I invite the children to become sellers. Sellers are given the task of putting the goods on shelves. In the “Clothing” store, summer clothes should be placed on the top shelf, winter clothes on the bottom shelf, and demi-season clothes on the middle shelf. In the "Shoes" store - by analogy with clothes. In the "Tables" store - tea utensils on the top shelf, kitchen utensils on the lower shelf. In a grocery store, put vegetables on the top shelf, fruits on the bottom shelf. In a furniture store, put furniture for the living room (hall) in the middle, furniture for the kitchen on the left, and furniture for the bedroom on the right. After completing the task, the children, the teacher, and the Bunny go from store to store, and the sellers talk about their store and product. Then I invite the children to go to my favorite store, only to do this they need to choose the right path - it is not long, not red and not straight. Children along the path come to the store. “Now close your eyes and count to four.” At this time I take off the blanket. — What is the name of my favorite store, how did you guess? Well done, this store is called “Toy World”, it is not just a store, but a magical one - you can buy one toy there without money. Only for this you need to tell about it: what it is called, what it is, what you can do with it, what to play. — You were freight forwarders, sellers, and now what will you become? That's right, buyers. Children take turns choosing a toy and writing a short story about it. The phone rings, I answer: “The toy store salesman is listening!” Bunny? Yes, he's here, don't worry, he's fine, he'll come home soon. I will definitely see you off, all the best, goodbye! - Guys, the bunny mother called, she’s worried about her son, so he’ll have to run home to the forest. I think that Bunny will try to remember everything that we told him about the shops, and if he forgets, again, he will ask his mother for time off and come running to us. Let's give him a toy as a souvenir. Only Bunny wants the one that is made of plastic, consists of several different rings that can be taken off and put on again. What kind of toy is this? How did you guess that the Bunny chose the pyramid? Well, you guys are great, I would never have guessed it! Now let's say goodbye to the Bunny and I'll take him to his mother, while you play with your new toys.

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Goal: Formation of ideas about the importance of preserving nature and its inhabitants, cause-and-effect relationships and basic rules of behavior in nature.


  1. To form ideas about the eco-system, cause-and-effect relationships in the environment and the importance of nature conservation.
  2. Develop thought processes, attentiveness, ingenuity, logic and imagination, etc. activate children's vocabulary.
  3. Foster care for flora and fauna, love and respect for nature.

Preliminary work: Reading Russian folk tales in a new way on environmental themes, getting acquainted with the educational board game “Ecology - the health of our planet”, watching a cartoon on an environmental theme, cleaning the site.

Equipment: box (5 pcs); images: metal, glass, plastic, paper and bio-material (for example banana peel); a pot, a seed (for example, tangerine), a handful of earth, a watering can with water, cling film; images of waste by category (metal, glass, plastic, paper and bio-material); wizard outfit; net, candy wrappers; magnet; paper clips; a picture cut into pieces (broken tree); canvas of blue fabric 100x30 cm; letter; presentation (forest background) + audio: sounds of forest, birds, river, wind and explosion; several small sheets of fabric for covering.

IOS progress:

Children sit on chairs. The music of wind and explosion is turned on, and at this moment a (confused and surprised) teacher in a wizard costume comes into the group and says:

Q: Good afternoon! Where did I end up?

D: To kindergarten. To the group...

Q: Curious... Really curious. Let's get acquainted? (Children's answer.)

My name is Wonder, what about you? (Children's answer). Nice to meet you.

Do you know where I came from? No? Listen, I’ll tell you now.

A long time ago, a place appeared that was later called a forest. I lived in this forest, everything was fine, but recently I received a letter from the bear Potapych. And it’s like this... Brrr. Do you want to know what the bear wrote to me? (Children's answer.) Then listen:

Hello, great and kind Wonderer. There was a problem in our forest. Nature began to wither and get sick. The rivers became dirty, there were few fish in them and they were not tasty, they were bitter. Birds have left our region. The young trees suddenly turned out to be all broken. And some animals began to limp and cry bitterly because they were in pain because of the wounds on their paws.

Please help us, good wizard Wonder.

Your friend, the bear Potapych.

Q: Such a misfortune happened. But I'm not that powerful a wizard. I need the help of friends to cope with trouble. The only thing is, I don’t have any friends.

D: Do you want us to become your friends?

B: I want to! I still want it! I'm so happy! But first you need to cast a magic spell to find yourself in the forest. And since there are many of you, it means we need to pronounce it together. You are ready? (Children's response)

Then listen carefully and repeat after me as I say and do:

I call you cloudHand movements towards yourself
With your little hand!Rotation left and right with hands
Come to meStep in place
And together with you -We hug ourselves
We'll fly up!Movements of the arms together with the spring of the legs to the sides
One two Three -Claps
Here we are in the forest!Turn with a jump (at the request of the teacher)

A slide on the screen depicts chaos in the forest. And there is trash scattered on the floor (plastic, paper, glass and dummies of fruits and vegetables).

Q: Ay-yay-yay... Who did this? (Children's assumptions.)

Guys, what do you think, how can we help here? (Children's answer.)

And I think I know what kind of magic we need. Krible-Krible-Booms! (The teacher opens the cloth, and under it there are boxes with images indicating which garbage should be put in which one.)

This is called a container (urn), it is needed so that you can put or throw in it the kind of garbage that has the design on it. A container with a picture of a plastic bottle means that plastic waste should be thrown there, but a container with a picture of crumpled paper means that only paper should be thrown there.

Now you guys have to carefully and correctly complete the task. You will need to carefully look at the garbage lying in the clearing and determine in which container you will throw it. Do you understand? Ready? Then let's start! (Children complete the task, and the teacher walks around and observes the correct execution. Upon completion, it is necessary to check whether the children have correctly distributed the pictures with garbage into boxes. If there is an error, it is necessary to clarify with the children: in which container should it have been thrown?)

Well done. You have completed such a difficult task. You are the real heroes. But there are still challenges ahead of us...

(Next, the children follow the teacher in groups and end up at the river.)

Q: Guys, look, what do you think this is? I don’t even know myself... (Children’s answers.) Are you saying that this is a river? Where is this river? The river should flow, be clean and bluish, but here... There is a lot of different garbage here. And besides, it’s deep here. How can we clean the river from garbage? (Children offer options.)

Q: I thought the same thing too! We need to catch the trash from the river. But with what? (Children answer: with a fishing rod.) Hmm. You can use a fishing rod, or you can also use a net. A net is a tool that is used to catch a fish or a butterfly, and today we will also catch garbage.

And so, step aside... (The teacher waves his wand and opens another sheet of fabric, and under it are fishing rods with magnets and a net). Here are our assistants on our mission. We listen carefully to whoever caught the garbage in a net or fishing rod and then puts it in a garbage bag. Is everyone clear? Then we begin to clear the river of debris. (Children, using a net and fishing rods, catch various garbage from the river: candy wrappers, pieces of paper, corks, bottles.)

Q: What a great fellow you are! They themselves managed to clear such a large river of garbage. Now, before we go further into the forest, we need to warm up. I sense that an interesting but also difficult test awaits us ahead.


(Little Red Riding Hood's song plays.)

The teacher shows the movements, and the children repeat.

V: So we warmed up, were charged with a good mood, and had increased strength. Are we ready to move on? (Children's answer.) Then please follow me! (The children follow the teacher and come to the edge of the forest, but there is no forest. The slide shows a picture of a cut down forest.)

Oh, look, there’s something lying here. Let's see what it is. (Everyone examines the find and it turns out that it is a puzzle). Let's collect and find out what the picture wants to show us. (They are putting together a puzzle, and there is an image of a broken tree.)

Oh no no no. What a nightmare... Who could do this? (Children make their own assumptions.) What do you guys think, why are trees needed? (So ​​that there is oxygen, so that the animals have a place to live and eat, so that it is beautiful, etc.) You answered everything correctly, which means we urgently need to help, fix everything, otherwise the animals will be left without their houses, and some will be hungry, for example squirrels, bunnies, birds.

How can you help animals? (Again, the children make their own guesses and offer ideas.) I heard them say that trees could be planted. I think this is the surest way. What do you think? Why? (Children's answers.)

Then now I’ll wave my wand and conjure something, and you tell me what I conjured. Fine? One, two, three - wand, perform a miracle! A small flowerpot, soil in a bag, a watering can with water and a tangerine seed appear on the table. (Children name what appeared.) That’s right, I conjured everything that will help us plant and grow a new tree. What do you think we will do first, what then? (Children reason and answer.) That's right! Now I’ll put on an apron, it will protect me from getting dirty, and you should put it on too. And now we all stand around the table and tell me what to do, and I will do it and show you. (The teacher plants a tangerine seed and accompanies it with a speech.) Here. We planted a seed, now we need to put it on the window, so what? (Children answer: the sun was shining on him.) That's right! And then we will watch how our seed will grow and first become a sprout, and then a young tree.

So we finished our journey into the forest. Please tell me guys, what exactly were we doing in the forest? (Children remember completed tasks and answer). Do you think it’s possible to behave so disgracefully in the forest? (No, why? And when you find yourself in the forest, how will you behave? Did you enjoy today's trip? Tell me, what did you like most? Was it difficult anywhere? Did any of the guys bother us today? Would you still like to go on a trip with me? (Children answer questions.) And I would like to go with you. But for now we need to return to kindergarten, get ready... And repeat after me!

I call you cloudHand movements towards yourself
With your little hand!Rotation left and right with hands
Come to meStep in place
And together with you -We hug ourselves
We'll fly up!Movements of the arms together with the spring of the legs to the sides
One two Three -Claps
Here we are in kindergarten!Turn with a jump (at the request of the teacher)

This is where our adventure ends and I have to fly to my home, so I say goodbye to you and say “Goodbye!”

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