Master class for teachers and educators “Non-traditional drawing techniques”


Today we present the second contestant of the “Best Preschool Teacher” competition, Zhanna Sergeevna Galonskaya, teacher of the “Firebird” group, MADO No. 9.

On November 5, Zhanna Sergeevna presented to the teachers of MADOU No. 9:

  • competitive test: “Presentation of professional experience”,
  • master class Unconventional drawing technique “Wonderful transformations of liquid dough”

The pedagogical credo of Zh.S. Galonskaya “Teaching with passion, education with love and joy”

Competitive test: “Presentation of professional experience.”

The formation of a creative personality is one of the most important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. The most effective means for this is the child’s visual activity in kindergarten. In the process of drawing, sculpting, and applique, the child experiences a variety of feelings: he is happy with the beautiful image he has created, he is upset if something doesn’t work out, he strives to overcome difficulties or gives in to them. He acquires knowledge about objects and phenomena, about the means and methods of their transmission, about the artistic possibilities of fine art.

Aristotle also emphasized that drawing classes contribute to the diversified development of a child’s personality. Outstanding teachers of the past wrote about this: Ya.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestalozzi, F. Frebel, many Russian teachers, pedagogues and psychologists. The work of specialists shows that artistic and creative activities distract children from sad events, relieve nervous tension and fear, and provide a positive emotional state. Therefore, it is so important to include visual arts in the pedagogical process of kindergarten and school. Each child will be able to express themselves most fully without pressure from an adult.

Fine art occupies a special place in the development of the creative abilities of a preschooler, since the underlying practical activity has significant developmental potential. The actualization and development of a personality’s creative potential presupposes its involvement in the creative process, which leads to the emergence of mental new formations (ambiguity of thinking, arbitrariness of mental processes of reflection, self-control), and as a result the personality moves to a higher stage of development.

However, the practical aspect of implementing the tasks of developing the artistic abilities of preschool children through the means of visual creativity remains insufficiently disclosed, since many points of view regarding the psychological and artistic conditions for the formation of abilities are rapidly changing, children’s generations are changing and the technology of teachers’ work must change accordingly.

Non-traditional drawing techniques are distinguished by the unusualness of the material, the technique of applying the image, and specific techniques for conveying the image in the depicted images.

Master class for teachers “Drawing with liquid salt dough”

Purpose of the work: to increase the motivation of teachers to master non-traditional drawing techniques.


  • introduce teachers to non-traditional drawing techniques, such as drawing with liquid salt dough;
  • teach practical skills in the field of fine arts using these non-traditional drawing techniques;
  • create conditions for fruitful communication between master class participants in order to develop creative thinking and teachers’ imagination;

At the master class, Zhanna Sergeevna introduced her colleagues to the unconventional drawing technique “Drawing with liquid dough.” Under the leadership of Zhanna Sergeevna, the teachers prepared the dough for drawing and began. Each teacher wanted to paint as interesting and colorful a picture as possible. And they succeeded. The teachers presented the resulting paintings to everyone present. The pictures turned out bright, varied, fabulous.

At the end of the master class, Zhanna Sergeevna thanked her colleagues for their active participation in the master class and for the wonderful paintings.

From the review of Lyubov Mikhailovna Dyrina, teacher of the “Firebird” group

I express my deep gratitude to Zhanna Sergeevna! For preparation of an unconventional drawing technique “\Drawing with liquid salt dough.” This technique is aimed at creative self-expression, where the result shows personality, self-confidence, and abilities.

We received useful information and practical skills. We left in a good autumn mood, where we immediately showed the children their methods of preparing dough and mixing with paints.

From the review of Natalya Vladimirovna Korytova, teacher of the “Silver Hoof” group

I really liked Zhanna Sergeevna’s master class for its methodological and creative level. This was the first time I heard about the technique of drawing with salt dough and I will continue to use it in my work with children. Thank you very much!

From the review of Larisa Vasilievna Litvyak, teacher of the Scarlet Flower group

Zhanna Sergeevna spoke very interestingly and in detail about herself and her work. She presented various non-traditional drawing techniques. After watching the presentation, I decided to take part in the master class. I was very interested; this was my first time encountering this technique. It was interesting and informative. I discovered new talents in myself thanks to this technique. I took note for use at work. Thank you very much!

Galonskaya Zh. S. Master class with teachers Miraculous transformations of liquid dough

Salt dough drawing brochure

Presentation Galonskaya J S Master class Non-traditional drawing techniques

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