Abstract of GCD in fine art (drawing) in the middle group on the topic: “Summer landscape.”

Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “Draw a picture about summer”

Gulnaz Sagitova
Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “Draw a picture about summer”

Topic: Draw a picture about summer


- teach children to reflect their impressions ways

— consolidate the techniques of painting with a brush , the ability to hold a brush correctly, and rinse it in water;

- encourage drawing of different objects in accordance with the content of the drawing;

- to arouse in children an interest in nature, the ability to see its beauty.

Materials: album sheets, paints, brushes, cups of water, napkin.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment. Conversation.

The sun is shining, the waters are sparkling,

Smile in everything, life in everything,

The trees tremble joyfully

Bathing in the blue sky.

Children, what time of year is this poem about? (about summer)

.Today we will talk about the beauty of nature in summer.
Look at the picture . How was the sun shining in summer? (Brightly.)
What, look, what did the flower bed look like in the summer?
(green, blooming, fragrant, fragrant, colorful, fragrant, sunny, etc.) What was the weather like yesterday, today (
rainy , sunny, cloudy) .
What natural phenomena can be observed in the summer when it rains ? (thunder, lightning, rainbow)
. Guess riddles about natural phenomena.

•What a wonderful beauty!

Showed up on the way!

•Grown into the ground for a minute

The bridge is high without railings.

2. Preparation for practical activities.

– Today we will draw a picture about summer rain .

Show with explanation.

The teacher and the children draw the sun, rainbow, rain , cloudy sky -

Before we get started, let's do some finger exercises.

Rain , rain , more fun

Drip, drip, don't be sorry!

Just don't kill us!

Don't knock on the window in vain -

Splash more into the field:

3. Practical independent activity

5. Result of the activity: We got a wonderful summer rain , let's place our works on the table and choose the most beautiful one.

Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group “Complete the picture” Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group “Complete the picture” Elena Lezgovko In the middle group Goal: Teach children to draw images based on.

Notes for a lesson on speech development in the middle group “The Tale of the Easter Bunny” Notes for the development of speech in the middle group Reading the work “The Tale of the Easter Bunny” Purpose: to teach children to listen carefully to the work.

Notes on drawing “Draw a picture about summer” in the middle group


Notes on drawing “Draw a picture about summer” in the middle group

Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group Draw a picture about summer


Objectives: Educational: consolidate the techniques of painting with a brush , the ability to hold a brush correctly, rinse it in water;

Developmental: to arouse in children an interest in nature, the ability to see its beauty.

Educational: encourage drawing of familiar objects in accordance with the content of the drawing;

Preliminary work: Conversations about the seasons, stories about summer .

Equipment and materials: album sheets, paints, brushes, cups of water, napkin.

Summary of the project “Colors of Summer”

Objectives: Cognitive and speech development: -continue to develop speech and verbal communication of preschoolers; -stimulate children’s interest in understanding the world around them through ideas about nature and man; - to instill in children interest, attention, and a friendly attitude towards the world around them. Physical education and health development: -continue work to improve health, develop motor abilities and qualities (dexterity, speed, strength, flexibility); -form children’s need for daily physical activity; - to develop cultural and hygienic skills. Artistic and aesthetic development:

-to develop in children the ability to create simple images, encouraging them to convey images in drawings and sculpting appliqués;
-develop in children the ability to listen to literary works, take part in telling their favorite fairy tales; - to cultivate a sustainable interest in various types of artistic activities. Social and personal development:
-to develop communication and behavior skills, feelings of love, sympathy, goodwill;
- foster friendly relationships in joint games. Expected results: – Reduced morbidity rates among children; – Development of the child’s social, moral, and communicative qualities; – Increasing interest in the beautiful world of nature and its knowledge; – Manifestation of such qualities as kindness, mercy, care. Health improvement and physical development. Morning exercises. Gymnastics after sleep. Folk and outdoor games. Sports games with football elements. Hardening procedures. Walking barefoot. Sunbathing. Pouring and washing feet. Hiking over short distances. Developing curiosity. Observations. Excursions. Experimental activity. Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing. Application. Theater. Labor skills. Flower garden. Garden. Cleaning the area. Crafts. Working with parents. Rubric “Interesting for you, useful for children”, Consultations: “Games in nature”, “Sunstroke”, “Be careful”.
Ways of implementation:

Solar week From June 5, 2022 to June 9, 2022. Goal: To develop in children basic ideas about the Sun and interest in the world around them. Directions of development: Monday “Curious” • Conversation “Where the Sun Lives” Goal: Expanding children’s ideas about the diversity of natural phenomena. • Reading K. Chukovsky’s “The Stolen Sun” Goal: Developing perseverance, attention, the ability to correctly perceive the content of the work, and empathize with its characters. • Reading, memorizing “Sunshine”, “Sunny Bunny” Goal: Development of attention, memory, desire to reproduce text. "Sun". The cloud is hiding behind the forest, the sun is watching from the sky. And so pure, kind, fragrant. If we could get him, We would kiss him. “Sunny Bunny” The sunny bunny is frolicking. He climbed onto the ceiling, looked into our crib, and jumped up and down. Tuesday “Hardworker” • Application “Multi-colored sun” Purpose: To develop interest in the application, complicating its content and expanding the possibilities of creating a variety of images. • Drawing “Radiant Sun” Goal: To develop the ability to draw individual objects, to consolidate ideas about form. • Work on site Goal: Formation of a responsible attitude towards the assigned task. Environment "Microsha" (experimentation) • Observation of the sun During a walk, attract children's attention to how the sun affects plants, birds, and people. • Didactic game “Sun and Cloud” • Experimental activity with a mirror, foil, glass, metal (sun bunny) • We sunbathe (sun vitamins). Thursday “Healthy and Healthy” Sports and recreational activities using natural factors. • Physical education on the street. • Elements of football. • Outdoor game “Sun and Rain”. • Finger gymnastics: “Sunny bunnies” Sunny bunnies play on the wall. I will beckon them with my finger, let them run to me. Well, catch it, catch it quickly. They ran away quickly. Friday “Chudinka” • Watching the cartoon “Red, Red, Freckled” • Listening to songs about the sun: - “Radiant Sun” from the film. “Lion cub and turtle”, - “The sun is shining for everyone”, - “The sun has come out.” • Screening of the fairy tale “My Sunshine” • Concert by children (poems, songs). Soil week From June 12, 2022 to June 16, 2022. Goal: Expanding children's knowledge about soil and interest in nature; talk about the beneficial properties of the soil and its inhabitants. Directions of development: Monday “Curious” • Conversation (conversation) “What is under our feet?” Purpose: Designation of the role and significance of the land. • Examination of pictures “Human Helpers” Purpose: To introduce children to the tools that help cultivate the land. • Proverbs about the earth Purpose: Enriching children's speech with new words “The earth is a plate, what you put in is what you take out”; “What goes around comes around”; “If you dig, you will find it”; “Where there is no earth, there is no grass”; “The earth loves work”; “The earth feeds and clothes.” • Reading the poem by S. Ostrovsky “About Pebbles” Goal: Developing the ability to listen to a poem. The brook keeps laughing and doesn't want to laugh. It flows over the pebbles and the pebbles tickle. Look what a baby - a round, smooth naked baby! Tuesday “Industrious” • Labor in the flower garden (loosening, watering the soil) • Drawing with chalk on the asphalt “Magic fields”, “What grows on the earth” • Modeling “Multi-colored pebbles” • C/p game “Vegetable garden” Environment “Microsha” (experimentation with earth, clay, sand) • Journey to the underground kingdom Purpose: To get acquainted with the inhabitants who live in the earth (ants, worms), to teach them to think about questions. • “What’s hidden in the lump” (about stones) Goal: To become familiar with the variety of stones on the site. Thursday “Healthy and Healthy” • P/game “Empty Place”, “Run Quietly” • Gymnastics after sleep “Path of Health” • Physical education lesson Friday “Weirdo” • Remembering proverbs • D/games “Collect a picture”, “On the ground and in the ground" Work with parents: newspaper "The World Through the Eyes of Children" Week "Pollen on Motley Wings" From June 19, 2022 to June 23, 2022. Goal: Expanding children's knowledge about insects. Directions of development: Monday “Curious” • Conversation about insects with illustrations shown Purpose: Acquaintance with the diversity of insects. • Reading “Cabbage White” by K. Ushinsky • Riddles about insects • Poem Tuesday “Hardworker” • Drawing “Color the butterfly” (ladybug) • Application “Butterfly on a flower” • Household work Goal: Formation of the ability to independently maintain order in a group and on the site. Wednesday “Mikrosha” • Observation of an anthill • Experience: Which path will the ants take (sweet or salty) Thursday “Healthy and Healthy” • Physical education • Path of health • P/game “Find where it’s hidden” Friday “Weirdo” • Game “ Journey to the Magic Lawn" Goal: To arouse children's interest in everything that lives on the lawn • Theatrical performance "The Tskotuha Fly" by K. Chukovsky • D/game "Loto" Work with parents: • Exhibition of children's works • Memo "Providing assistance with insect bites ", "Folk remedies for mosquito bites. Riddles: Flies over flowers, collects nectar. (Bee) Near the Christmas trees, he built a house from needles on a summer day, It is not visible behind the grass, But there are a million residents in it. (Ant) The flower was standing and suddenly woke up. He moved and perked up. Didn't want to sleep anymore, soared up and flew away. (Butterfly) Who's upside down above us? (Fly) What kind of bows fly over the fields and meadows? (Butterflies) A ​​blue airplane landed on a white dandelion. (Dragonfly) Not a fisherman, but arranging nets. (Spider) Not a beast or a bird, but a nose like a knitting needle. (Mosquito) Flower Week From June 26 to June 30, 2022. Goal: Creating conditions for expanding children’s ideas about the world around them. We continue our acquaintance with garden and forest plants (flowers). Replenishment and activation of the dictionary. Directions of development: Monday “Curious” • Conversation about garden flowers. Goal: To become familiar with the names and care of garden plants. • Reading the poem “Daisies” by E. Malenkina • Memorizing the poem: “Dandelion” A dandelion wears a yellow sundress, When it grows up, it dresses up in a white dress. White, airy, obedient to the breeze. • Riddles about flowers Tuesday “Industrious” • Weeding and watering garden plants. • Drawing “Daisies” • Modeling “Blooming Flowerbed” Environment “Mikrosh” • Experience “Properties of Water in Nature” • Observation of flowers growing in the shade and in the sun Thursday “Zdorovichek and Zdorovinka” • Tempering procedures - let's tan! • Familiarize children with body parts and sense organs. • Outdoor game “Ball over the net” • Posture exercise: “Half-lotus pose” (L.I. Latokhina) Friday “Chudinka” • Round dances: “Top and clap” – Music. Nazarova-Medtner, “Scarf” -Ukr. adv. round dance song • Didactic lotto game “Flowers” ​​• Learning the song “Why don’t flowers grow on your head” Work with parents: • Individual conversations about children’s health and a healthy lifestyle. • Consultation “Caution! Poisonous plants! • Exhibition of children's works. Zoological week From July 3 to July 7, 2017. Goal: To develop children's knowledge about domestic and wild animals and their young. Directions of development: Monday “Curious” • Conversation about domestic animals Reading the fairy tale “Bull - Straw Barrel” • Conversation about wild animals Reading “Zoo” • Riddles about wild and domestic animals • Reading the story: “About the girl Masha, about the dog Cockerel and the cat Thread” A. Vedensky Tuesday “Hardworker” • Drawing “Cat” from circles, triangles Purpose: Developing the ability to depict domestic animals. • Application “Bunny” or “Fox” Purpose: Developing the ability to use glue carefully. • Labor: Clean up. Wednesday “Mikrosha” • Experience “Guess by the smell” Thursday “Healthy and Healthy” • Physical education on the street • Outdoor games “Run quietly”, “Cat and mice”, “Bear in the forest” • Articulation gymnastics • Tempering activities Friday “Chudinka” » • Playing musical instruments • Listening to the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” Work with parents: • Consultation on “playing in the fresh air” Vitamin week From July 10 to July 14, 2022. Goal: Developing an understanding of the vitamins a person needs, habits for a healthy lifestyle. Directions of development: Monday “Curious” • Conversation “Where vitamins live” Goal: Reinforcing the names of fruits and vegetables • Riddles about fruits and vegetables • Reading the fairy tale “The Tale of Fruits” • Conversation about the benefits of juices, fruit drinks, compotes (“What is made from what ) Tuesday “Hardworker” • Drawing “Fruits”, “Vegetables” • Drawing on the asphalt “Guess what is drawn” • Modeling from dough “My favorite fruits and vegetables” • Labor in nature “Cleaning up the territory of the site” Medium “Microsha” Use experience to find the truth. • Prepare orange juice. Let's compare an apple - an orange With orange skin, It looks like a ball, But in the center it’s not empty, It’s juicy and tasty! Thursday “Healthy and Healthy” • Finger game “Orange” • Breathing exercise “Fragrant Strawberry” • Outdoor game “On the bumps” Friday “Chudinka” • Ecological quiz “Try and Guess” • Theater on the flannelgraph “Turnip” • Game “Wonderful” bag" • Sketch "Delicious emotions" • Plot-role-playing game "Vegetable shop" Work with parents: • Competition of fruit salad recipes • Exhibition of children's works Forest week From July 17 to July 21, 2022. Goal: Getting to know the diversity of the surrounding world, with trees , their properties and qualities. Directions of development: Monday “Inquisitive” • Talk about trees, know the names • Looking at pictures, recognize by external signs • Reading a poem about a birch • Riddles about trees • Didactic game “Trees” Tuesday “Industrious” • Drawing with paints “Tree” • Application “ Carpet of leaves”, “Trees” using various methods and materials • Labor: putting things in order. Wednesday “Mikrosh” • Didactic games: “Guess which tree”, “Guess what’s in your hand”, “What is the difference between the bark of different trees” Thursday “Zdorovichek and Zdorovinka” • Outdoor games “Who can find the birch, maple, rowan faster ...”, “Run to the named tree”, “Guess the tree” • Physical education lesson • Health path • Finger gymnastics Friday “Chudinka” • Game exercise “Where the nesting doll hid”

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Drawing on the theme of the summer of my dreams

In the summer, you really want to go to the beach, sunbathe, relax by the sea and soak up the warm sun. If this is a dream summer for your child, then we suggest trying to draw a simple picture with a beach. For drawing we will use a black felt-tip pen and multi-colored crayons. How to create a drawing of the summer of my dreams:

  1. Let's draw an arc on the right side of the sheet. This will be a beach with sand.

    On the other hand, we draw a wavy stripe. We will use it to indicate the location of the water.

  2. Let's install an umbrella on our beach. We draw a large arc. We connect its ends in semicircles so that sharp corners are formed. We draw stripes from each corner to the top of the umbrella. Let's draw a stick on which the upper part of the umbrella is attached.

  3. Place a beach towel under the umbrella. We draw two parallel wavy lines and connect them at the ends.
  4. What else can you add to the work? You can make waves on the water. We will put many dots on the beach so that the land becomes like sand. Let's decorate the towel with stripes and draw the sun in the sky.
  5. Now this summer landscape needs to be painted. Let's make the stripes on the umbrella white and red. Red can also be applied to a towel.

  6. To color the sea, use blue and green. For sand, you can use yellow, and to make it look more natural, add some orange touches. All that remains is to paint the sky, the sun and the rest of the towel. If desired, you can show birds flying in the sky. We already know how to draw birds.

That's all. We successfully completed this simple drawing.

You can also add dolphins to the landscape


Game activity “Colors of Summer”

Educator: Ogureeva A.B.

I qualification category

Pedagogical goals: Create conditions for reflecting the image of summer in the drawings. Learn to draw simple subjects using an unconventional technique - drawing with balloons. Involve children in collective conversation, playful and verbal interaction with peers. Describe the images in the pictures.

Elements of mastering the content of educational areas: “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Speech development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”.

Means of implementation: visual: samples of pedagogical drawings; verbal: poems, riddles; equipment: gouache, brushes, jars of water, napkins, cotton swabs. Balloons; musical accompaniment; illustrations about summer.

Nod move:

1. Introductory part. (Conversation)


The teacher reads a poem

Barefoot and shirtless

We go and weave wreaths.

- Guys, there are flowers growing in the clearing. I will tell you riddles, and you will guess and name the flower.

Sisters are standing in the field,

Yellow eye, white eyelashes. (chamomile)

Hey bells, the color blue.

With a tongue, but no ringing.

-Look who’s sad in our summer meadow.

-That's right, it's a ladybug. She is sad that summer . The birds will no longer sing, the flowers will wither, the insects will hide for the winter, and it will become cold.

-Don't be sad ladybug. The guys and I will draw a picture about summer and give it to you.

2. Main part. (Preparation for practical activities)


— Today we will draw a picture about summer . (Show with explanation)


— Before we start work, let's do some finger exercises.

(They clench their palm into a fist.)

(Raise the fist up.)

It's time for the rays to get up

(Unclench one finger at a time)

One two three four five.

The teacher and the children draw the sun, grass, flowers, a butterfly, and bugs.

Practical independent activity (the teacher helps children who have difficulty)


3. Final part.

Educator: Look, ladybug, what beautiful, sunny, bright clearings the guys have turned out to be. We give you our drawings so that you will always be happy and warm.

The guys place their drawings on the stand, next to the ladybug. They look at them. Ladybug thanks. (Exhibition of works)


Entertainment scenario “A Tale of Summer” Equipment: house, pencils, sheet of paper, forest, scarf, wet clothes, tea, samovar, umbrellas. Characters: Hare, summer, presenter, fox, bear.

Summary of the drawing lesson “This is what it is, our summer!” Summary of a lesson in visual arts in the preparatory group: “This is what our summer is like” Objectives: To teach to feel character.

Photo sketch “Somewhere wanders through the alleys, but summer has forgotten about us!” “I love it when the sun shines smiling in the sky. And then all over the planet children rejoice in Summer” (Alina Grosu) Not only children, but also nature.

Abstract of educational activities for cognitive development for children of senior preschool age “Invent and draw your own fairy tale” Objectives: 1. Educational. Learn to invent and expressively tell fairy tales based on familiarity with Russian folk tales. Learn.

Summary of an open lesson on non-traditional drawing “A Tale about a white sheet of paper and white paint” for a summary of an open lesson on non-traditional drawing TOPIC: “A Tale about a white sheet of paper and white paint” Purpose: to practice drawing.

Abstract of a drawing lesson “Draw a picture about spring nature” Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 105 “Umka” Abstract directly.

Summary of a drawing lesson with children of senior preschool age “Colorful Summer” Summary of a lesson with children of senior preschool age on artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) “Colorful Summer” Inna Vladimirovna.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Expand and activate vocabulary on the topic “Summer”, develop motor skills.

This scenario will be useful for physical education instructors, educators, teachers and organizers of children's parties on the summer playground.

Play activities in the summer.

Continue to form children's ideas about the features of the forest, as a green home of plants and animals.

Preschool childhood is the initial stage of the formation of a person’s personality, his value orientation in the world around him. During this period, a positive attitude towards oneself is established.


How to draw summer with a pencil for children

The following drawing may seem complicated to you, but it is not. Using simple lines and shapes, you will create an interesting painting. For drawing you will need: an eraser, a set of multi-colored pencils, paper, a thin black felt-tip pen and a simple pencil with medium hardness. Let's start drawing:

  1. The drawing sheet must be positioned vertically. The painting will depict a house.

    In order for the walls of the house to be positioned correctly, you need to do a few simple steps. Using a simple pencil, draw a line for the horizon. Mark the point in the center where the projection of the house will intersect. We sketch out the contours of the house, leading all auxiliary segments to the previously marked point. Refer to the sample.

  2. We apply windows to the house. We arrange them in the same way as the walls of the house.

    We lay a winding path near the building. It should go to a point on the horizon.

  3. Sketching the silhouettes of trees. Let’s immediately detail them and draw the outlines of the crowns. To make the foreground more varied, you can draw a cat and mallow buds that are blooming.

  4. We outline the sketch with a black felt-tip pen. Erase all auxiliary lines with an eraser. Let's move on to coloring.
  5. We paint the path brown. We make the grass in the area where the shadow from the trees falls dark green, and shade the rest of the space with a light color.

    The tree trunks need to be made dark brown, some places can be made lighter using an eraser.

  6. Let's make the cat near the house red. The remaining unpainted parts in the foreground can be painted over with a delicate light green shade. Detail the shadows with a dark color. To make the shadows more natural, you can add a brown tint.

  7. The array located in the background is colored blue and green. The leaves can be given a little gray tint. Let's decorate the sky blue. Use pink to color the mallow and yellow for the center.

All that remains is to paint over the walls of the house and the summer pencil drawing can be considered completed. We use a brown pencil for these details, and a gray pencil for the foundation and windows.

To complement this, we suggest you draw a butterfly in the picture.

Drawing a beautiful summer landscape

Another example, based on which you can understand how to draw summer with multi-colored pencils for children. In this drawing we will use the same tools that were required in the previous lesson. Let's move on to the creative process:

  1. This time we place the sheet horizontally.

    On the right side, use a ruler to draw the horizon line. We don’t bring it to the opposite side. Draw a circle closer to the edge of the sheet.

  2. There will be a silhouette of sushi on the right. We draw wavy lines from the horizon that will become the edge of the water. It will take three lines to make waves in the future.

  3. At the bottom right we will draw an umbrella. We have already discussed how to do it above. Under the umbrella you can depict a beach chair. On the piece of land that we placed in the background we will draw several lines; later they will become palm trees.

  4. The sketch of the summer landscape is ready. You can start coloring. We will paint the sun with a light yellow color, you can even use a cream shade. We make the light that comes from the sun bright yellow. Shade the rest of the sky blue.
  5. The edge of the water should be painted dark blue. The closer the water gets to the edge, the lighter it needs to be made. We draw the horizon near the sun and water with a dark blue pencil. We leave the two strips of water near the shore white and add gray strokes at the end.

  6. Use a brown pencil to paint over the umbrella. We highlight its folds. We use the same shade for the chair, but you can also add cream stripes to it.
  7. In the background, near the trees, we paint over the dense vegetation with green. We highlight some areas with a black pencil. We paint the tree trunks with brown. We draw the foliage of the palm trees, giving it a jagged appearance. To make the leaf structure clearer, use a thin black pencil.


The only thing missing at sea is a boat

Gouache painting

So, we have already considered several options for drawing summer and even depicted a picture on the theme “the summer of my dreams.” Now let's try, together with megamaster.info, to create a stunning, realistic, summer painting using gouache.

In addition to paint, we will need thick canvas embossed paper, brushes of different sizes, masking tape and water. Let's get started:

  1. Attach the sheet to the work table using masking tape. This will help you stay within the picture. Clean edges will allow you to insert the finished landscape into a frame.

  2. Make a preliminary sketch using a simple pencil. This option is suitable for those who are going to paint for the first time. In the picture we will place several bushes, one of them will be in the central part. You can depict a birch tree instead of bushes. Let's draw a river and indicate the location of the land.

  3. Let's move on to paints. We arm ourselves with a flat, wide brush. Apply white gouache to the top of the sheet. Mix blue and white and cover the sky. The closer to the horizon, the lighter the color of the sky. You can add a little white tint below, this will help create a beautiful, smooth transition of paint layers.
  4. Let's draw clouds. We do this with white and blue paint. First apply a white layer in neat circles, add blue on top, apply white again, and so on until you have formed air clouds of the desired size. We place clouds all over the sky.

  5. Let's do the bottom part. Here we need gray and different shades of green. Using green paint we depict silhouettes. Fields located in the background can be painted with a mixed green and yellow tint. On the left side we’ll paint one of the bushes a dark shade. Let's detail its foliage. We add a piece of land near it.
  6. Now let's draw water. We draw blue paint near the bush on the left and draw water on the right. Leave an unpainted area in the center of the sheet. This will be a bush. You can immediately give it an outline. Add some white and dark flowers to the water to create shimmer. It is imperative to depict the silhouette of a bush that appears in the water. To do this, we use green gouache, it is advisable to make it darker, for this you can add a little black to the base.

  7. We draw the second shore. Mix green and yellow. There will be several land areas here. We continue to draw land covered with grass in different shades of green. Leave a few unpainted areas so you can add a few more small bushes later. Mix yellow and white. Draw a winding path. The sides of the path should be decorated in a brown tone.
  8. To make the grass look natural, you need to draw small stripes across all areas of the land. This can take a lot of time, so just put paint on the tip of the brush and make a lot.
  9. Now it's time to work on the gaps that we left for the bushes. We draw the smallest ones, which are located on the left side. We do this with one color, but leave light areas between the leaves. Using gentle pressure, we shape the central bush and the bush on the right. Mix green with yellow, place light areas on the vegetation.

The picture is ready. If you wish, you can complement the landscape with plants using green, as shown in the sample.

You can also add animals to the picture

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