Drawing in the preparatory group what an autumn leaf can become

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher asks a riddle:

I bring the harvests, I sow the fields again, I send the birds to the south, I strip the trees, But I don’t touch the pines and fir trees, I... (Autumn)

- Right. Today our lesson will be related to this time of year. Listen to the poem and say what natural phenomenon it is about.

The leaves were filled with sunshine. The leaves are soaked in the sun. They filled up, became heavy, and flew in the wind, rustled through the bushes, galloped over the twigs, the wind swirls gold, makes noise like golden rain! (M. Lesovaya)

- That's right, it's about leaf fall. Let's look carefully at the leaves and think about which trees they came from (examining the leaves of maple, rowan, birch, oak, aspen, linden).

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Introducing children to a non-traditional type of visual activity - drawing with wax crayons and watercolors.

Summary of a drawing lesson in a preparatory group on the topic: “Imagine what a beautiful autumn leaf can become.” Objectives: - develop imagination, creativity; - develop an esthete.

Summary of OOD in the preparatory group. Salt drawingConstract of OOD in the preparatory group. Topic: “Outfit for the Sorceress of Nature.”


Notes on drawing in the preparatory group “Autumn Landscape”

Elena Razgildeeva

Notes on drawing in the preparatory group “Autumn Landscape”

Abstract of GCD on artistic and aesthetic development ( drawing )

the preparatory group
Autumn Landscape Topic: Autumn Landscape

Goal: Formation in children of aesthetic ideas about the features of composing the composition of an autumn landscape

Develop fine motor skills, creativity, mental activity, memory, coherent speech, imagination;

Foster a positive attitude towards nature.


Summary of a drawing lesson in a preparatory group on the topic:

“Think about what a beautiful autumn leaf can become.”

- develop imagination and creativity;

- to form aesthetic taste;

- practice neat, beautiful painting;

— learn to outline the complex shape of a leaf.

Materials: colored pencils (wax crayons, sheets of A4 paper, tree leaves (lilac, cherry, oak flower leaves).

- Guys, look what I brought you today (showing different plant leaves).

- What kind of trees do you think these leaves are?

I show the leaves and tell what kind of tree this leaf is and so on, all 3 types.

- Why do you think I brought them to you? And what are we going to do with them?

- Guys, today I want to teach you a little magic. Want to? Look carefully and think about what or who these tree leaves and flowers could become?

— I want to teach you how you can use crayons (pencils) and leaves to depict a butterfly, a turtle and a cockroach.

Look, it's very simple.

To begin with, I take a leaf of lilac, lay it on a blank sheet of paper and trace it along the contour, then I finish drawing the head, paws and tail. Does it look like a turtle? Now all that remains is to carefully paint it.

Now, using a cherry leaf, you can depict a cockroach. The same thing, I attached the piece of paper to a sheet of paper, traced the outline of the cherry leaf and finished drawing the head and paws. Did it turn out to be a cockroach?

How to depict a butterfly? For the butterfly wings we will need oak leaves, we only need two of them. Placing the piece of paper with the top to the right, she traced it around the office. Then she also placed the top of the sheet opposite to the left side, leaving a little space, and circled it again. These turned out to be wings. Now all that remains is to draw the body, head and antennae between the wings. Did you get a butterfly? Now you can carefully color the butterfly.

Now, guys, I offer you this magic of turning leaves into living creatures and perform it for you (I offer 3 types of plant leaves for children to choose from).

At the end of the lesson, I summarize the results and note the most interesting, beautifully arranged, well-colored works.

Drawing “Leaves are spinning...”

Preliminary work:

- Conversation, games, reading and memorizing poems, observing while walking, looking at illustrations on the topic.

Didactic support for the lesson:

Illustrations with an autumn landscape, an autumn costume, a basket with leaves, brushes, paints in red, orange, yellow, sheets with an applique or a picture of a tree, an image of the sun, a tree leaf cut out of white paper - for each child, information cards with rules of conduct in forest.

Program content:

— Educational objectives : continue to introduce children to brushes and paints, teach how to hold a brush correctly and use paint carefully. Strengthen the ability to apply strokes to a sheet using the entire surface of the sheet. Activate your verb dictionary. Draw children's attention to the beauty of the world around them, reinforce the rules of behavior in nature - in the forest;

— Developmental tasks: develop fine motor skills of the fingers, memory, imagination, logical thinking;

— Educational objectives: to cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards drawing, the ability to work together. Treats natural objects with care and attention.

Lesson structure:

Introductory part (2 - 3 min)

Goal: creating an emotional mood for the lesson.

Methodological techniques: surprise moment, appeal to children’s personal experience.

Main part (9 - 10 min)

Goal: implementation of program content tasks.

Methodological techniques: a surprise moment, showing paintings with autumn landscapes, questions from the teacher to the children, physical education, independent activity of children, breathing exercise, display of work.

Final part (1 - 2 min):

Purpose: to summarize the lesson.

Methodological techniques: questions from the teacher.

Stages of work:

Introductory part:

The group includes a teacher in an autumn costume with a basket, on a magnetic board there are illustrations with autumn landscapes: Isaac Levitan “Golden Autumn”, A.M. Vasnetsov “Autumn Branch”, Yu.Yu. Clover "Autumn Landscape".

Educator: - Hello my dears, guess who I am? (children's answer: autumn)

Let's look at the pictures:

In a golden carriage, with a playful horse, Autumn galloped through the forests and fields. The good sorceress changed everything: She painted the Earth bright yellow. From the sky the sleepy month marvels at the Miracle. Everything around is sparkling, Everything is shimmering. (Yu. Kapustina)

— Guys, what happens in the fall? (Children's answers: the leaves turn yellow and fall, a cold wind blows, it rains.)

- I want to invite you on a journey through the autumn forest, but first let’s remember how to behave in the forest. (Children talk about the rules of behavior in the forest using information cards).

- Well done, now we are ready for the journey, go ahead!

Main part:

Educator: Guys, we are in the autumn forest! I know the magic words and now I will turn you into autumn leaves. Spin and turn into autumn leaves!

Game "Leaves"

We are autumn leaves, we sit on the branches. (sit down) The wind blew - we flew, We flew, we flew (easy running in a circle) And we sat down quietly on the ground. (sit down) The wind came again and picked up all the leaves. (easy running in a circle) They spun, flew and sat quietly on the ground. (sit down)

Educator: And I have a few riddles for you:

Autumn came to visit us and brought with it... What? Say it at random! Well, of course... Answer (Leaf fall)

It had been hanging on a branch since spring, It was green - it turned yellow, Just a weak wind blew, It already flew away. Answer (Leaf)

The days have become shorter, the nights have become longer, Who can say, who knows, When does this happen? Answer (in autumn)

Educator: Well done. That's right. Now look, I have a lot of leaves in my basket. Let's take a closer look at them. What trees are these leaves from? (from maple, from birch, from rowan, from oak)

- What color are they? (yellow, orange, red). The teacher and the children examine the leaves and name their color.

- Oh, there are still a lot of white leaves in my basket... Can you help me decorate them? (Children's answer: yes.)

The teacher hands out white leaves to the children and invites them to paint the leaves for autumn. The children sit at the tables.

Educator: - The brushes came to visit us again. They brought with them yellow, orange and red paint. We will paint the leaves with brushes.

The teacher demonstrates coloring techniques. Then he places the paint on the tables. First, the children paint with one paint, then the teacher changes the sockets with paint to a different color. Help children individually.

Educator: - And now we will admire our works.

Looking at the leaves:

What a wonder, what a wonder!

Everything became beautiful all around.

Bright leaves are flying, lying on the ground everywhere!

Breathing exercise “ Autumn leaves”:

The text is pronounced only by the teacher.

A light breeze blows and the leaf shakes. (Exhale calmly, relaxed).

A strong breeze is blowing and the leaf is shaking. (The force of exhalation gradually increases.)

Autumn leaves are flying, flying, flying, Autumn leaves are saying to children:

Aspen - A-A-A, Rowan - I-I-I, Birch - O-O-O, Oak - U-U-U.

(Singing vowels).

Final part:

Educator: - Well, now it’s time to go back to kindergarten. Spin and turn and turn into children!

- Who were you now? (leaves)

—What types of autumn leaves are there? (yellow, red)

— What is the name of the natural phenomenon when leaves fall from a tree? (leaf fall)

- At what time of year does leaf fall occur? (autumn)

— What time of year is it now? (autumn)

- Well done.

Reflection: - Let's remember what we did today? (they played, guessed riddles, painted leaves, talked about the leaves and what he could do).

- Goodbye, guys! Autumn is leaving, the lesson is over.

Used Books:

1. River L. About classes on speech development. / Preschool Education, 10, 1990

2. Shvaiko S. Games and gaming exercises for speech development. - M, 2008

3. Kovalko V.I. The ABCs of physical education lessons for preschoolers: Practical development of physical education minutes, game exercises, gymnastic complexes and outdoor games (middle, high school, preparatory groups). - M.: VAKO, 2005. -176 p. — (Preschoolers: we teach, develop, educate).

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

This outline plan for the middle group is suitable for the autumn period. Children are invited to depict autumn rowan leaves by smearing plasticine. The result is collective.

Objectives: to learn to convey in work the characteristic features of the color of autumn leaves; learn to choose the right background for future work; be observant, be able to look at different shades of color, evaluate.

Summary of a drawing lesson in a preparatory group on the topic: “Imagine what a beautiful autumn leaf can become.” Objectives: - develop imagination, creativity; - develop an esthete.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group “Colors of Autumn”

Ekaterina Yakutina

Summary of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group “Colors of Autumn”

«Colors of Autumn»

1. Teach children to convey the color of golden autumn , learn to combine warm colors and shades. Continue to teach children to be fluent with a brush. Learn to correctly position the drawing across the entire sheet of paper.

2. Continue to develop the child’s emotional and sensory sphere and imagination.

3. Encourage children to convey the characteristics of autumn leaves , achieving expressiveness using color

4. Foster an aesthetic attitude towards nature. Arouse interest in depicting the time of year.

Progress of the lesson

— Guys, look what I brought you today (showing different plant leaves )


- What kind of trees do you think these leaves are ?

I show the leaves and tell what kind of tree this leaf is and so on, all 3 types .

- Why do you think I brought them to you? And what are we going to do with them?

- Guys, today I want to teach you a little magic. Want to? Look carefully and think about what or who these tree leaves and flowers could become ?

— I want to teach you how to use crayons (pencils)

leaves to depict a butterfly , turtle and cockroach.
Look, it's very simple.

To begin with, I take a leaf of lilac , lay it on a clean sheet of paper and trace it along the contour, then I finish drawing the head , paws and tail. Does it look like a turtle? Now all that remains is to carefully paint it .

Now, using leaf , you can depict a cockroach. The same thing, I attached the piece of paper to a sheet of paper , traced the outline of the cherry leaf finished drawing the head and paws. Did it turn out to be a cockroach?

How to depict a butterfly? For the butterfly wings we will need oak leaves , we only need two of them. Placing the piece of paper with the top to the right, she traced it around the office. Then she also placed the sheet opposite to the left side, leaving a little space, and circled it again. These turned out to be wings. Now all that remains is to draw the body, head and antennae between the wings. Did you get a butterfly? But now you can carefully color .

Now, guys, I offer you this magic of turning leaves into living creatures and perform it for you 3 types of plant leaves for children to choose from )


At the end of the lesson, I summarize the results and note the most interesting, beautifully arranged , well-colored works.

Summary of joint activities “How to become a star?” (preparatory group). Goal: in the process of joint activity, create a creative improvisation “Musical Number” for performance in front of the audience. Tasks:. Notes for a drawing lesson “Autumn Maple” (preparatory group) Notes for a lesson in the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” drawing on the theme “Autumn Maple” (preparatory group). Summary of a lesson on drawing with non-traditional techniques “Autumn Forest” (preparatory group) Program content: • Arouse interest in creating a collective composition “Autumn Forest” • Introduce children to a new type of non-traditional. What does an autumn leaf look like? Before we knew it, autumn was on the doorstep again. Once again, there is a wealth right under your feet that can be used for crafts with children. Leaves.

Autumn matinee (preparatory group) Autumn matinee. Preparatory group. Entrance with leaves, in a semicircle. Poems: 1. The summer flew by quickly like a migratory bird into the distance. Autumn is wonderful.

Drawing from life “A leaf flew from a birch tree” (older age) Drawing a birch tree from life. “A leaf has flown from a birch tree...” Purpose of the lesson: 1. To develop curiosity, observation, and the desire to reflect.

Children's creativity on the topic: “Imagine what an autumn leaf can become” Children's creativity on the topic: “Imagine what an autumn leaf can become” Nature is fabulous and rich. What a variety of feelings overwhelm you.

Essay “What can music tell you?” What can music tell us? Music is the most mysterious of all arts. She is able to express the subtlest movements of the soul, beyond control.


Abstract of OOD on drawing “Colors of Autumn” for the preparatory speech therapy group

Gulchachak Akhmetova

Abstract of OOD on drawing “Colors of Autumn” for the preparatory speech therapy group

MADOOU combined type kindergarten No. 32, Belebey

Municipal district Belebeevsky district of the Republic of Belarus

Summary of organized educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development.

Drawing on the topic: “Colors of Autumn” for children of the preparatory speech therapy group

Educator: Akhmetova G.S.

Belebey 2022

Theme: “Colors of Autumn”

Purpose of the lesson. Continue teaching children to draw landscapes. Educational objectives. Teach children to convey the color of golden autumn, combine warm colors and shades.

Systematize children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Continue to teach children to be fluent with a brush.

Learn to correctly position the drawing throughout the sheet.

Encourage children to convey the characteristics of autumn leaves, achieving expressiveness with the help of color.

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