Summary of the lesson on testoplasty “Toys painted here” for children with special needs 5-6 years old.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

The use of testoplasty in working with preschool children (from work experience)

Department of Education of the Administration of the Municipal District Tuymazinsky District of the Republic of Bashkortostan Branch of the Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten No. 22 of Tuymazy "Preschool Educational Institution Nurkeevo"

Educator: Bikmukhametova Z.R.

Early preschool age is the most important period in a child’s development. It is known that the formation of fine motor skills affects mental development, and is especially closely related to speech development.

To develop fine motor skills, various exercises and games are used: massage of the palms and fingers, finger gymnastics, finger games with cereals, sand and objects (with paper, plasticine, clothespins, coloring and others. All these games are successfully used in working with children. In the younger group I added games with salt dough to them.

The fourth year of a child’s life is an important age period in which modeling is of great importance for the development of fine motor skills. As a rule, kids are already familiar with plasticine and enjoy working with salt dough.

Dough is a soft, plastic material that is much easier for a child to work with than plasticine. Compared to plasticine, salt dough has a great advantage. It does not stain your hands, is more plastic, and is easy to mold. Products made from salt dough are more durable and can be easily colored with felt-tip pens, paints and gouache.

Products made from salt dough are made both flat and three-dimensional; they can easily be glued to paper, drywall, chipboard and many other hard materials, which allows you to create beautiful compositions of wall panels. And what is very important is that salt dough is an environmentally friendly product.

Working with salt dough gives children great pleasure, especially making jewelry and gifts.

It's easy to prepare:

  • 200gr. flour
  • 100gr. salt
  • 100 ml. water
  • 2 tbsp. l oil

I use fine salt as it dissolves better.

For plasticity, I add vegetable oil to the dough.

Place salt and dyes in a bowl, stir, add a small amount of water, add sunflower oil. Gradually add flour and knead the dough until it has a homogeneous consistency, until the dough sticks to your hands and becomes elastic. Place the finished dough in the refrigerator for 2 hours, let the dough rest.

But not everyone knows that there is also choux salted dough. To prepare it, we take the same ingredients as for the classic salt dough, but add 30 grams of citric acid, if you don’t have citric acid, you can add 10 grams of acetic acid, which will be a preservative for the dough. We put all the ingredients in a saucepan, put it on low heat, stir constantly, heat it up, but there is one feature here: the dough cannot be overheated. The dough is brewed, cooled, add the remaining flour, and bring to the desired consistency. Just like the classic dough, we place it in a bag and in the refrigerator for 2 hours, after 2 hours the dough is ready to use.

Choux pastry is more plastic than simple dough; when working with it, no salt powder remains on your hands, since the salt dissolves completely when heated, such dough does not stick to your hands, products from it are much more elegant, since the dough can be rolled out much thinner than from ordinary dough. salt dough. You can store it in the refrigerator for up to one month.

To begin with, I studied methodological literature on testoplasty, selected fiction, finger exercises, templates, and sketches for sculpting. I tried to make products from salt dough myself, and selected a dough recipe and a technology for making crafts that would be suitable for working with children.

In my work, I always knead the dough in the presence of children. I give the children the opportunity to take part: touch, smell, knead, express their impression of the dough (hard, white, cold, you can make holes, roll sausages, tear off a piece, etc.).

At first, the children learned to sculpt and decorate flat figures, hearts, etc. There was so much joy, the children did not get tired, did not get distracted, everyone was interested.

Rolling pins were used for rolling, and cookie cutters and bottle caps were used for cutting. Then they learned to sculpt three-dimensional forms.

In the process of activity, children often encountered situations that required special psychological support for the child (praise, compliments, approval, admiration) and support was needed that guided children to rethink and experience.

Therefore, the purpose of my work is:

Formation of children's skills in modeling from salt dough and development of their creative abilities, fantasy, and imagination.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks are defined:

  1. To promote the development of children’s creative abilities, the cultivation of artistic and aesthetic taste through exercises in modeling from salt dough;
  2. Develop fine motor skills of the hands, stimulating the development of speech;
  3. Promote the development of children's interest in artistic creativity;
  4. Enrich the subject-developmental environment of the group, conducive to the manifestation of children's creative activity.

When working with salt dough, the same techniques are used as when working with plasticine and clay. This:

  • Kneading - pressing with your hands and fingers on a piece of dough.
  • Pinching is the separation of small pieces from a large piece of plasticine or dough using the thumb and index finger. To do this, first pinch a small piece of plasticine or dough from the edge of a large piece, and then tear it off.
  • “Spanking” is vigorously patting the dough with a tense palm and straight fingers. The range of movements can be varied.
  • Flattening is the act of squeezing a piece of dough into a flat shape. A small piece of plastic material can be flattened using your fingers.

However, when working with salt dough, you need to take into account the tenderness and plasticity of the material. Therefore, to connect the parts to each other, you need to pass a brush dipped in water over the joints and, sticking the parts, press them to each other.

Under the guidance of an adult, kids enjoy learning to roll out lumps of dough, flatten a ball by crushing it with the palms of their hands, and also roll out sticks: rays and leaves.

With the help of testoplasty, children become involved in decorative activities: they learn to paint and decorate objects with patterns using plasticine. Children especially enjoy painting finished objects with paints. After all, first you need to imagine what you got, what your figure looks like most, as for example, in the work “Vegetables,” and only then paint it.

There are many options for testoplasty that can be offered to children: making a photo frame, decorations for the New Year tree, making gifts for mothers and grandmothers for International Women’s Day and painting them, etc.

In Rus', dough figurines were given as gifts for the New Year as a sign of prosperity, fertility, and satiety. Even in those days when in Rus' the New Year was celebrated on September 1, and at the same time weddings were celebrated, it was customary to give figurines made of salt dough. And they were decorated with paintings characteristic of the area where our ancestors lived. It was believed that any craft made from salt dough found in the house was a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the family. And bread and salt will always be on the table. The dough figures were called KHLEBOSOL.

To color salt dough, I use food dyes, but they are not always on hand, then I take: instant coffee, cocoa, turmeric.. If the product is made from uncolored dough, I take acrylic paints or gouache.

To preserve the color and protect my products from external influences, I coat them with varnish.

In order to interest children, at the beginning of the lesson you can read a quatrain and ask a riddle. This is done in order to create a good mood in children and direct their attention from the beginning of the lesson to thinking about the image in a very brief, concise form and noting only those features that relate to the shape of the parts and details of the object.

At the first stages, I introduced children to testoplasty as a type of folk applied art, its history, features, tools that are necessary for working with dough, and the simplest technological techniques for working with dough.

At first, children learned to sculpt and decorate flat figures - decorative plates, hearts. Rolling pins were used for rolling, and cookie cutters, dumplings, and bottle caps were used for cutting. Then they learned to sculpt three-dimensional shapes using a wooden rod (match or toothpick). And then characteristic features were added to the base: ears, nose, eyes, tail.

One of the stages of making crafts is coloring. For this purpose, gouache paints, watercolors, and felt-tip pens are used.

For decoration I use natural products: peppercorns, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, red and white beans, coffee beans, various types of pasta

Children and parents remembered the “Medals” - gifts for dads on February 23rd. The kids made them themselves, then decorated them themselves:

In addition, we learned to sculpt objects from several parts, as well as combine figures into collective compositions. These are the collective works we produced: “March 8” and “Airplane” .

The process of making dough products is fascinating for kids, and also brings them together. Children learn to interact with each other: call each other by name, discuss the resulting objects, and enjoy the collective and individual works they create.

Testoplasty is a wonderful way to develop fine motor skills, drawing and socialization of children. As experience has shown, games with dough should definitely be used when working with younger preschoolers.

To increase children's interest in the results of their work, I use game motivation. And at the end of the lesson I invite the children to play with their craft. The use of dialogic speech in the game allows not only to develop the child’s speech, but also to facilitate communication with each other, promotes the development of communicative and creative abilities.

Modeling from salt dough allows you to create a favorable social environment rich in material, which contributes to the development of the child’s emotional world and pushes him to a variety of creative activities.

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Project at the preschool educational institution “Fairy Dough” (testoplasty)

  • April 9, 2014

Conference “Project activity in an educational institution - 2014”
Nomination “Pedagogical project in a preschool institution”

Relevance of the project. One of the most favorite plastic materials for children is salt dough. Therefore, the problem of developing fine motor skills of a child’s hand and speech development before transitioning to adult, school life will be helped by testoplasty - an art that is close and accessible to him.

Testoplasty helps solve the following problems :


  1. Introduce children to the history of testoplasty and its capabilities.
  2. Learn to use various materials and tools.
  3. Begin to develop knowledge about composition, the basics of color science, and techniques for working with gouache.


  1. Learn to sculpt with your entire brush and fingers, and make small details with your fingers and pinching.
  2. Develop hand coordination.


  1. Develop fine motor skills of the hands, speech, observation and aesthetic taste, imaginative and logical thinking
  2. Expand your horizons and vocabulary.


  1. To cultivate hard work, patience, accuracy, and the desire to complete the work started.
  2. Develop the ability to communicate with peers and work in a team.


  1. Create a favorable atmosphere for communication between children who are passionate about a common cause.
  2. Teach preschoolers to organize leisure time.

The goal of the project: the development of children's creative abilities and speech through the use of testoplasty technology.

Project objectives:

  1. Introduce children to folk art, introduce children to the history of testoplasty and kneading dough.
  2. To form a sustainable interest in artistic activity.
  3. Develop creativity, aesthetic taste, imagination, memory, attention, thinking, fine motor skills, coordination and tactile sensations of the hands.

Project participants: children, teacher.

Project type: long-term. Project implementation period: October - April

Expected result : development of independence, initiative, creative abilities of children, mastery of skills in working with salt dough - modeling from life, according to the idea, modeling a sculpture from 2-3 objects, expressiveness of the image, proportions, sculpting methods (flattening and pinching, joining edges dough, pulling and pressing, smoothing and pressing, smearing and rolling).

Project implementation:

1. Preliminary stage (September).

Children get acquainted with testoplasty as a type of folk applied art, its features, tools necessary for work, and the simplest techniques for working with dough.

Creative workshops begin with a conversation about the history of testoplasty with kneading dough with preschoolers.

Children work with the dough: knead, sniff, roll into balls, etc. Next, it is proposed to make imprints on the surface of the dough using stacks, buttons, corks and more. And how interesting it is to paint it and simply mix different colors.

Next, preschoolers work with three-dimensional shapes - bun, sausage, flatbread.

2. Main stage (October-March).

Objectives of the main stage: introduce children to the testoplasty technique (modeling techniques), learn to create various subject and simple plot compositions, and develop creative abilities.

Preschoolers have already mastered modeling, we suggest working with a cupcake mold, an egg and making a “Cake”, “Easter Egg”.

In the future, the task becomes more complicated - sticking to various volumetric shapes, for example, “Decorating an egg.” Experimenting with buttons, beads, beads, ribbons and ribbons.

3. Final stage (April).

Project presentation form: exhibition of children's works and collective story compositions.

Project at the preschool educational institution “Fairy Dough”

Author: Irina Ivanovna Kostyukova, teacher of the first category, Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution “combined type No. 2 “Romashka”, Gubkin city, Belgorod region, teaching experience 5 years, winner of municipal competitions and exhibitions.

A lump of salted dough - It’s interesting to sculpt from it! The dough ball is soft, pleasant and smooth to the touch. It’s lying in my palm, I can mold it into a cat, I can mold it into a baby elephant or a mouse, I can mold it into a picture that I saw in a book, I crushed the lump a little, I’ll mold it into arms and legs, I’ll mold it into ears and eyes, and together we’ll go to a fairy tale! I. Glebova

In the main general education program, the priority is the developmental function, which ensures the development of the child’s personality.

The state of the domestic preschool education system is currently characterized by a transition to new approaches focusing education on a humanistic, personality-oriented model. This significantly expands the range of educational tasks that can be solved.

One of the closest and most natural activities for a preschool child is visual arts and modeling. In the process of visual activity and modeling, preschoolers acquire a whole range of graphic and pictorial skills and abilities, learn to analyze objects and phenomena of the world around them. This activity develops fine motor skills of the fingers, their muscles, coordination of movements, has a beneficial effect on the development of speech (since the projection of the hand is in close proximity to the speech zone in the brain), relieves nervous tension, fear, and provides a positive emotional state. Fine art and modeling provide ample opportunities for experiencing beauty and for developing children’s emotional and aesthetic attitude to reality. Visual activities in kindergarten are an effective means of understanding reality. This activity helps the development and formation of visual perceptions, imagination, memory, spatial concepts, feelings and other mental processes. Such personality traits as perseverance, focus, accuracy, and hard work are formed. “All modern programs present three ways for preschool children to master the fine arts: perception - performance - creativity. Every child, in my deep conviction, should grow up from childhood in an atmosphere of love, beauty, and creativity. I try to turn joint activities with children with testoplasty into creativity, then real works of art will come out of his hands! While working with dough, I strive to develop in children aesthetic taste, a sense of rhythm, and the ability to understand beauty. While modeling from salt dough, children's vocabulary is activated, because during classes, I ask them to voice their actions. The child sculpts and explains: “The bear has such wide paws because...”. A child can fantasize and can share his knowledge about the world around him with other children. I develop logical thinking, just as before work a child, first of all, must consistently think through a plan of action, think through every detail: what? For what? Why? After completing the work, the children perform their craft, compose a fairy tale, and stage real theatrical performances. When planning my work with children, I use dramatization games (children create fairy tale characters and voice them). Learning to form is not on the basis of “doing according to instructions or a model,” which is what an adult suggests, but to “come up with” your own plans, formulate ideas and realize individual imaginations in activities. The content of the activity is structured in accordance with the thematic planning of the speech therapist, defectologist, and also based on the interests of the students. Children love to make crafts for the holidays (New Year's tiger, Christmas trees, fairy horseshoes); making homemade toys for kids; making heroes based on Russian folk tales; attributes for role-playing games: vegetables, fruits, bakery products to the store. I consider the collective panels to be the pride of the children - “The Seabed”, “Mysterious Space”, “Fruit Basket”.

To create a subject-development environment, I made a card index of games for the artistic and aesthetic development of children. I think the most interesting are “Guess and tell about a folk toy”, “Find out an element of a pattern”, “What does it look like?”, “Complete a craft”, “What doesn’t happen in the world?”, “Think and guess”, “Fantastic heroes”.

During activities, I try to ensure that children say the word “I can’t” as little as possible, I explain that we have gathered here to learn, that I will definitely help. By doing this, I remove the child’s fear that he will not succeed. Sometimes the word “I can’t” covers up the fact that the child does not want to study. Then it is necessary to create motivation in children, arouse interest and desire to study. To create motivation for activity, I use game techniques, through which I develop interest in testoplasty. Often, in order to interest children, I use “animation” and playing with crafts with which they can talk, consult and play. The content of game actions depends on the content of crafts. If it is a bird, then it can “fly”, “peck”, “talk”, “show off to each other”.

When sculpting circus animals, children were trainers and talked about their animals on their own; While playing a game of drawing up an identikit, children took on the role of a “detective” and came up with a positive and negative character, etc. By offering children a role, I arouse interest in the task and a desire to complete it. Acting in character, the child is passionate about his work, inventive, and does his work carefully. And I also take on some role - a sorceress of colors, a sorcerer or a grandmother - a riddle who has forgotten all the fairy tales and cannot tell them to the children.

In order to maintain interest, I used elements of theatricality, surprise moments, game characters (Pinocchio, Dunno, Luntik), and didactic games (for example, “game names”). In joint activities with testoplasty, I activate the child’s speech and replenish his vocabulary. (What are you sculpting now? What will you sculpt later? What kind of ears will you make for the bunny? Why did you give the bear such powerful, strong paws? What kind of mood will your hero have: sad, cheerful, perky, cunning?)

With the help of testoplasty, I tried to create conditions for the creative self-expression of pupils (modeling for a table theater, attributes for role-playing games “Home”, “Shop”; regular exhibitions of children's creativity in kindergarten, in the city children's library, in the library of the Michurinsky Village Council of the Iskitim region , in the museum of the city of Berdsk, etc.).

In my pedagogical activities, applying the principle of integration of learning, I develop the child’s thinking, his knowledge in the field of the formation of elementary concepts in mathematics, orientation in space (divide a piece of dough and count the parts, compare them by size, shape, which parts of the craft are in front, behind, left, right). I develop the child’s speech: I suggest talking about my craft, describing it, giving it a name, composing a story about its adventures. I use crafts in play activities: it is advisable that the child does not immediately take the craft home, but uses it in games for some time. In the group, we collected a collection so that we could show a tabletop theater for our peers. This makes children want to create new characters and develop the plot of a fairy tale or game.

The modeling technique is rich and varied, but at the same time accessible to small children. Modeling is the most tangible form of artistic creativity. The child not only sees what he created, but also touches it, picks it up and changes it as necessary. The main tool in sculpting is the hand. From this point of view, the modeling technique can be assessed as the most environmentally friendly.

To teach a child the technical skills of modeling and develop his fine motor skills, first I take the child’s hands in my own, let him feel the force of pressing on a lump of dough: when rolling the dough into a ball, a stick of varying widths and lengths. The muscles of the palm should be tense, the hands should be straight. Therefore, I suggest that the child roll out the dough on the board. We make all the details only by hand. I immediately teach my child to work carefully. Looking at the sample, children analyze the shape of the parts and their location. Then I remove the sample. Using my piece of dough, I demonstrate sculpting techniques: pulling, pinching, spreading, and others. After the show I put my work away. This is done to prevent the child from copying the product. If a child finds it difficult while working, I show him the required technique on my piece of dough. If independent work is going on, I do not interfere with the child’s work. I can only show you on my piece of dough how to correct the error. When working together, I can pick up a child’s product and, at his request, correct the craft. I teach children how to work with a stack. So that children gain experience and know which side can make a drawing on the dough, a hole, a slot, and cut off the required piece of dough.

I think it is necessary to start by creating conditions in the group - a small corner of creativity. In my group I posted: paints (watercolors, gouache),

colored pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, wax crayons, various brushes, pieces of foam rubber, scissors, colored and velvet paper. Natural materials: cones, seeds and fruits of various plants, pebbles, nutshells, twigs, dried flowers, cotton wool, sticks, fabric, pieces of cellophane, remnants of woolen threads, plot pictures, postcards, glue, cardboard, buttons, beads, beads, and other waste material. All this is concentrated in different boxes, caskets, and special containers. In the creativity corner, I put on a monthly changing exhibition to introduce folk and applied arts. My main task is to create conditions and provide all this diversity for the creative imagination of children. I can say with confidence that every child finds what he needs to realize his idea.

With the help of dough crafts, communication developed (we visit each other, say polite words to each other); by playing out children's poems and songs with crafts, she instilled moral and ethical values.

The work I have begun has wide boundaries and possibilities, and requires continuation. Work in this direction confirms that artistic and aesthetic development takes shape and develops not only on the basis of productive activity (sculpting from salt dough), but also in the perception of a work of art, in play activities, in the formation of a holistic picture of the world - therefore, I see the prospects of my work the need to organize these activities accordingly and improve them. I plan to develop a program of circle activities on testoplasty.

Using forms and methods of testoplasty in working with preschool children

Pedagogical science is constantly evolving. Today, teachers and educators have access to a wide range of methodological tools when working with children. However, it is worth noting that often various innovative techniques are based on well-known and proven techniques, somewhat modified in accordance with modern technologies and the developmental characteristics of modern children.

Work with preschoolers is almost always aimed at transforming and developing the child’s physical and cognitive capabilities. The sensitive period in the development of preschoolers is primarily characterized by tendencies towards the development of fine motor skills of the hands, speech, motor and visual coordination, expressiveness of movements and increased sensory perception, when the child learns about the world by sensing objects tactilely.

In my work, I try to use both new and well-tested techniques. One of my students’ favorite activities is testoplasty. The advantages of this technique are its availability, variability, simplicity and relative cheapness. Children, almost without exception, like to sculpt various figures with their hands. The dough, unlike plasticine, is more pleasant to the touch, has greater plasticity (more pliable), it can be given the desired color, and from a household point of view it is more harmless to the child and easier to clean.

Modeling from salt dough is aimed at developing children's imagination, helping to increase the variability of thinking, as well as the development of perception, and the realization of the child's creative potential. By reproducing an object from life, from memory or from a drawing, children become familiar with its shape, volume, form an image of the object, develop their fingers, which also contributes to the development of speech, develop observation, thinking, attention, aesthetic perception, and reduce stereotypical thinking. Working with dough always brings joy to children. Technical difficulties that arise when reproducing any figures develop in children diligence, perseverance in achieving goals, and, when overcoming them, emotional satisfaction and self-confidence.

In the process of work, we always have conversations with children. The choice of such a play organization stimulates children's speech activity, helps to expand their vocabulary and speech imitation. The child comes up with various game situations with a character that he molds from dough, endowing him with qualities and character. All this contributes to the process of self-disclosure of the child, as well as the unconscious response of negative emotions, the removal of mental defense mechanisms in the creative process.

Testoplasty is recommended mainly for classes with children 4-7 years old. The dough for this activity is very easy to prepare. To do this, you will need 2 cups of flour, a little dry starch to increase elasticity, 1 cup of salt, 1 half glass of water, and 2 tablespoons of PVA glue. If desired, you can add a little vegetable oil or food coloring, but if you prefer to color the crafts after completion, you can use the color mixing technique to obtain the desired shade or color, which will be very interesting and educational for children.

Required color: Light blue = blue + white Pink = white + red Purple = blue + pink Green = light blue + yellow Orange = yellow + red Brown = green + red Emerald = green + blue Flesh = light pink + a little yellow

The salt dough should be dense. After kneading, it is recommended to place the dough in the refrigerator in a plastic bag for 2-3 hours.

In the process of directly working with the dough, you can use various objects for decoration (beads, yarn, seed beads, various natural materials - twigs, blades of grass, flowers, seeds), connecting them to the dough using PVA glue. Don't forget about safety precautions; Before starting work, I recommend giving your children a mini-lecture or video lesson about the rules of working with the dough and the rules of hygiene after using it.

It is worth noting that when using testoplasty, there is no specific and precise algorithm for using the technique. Taking this technique as a basis, you can diversify your activities with children by choosing an integrated method, adding any new details, improving the decoration method, and so on. It all depends on your imagination and the desires of your students.

A standard set of materials for working with salt dough includes: a container with water for wetting your hands, brushes, gouache or watercolor paints, a modeling board, plastic knives and stacks, small rolling pins, and various molds.

I bring to your attention my own thematic planning, which you can take as a basis and later change or modify.

The full version of the work is available.

Master class for teachers on testoplasty


Epanchintseva Irina Svyatoslavna,


MAUDO of the city of Yalutorovsk “Kindergarten No. 9”

highest qualification category

Teaching experience 27 years


Goal: To present the possibilities of testoplasty as a means of development of preschool children


  1. Introduce master class participants to testoplasty techniques.
  2. Show a system for working with dough as a material for children’s creative activities.

Equipment: salted dough, blank for making the “Chicken” craft, material for decorating the craft.

Progress of the master class

An important role in creating a modern educational environment today is played by innovative technologies aimed at developing the interests of children with special educational needs, based on the principle of fantasy in play activities.

Dough modeling is as natural and organic a child's need as play. Testoplasty is one of the most fascinating types of decorative and applied art.

Making dough from flour, salt and water is an ancient custom and was used to make figures from folk tales. In Rus', figurines made from this material were given as gifts for the New Year as a sign of prosperity, fertility, and satiety. And they were decorated with paintings characteristic of the area where our ancestors lived. It was believed that any craft made from salt dough found in the house is a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the family, and bread and salt will always be on the table. That is why these figures were often called very simply - “Hospitable Man”.

The dough has a number of advantages:

• The material is environmentally friendly, non-allergenic.

• Surprisingly flexible material.

• Crafts made from salt dough are more durable and can be used in games.

• Crafts can be painted in different colors.

Difficulties may arise when working with the test:

  1. You need to learn how to knead the dough. It’s a mistake when we take a lot of flour, it’s better to use less and knead well. Dough recipe: 1 glass of water, 1 glass of fine salt, flour.
  2. It is necessary to take into account thematic planning when developing a circle program.

There are no limits to your imagination when working with the test!!! The process of work is the joy of learning. The child brings his sincere interest, surprise or admiration into his work; he not only reflects the world, but also gets to know it. The educational and educational value of modeling is great, especially in terms of mental and aesthetic work. Working with dough allows you to solve a variety of problems and is aimed at:

  1. development of the sphere of images and representations;
  2. formation of mental activity: stimulation of mental activity, formation of mental operations, development of visual forms of thinking (visual-effective and visual-figurative), concrete-conceptual (verbal-logical);
  3. development of spatial gnosis and constructive praxis;
  4. formation of spatio-temporal representations;
  5. development of mental abilities through mastering the actions of substitution and visual modeling in various types of activities;
  6. development of hand-eye coordination, stimulation of reflex zones and nerve endings of the palms and fingers;
  7. activation of the formation of connections between the hemispheres of the brain;
  8. development of creative abilities.

In addition, special tasks of development and correction of deficiencies in the emotional-volitional sphere and the emerging personality are also solved, which implies:

  1. development and training of mechanisms that ensure the child’s adaptation to new social conditions;
  2. prevention and elimination of occurring affective, negativistic, autistic manifestations, and other behavioral deviations;
  3. development of social emotions;
  4. creating conditions for the development of self-awareness and self-esteem;
  5. formation of the ability for volitional efforts, voluntary regulation of behavior;
  6. preventing and overcoming negative personality traits and developing character.

The use of testoplasty is indispensable for the prevention of severe emotional disorders, undeveloped communicative competence, with the aim of developing play activity, developing play motives and interest in the game in a child. Testoplasty provides a child with ample opportunities to react emotionally in a socially acceptable way.

During joint activities with a child, the use of testoplasty techniques makes it possible to consolidate color, quantity, shape, ordinal and backward counting, as well as expand and clarify knowledge about the world around us, using riddles, poems, proverbs and sayings.

Testoplasty helps to activate vocabulary, update existing ideas about sensory standards of color, shape, size; strengthening ideas about seasonal changes in nature. Even restless children during the testoplasty process show such a long concentration of attention on one type of activity, which is unusual for them.

There are practically no children who would refuse to experiment with the dough, leaving imprints on it with various objects, play with molds and stacks, or make something of their own choosing.

In correctional and developmental work, you can use various didactic games and play exercises, the material for which will be dough products. For example, in the didactic game “The Fourth Extra”, you can ask children to find an extra figure made from dough (the child must highlight the difference - by color, shape, size). You can invite children to independently make all the figures the same by changing the sign of inconsistency.

In the game “Find out by touch,” we invite children to recognize a given object by touch (this can be fruits, vegetables, toys made from colored dough by the child himself). In addition, testoplasty opens up wide opportunities for the development of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers.

Children can make their own material from dough to develop counting skills and operations. It is possible to consolidate and update such mathematical concepts as “one-many”, “more-less”, “equally”, “long-short”, “wide-narrow”, “big-small”, etc. All objects with which the child acts and which are created by him as a result of productive activity serve as a visual support for speech and thinking exercises. Moreover, in this case, clarity is represented by volumetric objects, and not by illustrative material.

Working with a test is a kind of exercise that helps in the development of fine differentiated movements, coordination, and tactile sensations necessary for children with disabilities to work. Productive activity acts as a specific imaginative means of understanding reality, and therefore is of great importance for the mental development of children. In turn, the mental education of a child is closely related to the development of speech.

Testoplasty is an opportunity to use available material:

  • Spaghetti (hedgehog spines)
  • Colored macaroni and vermicelli (cake decoration)
  • Cereals (we laid out a fur coat for a bear made from buckwheat)
  • Peppercorns (nose, eyes)
  • Garlic press (hairstyles)
  • Stacks (draw)
  • Buttons (make a relief surface)

This is how, through play, based on a common passion, testoplasty helps children develop, and teachers help solve assigned correctional and educational tasks.

I start each club session with a warm-up:

  • Shifting and squeezing the dough in your palms;
  • Rolling a kolobok in your palms;
  • Pressing on the bun produces a flat cake;
  • The “mice” came and began to dig holes;
  • The “geese” came and began to pinch the dough;
  • The “toed bear” came and began to stomp on the dough;
  • Rolling the flatbread into a sausage;
  • Wrap the sausage in a “snail”;
  • The “snail” hid in the house - it turned out to be a bun.

After warming up, we move on to making crafts. I suggest making an Easter chicken (the idea for the craft was taken from the website

To begin, we will knead salt dough from 2 tbsp. flour, 1 tbsp. fine salt and half a glass of water. Add yellow gouache.

  1. Then we roll out the dough into a layer about 0.5 cm thick and squeeze out an oval with a mold. We will take a plastic cup as a mold and lightly press it on the sides to make an oval.

  1. Separate the oval from the rest of the dough and smooth its edges with a finger slightly moistened with water. This is the body of a chicken.
  2. For the wings, we make small ovals, roll them out thinly, lightly moisten them with water and glue them to the chicken. Using a toothpick, draw feather stripes on the wings.
  3. Roll small balls for the eyes and a square for the beak.
  4. For the legs we make small ovals and roll them out using gouache.
  5. We will make holes in the workpiece - one at the top for hanging the egg and two at the bottom for attaching the legs. We will also make holes in the legs for attaching to the chicken.

  1. Then we dried everything in the oven at low temperature.
  2. Once the dough has cooled, we will paint the details.
  3. Insert ribbons into the holes.

Well, our Easter chicken made from salt dough is ready. You can use it to decorate your room or as a gift.

Testoplasty acts as a means of understanding reality, is of great importance for the mental development of children, and helps maintain positive motivation and cognitive activity of children with psychophysical disorders. Thus, the possibilities of testoplasty in correctional and developmental work are limitless.



“Certificate of publication in the media”: Series A No. 0004382

We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching materials: - Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games; — Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

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